from ObjectCollection import * from tclCommands.TclCommand import TclCommand import gettext import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext class TclCommandCopperClear(TclCommand): """ Clear the non-copper areas. """ # Array of all command aliases, to be able use old names for backward compatibility (add_poly, add_polygon) aliases = ['ncc_clear', 'ncc'] # dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered arg_names = collections.OrderedDict([ ('name', str), ]) # dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered , this is for options like -optionname value option_types = collections.OrderedDict([ ('tooldia', str), ('overlap', float), ('order', str), ('margin', float), ('method', str), ('connect', bool), ('contour', bool), ('has_offset', bool), ('offset', float), ('rest', bool), ('all', int), ('ref', int), ('box', str), ('outname', str), ]) # array of mandatory options for current Tcl command: required = {'name','outname'} required = ['name'] # structured help for current command, args needs to be ordered help = { 'main': "Clear excess copper in polygons. Basically it's a negative Paint.", 'args': collections.OrderedDict([ ('name', 'Name of the source Geometry object. String.'), ('tooldia', 'Diameter of the tool to be used. Can be a comma separated list of diameters. No space is ' 'allowed between tool diameters. E.g: correct: 0.5,1 / incorrect: 0.5, 1'), ('overlap', 'Fraction of the tool diameter to overlap cuts. Float number.'), ('margin', 'Bounding box margin. Float number.'), ('order', 'Can have the values: "no", "fwd" and "rev". String.' 'It is useful when there are multiple tools in tooldia parameter.' '"no" -> the order used is the one provided.' '"fwd" -> tools are ordered from smallest to biggest.' '"rev" -> tools are ordered from biggest to smallest.'), ('method', 'Algorithm for copper clearing. Can be: "standard", "seed" or "lines".'), ('connect', 'Draw lines to minimize tool lifts. True or False'), ('contour', 'Cut around the perimeter of the painting. True or False'), ('rest', 'Use rest-machining. True or False'), ('has_offset', 'The offset will used only if this is set True or present in args. True or False.'), ('offset', 'The copper clearing will finish to a distance from copper features. Float number.'), ('all', 'Will copper clear the whole object. 1 = enabled, anything else = disabled'), ('ref', 'Will clear of extra copper all polygons within a specified object with the name in "box" ' 'parameter. 1 = enabled, anything else = disabled'), ('box', 'Name of the object to be used as reference. Required when selecting "ref" = 1. String.'), ('outname', 'Name of the resulting Geometry object. String.'), ]), 'examples': [] } def execute(self, args, unnamed_args): """ execute current TCL shell command :param args: array of known named arguments and options :param unnamed_args: array of other values which were passed into command without -somename and we do not have them in known arg_names :return: None or exception """ name = args['name'] if 'tooldia' in args: tooldia = str(args['tooldia']) else: tooldia =["tools_ncctools"] if 'overlap' in args: overlap = float(args['overlap']) else: overlap = float(["tools_nccoverlap"]) if 'order' in args: order = args['order'] else: order = str(["tools_nccorder"]) if 'margin' in args: margin = float(args['margin']) else: margin = float(["tools_nccmargin"]) if 'method' in args: method = args['method'] else: method = str(["tools_nccmethod"]) if 'connect' in args: connect = eval(str(args['connect']).capitalize()) else: connect = eval(str(["tools_nccconnect"])) if 'contour' in args: contour = eval(str(args['contour']).capitalize()) else: contour = eval(str(["tools_ncccontour"])) offset = 0.0 if 'has_offset' in args: has_offset = args['has_offset'] if args['has_offset'] is True: if 'offset' in args: offset = float(args['margin']) else: # 'offset' has to be in args if 'has_offset' is and it is set True self.raise_tcl_error("%s: %s" % (_("Could not retrieve object"), name)) else: has_offset = False try: tools = [float(eval(dia)) for dia in tooldia.split(",") if dia != ''] except AttributeError: tools = [float(tooldia)] # store here the default data for Geometry Data default_data = {} default_data.update({ "name": '_paint', "plot":["geometry_plot"], "cutz":["geometry_cutz"], "vtipdia": 0.1, "vtipangle": 30, "travelz":["geometry_travelz"], "feedrate":["geometry_feedrate"], "feedrate_z":["geometry_feedrate_z"], "feedrate_rapid":["geometry_feedrate_rapid"], "dwell":["geometry_dwell"], "dwelltime":["geometry_dwelltime"], "multidepth":["geometry_multidepth"], "ppname_g":["geometry_ppname_g"], "depthperpass":["geometry_depthperpass"], "extracut":["geometry_extracut"], "toolchange":["geometry_toolchange"], "toolchangez":["geometry_toolchangez"], "endz":["geometry_endz"], "spindlespeed":["geometry_spindlespeed"], "toolchangexy":["geometry_toolchangexy"], "startz":["geometry_startz"], "tooldia":["tools_painttooldia"], "paintmargin":["tools_paintmargin"], "paintmethod":["tools_paintmethod"], "selectmethod":["tools_selectmethod"], "pathconnect":["tools_pathconnect"], "paintcontour":["tools_paintcontour"], "paintoverlap":["tools_paintoverlap"] }) ncc_tools = dict() tooluid = 0 for tool in tools: tooluid += 1 ncc_tools.update({ int(tooluid): { 'tooldia': float('%.4f' % tool), 'offset': 'Path', 'offset_value': 0.0, 'type': 'Iso', 'tool_type': 'C1', 'data': dict(default_data), 'solid_geometry': [] } }) if 'rest' in args: rest = eval(str(args['rest']).capitalize()) else: rest = eval(str(["tools_nccrest"])) if 'outname' in args: outname = args['outname'] else: if rest is True: outname = name + "_ncc" else: outname = name + "_ncc_rm" # Get source object. try: obj = except Exception as e: log.debug("TclCommandCopperClear.execute() --> %s" % str(e)) self.raise_tcl_error("%s: %s" % (_("Could not retrieve object"), name)) return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name if obj is None: return "Object not found: %s" % name # Non-Copper clear all polygons in the non-copper clear object if 'all' in args and args['all'] == 1:, select_method='itself', ncctooldia=tooldia, overlap=overlap, order=order, margin=margin, has_offset=has_offset, offset=offset, method=method, outname=outname, connect=connect, contour=contour, rest=rest, tools_storage=ncc_tools, run_threaded=False) return # Non-Copper clear all polygons found within the box object from the the non_copper cleared object elif 'ref' in args and args['ref'] == 1: if 'box' not in args: self.raise_tcl_error('%s' % _("Expected -box .")) else: box_name = args['box'] # Get box source object. try: box_obj = except Exception as e: log.debug("TclCommandCopperClear.execute() --> %s" % str(e)) self.raise_tcl_error("%s: %s" % (_("Could not retrieve box object"), name)) return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name, sel_obj=box_obj, select_method='box', tooldia=tooldia, overlap=overlap, order=order, margin=margin, has_offset=has_offset, offset=offset, method=method, outname=outname, connect=connect, contour=contour, rest=rest, tools_storage=ncc_tools, run_threaded=False) return else: self.raise_tcl_error("%s:" % _("None of the following args: 'ref', 'all' were found or none was set to 1.\n" "Copper clearing failed.")) return "None of the following args: 'ref', 'all' were found or none was set to 1.\n" \ "Copper clearing failed."