# ########################################################## # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # File Author: Marius Adrian Stanciu (c) # # Date: 3/10/2019 # # MIT Licence # # ########################################################## import os import sys import logging from pathlib import Path from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtGui from PyQt5.QtCore import QSettings import gettext log = logging.getLogger('base') # import builtins # # if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: # _ = gettext.gettext # ISO639-1 codes from here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes languages_dict = { 'zh': 'Chinese', 'de': 'German', 'en': 'English', 'es': 'Spanish', 'fr': 'French', 'hu': 'Hungarian', 'it': 'Italian', 'ro': 'Romanian', 'ru': 'Russian', 'pt_BR': 'Brazilian Portuguese', } translations = {} languages_path_search = '' def load_languages(): available_translations = [] languages_path_search = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'locale') try: available_translations = next(os.walk(languages_path_search))[1] except StopIteration: if not available_translations: languages_path_search = os.path.join(str(Path(__file__).parents[1]), 'locale') try: available_translations = next(os.walk(languages_path_search))[1] except StopIteration: pass for lang in available_translations: try: if lang in languages_dict.keys(): translations[lang] = languages_dict[lang] except KeyError as e: log.debug("FlatCAMTranslations.load_languages() --> %s" % str(e)) return translations def languages_dir(): return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'locale') def languages_dir_cx_freeze(): return os.path.join(Path(__file__).parents[1], 'locale') def on_language_apply_click(app, restart=False): """ Using instructions from here: https://inventwithpython.com/blog/2014/12/20/translate-your-python-3-program-with-the-gettext-module/ :return: """ name = app.preferencesUiManager.get_form_field("global_language").currentText() theme_settings = QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") if theme_settings.contains("theme"): theme = theme_settings.value('theme', type=str) else: theme = 'white' if theme == 'white': resource_loc = 'assets/resources' else: resource_loc = 'assets/resources' # do nothing if trying to apply the language that is the current language (already applied). settings = QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") if settings.contains("language"): current_language = settings.value('language', type=str) if current_language == name: return if restart: msgbox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgbox.setText(_("The application will restart.")) msgbox.setInformativeText('%s %s?' % (_("Are you sure do you want to change the current language to"), name.capitalize())) msgbox.setWindowTitle(_("Apply Language ...")) msgbox.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(resource_loc + '/language32.png')) bt_yes = msgbox.addButton(_("Yes"), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.YesRole) bt_no = msgbox.addButton(_("No"), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.NoRole) msgbox.setDefaultButton(bt_yes) msgbox.exec_() response = msgbox.clickedButton() if response == bt_no: return else: settings = QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") saved_language = name settings.setValue('language', saved_language) # This will write the setting to the platform specific storage. del settings restart_program(app=app) def apply_language(domain, lang=None): lang_code = '' if lang is None: settings = QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") if settings.contains("language"): name = settings.value('language') else: name = settings.value('English') # in case the 'language' parameter is not in QSettings add it to QSettings and it's value is # the default language, English settings.setValue('language', 'English') # This will write the setting to the platform specific storage. del settings else: name = str(lang) for lang_code, lang_usable in load_languages().items(): if lang_usable == name: # break and then use the current key as language break if lang_code == '': return "no language" else: try: current_lang = gettext.translation(str(domain), localedir=languages_dir(), languages=[lang_code]) current_lang.install() except Exception as e: log.debug("FlatCAMTranslation.apply_language() --> %s. Perhaps is Cx_freeze-ed?" % str(e)) try: current_lang = gettext.translation(str(domain), localedir=languages_dir_cx_freeze(), languages=[lang_code]) current_lang.install() except Exception as e: log.debug("FlatCAMTranslation.apply_language() --> %s" % str(e)) return name def restart_program(app, ask=None): """Restarts the current program. Note: this function does not return. Any cleanup action (like saving data) must be done before calling this function. """ theme_settings = QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") if theme_settings.contains("theme"): theme = theme_settings.value('theme', type=str) else: theme = 'white' if theme == 'white': resource_loc = 'assets/resources' else: resource_loc = 'assets/resources' # try to quit the Socket opened by ArgsThread class try: app.new_launch.stop.emit() except Exception as err: log.debug("FlatCAMTranslation.restart_program() --> %s" % str(err)) # try to quit the QThread that run ArgsThread class try: app.th.quit() except Exception as err: log.debug("FlatCAMTranslation.restart_program() --> %s" % str(err)) if app.should_we_save and app.collection.get_list() or ask is True: msgbox = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgbox.setText(_("There are files/objects modified in FlatCAM. " "\n" "Do you want to Save the project?")) msgbox.setWindowTitle(_("Save changes")) msgbox.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(resource_loc + '/save_as.png')) bt_yes = msgbox.addButton(_('Yes'), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.YesRole) bt_no = msgbox.addButton(_('No'), QtWidgets.QMessageBox.NoRole) msgbox.setDefaultButton(bt_yes) msgbox.exec_() response = msgbox.clickedButton() if response == bt_yes: app.on_file_saveprojectas(use_thread=True, quit_action=True) app.preferencesUiManager.save_defaults() python = sys.executable os.execl(python, python, *sys.argv)