# ########################################################## # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # http://flatcam.org # # Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) # # Date: 2/5/2014 # # MIT Licence # # ########################################################## # ########################################################## # File modified by: Marius Stanciu # # ########################################################## from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon, MultiLineString, LineString, LinearRing import shapely.affinity as affinity from camlib import Geometry from appObjects.FlatCAMObj import * import ezdxf import math import numpy as np from copy import deepcopy import traceback from collections import defaultdict from functools import reduce import gettext import appTranslation as fcTranslate import builtins fcTranslate.apply_language('strings') if '_' not in builtins.__dict__: _ = gettext.gettext class GeometryObject(FlatCAMObj, Geometry): """ Geometric object not associated with a specific format. """ optionChanged = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str) builduiSig = QtCore.pyqtSignal() ui_type = GeometryObjectUI def __init__(self, name): self.decimals = self.app.decimals self.circle_steps = int(self.app.defaults["geometry_circle_steps"]) FlatCAMObj.__init__(self, name) Geometry.__init__(self, geo_steps_per_circle=self.circle_steps) self.kind = "geometry" self.options.update({ "plot": True, "multicolored": False, "cutz": -0.002, "vtipdia": 0.1, "vtipangle": 30, "travelz": 0.1, "feedrate": 5.0, "feedrate_z": 5.0, "feedrate_rapid": 5.0, "spindlespeed": 0, "dwell": True, "dwelltime": 1000, "multidepth": False, "depthperpass": 0.002, "extracut": False, "extracut_length": 0.1, "endz": 2.0, "endxy": '', "area_exclusion": False, "area_shape": "polygon", "area_strategy": "over", "area_overz": 1.0, "startz": None, "toolchange": False, "toolchangez": 1.0, "toolchangexy": "0.0, 0.0", "ppname_g": 'default', "z_pdepth": -0.02, "feedrate_probe": 3.0, }) if "cnctooldia" not in self.options: if type(self.app.defaults["geometry_cnctooldia"]) == float: self.options["cnctooldia"] = self.app.defaults["geometry_cnctooldia"] else: try: tools_string = self.app.defaults["geometry_cnctooldia"].split(",") tools_diameters = [eval(a) for a in tools_string if a != ''] self.options["cnctooldia"] = tools_diameters[0] if tools_diameters else 0.0 except Exception as e: log.debug("FlatCAMObj.GeometryObject.init() --> %s" % str(e)) self.options["startz"] = self.app.defaults["geometry_startz"] # this will hold the tool unique ID that is useful when having multiple tools with same diameter self.tooluid = 0 ''' self.tools = {} This is a dictionary. Each dict key is associated with a tool used in geo_tools_table. The key is the tool_id of the tools and the value is another dict that will hold the data under the following form: {tooluid: { 'tooldia': 1, 'offset': 'Path', 'offset_value': 0.0 'type': 'Rough', 'tool_type': 'C1', 'data': self.default_tool_data 'solid_geometry': [] } } ''' self.tools = {} # this dict is to store those elements (tools) of self.tools that are selected in the self.geo_tools_table # those elements are the ones used for generating GCode self.sel_tools = {} self.offset_item_options = ["Path", "In", "Out", "Custom"] self.type_item_options = [_("Iso"), _("Rough"), _("Finish")] self.tool_type_item_options = ["C1", "C2", "C3", "C4", "B", "V"] # flag to store if the V-Shape tool is selected in self.ui.geo_tools_table self.v_tool_type = None # flag to store if the Geometry is type 'multi-geometry' meaning that each tool has it's own geometry # the default value is False self.multigeo = False # flag to store if the geometry is part of a special group of geometries that can't be processed by the default # engine of FlatCAM. Most likely are generated by some of tools and are special cases of geometries. self.special_group = None self.old_pp_state = self.app.defaults["geometry_multidepth"] self.old_toolchangeg_state = self.app.defaults["geometry_toolchange"] self.units_found = self.app.defaults['units'] # this variable can be updated by the Object that generates the geometry self.tool_type = 'C1' # save here the old value for the Cut Z before it is changed by selecting a V-shape type tool in the tool table self.old_cutz = self.app.defaults["geometry_cutz"] self.fill_color = self.app.defaults['geometry_plot_line'] self.outline_color = self.app.defaults['geometry_plot_line'] self.alpha_level = 'FF' self.param_fields = {} # store here the state of the exclusion checkbox state to be restored after building the UI self.exclusion_area_cb_is_checked = self.app.defaults["geometry_area_exclusion"] # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from predecessors. self.ser_attrs += ['options', 'kind', 'tools', 'multigeo'] def build_ui(self): self.ui_disconnect() FlatCAMObj.build_ui(self) # Area Exception - exclusion shape added signal # first disconnect it from any other object try: self.app.exc_areas.e_shape_modified.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass # then connect it to the current build_ui() method self.app.exc_areas.e_shape_modified.connect(self.update_exclusion_table) self.units = self.app.defaults['units'] row_idx = 0 n = len(self.tools) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setRowCount(n) for tooluid_key, tooluid_value in self.tools.items(): # -------------------- ID ------------------------------------------ # tool_id = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % int(row_idx + 1)) tool_id.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setItem(row_idx, 0, tool_id) # Tool name/id # Make sure that the tool diameter when in MM is with no more than 2 decimals. # There are no tool bits in MM with more than 3 decimals diameter. # For INCH the decimals should be no more than 3. There are no tools under 10mils. # -------------------- DIAMETER ------------------------------------- # dia_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(tooluid_value['tooldia']))) dia_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setItem(row_idx, 1, dia_item) # Diameter # -------------------- OFFSET ------------------------------------- # offset_item = FCComboBox() for item in self.offset_item_options: offset_item.addItem(item) idx = offset_item.findText(tooluid_value['offset']) offset_item.setCurrentIndex(idx) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setCellWidget(row_idx, 2, offset_item) # -------------------- TYPE ------------------------------------- # type_item = FCComboBox() for item in self.type_item_options: type_item.addItem(item) idx = type_item.findText(tooluid_value['type']) type_item.setCurrentIndex(idx) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setCellWidget(row_idx, 3, type_item) # -------------------- TOOL TYPE ------------------------------------- # tool_type_item = FCComboBox() for item in self.tool_type_item_options: tool_type_item.addItem(item) idx = tool_type_item.findText(tooluid_value['tool_type']) tool_type_item.setCurrentIndex(idx) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setCellWidget(row_idx, 4, tool_type_item) # -------------------- TOOL UID ------------------------------------- # tool_uid_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(str(tooluid_key)) # ## REMEMBER: THIS COLUMN IS HIDDEN IN OBJECTUI.PY ### self.ui.geo_tools_table.setItem(row_idx, 5, tool_uid_item) # Tool unique ID # -------------------- PLOT ------------------------------------- # plot_item = FCCheckBox() plot_item.setLayoutDirection(QtCore.Qt.RightToLeft) if self.ui.plot_cb.isChecked(): plot_item.setChecked(True) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setCellWidget(row_idx, 6, plot_item) # set an initial value for the OFFSET ENTRY try: self.ui.tool_offset_entry.set_value(tooluid_value['offset_value']) except Exception as e: log.debug("build_ui() --> Could not set the 'offset_value' key in self.tools. Error: %s" % str(e)) row_idx += 1 # make the diameter column editable for row in range(row_idx): self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(row, 1).setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) # sort the tool diameter column # self.ui.geo_tools_table.sortItems(1) # all the tools are selected by default # self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectColumn(0) self.ui.geo_tools_table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.ui.geo_tools_table.resizeRowsToContents() vertical_header = self.ui.geo_tools_table.verticalHeader() # vertical_header.setSectionResizeMode(QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) vertical_header.hide() self.ui.geo_tools_table.