import sys, inspect, pkgutil import re import FlatCAMApp class TclCommand(object): app=None # array of all command aliases, to be able use old names for backward compatibility (add_poly, add_polygon) aliases = None # dictionary of types from Tcl command: args = {'name': str}, this is for value without optionname arg_names = {'name': str} # dictionary of types from Tcl command: types = {'outname': str} , this is for options like -optionname value option_types = {} # array of mandatory options for current Tcl command: required = {'name','outname'} required = ['name'] # structured help for current command help = { 'main': "undefined help.", 'args': { 'argumentname': 'undefined help.', 'optionname': 'undefined help.' }, 'examples' : [] } def __init__(self, app): def get_decorated_help(self): """ Decorate help for TCL console output. :return: decorated help from structue """ def get_decorated_command(alias): command_string = [] for key, value in reversed(['args'].items()): command_string.append(get_decorated_argument(key, value, True)) return "> " + alias + " " + " ".join(command_string) def get_decorated_argument(key, value, in_command=False): option_symbol = '' if key in self.arg_names: type=self.arg_names[key] in_command_name = "<" + str(type.__name__) + ">" else: option_symbol = '-' type=self.option_types[key] in_command_name = option_symbol + key + " <" + str(type.__name__) + ">" if in_command: if key in self.required: return in_command_name else: return '[' + in_command_name + "]" else: if key in self.required: return "\t" + option_symbol + key + " <" + str(type.__name__) + ">: " + value else: return "\t[" + option_symbol + key + " <" + str(type.__name__) + ">: " + value+"]" def get_decorated_example(example): example_string = '' return "todo" + example_string help_string=[['main']] for alias in self.aliases: help_string.append(get_decorated_command(alias)) for key, value in reversed(['args'].items()): help_string.append(get_decorated_argument(key, value)) for example in['examples']: help_string.append(get_decorated_example(example)) return "\n".join(help_string) def parse_arguments(self, args): """ Pre-processes arguments to detect '-keyword value' pairs into dictionary and standalone parameters into list. This is copy from FlatCAMApp.setup_shell().h() just for accesibility, original should be removed after all commands will be converted """ options = {} arguments = [] n = len(args) name = None for i in range(n): match ='^-([a-zA-Z].*)', args[i]) if match: assert name is None name = continue if name is None: arguments.append(args[i]) else: options[name] = args[i] name = None return arguments, options def check_args(self, args): """ Check arguments and options for right types :param args: arguments from tcl to check :return: """ arguments, options = self.parse_arguments(args) named_args={} unnamed_args=[] # check arguments idx=0 arg_names_reversed=self.arg_names.items() for argument in arguments: if len(self.arg_names) > idx: key, type = arg_names_reversed[len(self.arg_names)-idx-1] try: named_args[key] = type(argument) except Exception, e:"Cannot cast named argument '%s' to type %s." % (key, type)) else: unnamed_args.append(argument) idx += 1 # check otions for key in options: if key not in self.option_types:'Unknown parameter: %s' % key) try: named_args[key] = self.option_types[key](options[key]) except Exception, e:"Cannot cast argument '-%s' to type %s." % (key, self.option_types[key])) # check required arguments for key in self.required: if key not in named_args:"Missing required argument '%s'." % (key)) return named_args, unnamed_args def execute_wrapper(self, *args): """ Command which is called by tcl console when current commands aliases are hit. Main catch(except) is implemented here. This method should be reimplemented only when initial checking sequence differs :param args: arguments passed from tcl command console :return: None, output text or exception """ try: args, unnamed_args = self.check_args(args) return self.execute(args, unnamed_args) except Exception as unknown: def execute(self, args, unnamed_args): """ Direct execute of command, this method should be implemented in each descendant. No main catch should be implemented here. :param args: array of known named arguments and options :param unnamed_args: array of other values which were passed into command without -somename and we do not have them in known arg_names :return: None, output text or exception """ raise NotImplementedError("Please Implement this method")