# ########################################################## # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # http://flatcam.org # # Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) # # Date: 2/5/2014 # # MIT Licence # # ########################################################## # ########################################################## # File modified by: Marius Stanciu # # ########################################################## import inspect # TODO: For debugging only. from appGUI.ObjectUI import * from appCommon.Common import LoudDict from appGUI.PlotCanvasLegacy import ShapeCollectionLegacy from appGUI.VisPyVisuals import ShapeCollection from shapely.ops import unary_union from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon from copy import deepcopy import sys import math import gettext import appTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext # Interrupts plotting process if FlatCAMObj has been deleted class ObjectDeleted(Exception): pass class ValidationError(Exception): def __init__(self, message, errors): super().__init__(message) self.errors = errors class FlatCAMObj(QtCore.QObject): """ Base type of objects handled in FlatCAM. These become interactive in the appGUI, can be plotted, and their options can be modified by the user in their respective forms. """ # Instance of the application to which these are related. # The app should set this value. app = None # signal to plot a single object plot_single_object = QtCore.pyqtSignal() # signal for Properties calculations_finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal(float, float, float, float, float, object) def __init__(self, name): """ Constructor. :param name: Name of the object given by the user. :return: FlatCAMObj """ QtCore.QObject.__init__(self) # View self.ui = None # set True by the collection.append() when the object load is complete self.load_complete = None self.options = LoudDict(name=name) self.options.set_change_callback(self.on_options_change) self.form_fields = {} # store here the default data for Geometry Data self.default_data = {} # 2D mode # Axes must exist and be attached to canvas. self.axes = None self.kind = None # Override with proper name if self.app.is_legacy is False: self.shapes = self.app.plotcanvas.new_shape_group() self.mark_shapes = ShapeCollection(parent=self.app.plotcanvas.view.scene, layers=1) # self.shapes = ShapeCollection(parent=self.app.plotcanvas.view.scene, pool=self.app.pool, layers=2) else: self.shapes = ShapeCollectionLegacy(obj=self, app=self.app, name=name) self.mark_shapes = ShapeCollectionLegacy(obj=self, app=self.app, name=name + "_mark_shapes") self.item = None # Link with project view item self.muted_ui = False self.deleted = False try: self._drawing_tolerance = float(self.app.defaults["global_tolerance"]) if \ self.app.defaults["global_tolerance"] else 0.01 except ValueError: self._drawing_tolerance = 0.01 self.isHovering = False self.notHovering = True # Flag to show if a selection shape is drawn self.selection_shape_drawn = False # self.units = 'IN' self.units = self.app.defaults['units'] # this is the treeWidget from the UI; it is updated when the add_properties_items() method is called self.treeWidget = None self.plot_single_object.connect(self.single_object_plot) def __del__(self): pass def __str__(self): return "".format(self.kind, self.options["name"]) def from_dict(self, d): """ This supersedes ``from_dict`` in derived classes. Derived classes must inherit from FlatCAMObj first, then from derivatives of Geometry. ``self.options`` is only updated, not overwritten. This ensures that options set by the app do not vanish when reading the objects from a project file. :param d: Dictionary with attributes to set. :return: None """ for attr in self.ser_attrs: if attr == 'options': self.options.update(d[attr]) else: try: setattr(self, attr, d[attr]) except KeyError: log.debug("FlatCAMObj.from_dict() --> KeyError: %s. " "Means that we are loading an old project that don't" "have all attributes in the latest application version." % str(attr)) pass def on_options_change(self, key): # Update form on programmatically options change self.set_form_item(key) # Set object visibility if key == 'plot': self.visible = self.options['plot'] self.optionChanged.emit(key) def set_ui(self, ui): self.ui = ui self.form_fields = {"name": self.ui.name_entry} assert isinstance(self.ui, ObjectUI) self.ui.name_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_name_activate) try: # it will raise an exception for those FlatCAM objects that do not build UI with the common elements self.ui.offset_button.clicked.connect(self.on_offset_button_click) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.ui.scale_button.clicked.connect(self.on_scale_button_click) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.ui.offsetvector_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_offset_button_click) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass # Creates problems on focusOut try: self.ui.scale_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_scale_button_click) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.ui.transformations_button.clicked.connect(self.app.transform_tool.run) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass # self.ui.skew_button.clicked.connect(self.on_skew_button_click) def build_ui(self): """ Sets up the UI/form for this object. Show the UI in the App. :return: None """ self.muted_ui = True log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> FlatCAMObj.build_ui()") try: # HACK: disconnect the scale entry signal since on focus out event will trigger an undesired scale() # it seems that the takewidget() does generate a focus out event for the QDoubleSpinbox ... # and reconnect after the takeWidget() is done # self.ui.scale_entry.returnPressed.disconnect(self.on_scale_button_click) self.app.ui.properties_scroll_area.takeWidget() # self.ui.scale_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_scale_button_click) except Exception as e: self.app.log.debug("FlatCAMObj.build_ui() --> Nothing to remove: %s" % str(e)) self.app.ui.properties_scroll_area.setWidget(self.ui) # self.ui.setMinimumWidth(100) # self.ui.setMaximumWidth(self.app.ui.properties_tab.sizeHint().width()) self.muted_ui = False def on_name_activate(self, silent=None): old_name = copy(self.options["name"]) new_name = self.ui.name_entry.get_value() if new_name != old_name: # update the SHELL auto-completer model data try: self.app.myKeywords.remove(old_name) self.app.myKeywords.append(new_name) self.app.shell._edit.set_model_data(self.app.myKeywords) self.app.ui.code_editor.set_model_data(self.app.myKeywords) except Exception: log.debug("on_name_activate() --> Could not remove the old object name from auto-completer model list") self.options["name"] = self.ui.name_entry.get_value() self.default_data["name"] = self.ui.name_entry.get_value() self.app.collection.update_view() if silent: self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s: %s %s: %s' % ( _("Name changed from"), str(old_name), _("to"), str(new_name) ) ) def on_offset_button_click(self): self.app.defaults.report_usage("obj_on_offset_button") self.read_form() vector_val = self.ui.offsetvector_entry.get_value() def worker_task(): with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Offsetting...")): self.offset(vector_val) self.app.proc_container.update_view_text('') with self.app.proc_container.new('%s ...' % _("Plotting")): self.plot() self.app.app_obj.object_changed.emit(self) self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': worker_task, 'params': []}) def on_scale_button_click(self): self.read_form() try: factor = float(self.ui.scale_entry.get_value()) except Exception as e: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Scaling could not be executed.")) log.debug("FlatCAMObj.on_scale_button_click() -- %s" % str(e)) return if type(factor) != float: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Scaling could not be executed.")) # if factor is 1.0 do nothing, there is no point in scaling with a factor of 1.0 if factor == 1.0: self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Scale done.")) return log.debug("FlatCAMObj.on_scale_button_click()") def worker_task(): with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Scaling...")): self.scale(factor) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Scale done.")) self.app.proc_container.update_view_text('') with self.app.proc_container.new('%s ...' % _("Plotting")): self.plot() self.app.app_obj.object_changed.emit(self) self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': worker_task, 'params': []}) def on_skew_button_click(self): self.app.defaults.report_usage("obj_on_skew_button") self.read_form() x_angle = self.ui.xangle_entry.get_value() y_angle = self.ui.yangle_entry.get_value() def