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) horizontal_header = self.ui.geo_tools_table.horizontalHeader() horizontal_header.setMinimumSectionSize(10) horizontal_header.setDefaultSectionSize(70) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) horizontal_header.resizeSection(0, 20) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) # horizontal_header.setColumnWidth(2, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(3, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(4, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) horizontal_header.resizeSection(4, 40) horizontal_header.setSectionResizeMode(6, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) horizontal_header.resizeSection(4, 17) # horizontal_header.setStretchLastSection(True) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setColumnWidth(0, 20) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setColumnWidth(4, 40) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setColumnWidth(6, 17) # self.ui.geo_tools_table.setSortingEnabled(True) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setMinimumHeight(self.ui.geo_tools_table.getHeight()) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setMaximumHeight(self.ui.geo_tools_table.getHeight()) # update UI for all rows - useful after units conversion but only if there is at least one row row_cnt = self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount() if row_cnt > 0: for r in range(row_cnt): self.update_ui(r) # select only the first tool / row selected_row = 0 try: self.select_tools_table_row(selected_row, clearsel=True) # update the Geometry UI self.update_ui() except Exception as e: # when the tools table is empty there will be this error but once the table is populated it will go away log.debug(str(e)) # disable the Plot column in Tool Table if the geometry is SingleGeo as it is not needed # and can create some problems if self.multigeo is False: self.ui.geo_tools_table.setColumnHidden(6, True) else: self.ui.geo_tools_table.setColumnHidden(6, False) self.set_tool_offset_visibility(selected_row) # ----------------------------- # Build Exclusion Areas section # ----------------------------- e_len = len(self.app.exc_areas.exclusion_areas_storage) self.ui.exclusion_table.setRowCount(e_len) area_id = 0 for area in range(e_len): area_id += 1 area_dict = self.app.exc_areas.exclusion_areas_storage[area] area_id_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%d' % int(area_id)) area_id_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.ui.exclusion_table.setItem(area, 0, area_id_item) # Area id object_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%s' % area_dict["obj_type"]) object_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.ui.exclusion_table.setItem(area, 1, object_item) # Origin Object strategy_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%s' % area_dict["strategy"]) strategy_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.ui.exclusion_table.setItem(area, 2, strategy_item) # Strategy overz_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem('%s' % area_dict["overz"]) overz_item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable | QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.ui.exclusion_table.setItem(area, 3, overz_item) # Over Z self.ui.exclusion_table.resizeColumnsToContents() self.ui.exclusion_table.resizeRowsToContents() area_vheader = self.ui.exclusion_table.verticalHeader() area_vheader.hide() self.ui.exclusion_table.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) area_hheader = self.ui.exclusion_table.horizontalHeader() area_hheader.setMinimumSectionSize(10) area_hheader.setDefaultSectionSize(70) area_hheader.setSectionResizeMode(0, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Fixed) area_hheader.resizeSection(0, 20) area_hheader.setSectionResizeMode(1, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.Stretch) area_hheader.setSectionResizeMode(2, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) area_hheader.setSectionResizeMode(3, QtWidgets.QHeaderView.ResizeToContents) # area_hheader.setStretchLastSection(True) self.ui.exclusion_table.