from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QSettings from shapely.geometry import LineString, LinearRing, MultiLineString from shapely.ops import cascaded_union import shapely.affinity as affinity from numpy import arctan2, Inf, array, sqrt, sign, dot from rtree import index as rtindex import threading, time import copy from camlib import * from flatcamGUI.GUIElements import FCEntry, FCComboBox, FCTable, FCDoubleSpinner, LengthEntry, RadioSet, \ SpinBoxDelegate, EvalEntry, EvalEntry2, FCInputDialog, FCButton, OptionalInputSection, FCCheckBox from flatcamEditors.FlatCAMGeoEditor import FCShapeTool, DrawTool, DrawToolShape, DrawToolUtilityShape, FlatCAMGeoEditor from FlatCAMObj import FlatCAMGerber from FlatCAMTool import FlatCAMTool import gettext import FlatCAMTranslation as fcTranslate fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') import builtins if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext class FCPad(FCShapeTool): """ Resulting type: Polygon """ def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) = 'pad' self.draw_app = draw_app self.storage_obj = self.draw_app.storage_dict[self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected]['solid_geometry'] self.radius = float(self.draw_app.storage_dict[self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected]['size']) / 2 self.steps_per_circ =["geometry_circle_steps"] # if those cause KeyError exception it means that the aperture type is not 'R'. Only 'R' type has those keys try: self.half_width = float(self.draw_app.storage_dict[self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected]['width']) / 2 except KeyError: pass try: self.half_height = float(self.draw_app.storage_dict[self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected]['height']) / 2 except KeyError: pass geo = self.utility_geometry(data=(self.draw_app.snap_x, self.draw_app.snap_y)) if isinstance(geo, DrawToolShape) and geo.geo is not None: self.draw_app.draw_utility_geometry(geo=geo)"Click to place ...")) # Switch notebook to Selected page self.start_msg = _("Click to place ...") def click(self, point): self.make() return "Done." def utility_geometry(self, data=None): self.points = data geo_data = self.util_shape(data) if geo_data: return DrawToolUtilityShape(geo_data) else: return None def util_shape(self, point): if point[0] is None and point[1] is None: point_x = self.draw_app.x point_y = self.draw_app.y else: point_x = point[0] point_y = point[1] ap_type = self.draw_app.storage_dict[self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected]['type'] if ap_type == 'C': center = Point([point_x, point_y]) return center.buffer(self.radius) elif ap_type == 'R': p1 = (point_x - self.half_width, point_y - self.half_height) p2 = (point_x + self.half_width, point_y - self.half_height) p3 = (point_x + self.half_width, point_y + self.half_height) p4 = (point_x - self.half_width, point_y + self.half_height) return Polygon([p1, p2, p3, p4, p1]) elif ap_type == 'O': geo = [] if self.half_height > self.half_width: p1 = (point_x - self.half_width, point_y - self.half_height + self.half_width) p2 = (point_x + self.half_width, point_y - self.half_height + self.half_width) p3 = (point_x + self.half_width, point_y + self.half_height - self.half_width) p4 = (point_x - self.half_width, point_y + self.half_height - self.half_width) down_center = (point_x, point_y - self.half_height + self.half_width) d_start_angle = math.pi d_stop_angle = 0.0 down_arc = arc(down_center, self.half_width, d_start_angle, d_stop_angle, 'ccw', self.steps_per_circ) up_center = (point_x, point_y + self.half_height - self.half_width) u_start_angle = 0.0 u_stop_angle = math.pi up_arc = arc(up_center, self.half_width, u_start_angle, u_stop_angle, 'ccw', self.steps_per_circ) geo.append(p1) for pt in down_arc: geo.append(pt) geo.append(p2) geo.append(p3) for pt in up_arc: geo.append(pt) geo.append(p4) return Polygon(geo) else: p1 = (point_x - self.half_width + self.half_height, point_y - self.half_height) p2 = (point_x + self.half_width - self.half_height, point_y - self.half_height) p3 = (point_x + self.half_width - self.half_height, point_y + self.half_height) p4 = (point_x - self.half_width + self.half_height, point_y + self.half_height) left_center = (point_x - self.half_width + self.half_height, point_y) d_start_angle = math.pi / 2 d_stop_angle = 1.5 * math.pi left_arc = arc(left_center, self.half_height, d_start_angle, d_stop_angle, 'ccw', self.steps_per_circ) right_center = (point_x + self.half_width - self.half_height, point_y) u_start_angle = 1.5 * math.pi u_stop_angle = math.pi / 2 right_arc = arc(right_center, self.half_height, u_start_angle, u_stop_angle, 'ccw', self.steps_per_circ) geo.append(p1) geo.append(p2) for pt in right_arc: geo.append(pt) geo.append(p3) geo.append(p4) for pt in left_arc: geo.append(pt) return Polygon(geo) else: "Incompatible aperture type. Select an aperture with type 'C', 'R' or 'O'.")) return None def make(self): self.draw_app.current_storage = self.storage_obj try: self.geometry = DrawToolShape(self.util_shape(self.points)) except Exception as e: log.debug("FCPad.make() --> %s" % str(e)) self.draw_app.in_action = False self.complete = True"[success] Done. Adding Pad completed.")) class FCPadArray(FCShapeTool): """ Resulting type: MultiPolygon """ def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) = 'array' self.draw_app = draw_app self.storage_obj = self.draw_app.storage_dict[self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected]['solid_geometry'] self.radius = float(self.draw_app.storage_dict[self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected]['size']) / 2 self.steps_per_circ =["geometry_circle_steps"] # if those cause KeyError exception it means that the aperture type is not 'R'. Only 'R' type has those keys try: self.half_width = float(self.draw_app.storage_dict[self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected]['width']) / 2 except KeyError: pass try: self.half_height = float(self.draw_app.storage_dict[self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected]['height']) / 2 except KeyError: pass self.selected_size = None self.pad_axis = 'X' self.pad_array = 'linear' self.pad_array_size = None self.pad_pitch = None self.pad_linear_angle = None self.pad_angle = None self.pad_direction = None self.pad_radius = None self.origin = None self.destination = None self.flag_for_circ_array = None self.last_dx = 0 self.last_dy = 0 = [] try: self.selected_size = self.draw_app.tool2tooldia[self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected] except KeyError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] To add an Pad Array first select a tool in Tool Table")) return geo = self.utility_geometry(data=(self.draw_app.snap_x, self.draw_app.snap_y), static=True) if isinstance(geo, DrawToolShape) and geo.geo is not None: self.draw_app.draw_utility_geometry(geo=geo)"Click on target location ...")) # Switch notebook to Selected page def click(self, point): if self.pad_array == 'Linear': self.make() return else: if self.flag_for_circ_array is None: self.draw_app.in_action = True self.flag_for_circ_array = True self.set_origin(point)"Click on the Pad Circular Array Start position")) else: self.destination = point self.make() self.flag_for_circ_array = None return def set_origin(self, origin): self.origin = origin def utility_geometry(self, data=None, static=None): self.pad_axis = self.draw_app.pad_axis_radio.get_value() self.pad_direction = self.draw_app.pad_direction_radio.get_value() self.pad_array = self.draw_app.array_type_combo.get_value() try: self.pad_array_size = int(self.draw_app.pad_array_size_entry.get_value()) try: self.pad_pitch = float(self.draw_app.pad_pitch_entry.get_value()) self.pad_linear_angle = float(self.draw_app.linear_angle_spinner.get_value()) self.pad_angle = float(self.draw_app.pad_angle_entry.get_value()) except TypeError: _("[ERROR_NOTCL] The value is not Float. Check for comma instead of dot separator.")) return except Exception as e:"[ERROR_NOTCL] The value is mistyped. Check the value.")) return if self.pad_array == 'Linear': if data[0] is None and data[1] is None: dx = self.draw_app.x dy = self.draw_app.y else: dx = data[0] dy = data[1] geo_list = [] geo = None self.points = [dx, dy] for item in range(self.pad_array_size): if self.pad_axis == 'X': geo = self.util_shape(((dx + (self.pad_pitch * item)), dy)) if self.pad_axis == 'Y': geo = self.util_shape((dx, (dy + (self.pad_pitch * item)))) if self.pad_axis == 'A': x_adj = self.pad_pitch * math.cos(math.radians(self.pad_linear_angle)) y_adj = self.pad_pitch * math.sin(math.radians(self.pad_linear_angle)) geo = self.util_shape( ((dx + (x_adj * item)), (dy + (y_adj * item))) ) if static is None or static is False: geo_list.append(affinity.translate(geo, xoff=(dx - self.last_dx), yoff=(dy - self.last_dy))) else: geo_list.append(geo) # self.origin = data self.last_dx = dx self.last_dy = dy return DrawToolUtilityShape(geo_list) else: if data[0] is None and data[1] is None: cdx = self.draw_app.x cdy = self.draw_app.y else: cdx = data[0] cdy = data[1] if len( > 0: temp_points = [x for x in] temp_points.append([cdx, cdy]) return DrawToolUtilityShape(LineString(temp_points)) def util_shape(self, point): if point[0] is None and point[1] is None: point_x = self.draw_app.x point_y = self.draw_app.y else: point_x = point[0] point_y = point[1] ap_type = self.draw_app.storage_dict[self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected]['type'] if ap_type == 'C': center = Point([point_x, point_y]) return center.buffer(self.radius) elif ap_type == 'R': p1 = (point_x - self.half_width, point_y - self.half_height) p2 = (point_x + self.half_width, point_y - self.half_height) p3 = (point_x + self.half_width, point_y + self.half_height) p4 = (point_x - self.half_width, point_y + self.half_height) return Polygon([p1, p2, p3, p4, p1]) elif ap_type == 'O': geo = [] if self.half_height > self.half_width: p1 = (point_x - self.half_width, point_y - self.half_height + self.half_width) p2 = (point_x + self.half_width, point_y - self.half_height + self.half_width) p3 = (point_x + self.half_width, point_y + self.half_height - self.half_width) p4 = (point_x - self.half_width, point_y + self.half_height - self.half_width) down_center = (point_x, point_y - self.half_height + self.half_width) d_start_angle = math.pi d_stop_angle = 0.0 down_arc = arc(down_center, self.half_width, d_start_angle, d_stop_angle, 'ccw', self.steps_per_circ) up_center = (point_x, point_y + self.half_height - self.half_width) u_start_angle = 0.0 u_stop_angle = math.pi up_arc = arc(up_center, self.half_width, u_start_angle, u_stop_angle, 'ccw', self.steps_per_circ) geo.append(p1) for pt in down_arc: geo.append(pt) geo.append(p2) geo.append(p3) for pt in up_arc: geo.append(pt) geo.append(p4) return Polygon(geo) else: p1 = (point_x - self.half_width + self.half_height, point_y - self.half_height) p2 = (point_x + self.half_width - self.half_height, point_y - self.half_height) p3 = (point_x + self.half_width - self.half_height, point_y + self.half_height) p4 = (point_x - self.half_width + self.half_height, point_y + self.half_height) left_center = (point_x - self.half_width + self.half_height, point_y) d_start_angle = math.pi / 2 d_stop_angle = 1.5 * math.pi left_arc = arc(left_center, self.half_height, d_start_angle, d_stop_angle, 'ccw', self.steps_per_circ) right_center = (point_x + self.half_width - self.half_height, point_y) u_start_angle = 1.5 * math.pi u_stop_angle = math.pi / 2 right_arc = arc(right_center, self.half_height, u_start_angle, u_stop_angle, 'ccw', self.steps_per_circ) geo.append(p1) geo.append(p2) for pt in right_arc: geo.append(pt) geo.append(p3) geo.append(p4) for pt in left_arc: geo.append(pt) return Polygon(geo) else: "Incompatible aperture type. Select an aperture with type 'C', 'R' or 'O'.")) return None def make(self): self.geometry = [] geo = None self.draw_app.current_storage = self.storage_obj if self.pad_array == 'Linear': for item in range(self.pad_array_size): if self.pad_axis == 'X': geo = self.util_shape(((self.points[0] + (self.pad_pitch * item)), self.points[1])) if self.pad_axis == 'Y': geo = self.util_shape((self.points[0], (self.points[1] + (self.pad_pitch * item)))) if self.pad_axis == 'A': x_adj = self.pad_pitch * math.cos(math.radians(self.pad_linear_angle)) y_adj = self.pad_pitch * math.sin(math.radians(self.pad_linear_angle)) geo = self.util_shape( ((self.points[0] + (x_adj * item)), (self.points[1] + (y_adj * item))) ) self.geometry.append(DrawToolShape(geo)) else: if (self.pad_angle * self.pad_array_size) > 360:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Too many Pads for the selected spacing angle.")) return radius = distance(self.destination, self.origin) initial_angle = math.asin((self.destination[1] - self.origin[1]) / radius) for i in range(self.pad_array_size): angle_radians = math.radians(self.pad_angle * i) if self.pad_direction == 'CW': x = self.origin[0] + radius * math.cos(-angle_radians + initial_angle) y = self.origin[1] + radius * math.sin(-angle_radians + initial_angle) else: x = self.origin[0] + radius * math.cos(angle_radians + initial_angle) y = self.origin[1] + radius * math.sin(angle_radians + initial_angle) geo = self.util_shape((x, y)) if self.pad_direction == 'CW': geo = affinity.rotate(geo, angle=(math.pi - angle_radians), use_radians=True) else: geo = affinity.rotate(geo, angle=(angle_radians - math.pi), use_radians=True) self.geometry.append(DrawToolShape(geo)) self.complete = True"[success] Done. Pad Array added.")) self.draw_app.in_action = True self.draw_app.array_frame.hide() return class FCRegion(FCShapeTool): """ Resulting type: Polygon """ def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) = 'region' self.draw_app = draw_app size_ap = float(self.draw_app.storage_dict[self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected]['size']) self.buf_val = (size_ap / 2) if size_ap > 0 else 0.0000001 self.start_msg = _("Click on 1st point ...") def click(self, point): self.draw_app.in_action = True self.points.append(point) if len(self.points) > 0:"Click on next Point or click Right mouse button to complete ...")) return "Click on next point or hit ENTER to complete ..." return "" def utility_geometry(self, data=None): if len(self.points) == 1: temp_points = [x for x in self.points] temp_points.append(data) return DrawToolUtilityShape(LineString(temp_points).buffer(self.buf_val, join_style=1)) if len(self.points) > 1: temp_points = [x for x in self.points] temp_points.append(data) return DrawToolUtilityShape(LinearRing(temp_points).buffer(self.buf_val, join_style=1)) return None def make(self): # self.geometry = LinearRing(self.points) self.geometry = DrawToolShape(Polygon(self.points).buffer(self.buf_val, join_style=2)) self.draw_app.in_action = False self.complete = True"[success] Done. Region completed.")) def on_key(self, key): if key == 'backspace': if len(self.points) > 0: self.points = self.points[0:-1] class FCTrack(FCRegion): """ Resulting type: Polygon """ def make(self): self.geometry = DrawToolShape(LineString(self.points).buffer(self.buf_val)) = 'track' self.draw_app.in_action = False self.complete = True"[success] Done. Path completed.")) def utility_geometry(self, data=None): if len(self.points) > 0: temp_points = [x for x in self.points] temp_points.append(data) return DrawToolUtilityShape(LineString(temp_points).buffer(self.buf_val)) return None def on_key(self, key): if key == 'backspace': if len(self.points) > 0: self.points = self.points[0:-1] class FCScale(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCShapeTool.__init__(self, draw_app) = 'scale' # self.shape_buffer = self.draw_app.shape_buffer self.draw_app = draw_app = self.start_msg = _("Scale the selected Gerber apertures ...") self.origin = (0, 0) if[0] == 0:[1, 1]) self.activate_scale() def activate_scale(self): self.draw_app.hide_tool('all') try: self.draw_app.scale_button.clicked.disconnect() except TypeError: pass self.draw_app.scale_button.clicked.connect(self.on_scale_click) def deactivate_scale(self): self.draw_app.scale_button.clicked.disconnect() self.complete = True self.draw_app.select_tool("select") self.draw_app.hide_tool( def on_scale_click(self): self.draw_app.on_scale() self.deactivate_scale() class FCBuffer(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCShapeTool.__init__(self, draw_app) = 'buffer' # self.shape_buffer = self.draw_app.shape_buffer self.draw_app = draw_app = self.start_msg = _("Buffer the selected apertures ...") self.origin = (0, 0) if[0] == 0:[1, 1]) self.activate_buffer() def activate_buffer(self): self.draw_app.hide_tool('all') try: self.draw_app.buffer_button.clicked.disconnect() except TypeError: pass self.draw_app.buffer_button.clicked.connect(self.on_buffer_click) def deactivate_buffer(self): self.draw_app.buffer_button.clicked.disconnect() self.complete = True self.draw_app.select_tool("select") self.draw_app.hide_tool( def on_buffer_click(self): self.draw_app.on_buffer() self.deactivate_buffer() class FCApertureMove(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, draw_app) = 'move' # self.shape_buffer = self.draw_app.shape_buffer self.origin = None self.destination = None self.selected_apertures = [] if self.draw_app.launched_from_shortcuts is True: self.draw_app.launched_from_shortcuts = False"Click on target location ...")) else:"Click on reference location ...")) self.current_storage = None self.geometry = [] for index in self.draw_app.apertures_table.selectedIndexes(): row = index.row() # on column 1 in tool tables we hold the aperture codes, and we retrieve them as strings aperture_on_row = self.draw_app.apertures_table.item(row, 1).text() self.selected_apertures.append(aperture_on_row) # Switch notebook to Selected page def set_origin(self, origin): self.origin = origin def click(self, point): if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: return "Nothing to move." if self.origin is None: self.set_origin(point)"Click on target location ...")) return else: self.destination = point self.make() # MS: always return to the Select Tool self.draw_app.select_tool("select") return def make(self): # Create new geometry dx = self.destination[0] - self.origin[0] dy = self.destination[1] - self.origin[1] sel_shapes_to_be_deleted = [] for sel_dia in self.selected_apertures: self.current_storage = self.draw_app.storage_dict[sel_dia]['solid_geometry'] for select_shape in self.draw_app.get_selected(): if select_shape in self.current_storage: self.geometry.append(DrawToolShape(affinity.translate(select_shape.geo, xoff=dx, yoff=dy))) self.current_storage.remove(select_shape) sel_shapes_to_be_deleted.append(select_shape) self.draw_app.on_grb_shape_complete(self.current_storage) self.geometry = [] for shp in sel_shapes_to_be_deleted: self.draw_app.selected.remove(shp) sel_shapes_to_be_deleted = [] self.draw_app.build_ui()"[success] Done. Apertures Move completed.")) def utility_geometry(self, data=None): """ Temporary geometry on screen while using this tool. :param data: :return: """ geo_list = [] if self.origin is None: return None if len(self.draw_app.get_selected()) == 0: return None dx = data[0] - self.origin[0] dy = data[1] - self.origin[1] for geom in self.draw_app.get_selected(): geo_list.append(affinity.translate(geom.geo, xoff=dx, yoff=dy)) return DrawToolUtilityShape(geo_list) class FCApertureCopy(FCApertureMove): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCApertureMove.__init__(self, draw_app) = 'copy' def make(self): # Create new geometry dx = self.destination[0] - self.origin[0] dy = self.destination[1] - self.origin[1] sel_shapes_to_be_deleted = [] for sel_dia in self.selected_apertures: self.current_storage = self.draw_app.storage_dict[sel_dia]['solid_geometry'] for select_shape in self.draw_app.get_selected(): if select_shape in self.current_storage: self.geometry.append(DrawToolShape(affinity.translate(select_shape.geo, xoff=dx, yoff=dy))) sel_shapes_to_be_deleted.append(select_shape) self.draw_app.on_grb_shape_complete(self.current_storage) self.geometry = [] for shp in sel_shapes_to_be_deleted: self.draw_app.selected.remove(shp) sel_shapes_to_be_deleted = [] self.draw_app.build_ui()"[success] Done. Apertures copied.")) class FCApertureSelect(DrawTool): def __init__(self, grb_editor_app): DrawTool.__init__(self, grb_editor_app) = 'select' self.origin = None self.grb_editor_app = grb_editor_app = self.grb_editor_app.storage_dict # self.selected = self.grb_editor_app.selected # here we store all shapes that were selected self.sel_storage = [] self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.clearSelection() self.grb_editor_app.hide_tool('all') self.grb_editor_app.hide_tool('select') def set_origin(self, origin): self.origin = origin def click(self, point): key_modifier = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if["global_mselect_key"] == 'Control': if key_modifier == Qt.ControlModifier: pass else: self.grb_editor_app.selected = [] else: if key_modifier == Qt.ShiftModifier: pass else: self.grb_editor_app.selected = [] def click_release(self, point): self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.clearSelection() sel_aperture = set() key_modifier = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() for storage in self.grb_editor_app.storage_dict: for shape in self.grb_editor_app.storage_dict[storage]['solid_geometry']: if Point(point).within(shape.geo): if (["global_mselect_key"] == 'Control' and key_modifier == Qt.ControlModifier) or \ (["global_mselect_key"] == 'Shift' and key_modifier == Qt.ShiftModifier): if shape in self.draw_app.selected: self.draw_app.selected.remove(shape) else: # add the object to the selected shapes self.draw_app.selected.append(shape) sel_aperture.add(storage) else: self.draw_app.selected.append(shape) sel_aperture.add(storage) # select the aperture in the Apertures Table that is associated with the selected shape try: self.draw_app.apertures_table.cellPressed.disconnect() except: pass self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) for aper in sel_aperture: for row in range(self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.rowCount()): if str(aper) == self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.item(row, 1).text(): self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.selectRow(row) self.draw_app.last_aperture_selected = aper self.grb_editor_app.apertures_table.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.draw_app.apertures_table.cellPressed.connect(self.draw_app.on_row_selected) return "" class FCTransform(FCShapeTool): def __init__(self, draw_app): FCShapeTool.__init__(self, draw_app) = 'transformation' # self.shape_buffer = self.draw_app.shape_buffer self.draw_app = draw_app = self.start_msg = _("Shape transformations ...") self.origin = (0, 0) class FlatCAMGrbEditor(QtCore.QObject): draw_shape_idx = -1 def __init__(self, app): assert isinstance(app, FlatCAMApp.App), \ "Expected the app to be a FlatCAMApp.App, got %s" % type(app) super(FlatCAMGrbEditor, self).__init__() = app self.canvas = ## Current application units in Upper Case self.units = self.grb_edit_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget() layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.grb_edit_widget.setLayout(layout) ## Page Title box (spacing between children) self.title_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(self.title_box) ## Page Title icon pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap('share/flatcam_icon32.png') self.icon = QtWidgets.QLabel() self.icon.setPixmap(pixmap) self.title_box.addWidget(self.icon, stretch=0) ## Title label self.title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % _('Gerber Editor')) self.title_label.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.title_box.addWidget(self.title_label, stretch=1) ## Object name self.name_box = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(self.name_box) name_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Name:")) self.name_box.addWidget(name_label) self.name_entry = FCEntry() self.name_box.addWidget(self.name_entry) ## Box for custom widgets # This gets populated in offspring implementations. self.custom_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(self.custom_box) #### Gerber Apertures #### self.apertures_table_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Apertures:')) self.apertures_table_label.setToolTip( _("Apertures Table for the Gerber Object.") ) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.apertures_table_label) self.apertures_table = FCTable() # delegate = SpinBoxDelegate(units=self.units) # self.apertures_table.setItemDelegateForColumn(1, delegate) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.apertures_table) self.apertures_table.setColumnCount(5) self.apertures_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['#', _('Code'), _('Type'), _('Size'), _('Dim')]) self.apertures_table.setSortingEnabled(False) self.apertures_table.horizontalHeaderItem(0).setToolTip( _("Index")) self.apertures_table.horizontalHeaderItem(1).setToolTip( _("Aperture Code")) self.apertures_table.horizontalHeaderItem(2).setToolTip( _("Type of aperture: circular, rectangle, macros etc")) self.apertures_table.horizontalHeaderItem(4).setToolTip( _("Aperture Size:")) self.apertures_table.horizontalHeaderItem(4).setToolTip( _("Aperture Dimensions:\n" " - (width, height) for R, O type.\n" " - (dia, nVertices) for P type")) self.empty_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('') self.custom_box.addWidget(self.empty_label) # add a frame and inside add a vertical box layout. Inside this vbox layout I add all the Apertures widgets # this way I can hide/show the frame self.apertures_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.apertures_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.apertures_frame) self.apertures_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.apertures_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.apertures_frame.setLayout(self.apertures_box) #### Add/Delete an new Aperture #### grid1 = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.apertures_box.addLayout(grid1) apcode_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Aperture Code:')) apcode_lbl.setToolTip( _("Code for the new aperture") ) grid1.addWidget(apcode_lbl, 1, 0) self.apcode_entry = FCEntry() self.apcode_entry.