worker_task(): with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Skewing...")): self.skew(x_angle, y_angle) self.app.proc_container.update_view_text('') with self.app.proc_container.new('%s ...' % _("Plotting")): self.plot() self.app.app_obj.object_changed.emit(self) self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': worker_task, 'params': []}) def to_form(self): """ Copies options to the UI form. :return: None """ log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + " --> FlatCAMObj.to_form()") for option in self.options: try: self.set_form_item(option) except Exception as err: self.app.log.warning("Unexpected error: %s" % str(sys.exc_info()), str(err)) def read_form(self): """ Reads form into ``self.options``. :return: None :rtype: None """ log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + "--> FlatCAMObj.read_form()") for option in self.options: try: self.read_form_item(option) except Exception: self.app.log.warning("Unexpected error: %s" % str(sys.exc_info())) def set_form_item(self, option): """ Copies the specified option to the UI form. :param option: Name of the option (Key in ``self.options``). :type option: str :return: None """ try: self.form_fields[option].set_value(self.options[option]) except KeyError: # self.app.log.warn("Tried to set an option or field that does not exist: %s" % option) pass def read_form_item(self, option): """ Reads the specified option from the UI form into ``self.options``. :param option: Name of the option. :type option: str :return: None """ try: self.options[option] = self.form_fields[option].get_value() except KeyError: pass # self.app.log.warning("Failed to read option from field: %s" % option) def plot(self, kind=None): """ Plot this object (Extend this method to implement the actual plotting). Call this in descendants before doing the plotting. :param kind: Used by only some of the FlatCAM objects :return: Whether to continue plotting or not depending on the "plot" option. Boolean """ log.debug(str(inspect.stack()[1][3]) + " --> FlatCAMObj.plot()") if self.deleted: return False self.clear() return True def single_object_plot(self): def plot_task(): with self.app.proc_container.new('%s ...' % _("Plotting")): self.plot() self.app.app_obj.object_changed.emit(self) self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': plot_task, 'params': []}) def serialize(self): """ Returns a representation of the object as a dictionary so it can be later exported as JSON. Override this method. :return: Dictionary representing the object :rtype: dict """ return def deserialize(self, obj_dict): """ Re-builds an object from its serialized version. :param obj_dict: Dictionary representing a FlatCAMObj :type obj_dict: dict :return: None """ return def add_shape(self, **kwargs): if self.deleted: raise ObjectDeleted() else: key = self.shapes.add(tolerance=self.drawing_tolerance, **kwargs) return key def add_mark_shape(self, **kwargs): if self.deleted: raise ObjectDeleted() else: key = self.mark_shapes.add(tolerance=self.drawing_tolerance, layer=0, **kwargs) return key def update_filters(self, last_ext, filter_string): """ Will modify the filter string that is used when saving a file (a list of file extensions) to have the last used file extension as the first one in the special string :param last_ext: The file extension that was last used to save a file :param filter_string: A key in self.app.defaults that holds a string with the filter from QFileDialog used when saving a file :return: None """ filters = copy(self.app.defaults[filter_string]) filter_list = filters.split(';;') filter_list_enum_1 = enumerate(filter_list) # search for the last element in the filters which should always be "All Files (*.*)" last_elem = '' for elem in list(filter_list_enum_1): if '(*.*)' in elem[1]: last_elem = filter_list.pop(elem[0]) filter_list_enum = enumerate(filter_list) for elem in list(filter_list_enum): if '.' + last_ext in elem[1]: used_ext = filter_list.pop(elem[0]) # sort the extensions back filter_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.rpartition('.')