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.ui.exclusion_table.setColumnWidth(0, 20) self.ui.exclusion_table.setMinimumHeight(self.ui.exclusion_table.getHeight()) self.ui.exclusion_table.setMaximumHeight(self.ui.exclusion_table.getHeight()) # End Build Exclusion Areas # ----------------------------- # HACK: for whatever reasons the name in Selected tab is reverted to the original one after a successful rename # done in the collection view but only for Geometry objects. Perhaps some references remains. Should be fixed. self.ui.name_entry.set_value(self.options['name']) self.ui_connect() self.ui.e_cut_entry.setDisabled(False) if self.ui.extracut_cb.get_value() else \ self.ui.e_cut_entry.setDisabled(True) # set the text on tool_data_label after loading the object sel_rows = [] sel_items = self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectedItems() for it in sel_items: new_row = it.row() if new_row not in sel_rows: sel_rows.append(new_row) if len(sel_rows) > 1: self.ui.tool_data_label.setText( "%s: %s" % (_('Parameters for'), _("Multiple Tools")) ) def set_ui(self, ui): FlatCAMObj.set_ui(self, ui) log.debug("GeometryObject.set_ui()") assert isinstance(self.ui, GeometryObjectUI), \ "Expected a GeometryObjectUI, got %s" % type(self.ui) self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() self.units_found = self.app.defaults['units'] # make sure the preprocessor combobox is clear self.ui.pp_geometry_name_cb.clear() # populate preprocessor names in the combobox for name in list(self.app.preprocessors.keys()): self.ui.pp_geometry_name_cb.addItem(name) # add tooltips for it in range(self.ui.pp_geometry_name_cb.count()): self.ui.pp_geometry_name_cb.setItemData( it, self.ui.pp_geometry_name_cb.itemText(it), QtCore.Qt.ToolTipRole) self.form_fields.update({ "plot": self.ui.plot_cb, "multicolored": self.ui.multicolored_cb, "cutz": self.ui.cutz_entry, "vtipdia": self.ui.tipdia_entry, "vtipangle": self.ui.tipangle_entry, "travelz": self.ui.travelz_entry, "feedrate": self.ui.cncfeedrate_entry, "feedrate_z": self.ui.feedrate_z_entry, "feedrate_rapid": self.ui.feedrate_rapid_entry, "spindlespeed": self.ui.cncspindlespeed_entry, "dwell": self.ui.dwell_cb, "dwelltime": self.ui.dwelltime_entry, "multidepth": self.ui.mpass_cb, "ppname_g": self.ui.pp_geometry_name_cb, "z_pdepth": self.ui.pdepth_entry, "feedrate_probe": self.ui.feedrate_probe_entry, "depthperpass": self.ui.maxdepth_entry, "extracut": self.ui.extracut_cb, "extracut_length": self.ui.e_cut_entry, "toolchange": self.ui.toolchangeg_cb, "toolchangez": self.ui.toolchangez_entry, "endz": self.ui.endz_entry, "endxy": self.ui.endxy_entry, "cnctooldia": self.ui.addtool_entry, "area_exclusion": self.ui.exclusion_cb, "area_shape": self.ui.area_shape_radio, "area_strategy": self.ui.strategy_radio, "area_overz": self.ui.over_z_entry, }) self.param_fields.update({ "vtipdia": self.ui.tipdia_entry, "vtipangle": self.ui.tipangle_entry, "cutz": self.ui.cutz_entry, "depthperpass": self.ui.maxdepth_entry, "multidepth": self.ui.mpass_cb, "travelz": self.ui.travelz_entry, "feedrate": self.ui.cncfeedrate_entry, "feedrate_z": self.ui.feedrate_z_entry, "feedrate_rapid": self.ui.feedrate_rapid_entry, "extracut": self.ui.extracut_cb, "extracut_length": self.ui.e_cut_entry, "spindlespeed": self.ui.cncspindlespeed_entry, "dwelltime": self.ui.dwelltime_entry, "dwell": self.ui.dwell_cb, "pdepth": self.ui.pdepth_entry, "pfeedrate": self.ui.feedrate_probe_entry, }) # Fill form fields only on object create self.to_form() # update the changes in UI depending on the selected preprocessor in Preferences # after this moment all the changes in the Posprocessor combo will be handled by the activated signal of the # self.ui.pp_geometry_name_cb combobox self.on_pp_changed() self.ui.tipdialabel.hide() self.ui.tipdia_entry.hide() self.ui.tipanglelabel.hide() self.ui.tipangle_entry.hide() self.ui.cutz_entry.setDisabled(False) # store here the default data for Geometry Data self.default_data = {} self.default_data.update({ "name": None, "plot": None, "cutz": None, "vtipdia": None, "vtipangle": None, "travelz": None, "feedrate": None, "feedrate_z": None, "feedrate_rapid": None, "dwell": None, "dwelltime": None, "multidepth": None, "ppname_g": None, "depthperpass": None, "extracut": None, "extracut_length": None, "toolchange": None, "toolchangez": None, "endz": None, "endxy": '', "area_exclusion": None, "area_shape": None, "area_strategy": None, "area_overz": None, "spindlespeed": 0, "toolchangexy": None, "startz": None }) # fill in self.default_data values from self.options for def_key in self.default_data: for opt_key, opt_val in self.options.items(): if def_key == opt_key: self.default_data[def_key] = deepcopy(opt_val) if type(self.options["cnctooldia"]) == float: tools_list = [self.options["cnctooldia"]] else: try: temp_tools = self.options["cnctooldia"].split(",") tools_list = [ float(eval(dia)) for dia in temp_tools if dia != '' ] except Exception as e: log.error("GeometryObject.set_ui() -> At least one tool diameter needed. " "Verify in Edit -> Preferences -> Geometry General -> Tool dia. %s" % str(e)) return self.tooluid += 1 if not self.tools: for toold in tools_list: new_data = deepcopy(self.default_data) self.tools.update({ self.tooluid: { 'tooldia': float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(toold))), 'offset': 'Path', 'offset_value': 0.0, 'type': _('Rough'), 'tool_type': self.tool_type, 'data': new_data, 'solid_geometry': self.solid_geometry } }) self.tooluid += 1 else: # if self.tools is not empty then it can safely be assumed that it comes from an opened project. # Because of the serialization the self.tools list on project save, the dict keys (members of self.tools # are each a dict) are turned into strings so we rebuild the self.tools elements so the keys are # again float type; dict's don't like having keys changed when iterated through therefore the need for the # following convoluted way of changing the keys from string to float type temp_tools = {} for tooluid_key in self.tools: val = deepcopy(self.tools[tooluid_key]) new_key = deepcopy(int(tooluid_key)) temp_tools[new_key] = val self.tools.clear() self.tools = deepcopy(temp_tools) self.ui.tool_offset_entry.hide() self.ui.tool_offset_lbl.hide() # used to store the state of the mpass_cb if the selected preprocessor for geometry is hpgl self.old_pp_state = self.default_data['multidepth'] self.old_toolchangeg_state = self.default_data['toolchange'] if not isinstance(self.ui, GeometryObjectUI): log.debug("Expected a GeometryObjectUI, got %s" % type(self.ui)) return self.ui.geo_tools_table.setupContextMenu() self.ui.geo_tools_table.addContextMenu( _("Add from Tool DB"), self.on_tool_add_from_db_clicked, icon=QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + "/plus16.png")) self.ui.geo_tools_table.addContextMenu( _("Copy"), self.on_tool_copy, icon=QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + "/copy16.png")) self.ui.geo_tools_table.addContextMenu( _("Delete"), lambda: self.on_tool_delete(all_tools=None), icon=QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + "/delete32.png")) # Show/Hide Advanced Options if self.app.defaults["global_app_level"] == 'b': self.ui.level.setText('%s' % _('Basic')) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setColumnHidden(2, True) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setColumnHidden(3, True) # self.ui.geo_tools_table.setColumnHidden(4, True) self.ui.addtool_entry_lbl.hide() self.ui.addtool_entry.hide() self.ui.addtool_btn.hide() self.ui.copytool_btn.hide() self.ui.deltool_btn.hide() # self.ui.endz_label.hide() # self.ui.endz_entry.hide() self.ui.fr_rapidlabel.hide() self.ui.feedrate_rapid_entry.hide() self.ui.extracut_cb.hide() self.ui.e_cut_entry.hide() self.ui.pdepth_label.hide() self.ui.pdepth_entry.hide() self.ui.feedrate_probe_label.hide() self.ui.feedrate_probe_entry.hide() else: self.ui.level.setText('%s' % _('Advanced')) self.builduiSig.connect(self.build_ui) self.ui.e_cut_entry.setDisabled(False) if self.app.defaults['geometry_extracut'] else \ self.ui.e_cut_entry.setDisabled(True) self.ui.extracut_cb.toggled.connect(lambda state: self.ui.e_cut_entry.setDisabled(not state)) self.ui.plot_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_plot_cb_click) self.ui.multicolored_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_multicolored_cb_click) self.ui.generate_cnc_button.clicked.connect(self.on_generatecnc_button_click) self.ui.paint_tool_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.app.paint_tool.run(toggle=False)) self.ui.generate_ncc_button.clicked.connect(lambda: self.app.ncclear_tool.run(toggle=False)) self.ui.pp_geometry_name_cb.activated.connect(self.on_pp_changed) self.ui.tipdia_entry.valueChanged.connect(self.update_cutz) self.ui.tipangle_entry.valueChanged.connect(self.update_cutz) self.ui.addtool_from_db_btn.clicked.connect(self.on_tool_add_from_db_clicked) self.ui.apply_param_to_all.clicked.connect(self.on_apply_param_to_all_clicked) self.ui.cutz_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_cut_z_changed) # Exclusion