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator(0, 999)) grid1.addWidget(self.apcode_entry, 1, 1) apsize_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Aperture Size:')) apsize_lbl.setToolTip( _("Size for the new aperture.\n" "If aperture type is 'R' or 'O' then\n" "this value is automatically\n" "calculated as:\n" "sqrt(width**2 + height**2)") ) grid1.addWidget(apsize_lbl, 2, 0) self.apsize_entry = FCEntry() self.apsize_entry.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0.0001, 99.9999, 4)) grid1.addWidget(self.apsize_entry, 2, 1) aptype_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Aperture Type:')) aptype_lbl.setToolTip( _("Select the type of new aperture. Can be:\n" "C = circular\n" "R = rectangular\n" "O = oblong") ) grid1.addWidget(aptype_lbl, 3, 0) self.aptype_cb = FCComboBox() self.aptype_cb.addItems(['C', 'R', 'O']) grid1.addWidget(self.aptype_cb, 3, 1) self.apdim_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Aperture Dim:')) self.apdim_lbl.setToolTip( _("Dimensions for the new aperture.\n" "Active only for rectangular apertures (type R).\n" "The format is (width, height)") ) grid1.addWidget(self.apdim_lbl, 4, 0) self.apdim_entry = EvalEntry() grid1.addWidget(self.apdim_entry, 4, 1) apadd_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s' % _('Add Aperture:')) apadd_lbl.setToolTip( _("Add an aperture to the aperture list") ) grid1.addWidget(apadd_lbl, 5, 0) self.addaperture_btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_('Go')) self.addaperture_btn.setToolTip( _( "Add a new aperture to the aperture list.") ) grid1.addWidget(self.addaperture_btn, 5, 1) apdelete_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s' % _('Del Aperture:')) apdelete_lbl.setToolTip( _( "Delete a aperture in the aperture list.\n" "It will delete also the associated geometry.") ) grid1.addWidget(apdelete_lbl, 6, 0) self.delaperture_btn = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_('Go')) self.delaperture_btn.setToolTip( _( "Delete a aperture in the aperture list") ) grid1.addWidget(self.delaperture_btn, 6, 1) ### BUFFER TOOL ### self.buffer_tool_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.buffer_tool_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.buffer_tool_frame) self.buffer_tools_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.buffer_tools_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.buffer_tool_frame.setLayout(self.buffer_tools_box) self.buffer_tool_frame.hide() # Title buf_title_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s' % _('Buffer Aperture:')) buf_title_lbl.setToolTip( _("Buffer a aperture in the aperture list") ) self.buffer_tools_box.addWidget(buf_title_lbl) # Form Layout buf_form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.buffer_tools_box.addLayout(buf_form_layout) # Buffer distance self.buffer_distance_entry = FCEntry() buf_form_layout.addRow(_("Buffer distance:"), self.buffer_distance_entry) self.buffer_corner_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Buffer corner:")) self.buffer_corner_lbl.setToolTip( _("There are 3 types of corners:\n" " - 'Round': the corner is rounded.\n" " - 'Square:' the corner is met in a sharp angle.\n" " - 'Beveled:' the corner is a line that directly connects the features meeting in the corner") ) self.buffer_corner_cb = FCComboBox() self.buffer_corner_cb.addItem(_("Round")) self.buffer_corner_cb.addItem(_("Square")) self.buffer_corner_cb.addItem(_("Beveled")) buf_form_layout.addRow(self.buffer_corner_lbl, self.buffer_corner_cb) # Buttons hlay_buf = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.buffer_tools_box.addLayout(hlay_buf) self.buffer_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Buffer")) hlay_buf.addWidget(self.buffer_button) ### SCALE TOOL ### self.scale_tool_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.scale_tool_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.scale_tool_frame) self.scale_tools_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.scale_tools_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.scale_tool_frame.setLayout(self.scale_tools_box) self.scale_tool_frame.hide() # Title scale_title_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s' % _('Scale Aperture:')) scale_title_lbl.setToolTip( _("Scale a aperture in the aperture list") ) self.scale_tools_box.addWidget(scale_title_lbl) # Form Layout scale_form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.scale_tools_box.addLayout(scale_form_layout) self.scale_factor_lbl = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Scale factor:")) self.scale_factor_lbl.setToolTip( _("The factor by which to scale the selected aperture.\n" "Values can be between 0.0000 and 999.9999") ) self.scale_factor_entry = FCEntry() self.scale_factor_entry.setValidator(QtGui.QDoubleValidator(0.0000, 999.9999, 4)) scale_form_layout.addRow(self.scale_factor_lbl, self.scale_factor_entry) # Buttons hlay_scale = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.scale_tools_box.addLayout(hlay_scale) self.scale_button = QtWidgets.QPushButton(_("Scale")) hlay_scale.addWidget(self.scale_button) # add a frame and inside add a vertical box layout. Inside this vbox layout I add # all the add Pad array widgets # this way I can hide/show the frame self.array_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.array_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.custom_box.addWidget(self.array_frame) self.array_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.array_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.array_frame.setLayout(self.array_box) #### Add Pad Array #### self.emptyarray_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('') self.array_box.addWidget(self.emptyarray_label) self.padarray_label = QtWidgets.QLabel('%s' % _("Add Pad Array")) self.padarray_label.setToolTip( _("Add an array of pads (linear or circular array)") ) self.array_box.addWidget(self.padarray_label) self.array_type_combo = FCComboBox() self.array_type_combo.setToolTip( _( "Select the type of pads array to create.\n" "It can be Linear X(Y) or Circular") ) self.array_type_combo.addItem(_("Linear")) self.array_type_combo.addItem(_("Circular")) self.array_box.addWidget(self.array_type_combo) self.array_form = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.array_box.addLayout(self.array_form) self.pad_array_size_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Nr of pads:')) self.pad_array_size_label.setToolTip( _("Specify how many pads to be in the array.") ) self.pad_array_size_label.setFixedWidth(100) self.pad_array_size_entry = LengthEntry() self.array_form.addRow(self.pad_array_size_label, self.pad_array_size_entry) self.array_linear_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.array_linear_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.array_box.addWidget(self.array_linear_frame) self.linear_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.linear_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.array_linear_frame.setLayout(self.linear_box) self.linear_form = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.linear_box.addLayout(self.linear_form) self.pad_axis_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Direction:')) self.pad_axis_label.setToolTip( _("Direction on which the linear array is oriented:\n" "- 'X' - horizontal axis \n" "- 'Y' - vertical axis or \n" "- 'Angle' - a custom angle for the array inclination") ) self.pad_axis_label.setFixedWidth(100) self.pad_axis_radio = RadioSet([{'label': 'X', 'value': 'X'}, {'label': 'Y', 'value': 'Y'}, {'label': _('Angle'), 'value': 'A'}]) self.pad_axis_radio.set_value('X') self.linear_form.addRow(self.pad_axis_label, self.pad_axis_radio) self.pad_pitch_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Pitch:')) self.pad_pitch_label.setToolTip( _("Pitch = Distance between elements of the array.") ) self.pad_pitch_label.setFixedWidth(100) self.pad_pitch_entry = LengthEntry() self.linear_form.addRow(self.pad_pitch_label, self.pad_pitch_entry) self.linear_angle_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Angle:')) self.linear_angle_label.setToolTip( _( "Angle at which the linear array is placed.\n" "The precision is of max 2 decimals.\n" "Min value is: -359.99 degrees.\n" "Max value is: 360.00 degrees.") ) self.linear_angle_label.setFixedWidth(100) self.linear_angle_spinner = FCDoubleSpinner() self.linear_angle_spinner.set_precision(2) self.linear_angle_spinner.setRange(-359.99, 360.00) self.linear_form.addRow(self.linear_angle_label, self.linear_angle_spinner) self.array_circular_frame = QtWidgets.QFrame() self.array_circular_frame.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.array_box.addWidget(self.array_circular_frame) self.circular_box = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.circular_box.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) self.array_circular_frame.setLayout(self.circular_box) self.pad_direction_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Direction:')) self.pad_direction_label.setToolTip( _( "Direction for circular array." "Can be CW = clockwise or CCW = counter clockwise.") ) self.pad_direction_label.setFixedWidth(100) self.circular_form = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.circular_box.addLayout(self.circular_form) self.pad_direction_radio = RadioSet([{'label': 'CW', 'value': 'CW'}, {'label': 'CCW.', 'value': 'CCW'}]) self.pad_direction_radio.set_value('CW') self.circular_form.addRow(self.pad_direction_label, self.pad_direction_radio) self.pad_angle_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_('Angle:')) self.pad_angle_label.setToolTip( _("Angle at which each element in circular array is placed.") ) self.pad_angle_label.setFixedWidth(100) self.pad_angle_entry = LengthEntry() self.circular_form.addRow(self.pad_angle_label, self.pad_angle_entry) self.array_circular_frame.hide() self.linear_angle_spinner.hide() self.linear_angle_label.hide() self.array_frame.hide() self.custom_box.addStretch() ## Toolbar events and properties self.tools_gerber = { "select": {"button":, "constructor": FCApertureSelect}, "pad": {"button":, "constructor": FCPad}, "array": {"button":, "constructor": FCPadArray}, "track": {"button":, "constructor": FCTrack}, "region": {"button":, "constructor": FCRegion}, "buffer": {"button":, "constructor": FCBuffer}, "scale": {"button":, "constructor": FCScale}, "copy": {"button":, "constructor": FCApertureCopy}, "transform": {"button":, "constructor": FCTransform}, "move": {"button":, "constructor": FCApertureMove}, } ### Data self.active_tool = None self.storage_dict = {} self.current_storage = [] self.sorted_apid =[] self.new_apertures = {} self.new_aperture_macros = {} # store here the plot promises, if empty the delayed plot will be activated self.grb_plot_promises = [] # dictionary to store the tool_row and aperture codes in Tool_table # it will be updated everytime self.build_ui() is called self.olddia_newdia = {} self.tool2tooldia = {} # this will store the value for the last selected tool, for use after clicking on canvas when the selection # is cleared but as a side effect also the selected tool is cleared self.last_aperture_selected = None self.utility = [] # this will flag if the Editor "tools" are launched from key shortcuts (True) or from menu toolbar (False) self.launched_from_shortcuts = False # this var will store the state of the toolbar before starting the editor self.toolbar_old_state = False # Init GUI self.apdim_lbl.hide() self.apdim_entry.hide() self.gerber_obj = None self.gerber_obj_options = {} self.buffer_distance_entry.set_value(0.01) self.scale_factor_entry.set_value(1.0) # VisPy Visuals self.shapes = self.tool_shape = # Remove from scene self.shapes.enabled = False self.tool_shape.enabled = False ## List of selected shapes. self.selected = [] self.move_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.move_timer.setSingleShot(True) self.key = None # Currently pressed key self.modifiers = None self.x = None # Current mouse cursor pos self.y = None # Current snapped mouse pos self.snap_x = None self.snap_y = None self.pos = None def make_callback(thetool): def f(): self.on_tool_select(thetool) return f for tool in self.tools_gerber: self.tools_gerber[tool]["button"].triggered.connect(make_callback(tool)) # Events self.tools_gerber[tool]["button"].setCheckable(True) # Checkable self.options = { "global_gridx": 0.1, "global_gridy": 0.1, "snap_max": 0.05, "grid_snap": True, "corner_snap": False, "grid_gap_link": True } for option in self.options: if option in self.options[option] =[option] # flag to show if the object was modified self.is_modified = False self.edited_obj_name = "" self.tool_row = 0 # store the status of the editor so the Delete at object level will not work until the edit is finished self.editor_active = False def entry2option(option, entry): self.options[option] = float(entry.text()) self.transform_tool = TransformEditorTool(, self) # Signals self.buffer_button.clicked.connect(self.on_buffer) self.scale_button.clicked.connect(self.on_scale) self.name_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_name_activate) self.aptype_cb.