[2]) # add as a first element the last used extension filter_list.insert(0, used_ext) # add back the element that should always be the last (All Files) filter_list.append(last_elem) self.app.defaults[filter_string] = ';;'.join(filter_list) return def add_properties_items(self, obj, treeWidget): self.treeWidget = treeWidget parent = self.treeWidget.invisibleRootItem() apertures = '' tools = '' drills = '' slots = '' others = '' font = QtGui.QFont() font.setBold(True) p_color = QtGui.QColor("#000000") if self.app.defaults['global_gray_icons'] is False \ else QtGui.QColor("#FFFFFF") # main Items categories dims = self.treeWidget.addParent( parent, _('Dimensions'), expanded=True, color=p_color, font=font) options = self.treeWidget.addParent(parent, _('Options'), color=p_color, font=font) if obj.kind.lower() == 'gerber': apertures = self.treeWidget.addParent( parent, _('Apertures'), expanded=True, color=p_color, font=font) else: tools = self.treeWidget.addParent( parent, _('Tools'), expanded=True, color=p_color, font=font) if obj.kind.lower() == 'excellon': drills = self.treeWidget.addParent( parent, _('Drills'), expanded=True, color=p_color, font=font) slots = self.treeWidget.addParent( parent, _('Slots'), expanded=True, color=p_color, font=font) if obj.kind.lower() == 'cncjob': others = self.treeWidget.addParent( parent, _('Others'), expanded=True, color=p_color, font=font) # separator = self.treeWidget.addParent(parent, '') def job_thread(obj_prop): self.app.proc_container.new(_("Calculating dimensions ... Please wait.")) length = 0.0 width = 0.0 area = 0.0 copper_area = 0.0 geo = obj_prop.solid_geometry if geo: # calculate physical dimensions try: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = obj_prop.bounds() length = abs(xmax - xmin) width = abs(ymax - ymin) except Exception as ee: log.debug("FlatCAMObj.add_properties_items() -> calculate dimensions --> %s" % str(ee)) # calculate box area if self.app.defaults['units'].lower() == 'mm': area = (length * width) / 100 else: area = length * width if obj_prop.kind.lower() == 'gerber' and geo: # calculate copper area try: for geo_el in geo: copper_area += geo_el.area except TypeError: copper_area += geo.area copper_area /= 100 else: xmin = [] ymin = [] xmax = [] ymax = [] if obj_prop.kind.lower() == 'cncjob': try: for tool_k in obj_prop.exc_cnc_tools: x0, y0, x1, y1 = unary_union(obj_prop.exc_cnc_tools[tool_k]['solid_geometry']).bounds xmin.append(x0) ymin.append(y0) xmax.append(x1) ymax.append(y1) except Exception as ee: log.debug("FlatCAMObj.add_properties_items() cncjob --> %s" % str(ee)) try: for tool_k in obj_prop.cnc_tools: x0, y0, x1, y1 = unary_union(obj_prop.cnc_tools[tool_k]['solid_geometry']).bounds xmin.append(x0) ymin.append(y0) xmax.append(x1) ymax.append(y1) except Exception as ee: log.debug("FlatCAMObj.add_properties_items() cncjob --> %s" % str(ee)) else: try: if obj_prop.tools: for tool_k in obj_prop.tools: t_geo = obj_prop.tools[tool_k]['solid_geometry'] try: x0, y0, x1, y1 = unary_union(t_geo).bounds except Exception: continue xmin.append(x0) ymin.append(y0) xmax.append(x1) ymax.append(y1) except Exception as ee: log.debug("FlatCAMObj.add_properties_items() not cncjob tools --> %s" % str(ee)) if xmin and ymin and xmax and ymax: xmin = min(xmin) ymin = min(ymin) xmax = max(xmax) ymax = max(ymax) length = abs(xmax - xmin) width = abs(ymax - ymin) # calculate box area if self.app.defaults['units'].lower() == 'mm': area = (length * width) / 100 else: area = length * width if obj_prop.kind.lower() == 'gerber' and obj_prop.tools: # calculate copper area # create a complete solid_geometry from the tools geo_tools = [] for tool_k in obj_prop.tools: if 'solid_geometry' in obj_prop.tools[tool_k]: for geo_el in obj_prop.tools[tool_k]['solid_geometry']: geo_tools.append(geo_el) for geo_el in geo_tools: copper_area += geo_el.area # in cm2 copper_area /= 100 area_chull = 0.0 if obj_prop.kind.lower() != 'cncjob': # calculate and add convex hull area if geo: if isinstance(geo, list) and geo[0] is not None: if isinstance(geo, MultiPolygon): env_obj = geo.convex_hull elif (isinstance(geo, MultiPolygon) and len(geo) == 1) or \ (isinstance(geo, list) and len(geo) == 1) and isinstance(geo[0], Polygon): env_obj = unary_union(geo) env_obj = env_obj.convex_hull else: env_obj = unary_union(geo) env_obj = env_obj.convex_hull area_chull = env_obj.area else: area_chull = 0 else: try: area_chull = None if obj_prop.tools: area_chull_list = [] for tool_k in obj_prop.tools: area_el = unary_union(obj_prop.tools[tool_k]['solid_geometry']).convex_hull area_chull_list.append(area_el.area) area_chull = max(area_chull_list) except Exception as er: area_chull = None log.debug("FlatCAMObj.add_properties_items() area chull--> %s" % str(er)) if self.app.defaults['units'].lower() == 'mm' and area_chull: area_chull = area_chull / 100 