areas signals self.ui.exclusion_table.horizontalHeader().sectionClicked.connect(self.exclusion_table_toggle_all) self.ui.exclusion_table.lost_focus.connect(self.clear_selection) self.ui.exclusion_table.itemClicked.connect(self.draw_sel_shape) self.ui.add_area_button.clicked.connect(self.on_add_area_click) self.ui.delete_area_button.clicked.connect(self.on_clear_area_click) self.ui.delete_sel_area_button.clicked.connect(self.on_delete_sel_areas) self.ui.strategy_radio.activated_custom.connect(self.on_strategy) self.ui.geo_tools_table.drag_drop_sig.connect(self.rebuild_ui) def rebuild_ui(self): # read the table tools uid current_uid_list = [] for row in range(self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount()): uid = int(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(row, 5).text()) current_uid_list.append(uid) new_tools = {} new_uid = 1 for current_uid in current_uid_list: new_tools[new_uid] = deepcopy(self.tools[current_uid]) new_uid += 1 self.tools = new_tools # the tools table changed therefore we need to reconnect the signals to the cellWidgets self.ui_disconnect() self.ui_connect() def on_cut_z_changed(self): self.old_cutz = self.ui.cutz_entry.get_value() def set_tool_offset_visibility(self, current_row): if current_row is None: return try: tool_offset = self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(current_row, 2) if tool_offset is not None: tool_offset_txt = tool_offset.currentText() if tool_offset_txt == 'Custom': self.ui.tool_offset_entry.show() self.ui.tool_offset_lbl.show() else: self.ui.tool_offset_entry.hide() self.ui.tool_offset_lbl.hide() except Exception as e: log.debug("set_tool_offset_visibility() --> " + str(e)) return def on_offset_value_edited(self): """ This will save the offset_value into self.tools storage whenever the offset value is edited :return: """ for current_row in self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectedItems(): # sometime the header get selected and it has row number -1 # we don't want to do anything with the header :) if current_row.row() < 0: continue tool_uid = int(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(current_row.row(), 5).text()) self.set_tool_offset_visibility(current_row.row()) for tooluid_key, tooluid_value in self.tools.items(): if int(tooluid_key) == tool_uid: try: tooluid_value['offset_value'] = float(self.ui.tool_offset_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: tooluid_value['offset_value'] = float( self.ui.tool_offset_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.') ) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Wrong value format entered, use a number.")) return def ui_connect(self): # on any change to the widgets that matter it will be called self.gui_form_to_storage which will save the # changes in geometry UI for i in self.param_fields: current_widget = self.param_fields[i] if isinstance(current_widget, FCCheckBox): current_widget.stateChanged.connect(self.gui_form_to_storage) elif isinstance(current_widget, FCComboBox): current_widget.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.gui_form_to_storage) elif isinstance(current_widget, FloatEntry) or isinstance(current_widget, LengthEntry) or \ isinstance(current_widget, FCEntry) or isinstance(current_widget, IntEntry): current_widget.editingFinished.connect(self.gui_form_to_storage) elif isinstance(current_widget, FCSpinner) or isinstance(current_widget, FCDoubleSpinner): current_widget.returnPressed.connect(self.gui_form_to_storage) for row in range(self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount()): for col in [2, 3, 4]: self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(row, col).currentIndexChanged.connect( self.on_tooltable_cellwidget_change) # I use lambda's because the connected functions have parameters that could be used in certain scenarios self.ui.addtool_btn.clicked.connect(lambda: self.on_tool_add()) self.ui.copytool_btn.clicked.connect(lambda: self.on_tool_copy()) self.ui.deltool_btn.clicked.connect(lambda: self.on_tool_delete()) self.ui.geo_tools_table.clicked.connect(self.on_row_selection_change) self.ui.geo_tools_table.horizontalHeader().sectionClicked.connect(self.on_toggle_all_rows) self.ui.geo_tools_table.itemChanged.connect(self.on_tool_edit) self.ui.tool_offset_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_offset_value_edited) for row in range(self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount()): self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 6).clicked.connect(self.on_plot_cb_click_table) self.ui.plot_cb.stateChanged.connect(self.on_plot_cb_click) # common parameters update self.ui.pp_geometry_name_cb.