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.on_aptype_changed) self.addaperture_btn.clicked.connect(self.on_aperture_add) self.delaperture_btn.clicked.connect(self.on_aperture_delete) self.apertures_table.cellPressed.connect(self.on_row_selected) self.array_type_combo.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.on_array_type_combo) self.pad_axis_radio.activated_custom.connect(self.on_linear_angle_radio) # store the status of the editor so the Delete at object level will not work until the edit is finished self.editor_active = False def pool_recreated(self, pool): self.shapes.pool = pool self.tool_shape.pool = pool def set_ui(self): # updated units self.units = self.olddia_newdia.clear() self.tool2tooldia.clear() # update the olddia_newdia dict to make sure we have an updated state of the tool_table for key in self.storage_dict: self.olddia_newdia[key] = key sort_temp = [] for aperture in self.olddia_newdia: sort_temp.append(int(aperture)) self.sorted_apid = sorted(sort_temp) # populate self.intial_table_rows dict with the tool number as keys and aperture codes as values for i in range(len(self.sorted_apid)): tt_aperture = self.sorted_apid[i] self.tool2tooldia[i + 1] = tt_aperture if self.units == "IN": self.apsize_entry.set_value(0.039) else: self.apsize_entry.set_value(1.00) # Init GUI self.pad_array_size_entry.set_value(5) self.pad_pitch_entry.set_value(2.54) self.pad_angle_entry.set_value(12) self.pad_direction_radio.set_value('CW') self.pad_axis_radio.set_value('X') def build_ui(self): try: # if connected, disconnect the signal from the slot on item_changed as it creates issues self.apertures_table.itemChanged.disconnect() except: pass try: self.apertures_table.cellPressed.disconnect() except: pass # updated units self.units = # make a new name for the new Excellon object (the one with edited content) self.edited_obj_name = self.gerber_obj.options['name'] self.name_entry.set_value(self.edited_obj_name) self.apertures_row = 0 aper_no = self.apertures_row + 1 sort = [] for k, v in list(self.storage_dict.items()): sort.append(int(k)) sorted_apertures = sorted(sort) sort = [] for k, v in list(self.gerber_obj.aperture_macros.items()): sort.append(k) sorted_macros = sorted(sort) n = len(sorted_apertures) + len(sorted_macros) self.apertures_table.setRowCount(n) for ap_code in sorted_apertures: ap_code = str(ap_code) ap_id_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % int(self.apertures_row + 1)) ap_id_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 0, ap_id_item) # Tool name/id ap_code_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(ap_code) ap_code_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) ap_type_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(self.storage_dict[ap_code]['type'])) ap_type_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) if str(self.storage_dict[ap_code]['type']) == 'R' or str(self.storage_dict[ap_code]['type']) == 'O': ap_dim_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( '%.4f, %.4f' % (self.storage_dict[ap_code]['width'] * self.gerber_obj.file_units_factor, self.storage_dict[ap_code]['height'] * self.gerber_obj.file_units_factor ) ) ap_dim_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) elif str(self.storage_dict[ap_code]['type']) == 'P': ap_dim_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem( '%.4f, %.4f' % (self.storage_dict[ap_code]['diam'] * self.gerber_obj.file_units_factor, self.storage_dict[ap_code]['nVertices'] * self.gerber_obj.file_units_factor) ) ap_dim_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) else: ap_dim_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') ap_dim_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) try: if self.storage_dict[ap_code]['size'] is not None: ap_size_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%.4f' % float(self.storage_dict[ap_code]['size'] * self.gerber_obj.file_units_factor)) else: ap_size_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') except KeyError: ap_size_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('') ap_size_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 1, ap_code_item) # Aperture Code self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 2, ap_type_item) # Aperture Type self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 3, ap_size_item) # Aperture Dimensions self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 4, ap_dim_item) # Aperture Dimensions self.apertures_row += 1 for ap_code in sorted_macros: ap_code = str(ap_code) ap_id_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % int(self.apertures_row + 1)) ap_id_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 0, ap_id_item) # Tool name/id ap_code_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(ap_code) ap_type_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('AM') ap_type_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 1, ap_code_item) # Aperture Code self.apertures_table.setItem(self.apertures_row, 2, ap_type_item) # Aperture Type self.apertures_row += 1 self.apertures_table.selectColumn(0) self.apertures_table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.apertures_table.resizeRowsToContents() vertical_header = self.apertures_table.verticalHeader() # vertical_header.setSectionResizeMode(QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) vertical_header.hide() self.apertures_table.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) horizontal_header = self.apertures_table.horizontalHeader() horizontal_header.setMinimumSectionSize(10) horizontal_header.setDefaultSectionSize(70) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) horizontal_header.resizeSection(0, 20) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(2, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(3, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(4, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) self.apertures_table.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.apertures_table.setSortingEnabled(False) self.apertures_table.setMinimumHeight(self.apertures_table.getHeight()) self.apertures_table.setMaximumHeight(self.apertures_table.getHeight()) # make sure no rows are selected so the user have to click the correct row, meaning selecting the correct tool self.apertures_table.clearSelection() # Remove anything else in the GUI Selected Tab # Put ourself in the GUI Selected Tab # Switch notebook to Selected page # we reactivate the signals after the after the tool adding as we don't need to see the tool been populated self.apertures_table.itemChanged.connect(self.on_tool_edit) self.apertures_table.cellPressed.connect(self.on_row_selected) # for convenience set the next aperture code in the apcode field try: self.apcode_entry.set_value(max(self.tool2tooldia.values()) + 1) except ValueError: # this means that the edited object has no apertures so we start with 10 (Gerber specifications) self.apcode_entry.set_value(10) def on_aperture_add(self, apid=None): self.is_modified = True if apid: ap_id = apid else: try: ap_id = str(self.apcode_entry.get_value()) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Aperture code value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return if ap_id == '':"[WARNING_NOTCL] Aperture code value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return if ap_id not in self.olddia_newdia: self.storage_dict[ap_id] = {} type_val = self.aptype_cb.currentText() self.storage_dict[ap_id]['type'] = type_val if type_val == 'R' or type_val == 'O': try: dims = self.apdim_entry.get_value() self.storage_dict[ap_id]['width'] = dims[0] self.storage_dict[ap_id]['height'] = dims[1] size_val = math.sqrt((dims[0] ** 2) + (dims[1] ** 2)) self.apsize_entry.set_value(size_val) except Exception as e: log.error("FlatCAMGrbEditor.on_aperture_add() --> the R or O aperture dims has to be in a " "tuple format (x,y)\nError: %s" % str(e))"[WARNING_NOTCL] Aperture dimensions value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it in format (width, height) and retry.")) return else: try: size_val = float(self.apsize_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: size_val = float(self.apsize_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) self.apsize_entry.set_value(size_val) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Aperture size value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return self.storage_dict[ap_id]['size'] = size_val self.storage_dict[ap_id]['solid_geometry'] = [] self.storage_dict[ap_id]['follow_geometry'] = [] # self.olddia_newdia dict keeps the evidence on current aperture codes as keys and gets updated on values # each time a aperture code is edited or added self.olddia_newdia[ap_id] = ap_id else:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Aperture already in the aperture table.")) return # since we add a new tool, we update also the initial state of the tool_table through it's dictionary # we add a new entry in the tool2tooldia dict self.tool2tooldia[len(self.olddia_newdia)] = int(ap_id)"[success] Added new aperture with code: {apid}").format(apid=str(ap_id))) self.build_ui() # make a quick sort through the tool2tooldia dict so we find which row to select row_to_be_selected = None for key in sorted(self.tool2tooldia): if self.tool2tooldia[key] == int(ap_id): row_to_be_selected = int(key) - 1 break self.apertures_table.selectRow(row_to_be_selected) def on_aperture_delete(self, apid=None): self.is_modified = True deleted_apcode_list = [] deleted_tool_offset_list = [] try: if apid is None or apid is False: # deleted_tool_dia = float(self.apertures_table.item(self.apertures_table.currentRow(), 1).text()) for index in self.apertures_table.selectionModel().selectedRows(): row = index.row() deleted_apcode_list.append(self.apertures_table.item(row, 1).text()) else: if isinstance(apid, list): for dd in apid: deleted_apcode_list.append(dd) else: deleted_apcode_list.append(apid) except:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Select a tool in Tool Table")) return for deleted_aperture in deleted_apcode_list: # delete the storage used for that tool self.storage_dict.pop(deleted_aperture, None) # I've added this flag_del variable because dictionary don't like # having keys deleted while iterating through them flag_del = [] for deleted_tool in self.tool2tooldia: if self.tool2tooldia[deleted_tool] == deleted_aperture: flag_del.append(deleted_tool) if flag_del: for aperture_to_be_deleted in flag_del: # delete the tool self.tool2tooldia.pop(aperture_to_be_deleted, None) flag_del = [] self.olddia_newdia.pop(deleted_aperture, None)"[success] Deleted aperture with code: {del_dia}").format( del_dia=str(deleted_aperture))) self.plot_all() self.build_ui() def on_tool_edit(self, item_changed): # if connected, disconnect the signal from the slot on item_changed as it creates issues self.apertures_table.itemChanged.disconnect() # self.apertures_table.cellPressed.disconnect() self.is_modified = True geometry = [] current_table_dia_edited = None if self.apertures_table.currentItem() is not None: try: current_table_dia_edited = float(self.apertures_table.currentItem().text()) except ValueError as e: log.debug("FlatCAMExcEditor.on_tool_edit() --> %s" % str(e)) self.apertures_table.setCurrentItem(None) return row_of_item_changed = self.apertures_table.currentRow() # rows start with 0, tools start with 1 so we adjust the value by 1 key_in_tool2tooldia = row_of_item_changed + 1 dia_changed = self.tool2tooldia[key_in_tool2tooldia] # aperture code is not used so we create a new tool with the desired diameter if current_table_dia_edited not in self.olddia_newdia.values(): # update the dict that holds as keys our initial diameters and as values the edited diameters self.olddia_newdia[dia_changed] = current_table_dia_edited # update the dict that holds tool_no as key and tool_dia as value self.tool2tooldia[key_in_tool2tooldia] = current_table_dia_edited # update the tool offset modified_offset = self.gerber_obj.tool_offset.pop(dia_changed) self.gerber_obj.tool_offset[current_table_dia_edited] = modified_offset self.plot_all() else: # aperture code is already in use so we move the pads from the prior tool to the new tool factor = current_table_dia_edited / dia_changed for shape in self.storage_dict[dia_changed].get_objects(): geometry.append(DrawToolShape( MultiLineString([affinity.scale(subgeo, xfact=factor, yfact=factor) for