if area_chull is None: area_chull = 0 self.calculations_finished.emit(area, length, width, area_chull, copper_area, dims) self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': job_thread, 'params': [obj]}) # Options items for option in obj.options: if option == 'name': continue self.treeWidget.addChild(options, [str(option), str(obj.options[option])], True) # Items that depend on the object type if obj.kind.lower() == 'gerber' and obj.apertures: temp_ap = {} for ap in obj.apertures: temp_ap.clear() temp_ap = deepcopy(obj.apertures[ap]) temp_ap.pop('geometry', None) solid_nr = 0 follow_nr = 0 clear_nr = 0 if 'geometry' in obj.apertures[ap]: if obj.apertures[ap]['geometry']: font.setBold(True) for el in obj.apertures[ap]['geometry']: if 'solid' in el: solid_nr += 1 if 'follow' in el: follow_nr += 1 if 'clear' in el: clear_nr += 1 else: font.setBold(False) temp_ap['Solid_Geo'] = '%s Polygons' % str(solid_nr) temp_ap['Follow_Geo'] = '%s LineStrings' % str(follow_nr) temp_ap['Clear_Geo'] = '%s Polygons' % str(clear_nr) apid = self.treeWidget.addParent( apertures, str(ap), expanded=False, color=p_color, font=font) for key in temp_ap: self.treeWidget.addChild(apid, [str(key), str(temp_ap[key])], True) elif obj.kind.lower() == 'excellon': tot_drill_cnt = 0 tot_slot_cnt = 0 for tool, value in obj.tools.items(): toolid = self.treeWidget.addParent( tools, str(tool), expanded=False, color=p_color, font=font) drill_cnt = 0 # variable to store the nr of drills per tool slot_cnt = 0 # variable to store the nr of slots per tool # Find no of drills for the current tool if 'drills' in value and value['drills']: drill_cnt = len(value['drills']) tot_drill_cnt += drill_cnt # Find no of slots for the current tool if 'slots' in value and value['slots']: slot_cnt = len(value['slots']) tot_slot_cnt += slot_cnt self.treeWidget.addChild( toolid, [ _('Diameter'), '%.*f %s' % (self.decimals, value['tooldia'], self.app.defaults['units'].lower()) ], True ) self.treeWidget.addChild(toolid, [_('Drills number'), str(drill_cnt)], True) self.treeWidget.addChild(toolid, [_('Slots number'), str(slot_cnt)], True) self.treeWidget.addChild(drills, [_('Drills total number:'), str(tot_drill_cnt)], True) self.treeWidget.addChild(slots, [_('Slots total number:'), str(tot_slot_cnt)], True) elif obj.kind.lower() == 'geometry': for tool, value in obj.tools.items(): geo_tool = self.treeWidget.addParent( tools, str(tool), expanded=False, color=p_color, font=font) for k, v in value.items(): if k == 'solid_geometry': # printed_value = _('Present') if v else _('None') try: printed_value = str(len(v)) except (TypeError, AttributeError): printed_value = '1' self.treeWidget.addChild(geo_tool, [str(k), printed_value], True) elif k == 'data': tool_data = self.treeWidget.addParent( geo_tool, str(k).capitalize(), color=p_color, font=font) for data_k, data_v in v.items(): self.treeWidget.addChild(tool_data, [str(data_k), str(data_v)], True) else: self.treeWidget.addChild(geo_tool, [str(k), str(v)], True) elif obj.kind.lower() == 'cncjob': # for cncjob objects made from gerber or geometry for tool, value in obj.cnc_tools.items(): geo_tool = self.treeWidget.addParent( tools, str(tool), expanded=False, color=p_color, font=font) for k, v in value.items(): if k == 'solid_geometry': printed_value = _('Present') if v else _('None') self.treeWidget.addChild(geo_tool, [_("Solid Geometry"), printed_value], True) elif k == 'gcode': printed_value = _('Present') if v != '' else _('None') self.treeWidget.addChild(geo_tool, [_("GCode Text"), printed_value], True) elif k == 'gcode_parsed': printed_value = _('Present') if v else _('None') self.treeWidget.addChild(geo_tool, [_("GCode Geometry"), printed_value], True) elif k == 'data': pass else: self.treeWidget.addChild(geo_tool, [str(k), str(v)], True) v = value['data'] tool_data = self.treeWidget.addParent( geo_tool, _("Tool Data"), color=p_color, font=font) for data_k, data_v in v.items(): self.treeWidget.addChild(tool_data, [str(data_k).capitalize(), str(data_v)], True) # for cncjob objects made from excellon for tool_dia, value in obj.exc_cnc_tools.items(): exc_tool = self.treeWidget.addParent( tools, str(value['tool']), expanded=False, color=p_color, font=font ) self.treeWidget.addChild( exc_tool, [ _('Diameter'), '%.