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.update_common_param_in_storage) def ui_disconnect(self): # on any change to the widgets that matter it will be called self.gui_form_to_storage which will save the # changes in geometry UI for i in self.param_fields: # current_widget = self.ui.grid3.itemAt(i).widget() current_widget = self.param_fields[i] if isinstance(current_widget, FCCheckBox): try: current_widget.stateChanged.disconnect(self.gui_form_to_storage) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass elif isinstance(current_widget, FCComboBox): try: current_widget.currentIndexChanged.disconnect(self.gui_form_to_storage) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass elif isinstance(current_widget, LengthEntry) or isinstance(current_widget, IntEntry) or \ isinstance(current_widget, FCEntry) or isinstance(current_widget, FloatEntry): try: current_widget.editingFinished.disconnect(self.gui_form_to_storage) except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass elif isinstance(current_widget, FCSpinner) or isinstance(current_widget, FCDoubleSpinner): try: current_widget.returnPressed.disconnect(self.gui_form_to_storage) except TypeError: pass for row in range(self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount()): for col in [2, 3, 4]: try: self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(row, col).currentIndexChanged.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.ui.addtool_btn.clicked.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.ui.copytool_btn.clicked.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.ui.deltool_btn.clicked.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.ui.geo_tools_table.clicked.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.ui.geo_tools_table.horizontalHeader().sectionClicked.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.ui.geo_tools_table.itemChanged.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.ui.tool_offset_entry.returnPressed.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass for row in range(self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount()): try: self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 6).clicked.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass try: self.ui.plot_cb.stateChanged.disconnect() except (TypeError, AttributeError): pass def on_toggle_all_rows(self): """ will toggle the selection of all rows in Tools table :return: """ sel_model = self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectionModel() sel_indexes = sel_model.selectedIndexes() # it will iterate over all indexes which means all items in all columns too but I'm interested only on rows sel_rows = set() for idx in sel_indexes: sel_rows.add(idx.row()) if len(sel_rows) == self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount(): self.ui.geo_tools_table.clearSelection() else: self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectAll() self.update_ui() def on_row_selection_change(self): self.update_ui() def update_ui(self, row=None): self.ui_disconnect() if row is None: sel_rows = [] sel_items = self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectedItems() for it in sel_items: new_row = it.row() if new_row not in sel_rows: sel_rows.append(new_row) else: sel_rows = row if type(row) == list else [row] if not sel_rows: # sel_rows = [0] self.ui.generate_cnc_button.setDisabled(True) self.ui.tool_data_label.setText( "%s: %s" % (_('Parameters for'), _("No Tool Selected")) ) self.ui_connect() return else: self.ui.generate_cnc_button.setDisabled(False) # update the QLabel that shows for which Tool we have the parameters in the UI form if len(sel_rows) == 1: current_row = sel_rows[0] # populate the form with the data from the tool associated with the row parameter try: item = self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(current_row, 5) if type(item) is not None: tooluid = int(item.text()) else: self.ui_connect() return except Exception as e: log.debug("Tool missing. Add a tool in Geo Tool Table. %s" % str(e)) self.ui_connect() return