subgeo in shape.geo]))) self.points_edit[current_table_dia_edited].append((0, 0)) self.add_gerber_shape(geometry, self.storage_dict[current_table_dia_edited]) self.on_aperture_delete(apid=dia_changed) # delete the tool offset self.gerber_obj.tool_offset.pop(dia_changed, None) # we reactivate the signals after the after the tool editing self.apertures_table.itemChanged.connect(self.on_tool_edit) # self.apertures_table.cellPressed.connect(self.on_row_selected) def on_name_activate(self): self.edited_obj_name = self.name_entry.get_value() def on_aptype_changed(self, current_text): if current_text == 'R' or current_text == 'O': self.apsize_entry.setReadOnly(True) else: self.apdim_lbl.hide() self.apdim_entry.hide() self.apsize_entry.setReadOnly(False) def activate_grb_editor(self): self.connect_canvas_event_handlers() # init working objects self.storage_dict = {} self.current_storage = [] self.sorted_apid = [] self.new_apertures = {} self.new_aperture_macros = {} self.grb_plot_promises = [] self.olddia_newdia = {} self.tool2tooldia = {} self.shapes.enabled = True self.tool_shape.enabled = True # # start with GRID toolbar activated if is False: # Tell the App that the editor is active self.editor_active = True def deactivate_grb_editor(self): self.disconnect_canvas_event_handlers() self.clear() settings = QSettings("Open Source", "FlatCAM") if settings.contains("layout"): layout = settings.value('layout', type=str) if layout == 'standard': # elif layout == 'compact': # else: # # set the Editor Toolbar visibility to what was before entering in the Editor if self.toolbar_old_state is False \ else # Disable visuals self.shapes.enabled = False self.tool_shape.enabled = False # = False # Tell the app that the editor is no longer active self.editor_active = False # Show original geometry if self.gerber_obj: self.gerber_obj.visible = True def connect_canvas_event_handlers(self): ## Canvas events # make sure that the shortcuts key and mouse events will no longer be linked to the methods from FlatCAMApp # but those from FlatCAMGeoEditor'mouse_press','mouse_move','mouse_release','mouse_double_click', self.canvas.vis_connect('mouse_press', self.on_canvas_click) self.canvas.vis_connect('mouse_move', self.on_canvas_move) self.canvas.vis_connect('mouse_release', self.on_canvas_click_release) def disconnect_canvas_event_handlers(self): self.canvas.vis_disconnect('mouse_press', self.on_canvas_click) self.canvas.vis_disconnect('mouse_move', self.on_canvas_move) self.canvas.vis_disconnect('mouse_release', self.on_canvas_click_release) # we restore the key and mouse control to FlatCAMApp method'mouse_press','mouse_move','mouse_release','mouse_double_click', def clear(self): self.active_tool = None # self.shape_buffer = [] self.selected = [] self.shapes.clear(update=True) self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) def edit_fcgerber(self, orig_grb_obj): """ Imports the geometry found in self.apertures from the given FlatCAM Gerber object into the editor. :param fcgeometry: FlatCAMExcellon :return: None """ self.deactivate_grb_editor() self.activate_grb_editor() # create a reference to the source object self.gerber_obj = orig_grb_obj self.gerber_obj_options = orig_grb_obj.options # Hide original geometry orig_grb_obj.visible = False # Set selection tolerance # DrawToolShape.tolerance = fc_excellon.drawing_tolerance * 10 self.select_tool("select") # we activate this after the initial build as we don't need to see the tool been populated self.apertures_table.itemChanged.connect(self.on_tool_edit) # and then add it to the storage elements (each storage elements is a member of a list def job_thread(self, apid): with"Adding aperture: %s geo ...") % str(apid)): solid_storage_elem = [] follow_storage_elem = [] self.storage_dict[apid] = {} for k, v in self.gerber_obj.apertures[apid].items(): try: if k == 'solid_geometry': for geo in v: if geo: self.add_gerber_shape(DrawToolShape(geo), solid_storage_elem) self.storage_dict[apid][k] = solid_storage_elem elif k == 'follow_geometry': for geo in v: if geo is not None: self.add_gerber_shape(DrawToolShape(geo), follow_storage_elem) self.storage_dict[apid][k] = follow_storage_elem else: self.storage_dict[apid][k] = v except Exception as e: log.debug("FlatCAMGrbEditor.edit_fcgerber().job_thread() --> %s" % str(e)) # Check promises and clear if exists while True: try: self.grb_plot_promises.remove(apid) time.sleep(0.5) except ValueError: break for apid in self.gerber_obj.apertures: self.grb_plot_promises.append(apid){'fcn': job_thread, 'params': [self, apid]}) self.start_delayed_plot(check_period=1000) def update_fcgerber(self, grb_obj): """ Create a new Gerber object that contain the edited content of the source Gerber object :param grb_obj: FlatCAMGerber :return: None """ new_grb_name = self.edited_obj_name # if the 'delayed plot' malfunctioned stop the QTimer try: self.plot_thread.stop() except: pass if "_edit" in self.edited_obj_name: try: id = int(self.edited_obj_name[-1]) + 1 new_grb_name= self.edited_obj_name[:-1] + str(id) except ValueError: new_grb_name += "_1" else: new_grb_name = self.edited_obj_name + "_edit"{'fcn': self.new_edited_gerber, 'params': [new_grb_name]}) # reset the tool table self.apertures_table.clear() self.apertures_table.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(['#', _('Code'), _('Type'), _('Size'), _('Dim')]) self.last_aperture_selected = None # restore GUI to the Selected TAB # Remove anything else in the GUI # Switch notebook to Selected page def update_options(self, obj): try: if not obj.options: obj.options = {} obj.options['xmin'] = 0 obj.options['ymin'] = 0 obj.options['xmax'] = 0 obj.options['ymax'] = 0 return True else: return False except AttributeError: obj.options = {} return True def new_edited_gerber(self, outname): """ Creates a new Gerber object for the edited Gerber. Thread-safe. :param outname: Name of the resulting object. None causes the name to be that of the file. :type outname: str :return: None """"Update the Gerber object with edited content. Source is: %s" % self.gerber_obj.options['name'].upper()) out_name = outname local_storage_dict = deepcopy(self.storage_dict) # How the object should be initialized def obj_init(grb_obj, app_obj): poly_buffer = [] follow_buffer = [] for storage_apid, storage_val in local_storage_dict.items(): grb_obj.apertures[storage_apid] = {} for k, v in storage_val.items(): if k == 'solid_geometry': grb_obj.apertures[storage_apid][k] = [] for geo in v: new_geo = deepcopy(geo.geo) grb_obj.apertures[storage_apid][k].append(new_geo) poly_buffer.append(new_geo) elif k == 'follow_geometry': grb_obj.apertures[storage_apid][k] = [] for geo in v: new_geo = deepcopy(geo.geo) grb_obj.apertures[storage_apid][k].append(new_geo) follow_buffer.append(new_geo) else: grb_obj.apertures[storage_apid][k] = deepcopy(v) grb_obj.aperture_macros = deepcopy(self.gerber_obj.aperture_macros) new_poly = MultiPolygon(poly_buffer) new_poly = new_poly.buffer(0.00000001) new_poly = new_poly.buffer(-0.00000001) grb_obj.solid_geometry = new_poly grb_obj.follow_geometry = deepcopy(follow_buffer) for k, v in self.gerber_obj_options.items(): if k == 'name': grb_obj.options[k] = out_name else: grb_obj.options[k] = deepcopy(v) grb_obj.source_file = [] grb_obj.multigeo = False grb_obj.follow = False try: grb_obj.create_geometry() except KeyError: _( "[ERROR_NOTCL] There are no Aperture definitions in the file. Aborting Gerber creation.") ) except: msg = _("[ERROR] An internal error has ocurred. See shell.\n") msg += traceback.format_exc() app_obj.inform.emit(msg) raise # raise with"Creating Gerber.")): try:"gerber", outname, obj_init) except Exception as e: log.error("Error on object creation: %s" % str(e)) return"[success] Gerber editing finished.")) # self.progress.emit(100) def on_tool_select(self, tool): """ Behavior of the toolbar. Tool initialization. :rtype : None """ current_tool = tool"on_tool_select('%s')" % tool) if self.last_aperture_selected is None and current_tool is not 'select': # self.draw_app.select_tool('select') self.complete = True current_tool = 'select'"[WARNING_NOTCL] Cancelled. No aperture is selected")) # This is to make the group behave as radio group if current_tool in self.tools_gerber: if self.tools_gerber[current_tool]["button"].isChecked():"%s is checked." % current_tool) for t in self.tools_gerber: if t != current_tool: self.tools_gerber[t]["button"].setChecked(False) # this is where the Editor toolbar classes (button's) are instantiated self.active_tool = self.tools_gerber[current_tool]["constructor"](self) # else:"%s is NOT checked." % current_tool) for t in self.tools_gerber: self.tools_gerber[t]["button"].setChecked(False) self.select_tool('select') self.active_tool = FCApertureSelect(self) def on_row_selected(self, row, col): if col == 0: key_modifier = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if["global_mselect_key"] == 'Control': modifier_to_use = Qt.ControlModifier else: modifier_to_use = Qt.ShiftModifier if key_modifier == modifier_to_use: pass else: self.selected = [] try: selected_apid = str(self.tool2tooldia[row + 1]) self.last_aperture_selected = self.apertures_table.item(row, 1).text() for obj in self.storage_dict[selected_apid]['solid_geometry']: self.selected.append(obj) except Exception as e: self.plot_all() def toolbar_tool_toggle(self, key): self.options[key] = self.sender().isChecked() return self.options[key] def on_grb_shape_complete(self, storage=None):"on_shape_complete()") if storage is not None: # Add shape self.add_gerber_shape(self.active_tool.geometry, storage) else: stora = self.storage_dict[self.last_aperture_selected]['solid_geometry'] self.add_gerber_shape(self.active_tool.geometry, storage=stora) # Remove any utility shapes self.delete_utility_geometry() self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) # Replot and reset tool. self.plot_all() def add_gerber_shape(self, shape, storage): """ Adds a shape to the shape storage. :param shape: Shape to be added. :type shape: DrawToolShape :return: None """ # List of DrawToolShape? if isinstance(shape, list): for subshape in shape: self.add_gerber_shape(subshape, storage) return assert isinstance(shape, DrawToolShape), \ "Expected a DrawToolShape, got %s" % str(type(shape)) assert shape.geo is not None, \ "Shape object has empty geometry (None)" assert (isinstance(shape.geo, list) and len(shape.geo) > 0) or \ not isinstance(shape.geo, list), \ "Shape objects has empty geometry ([])" if isinstance(shape, DrawToolUtilityShape): self.utility.append(shape) else: storage.append(shape) # TODO: Check performance def on_canvas_click(self, event): """ event.x and .y have canvas coordinates event.xdaya and .ydata have plot coordinates :param event: Event object dispatched by Matplotlib :return: None """ if event.button is 1:"Dx: %.4f   Dy: " "%.4f    " % (0, 0)) self.pos = self.canvas.vispy_canvas.translate_coords(event.pos) ### Snap coordinates x, y =[0], self.pos[1]) self.pos = (x, y) # Selection with left mouse button if self.active_tool is not None and event.button is 1: # Dispatch event to active_tool # msg =, event.ydata)) msg =[0], self.pos[1])) # If it is a shape generating tool if isinstance(self.active_tool, FCShapeTool) and self.active_tool.complete: if self.current_storage is not None: self.on_grb_shape_complete(self.current_storage) self.build_ui() # MS: always return to the Select Tool if modifier key is not pressed # else return to the current tool key_modifier = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if["global_mselect_key"] == 'Control': modifier_to_use = Qt.ControlModifier else: modifier_to_use = Qt.ShiftModifier # if modifier key is pressed then we add to the selected list the current shape but if it's already # in the selected list, we removed it. Therefore first click selects, second deselects. if key_modifier == modifier_to_use: self.select_tool( else: self.select_tool("select") return if isinstance(self.active_tool, FCApertureSelect): #"Replotting after click.") self.plot_all() else:"No active tool to respond to click!") def on_canvas_click_release(self, event): pos_canvas = self.canvas.vispy_canvas.translate_coords(event.pos) self.modifiers = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if pos =[0], pos_canvas[1]) else: pos = (pos_canvas[0], pos_canvas[1]) # if the released mouse button was RMB then test if it was a panning motion or not, if not it was a context # canvas menu try: if event.button == 2: # right click if is True: = False else: if self.in_action is False: = QtGui.QCursor() else: # if right click on canvas and the active tool need to be finished (like Path or Polygon) # right mouse click will finish the action if isinstance(self.active_tool, FCShapeTool):, self.y)) self.active_tool.make() if self.active_tool.complete: self.on_grb_shape_complete()"[success] Done.")) # MS: always return to the Select Tool if modifier key is not pressed # else