*f %s' % (self.decimals, tool_dia, self.app.defaults['units'].lower()) ], True ) for k, v in value.items(): if k == 'solid_geometry': printed_value = _('Present') if v else _('None') self.treeWidget.addChild(exc_tool, [_("Solid Geometry"), printed_value], True) elif k == 'nr_drills': self.treeWidget.addChild(exc_tool, [_("Drills number"), str(v)], True) elif k == 'nr_slots': self.treeWidget.addChild(exc_tool, [_("Slots number"), str(v)], True) elif k == 'gcode': printed_value = _('Present') if v != '' else _('None') self.treeWidget.addChild(exc_tool, [_("GCode Text"), printed_value], True) elif k == 'gcode_parsed': printed_value = _('Present') if v else _('None') self.treeWidget.addChild(exc_tool, [_("GCode Geometry"), printed_value], True) else: pass self.treeWidget.addChild( exc_tool, [ _("Depth of Cut"), '%.*f %s' % ( self.decimals, (obj.z_cut - abs(value['data']['tools_drill_offset'])), self.app.defaults['units'].lower() ) ], True ) self.treeWidget.addChild( exc_tool, [ _("Clearance Height"), '%.*f %s' % ( self.decimals, obj.z_move, self.app.defaults['units'].lower() ) ], True ) self.treeWidget.addChild( exc_tool, [ _("Feedrate"), '%.*f %s/min' % ( self.decimals, obj.feedrate, self.app.defaults['units'].lower() ) ], True ) v = value['data'] tool_data = self.treeWidget.addParent( exc_tool, _("Tool Data"), color=p_color, font=font) for data_k, data_v in v.items(): self.treeWidget.addChild(tool_data, [str(data_k).capitalize(), str(data_v)], True) r_time = obj.routing_time if r_time > 1: units_lbl = 'min' else: r_time *= 60 units_lbl = 'sec' r_time = math.ceil(float(r_time)) self.treeWidget.addChild( others, [ '%s:' % _('Routing time'), '%.*f %s' % (self.decimals, r_time, units_lbl)], True ) self.treeWidget.addChild( others, [ '%s:' % _('Travelled distance'), '%.*f %s' % (self.decimals, obj.travel_distance, self.app.defaults['units'].lower()) ], True ) # treeWidget.addChild(separator, ['']) def update_area_chull(self, area, length, width, chull_area, copper_area, location): # add dimensions self.treeWidget.addChild( location, ['%s:' % _('Length'), '%.*f %s' % (self.decimals, length, self.app.defaults['units'].lower())], True ) self.treeWidget.addChild( location, ['%s:' % _('Width'), '%.*f %s' % (self.decimals, width, self.app.defaults['units'].lower())], True ) # add box area if self.app.defaults['units'].lower() == 'mm': self.treeWidget.addChild(location, ['%s:' % _('Box Area'), '%.*f %s' % (self.decimals, area, 'cm2')], True) self.treeWidget.addChild( location, ['%s:' % _('Convex_Hull Area'), '%.*f %s' % (self.decimals, chull_area, 'cm2')], True ) else: self.treeWidget.addChild(location, ['%s:' % _('Box Area'), '%.*f %s' % (self.decimals, area, 'in2')], True) self.treeWidget.addChild( location, ['%s:' % _('Convex_Hull Area'), '%.*f %s' % (self.decimals, chull_area, 'in2')], True ) # add copper area if self.app.defaults['units'].lower() == 'mm': self.treeWidget.addChild( location, ['%s:' % _('Copper Area'), '%.*f %s' % (self.decimals, copper_area, 'cm2')], True) else: self.treeWidget.addChild( location, ['%s:' % _('Copper Area'), '%.*f %s' % (self.decimals, copper_area, 'in2')], True) @staticmethod def poly2rings(poly): return [poly.exterior] + [interior for interior in poly.interiors] @property def visible(self): return self.shapes.visible @visible.setter def visible(self, value, threaded=True): log.debug("FlatCAMObj.visible()") current_visibility = self.shapes.visible # self.shapes.visible = value # maybe this is slower in VisPy? use enabled property? def task(visibility): if visibility is True: if value is False: self.shapes.visible = False else: if value is True: self.shapes.visible = True if self.app.is_legacy is False: # Not all object types has annotations try: self.annotation.visible = value except Exception: pass if threaded: self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': task, 'params': [current_visibility]}) else: task(current_visibility) @property def drawing_tolerance(self): self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() tol = self._drawing_tolerance if self.units == 'MM' or not self.units else self._drawing_tolerance / 25.4 return tol @drawing_tolerance.setter def drawing_tolerance(self, value): self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() self._drawing_tolerance = value if self.units == 'MM' or not self.units else value / 25.4 def clear(self, update=False): self.shapes.clear(update) # Not all object types has annotations try: self.annotation.clear(update) except AttributeError: pass def delete(self): # Free resources del self.ui del self.options # Set flag self.deleted = True