return to the current tool key_modifier = QtWidgets.QApplication.keyboardModifiers() if (["global_mselect_key"] == 'Control' and key_modifier == Qt.ControlModifier) or \ (["global_mselect_key"] == 'Shift' and key_modifier == Qt.ShiftModifier): self.select_tool( else: self.select_tool("select") except Exception as e: log.warning("Error: %s" % str(e)) raise # if the released mouse button was LMB then test if we had a right-to-left selection or a left-to-right # selection and then select a type of selection ("enclosing" or "touching") try: if event.button == 1: # left click if is not None: self.draw_selection_area_handler(self.pos, pos, = None elif isinstance(self.active_tool, FCApertureSelect): # Dispatch event to active_tool # msg =, event.ydata)) # msg = self.active_tool.click_release((self.pos[0], self.pos[1])) # self.active_tool.click_release((self.pos[0], self.pos[1])) # if there are selected objects then plot them if self.selected: self.plot_all() except Exception as e: log.warning("Error: %s" % str(e)) raise def draw_selection_area_handler(self, start_pos, end_pos, sel_type): """ :param start_pos: mouse position when the selection LMB click was done :param end_pos: mouse position when the left mouse button is released :param sel_type: if True it's a left to right selection (enclosure), if False it's a 'touch' selection :type Bool :return: """ poly_selection = Polygon([start_pos, (end_pos[0], start_pos[1]), end_pos, (start_pos[0], end_pos[1])]) sel_aperture = set() self.apertures_table.clearSelection() for storage in self.storage_dict: for obj in self.storage_dict[storage]['solid_geometry']: if (sel_type is True and poly_selection.contains(obj.geo)) or \ (sel_type is False and poly_selection.intersects(obj.geo)): if self.key ==["global_mselect_key"]: if obj in self.selected: self.selected.remove(obj) else: # add the object to the selected shapes self.selected.append(obj) sel_aperture.add(storage) else: self.selected.append(obj) sel_aperture.add(storage) try: self.apertures_table.cellPressed.disconnect() except: pass # select the aperture code of the selected geometry, in the tool table self.apertures_table.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) for aper in sel_aperture: for row in range(self.apertures_table.rowCount()): if str(aper) == self.apertures_table.item(row, 1).text(): self.apertures_table.selectRow(row) self.last_aperture_selected = aper self.apertures_table.setSelectionMode(QtWidgets.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.apertures_table.cellPressed.connect(self.on_row_selected) self.plot_all() def on_canvas_move(self, event): """ Called on 'mouse_move' event event.pos have canvas screen coordinates :param event: Event object dispatched by VisPy SceneCavas :return: None """ pos = self.canvas.vispy_canvas.translate_coords(event.pos) event.xdata, event.ydata = pos[0], pos[1] self.x = event.xdata self.y = event.ydata # Prevent updates on pan # if len(event.buttons) > 0: # return # if the RMB is clicked and mouse is moving over plot then 'panning_action' is True if event.button == 2: = True return else: = False try: x = float(event.xdata) y = float(event.ydata) except TypeError: return if self.active_tool is None: return ### Snap coordinates x, y =, y) self.snap_x = x self.snap_y = y # update the position label in the infobar since the APP mouse event handlers are disconnected"    X: %.4f   " "Y: %.4f" % (x, y)) if self.pos is None: self.pos = (0, 0) dx = x - self.pos[0] dy = y - self.pos[1] # update the reference position label in the infobar since the APP mouse event handlers are disconnected"Dx: %.4f   Dy: " "%.4f    " % (dx, dy)) ### Utility geometry (animated) geo = self.active_tool.utility_geometry(data=(x, y)) if isinstance(geo, DrawToolShape) and geo.geo is not None: # Remove any previous utility shape self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) self.draw_utility_geometry(geo=geo) ### Selection area on canvas section ### dx = pos[0] - self.pos[0] if event.is_dragging == 1 and event.button == 1: if dx < 0:[0], self.pos[1]), (x,y),["global_alt_sel_line"],['global_alt_sel_fill']) = False else:[0], self.pos[1]), (x,y)) = True else: = None # Update cursor[(x, y)]), symbol='++', edge_color='black', size=20) def on_canvas_key_release(self, event): self.key = None def draw_utility_geometry(self, geo): if type(geo.geo) == list: for el in geo.geo: # Add the new utility shape self.tool_shape.add( shape=el, color=(["global_draw_color"] + '80'), update=False, layer=0, tolerance=None) else: # Add the new utility shape self.tool_shape.add( shape=geo.geo, color=(["global_draw_color"] + '80'), update=False, layer=0, tolerance=None) self.tool_shape.redraw() def plot_all(self): """ Plots all shapes in the editor. :return: None :rtype: None """ with"Plotting"): #"plot_all()") self.shapes.clear(update=True) for storage in self.storage_dict: for shape in self.storage_dict[storage]['solid_geometry']: if shape.geo is None: continue if shape in self.selected: self.plot_shape(geometry=shape.geo,['global_sel_draw_color'], linewidth=2) continue self.plot_shape(geometry=shape.geo,['global_draw_color']) for shape in self.utility: self.plot_shape(geometry=shape.geo, linewidth=1) continue self.shapes.redraw() def plot_shape(self, geometry=None, color='black', linewidth=1): """ Plots a geometric object or list of objects without rendering. Plotted objects are returned as a list. This allows for efficient/animated rendering. :param geometry: Geometry to be plotted (Any Shapely.geom kind or list of such) :param color: Shape color :param linewidth: Width of lines in # of pixels. :return: List of plotted elements. """ # plot_elements = [] if geometry is None: geometry = self.active_tool.geometry try: self.shapes.add(shape=geometry.geo, color=color, face_color=color, layer=0) except AttributeError: if type(geometry) == Point: return self.shapes.add(shape=geometry, color=color, face_color=color+'AF', layer=0) def start_delayed_plot(self, check_period): # self.plot_thread = threading.Thread(target=lambda: self.check_plot_finished(check_period)) # self.plot_thread.start() log.debug("FlatCAMGrbEditor --> Delayed Plot started.") self.plot_thread = QtCore.QTimer() self.plot_thread.setInterval(check_period) self.plot_thread.timeout.connect(self.check_plot_finished) self.plot_thread.start() def check_plot_finished(self): # print(self.grb_plot_promises) try: if not self.grb_plot_promises: self.plot_thread.stop() self.set_ui() # now that we hava data, create the GUI interface and add it to the Tool Tab self.build_ui() self.plot_all() log.debug("FlatCAMGrbEditor --> delayed_plot finished") except Exception: traceback.print_exc() def on_shape_complete(self):"on_shape_complete()") # Add shape self.add_gerber_shape(self.active_tool.geometry) # Remove any utility shapes self.delete_utility_geometry() self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) # Replot and reset tool. self.plot_all() # self.active_tool = type(self.active_tool)(self) def get_selected(self): """ Returns list of shapes that are selected in the editor. :return: List of shapes. """ # return [shape for shape in self.shape_buffer if shape["selected"]] return self.selected def delete_selected(self): temp_ref = [s for s in self.selected] for shape_sel in temp_ref: self.delete_shape(shape_sel) self.selected = [] self.build_ui()"[success] Done. Apertures deleted.")) def delete_shape(self, shape): self.is_modified = True if shape in self.utility: self.utility.remove(shape) return for storage in self.storage_dict: # try: # self.storage_dict[storage].remove(shape) # except: # pass if shape in self.storage_dict[storage]['solid_geometry']: self.storage_dict[storage]['solid_geometry'].remove(shape) if shape in self.selected: self.selected.remove(shape) # TODO: Check performance def delete_utility_geometry(self): # for_deletion = [shape for shape in self.shape_buffer if shape.utility] # for_deletion = [shape for shape in if shape.utility] for_deletion = [shape for shape in self.utility] for shape in for_deletion: self.delete_shape(shape) self.tool_shape.clear(update=True) self.tool_shape.redraw() def on_delete_btn(self): self.delete_selected() self.plot_all() def select_tool(self, toolname): """ Selects a drawing tool. Impacts the object and GUI. :param toolname: Name of the tool. :return: None """ self.tools_gerber[toolname]["button"].setChecked(True) self.on_tool_select(toolname) def set_selected(self, shape): # Remove and add to the end. if shape in self.selected: self.selected.remove(shape) self.selected.append(shape) def set_unselected(self, shape): if shape in self.selected: self.selected.remove(shape) def on_array_type_combo(self): if self.array_type_combo.currentIndex() == 0: self.array_circular_frame.hide() else: self.delete_utility_geometry() self.array_linear_frame.hide()"Click on the circular array Center position")) def on_linear_angle_radio(self): val = self.pad_axis_radio.get_value() if val == 'A': else: self.linear_angle_spinner.hide() self.linear_angle_label.hide() def on_copy_button(self): self.select_tool('copy') return def on_move_button(self): self.select_tool('move') return def on_pad_add(self): self.select_tool('pad') def on_pad_add_array(self): self.select_tool('array') def on_track_add(self): self.select_tool('track') def on_region_add(self): self.select_tool('region') def on_buffer(self): buff_value = 0.01 log.debug("FlatCAMGrbEditor.on_buffer()") try: buff_value = float(self.buffer_distance_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: buff_value = float(self.buffer_distance_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) self.buffer_distance_entry.set_value(buff_value) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Buffer distance value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return # the cb index start from 0 but the join styles for the buffer start from 1 therefore the adjustment # I populated the combobox such that the index coincide with the join styles value (whcih is really an INT) join_style = self.buffer_corner_cb.currentIndex() + 1 def buffer_recursion(geom, selection): if type(geom) == list or type(geom) is MultiPolygon: geoms = list() for local_geom in geom: geoms.append(buffer_recursion(local_geom, selection=selection)) return geoms else: if geom in selection: return DrawToolShape(geom.geo.buffer(buff_value, join_style=join_style)) else: return geom if not self.apertures_table.selectedItems(): "[WARNING_NOTCL] No aperture to buffer. Select at least one aperture and try again." )) return for x in self.apertures_table.selectedItems(): try: apid = self.apertures_table.item(x.row(), 1).text() temp_storage = deepcopy(buffer_recursion(self.storage_dict[apid]['solid_geometry'], self.selected)) self.storage_dict[apid]['solid_geometry'] = [] self.storage_dict[apid]['solid_geometry'] = temp_storage except Exception as e: log.debug("FlatCAMGrbEditor.buffer() --> %s" % str(e)) self.plot_all()"[success] Done. Buffer Tool completed.")) def on_scale(self): scale_factor = 1.0 log.debug("FlatCAMGrbEditor.on_scale()") try: scale_factor = float(self.scale_factor_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: scale_factor = float(self.scale_factor_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) self.scale_factor_entry.set_value(scale_factor) except ValueError:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Scale factor value is missing or wrong format. " "Add it and retry.")) return def scale_recursion(geom, selection): if type(geom) == list or type(geom) is MultiPolygon: geoms = list() for local_geom in geom: geoms.append(scale_recursion(local_geom, selection=selection)) return geoms else: if geom in selection: return DrawToolShape(affinity.scale(geom.geo, scale_factor, scale_factor, origin='center')) else: return geom if not self.apertures_table.selectedItems(): "[WARNING_NOTCL] No aperture to scale. Select at least one aperture and try again." )) return for x in self.apertures_table.selectedItems(): try: apid = self.apertures_table.item(x.row(), 1).text() temp_storage = deepcopy(scale_recursion(self.storage_dict[apid]['solid_geometry'], self.selected)) self.storage_dict[apid]['solid_geometry'] = [] self.storage_dict[apid]['solid_geometry'] = temp_storage except Exception as e: log.debug("FlatCAMGrbEditor.on_scale() --> %s" % str(e)) self.plot_all()"[success] Done. Scale Tool completed.")) def hide_tool(self, tool_name): #, _("Tools")) if tool_name == 'all': self.apertures_frame.hide() if tool_name == 'select': if tool_name == 'buffer' or tool_name == 'all': self.buffer_tool_frame.hide() if tool_name == 'scale' or tool_name == 'all': self.scale_tool_frame.hide() class TransformEditorTool(FlatCAMTool): """ Inputs to specify how to paint the selected polygons. """ toolName = _("Transform Tool") rotateName = _("Rotate") skewName = _("Skew/Shear") scaleName = _("Scale") flipName = _("Mirror (Flip)") offsetName = _("Offset") def __init__(self, app, draw_app): FlatCAMTool.__init__(self, app) = app self.draw_app = draw_app self.transform_lay = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout() self.layout.addLayout(self.transform_lay) ## Title title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % (_('Editor %s') % self.toolName)) title_label.setStyleSheet(""" QLabel { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; } """) self.transform_lay.addWidget(title_label) self.empty_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.empty_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.empty_label1 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.empty_label1.setFixedWidth(70) self.empty_label2 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.empty_label2.setFixedWidth(70) self.empty_label3 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.empty_label3.setFixedWidth(70) self.empty_label4 = QtWidgets.QLabel("") self.empty_label4.setFixedWidth(70) self.transform_lay.addWidget(self.empty_label) ## Rotate Title rotate_title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.rotateName) self.transform_lay.addWidget(rotate_title_label) ## Layout form_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.transform_lay.addLayout(form_layout) form_child = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.rotate_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Angle:")) self.rotate_label.setToolTip( _("Angle for Rotation action, in degrees.\n" "Float number between -360 and 359.\n" "Positive numbers for CW motion.\n" "Negative numbers for CCW motion.") ) self.rotate_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.rotate_entry = FCEntry() # self.rotate_entry.setFixedWidth(60) self.rotate_entry.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.rotate_button = FCButton() self.rotate_button.set_value(_("Rotate")) self.rotate_button.setToolTip( _("Rotate the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference is the middle of\n" "the bounding box for all selected shapes.") ) self.rotate_button.setFixedWidth(60) form_child.addWidget(self.rotate_entry) form_child.addWidget(self.rotate_button) form_layout.addRow(self.rotate_label, form_child) self.transform_lay.addWidget(self.empty_label1) ## Skew Title skew_title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.skewName) self.transform_lay.addWidget(skew_title_label) ## Form Layout form1_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.transform_lay.addLayout(form1_layout) form1_child_1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() form1_child_2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.skewx_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Angle X:")) self.skewx_label.setToolTip( _("Angle for Skew action, in degrees.\n" "Float number between -360 and 359.") ) self.skewx_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.skewx_entry = FCEntry() self.skewx_entry.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) # self.skewx_entry.setFixedWidth(60) self.skewx_button = FCButton() self.skewx_button.set_value(_("Skew X")) self.skewx_button.setToolTip( _("Skew/shear the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference is the middle of\n" "the bounding box for all selected shapes.")) self.skewx_button.setFixedWidth(60) self.skewy_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Angle Y:")) self.skewy_label.setToolTip( _("Angle for Skew action, in degrees.\n" "Float number between -360 and 359.") ) self.skewy_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.skewy_entry = FCEntry() self.skewy_entry.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) # self.skewy_entry.setFixedWidth(60) self.skewy_button = FCButton() self.skewy_button.set_value(_("Skew Y")) self.skewy_button.setToolTip( _("Skew/shear the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference is the middle of\n" "the bounding box for all selected shapes.")) self.skewy_button.setFixedWidth(60) form1_child_1.addWidget(self.skewx_entry) form1_child_1.addWidget(self.skewx_button) form1_child_2.addWidget(self.skewy_entry) form1_child_2.addWidget(self.skewy_button) form1_layout.addRow(self.skewx_label, form1_child_1) form1_layout.addRow(self.skewy_label, form1_child_2) self.transform_lay.addWidget(self.empty_label2) ## Scale Title scale_title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.scaleName) self.transform_lay.addWidget(scale_title_label) ## Form Layout form2_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.transform_lay.addLayout(form2_layout) form2_child_1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() form2_child_2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.scalex_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Factor X:")) self.scalex_label.setToolTip( _("Factor for Scale action over X axis.") ) self.scalex_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.scalex_entry = FCEntry() self.scalex_entry.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) # self.scalex_entry.setFixedWidth(60) self.scalex_button = FCButton() self.scalex_button.set_value(_("Scale X")) self.scalex_button.setToolTip( _("Scale the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference depends on \n" "the Scale reference checkbox state.")) self.scalex_button.setFixedWidth(60) self.scaley_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Factor Y:")) self.scaley_label.setToolTip( _("Factor for Scale action over Y axis.") ) self.scaley_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.scaley_entry = FCEntry() self.scaley_entry.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) # self.scaley_entry.setFixedWidth(60) self.scaley_button = FCButton() self.scaley_button.set_value(_("Scale Y")) self.scaley_button.setToolTip( _("Scale the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference depends on \n" "the Scale reference checkbox state.")) self.scaley_button.setFixedWidth(60) self.scale_link_cb = FCCheckBox() self.scale_link_cb.set_value(True) self.scale_link_cb.setText(_("Link")) self.scale_link_cb.setToolTip( _("Scale the selected shape(s)\n" "using the Scale Factor X for both axis.")) self.scale_link_cb.setFixedWidth(50) self.scale_zero_ref_cb = FCCheckBox() self.scale_zero_ref_cb.set_value(True) self.scale_zero_ref_cb.setText(_("Scale Reference")) self.scale_zero_ref_cb.setToolTip( _("Scale the selected shape(s)\n" "using the origin reference when checked,\n" "and the center of the biggest bounding box\n" "of the selected shapes when unchecked.")) form2_child_1.addWidget(self.scalex_entry) form2_child_1.addWidget(self.scalex_button) form2_child_2.addWidget(self.scaley_entry) form2_child_2.addWidget(self.scaley_button) form2_layout.addRow(self.scalex_label, form2_child_1) form2_layout.addRow(self.scaley_label, form2_child_2) form2_layout.addRow(self.scale_link_cb, self.scale_zero_ref_cb) self.ois_scale = OptionalInputSection(self.scale_link_cb, [self.scaley_entry, self.scaley_button], logic=False) self.transform_lay.addWidget(self.empty_label3) ## Offset Title offset_title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.offsetName) self.transform_lay.addWidget(offset_title_label) ## Form Layout form3_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() self.transform_lay.addLayout(form3_layout) form3_child_1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() form3_child_2 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.offx_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Value X:")) self.offx_label.setToolTip( _("Value for Offset action on X axis.") ) self.offx_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.offx_entry = FCEntry() self.offx_entry.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) # self.offx_entry.setFixedWidth(60) self.offx_button = FCButton() self.offx_button.set_value(_("Offset X")) self.offx_button.setToolTip( _("Offset the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference is the middle of\n" "the bounding box for all selected shapes.\n") ) self.offx_button.setFixedWidth(60) self.offy_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Value Y:")) self.offy_label.setToolTip( _("Value for Offset action on Y axis.") ) self.offy_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.offy_entry = FCEntry() self.offy_entry.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) # self.offy_entry.setFixedWidth(60) self.offy_button = FCButton() self.offy_button.set_value(_("Offset Y")) self.offy_button.setToolTip( _("Offset the selected shape(s).\n" "The point of reference is the middle of\n" "the bounding box for all selected shapes.\n") ) self.offy_button.setFixedWidth(60) form3_child_1.addWidget(self.offx_entry) form3_child_1.addWidget(self.offx_button) form3_child_2.addWidget(self.offy_entry) form3_child_2.addWidget(self.offy_button) form3_layout.addRow(self.offx_label, form3_child_1) form3_layout.addRow(self.offy_label, form3_child_2) self.transform_lay.addWidget(self.empty_label4) ## Flip Title flip_title_label = QtWidgets.QLabel("%s" % self.flipName) self.transform_lay.addWidget(flip_title_label) ## Form Layout form4_layout = QtWidgets.QFormLayout() form4_child_hlay = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.transform_lay.addLayout(form4_child_hlay) self.transform_lay.addLayout(form4_layout) form4_child_1 = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.flipx_button = FCButton() self.flipx_button.set_value(_("Flip on X")) self.flipx_button.setToolTip( _("Flip the selected shape(s) over the X axis.\n" "Does not create a new shape.") ) self.flipx_button.setFixedWidth(60) self.flipy_button = FCButton() self.flipy_button.set_value(_("Flip on Y")) self.flipy_button.setToolTip( _("Flip the selected shape(s) over the X axis.\n" "Does not create a new shape.") ) self.flipy_button.setFixedWidth(60) self.flip_ref_cb = FCCheckBox() self.flip_ref_cb.set_value(True) self.flip_ref_cb.setText(_("Ref Pt")) self.flip_ref_cb.setToolTip( _("Flip the selected shape(s)\n" "around the point in Point Entry Field.\n" "\n" "The point coordinates can be captured by\n" "left click on canvas together with pressing\n" "SHIFT key. \n" "Then click Add button to insert coordinates.\n" "Or enter the coords in format (x, y) in the\n" "Point Entry field and click Flip on X(Y)") ) self.flip_ref_cb.setFixedWidth(50) self.flip_ref_label = QtWidgets.QLabel(_("Point:")) self.flip_ref_label.setToolTip( _("Coordinates in format (x, y) used as reference for mirroring.\n" "The 'x' in (x, y) will be used when using Flip on X and\n" "the 'y' in (x, y) will be used when using Flip on Y.") ) self.flip_ref_label.setFixedWidth(50) self.flip_ref_entry = EvalEntry2("(0, 0)") self.flip_ref_entry.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight | QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) # self.flip_ref_entry.setFixedWidth(60) self.flip_ref_button = FCButton() self.flip_ref_button.set_value(_("Add")) self.flip_ref_button.setToolTip( _("The point coordinates can be captured by\n" "left click on canvas together with pressing\n" "SHIFT key. Then click Add button to insert.") ) self.flip_ref_button.setFixedWidth(60) form4_child_hlay.addStretch() form4_child_hlay.addWidget(self.flipx_button) form4_child_hlay.addWidget(self.flipy_button) form4_child_1.addWidget(self.flip_ref_entry) form4_child_1.addWidget(self.flip_ref_button) form4_layout.addRow(self.flip_ref_cb) form4_layout.addRow(self.flip_ref_label, form4_child_1) self.ois_flip = OptionalInputSection(self.flip_ref_cb, [self.flip_ref_entry, self.flip_ref_button], logic=True) self.transform_lay.addStretch() ## Signals self.rotate_button.clicked.connect(self.on_rotate) self.skewx_button.clicked.connect(self.on_skewx) self.skewy_button.clicked.connect(self.on_skewy) self.scalex_button.clicked.connect(self.on_scalex) self.scaley_button.clicked.connect(self.on_scaley) self.offx_button.clicked.connect(self.on_offx) self.offy_button.clicked.connect(self.on_offy) self.flipx_button.clicked.connect(self.on_flipx) self.flipy_button.clicked.connect(self.on_flipy) self.flip_ref_button.clicked.connect(self.on_flip_add_coords) self.rotate_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_rotate) self.skewx_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_skewx) self.skewy_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_skewy) self.scalex_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_scalex) self.scaley_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_scaley) self.offx_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_offx) self.offy_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_offy) self.set_tool_ui() def run(self):"Geo Editor Transform Tool()") self.set_tool_ui() # if the splitter us hidden, display it if[0] == 0:[1, 1]), _("Transform Tool")) def install(self, icon=None, separator=None, **kwargs): FlatCAMTool.install(self, icon, separator, shortcut='ALT+T', **kwargs) def set_tool_ui(self): ## Initialize form if["tools_transform_rotate"]: self.rotate_entry.set_value(["tools_transform_rotate"]) else: self.rotate_entry.set_value(0.0) if["tools_transform_skew_x"]: self.skewx_entry.set_value(["tools_transform_skew_x"]) else: self.skewx_entry.set_value(0.0) if["tools_transform_skew_y"]: self.skewy_entry.set_value(["tools_transform_skew_y"]) else: self.skewy_entry.set_value(0.0) if["tools_transform_scale_x"]: self.scalex_entry.set_value(["tools_transform_scale_x"]) else: self.scalex_entry.set_value(1.0) if["tools_transform_scale_y"]: self.scaley_entry.set_value(["tools_transform_scale_y"]) else: self.scaley_entry.set_value(1.0) if["tools_transform_scale_link"]: self.scale_link_cb.set_value(["tools_transform_scale_link"]) else: self.scale_link_cb.set_value(True) if["tools_transform_scale_reference"]: self.scale_zero_ref_cb.set_value(["tools_transform_scale_reference"]) else: self.scale_zero_ref_cb.set_value(True) if["tools_transform_offset_x"]: self.offx_entry.set_value(["tools_transform_offset_x"]) else: self.offx_entry.set_value(0.0) if["tools_transform_offset_y"]: self.offy_entry.set_value(["tools_transform_offset_y"]) else: self.offy_entry.set_value(0.0) if["tools_transform_mirror_reference"]: self.flip_ref_cb.set_value(["tools_transform_mirror_reference"]) else: self.flip_ref_cb.set_value(False) if["tools_transform_mirror_point"]: self.flip_ref_entry.set_value(["tools_transform_mirror_point"]) else: self.flip_ref_entry.set_value((0, 0)) def template(self): if not self.fcdraw.selected:"[WARNING_NOTCL] Transformation cancelled. No shape selected.")) return self.draw_app.select_tool("select"), "Tools")[0, 1]) def on_rotate(self, sig=None, val=None): if val: value = val else: try: value = float(self.rotate_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: value = float(self.rotate_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Wrong value format entered for Rotate, " "use a number.")) return{'fcn': self.on_rotate_action, 'params': [value]}) # self.on_rotate_action(value) return def on_flipx(self): # self.on_flip("Y") axis = 'Y'{'fcn': self.on_flip, 'params': [axis]}) return def on_flipy(self): # self.on_flip("X") axis = 'X'{'fcn': self.on_flip, 'params': [axis]}) return def on_flip_add_coords(self): val = self.flip_ref_entry.set_value(val) def on_skewx(self, sig=None, val=None): if val: value = val else: try: value = float(self.skewx_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: value = float(self.skewx_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Wrong value format entered for Skew X, " "use a number.")) return # self.on_skew("X", value) axis = 'X'{'fcn': self.on_skew, 'params': [axis, value]}) return def on_skewy(self, sig=None, val=None): if val: value = val else: try: value = float(self.skewy_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: value = float(self.skewy_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Wrong value format entered for Skew Y, " "use a number.")) return # self.on_skew("Y", value) axis = 'Y'{'fcn': self.on_skew, 'params': [axis, value]}) return def on_scalex(self, sig=None, val=None): if val: xvalue = val else: try: xvalue = float(self.scalex_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: xvalue = float(self.scalex_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Wrong value format entered for Scale X, " "use a number.")) return # scaling to zero has no sense so we remove it, because scaling with 1 does nothing if xvalue == 0: xvalue = 1 if self.scale_link_cb.get_value(): yvalue = xvalue else: yvalue = 1 axis = 'X' point = (0, 0) if self.scale_zero_ref_cb.get_value():{'fcn': self.on_scale, 'params': [axis, xvalue, yvalue, point]}) # self.on_scale("X", xvalue, yvalue, point=(0,0)) else: # self.on_scale("X", xvalue, yvalue){'fcn': self.on_scale, 'params': [axis, xvalue, yvalue]}) return def on_scaley(self, sig=None, val=None): xvalue = 1 if val: yvalue = val else: try: yvalue = float(self.scaley_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: yvalue = float(self.scaley_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Wrong value format entered for Scale Y, " "use a number.")) return # scaling to zero has no sense so we remove it, because scaling with 1 does nothing if yvalue == 0: yvalue = 1 axis = 'Y' point = (0, 0) if self.scale_zero_ref_cb.get_value():{'fcn': self.on_scale, 'params': [axis, xvalue, yvalue, point]}) # self.on_scale("Y", xvalue, yvalue, point=(0,0)) else: # self.on_scale("Y", xvalue, yvalue){'fcn': self.on_scale, 'params': [axis, xvalue, yvalue]}) return def on_offx(self, sig=None, val=None): if val: value = val else: try: value = float(self.offx_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: value = float(self.offx_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Wrong value format entered for Offset X, " "use a number.")) return # self.on_offset("X", value) axis = 'X'{'fcn': self.on_offset, 'params': [axis, value]}) return def on_offy(self, sig=None, val=None): if val: value = val else: try: value = float(self.offy_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: value = float(self.offy_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Wrong value format entered for Offset Y, " "use a number.")) return # self.on_offset("Y", value) axis = 'Y'{'fcn': self.on_offset, 'params': [axis, value]}) return def on_rotate_action(self, num): shape_list = self.draw_app.selected xminlist = [] yminlist = [] xmaxlist = [] ymaxlist = [] if not shape_list:"[WARNING_NOTCL] No shape selected. Please Select a shape to rotate!")) return else: with"Appying Rotate")): try: # first get a bounding box to fit all for sha in shape_list: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = sha.bounds() xminlist.append(xmin) yminlist.append(ymin) xmaxlist.append(xmax) ymaxlist.append(ymax) # get the minimum x,y and maximum x,y for all objects selected xminimal = min(xminlist) yminimal = min(yminlist) xmaximal = max(xmaxlist) ymaximal = max(ymaxlist) for sel_sha in shape_list: px = 0.5 * (xminimal + xmaximal) py = 0.5 * (yminimal + ymaximal) sel_sha.rotate(-num, point=(px, py)) self.draw_app.plot_all() # self.draw_app.add_shape(DrawToolShape(sel_sha.geo)) # self.draw_app.transform_complete.emit()"[success] Done. Rotate completed.")) except Exception as e:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Due of %s, rotation movement was not executed.") % str(e)) return def on_flip(self, axis): shape_list = self.draw_app.selected xminlist = [] yminlist = [] xmaxlist = [] ymaxlist = [] if not shape_list:"[WARNING_NOTCL] No shape selected. Please Select a shape to flip!")) return else: with"Applying Flip")): try: # get mirroring coords from the point entry if self.flip_ref_cb.isChecked(): px, py = eval('{}'.format(self.flip_ref_entry.text())) # get mirroing coords from the center of an all-enclosing bounding box else: # first get a bounding box to fit all for sha in shape_list: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = sha.bounds() xminlist.append(xmin) yminlist.append(ymin) xmaxlist.append(xmax) ymaxlist.append(ymax) # get the minimum x,y and maximum x,y for all objects selected xminimal = min(xminlist) yminimal = min(yminlist) xmaximal = max(xmaxlist) ymaximal = max(ymaxlist) px = 0.5 * (xminimal + xmaximal) py = 0.5 * (yminimal + ymaximal) # execute mirroring for sha in shape_list: if axis is 'X': sha.mirror('X', (px, py))'[success] Flip on the Y axis done ...')) elif axis is 'Y': sha.mirror('Y', (px, py))'[success] Flip on the X axis done ...')) self.draw_app.plot_all() # self.draw_app.add_shape(DrawToolShape(sha.geo)) # # self.draw_app.transform_complete.emit() except Exception as e:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Due of %s, Flip action was not executed.") % str(e)) return def on_skew(self, axis, num): shape_list = self.draw_app.selected xminlist = [] yminlist = [] if not shape_list:"[WARNING_NOTCL] No shape selected. Please Select a shape to shear/skew!")) return else: with"Applying Skew")): try: # first get a bounding box to fit all for sha in shape_list: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = sha.bounds() xminlist.append(xmin) yminlist.append(ymin) # get the minimum x,y and maximum x,y for all objects selected xminimal = min(xminlist) yminimal = min(yminlist) for sha in shape_list: if axis is 'X': sha.skew(num, 0, point=(xminimal, yminimal)) elif axis is 'Y': sha.skew(0, num, point=(xminimal, yminimal)) self.draw_app.plot_all() # self.draw_app.add_shape(DrawToolShape(sha.geo)) # # self.draw_app.transform_complete.emit()'[success] Skew on the %s axis done ...') % str(axis)) except Exception as e:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Due of %s, Skew action was not executed.") % str(e)) return def on_scale(self, axis, xfactor, yfactor, point=None): shape_list = self.draw_app.selected xminlist = [] yminlist = [] xmaxlist = [] ymaxlist = [] if not shape_list:"[WARNING_NOTCL] No shape selected. Please Select a shape to scale!")) return else: with"Applying Scale")): try: # first get a bounding box to fit all for sha in shape_list: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = sha.bounds() xminlist.append(xmin) yminlist.append(ymin) xmaxlist.append(xmax) ymaxlist.append(ymax) # get the minimum x,y and maximum x,y for all objects selected xminimal = min(xminlist) yminimal = min(yminlist) xmaximal = max(xmaxlist) ymaximal = max(ymaxlist) if point is None: px = 0.5 * (xminimal + xmaximal) py = 0.5 * (yminimal + ymaximal) else: px = 0 py = 0 for sha in shape_list: sha.scale(xfactor, yfactor, point=(px, py)) self.draw_app.plot_all() # self.draw_app.add_shape(DrawToolShape(sha.geo)) # # self.draw_app.transform_complete.emit()'[success] Scale on the %s axis done ...') % str(axis)) except Exception as e:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Due of %s, Scale action was not executed.") % str(e)) return def on_offset(self, axis, num): shape_list = self.draw_app.selected xminlist = [] yminlist = [] if not shape_list:"[WARNING_NOTCL] No shape selected. Please Select a shape to offset!")) return else: with"Applying Offset")): try: # first get a bounding box to fit all for sha in shape_list: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = sha.bounds() xminlist.append(xmin) yminlist.append(ymin) # get the minimum x,y and maximum x,y for all objects selected xminimal = min(xminlist) yminimal = min(yminlist) for sha in shape_list: if axis is 'X': sha.offset((num, 0)) elif axis is 'Y': sha.offset((0, num)) self.draw_app.plot_all() # self.draw_app.add_shape(DrawToolShape(sha.geo)) # # self.draw_app.transform_complete.emit()'[success] Offset on the %s axis done ...') % str(axis)) except Exception as e:"[ERROR_NOTCL] Due of %s, Offset action was not executed.") % str(e)) return def on_rotate_key(self): val_box = FCInputDialog(title=_("Rotate ..."), text=_('Enter an Angle Value (degrees):'), min=-359.9999, max=360.0000, decimals=4, init_val=float(['tools_transform_rotate'])) val_box.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon('share/rotate.png')) val, ok = val_box.get_value() if ok: self.on_rotate(val=val) _("[success] Geometry shape rotate done...") ) return else: _("[WARNING_NOTCL] Geometry shape rotate cancelled...") ) def on_offx_key(self): units = val_box = FCInputDialog(title=_("Offset on X axis ..."), text=(_('Enter a distance Value (%s):') % str(units)), min=-9999.9999, max=10000.0000, decimals=4, init_val=float(['tools_transform_offset_x'])) val_box.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon('share/offsetx32.png')) val, ok = val_box.get_value() if ok: self.on_offx(val=val) _("[success] Geometry shape offset on X axis done...")) return else: _("[WARNING_NOTCL] Geometry shape offset X cancelled...")) def on_offy_key(self): units = val_box = FCInputDialog(title=_("Offset on Y axis ..."), text=(_('Enter a distance Value (%s):') % str(units)), min=-9999.9999, max=10000.0000, decimals=4, init_val=float(['tools_transform_offset_y'])) val_box.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon('share/offsety32.png')) val, ok = val_box.get_value() if ok: self.on_offx(val=val) _("[success] Geometry shape offset on Y axis done...")) return else: _("[WARNING_NOTCL] Geometry shape offset Y cancelled...")) def on_skewx_key(self): val_box = FCInputDialog(title=_("Skew on X axis ..."), text=_('Enter an Angle Value (degrees):'), min=-359.9999, max=360.0000, decimals=4, init_val=float(['tools_transform_skew_x'])) val_box.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon('share/skewX.png')) val, ok = val_box.get_value() if ok: self.on_skewx(val=val) _("[success] Geometry shape skew on X axis done...")) return else: _("[WARNING_NOTCL] Geometry shape skew X cancelled...")) def on_skewy_key(self): val_box = FCInputDialog(title=_("Skew on Y axis ..."), text=_('Enter an Angle Value (degrees):'), min=-359.9999, max=360.0000, decimals=4, init_val=float(['tools_transform_skew_y'])) val_box.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon('share/skewY.png')) val, ok = val_box.get_value() if ok: self.on_skewx(val=val) _("[success] Geometry shape skew on Y axis done...")) return else: _("[WARNING_NOTCL] Geometry shape skew Y cancelled..."))