self.ui.tool_data_label.setText( "%s: %s %d" % (_('Parameters for'), _("Tool"), tooluid) ) else: self.ui.tool_data_label.setText( "%s: %s" % (_('Parameters for'), _("Multiple Tools")) ) for current_row in sel_rows: self.set_tool_offset_visibility(current_row) # populate the form with the data from the tool associated with the row parameter try: item = self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(current_row, 5) if type(item) is not None: tooluid = int(item.text()) else: self.ui_connect() return except Exception as e: log.debug("Tool missing. Add a tool in Geo Tool Table. %s" % str(e)) self.ui_connect() return # update the form with the V-Shape fields if V-Shape selected in the geo_tool_table # also modify the Cut Z form entry to reflect the calculated Cut Z from values got from V-Shape Fields try: item = self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(current_row, 4) if item is not None: tool_type_txt = item.currentText() self.ui_update_v_shape(tool_type_txt=tool_type_txt) else: self.ui_connect() return except Exception as e: log.debug("Tool missing in ui_update_v_shape(). Add a tool in Geo Tool Table. %s" % str(e)) return try: # set the form with data from the newly selected tool for tooluid_key, tooluid_value in list(self.tools.items()): if int(tooluid_key) == tooluid: for key, value in list(tooluid_value.items()): if key == 'data': form_value_storage = tooluid_value['data'] self.update_form(form_value_storage) if key == 'offset_value': # update the offset value in the entry even if the entry is hidden self.ui.tool_offset_entry.set_value(tooluid_value['offset_value']) if key == 'tool_type' and value == 'V': self.update_cutz() except Exception as e: log.debug("GeometryObject.update_ui() -> %s " % str(e)) self.ui_connect() def on_tool_add(self, dia=None, new_geo=None): self.ui_disconnect() self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() tooldia = dia if dia is not None else float(self.ui.addtool_entry.get_value()) tool_uid_list = [int(tooluid_key) for tooluid_key in self.tools] # find maximum from the temp_uid, add 1 and this is the new 'tooluid' max_uid = max(tool_uid_list) if tool_uid_list else 0 self.tooluid = max_uid + 1 tooldia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, tooldia)) # here we actually add the new tool; if there is no tool in the tool table we add a tool with default data # otherwise we add a tool with data copied from last tool if self.tools: last_data = self.tools[max_uid]['data'] last_offset = self.tools[max_uid]['offset'] last_offset_value = self.tools[max_uid]['offset_value'] last_type = self.tools[max_uid]['type'] last_tool_type = self.tools[max_uid]['tool_type'] last_solid_geometry = self.tools[max_uid]['solid_geometry'] if new_geo is None else new_geo # if previous geometry was empty (it may happen for the first tool added) # then copy the object.solid_geometry if not last_solid_geometry: last_solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry self.tools.update({ self.tooluid: { 'tooldia': tooldia, 'offset': last_offset, 'offset_value': last_offset_value, 'type': last_type, 'tool_type': last_tool_type, 'data': deepcopy(last_data), 'solid_geometry': deepcopy(last_solid_geometry) } }) else: self.tools.update({ self.tooluid: { 'tooldia': tooldia, 'offset': 'Path', 'offset_value': 0.0, 'type': _('Rough'), 'tool_type': 'C1', 'data': deepcopy(self.default_data), 'solid_geometry': self.solid_geometry } }) self.tools[self.tooluid]['data']['name'] = self.options['name'] self.ui.tool_offset_entry.hide() self.ui.tool_offset_lbl.hide() # we do this HACK to make sure the tools attribute to be serialized is updated in the self.ser_attrs list try: self.ser_attrs.remove('tools') except TypeError: pass self.ser_attrs.append('tools') self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Tool added in Tool Table.")) self.ui_connect() self.build_ui() # if there is at least one tool left in the Tools Table, enable the parameters GUI if self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount() != 0: self.ui.geo_param_frame.setDisabled(False) def on_tool_add_from_db_clicked(self): """ Called when the user wants to add a new tool from Tools Database. It will create the Tools Database object and display the Tools Database tab in the form needed for the Tool adding :return: None """ # if the Tools Database is already opened focus on it for idx in range(self.app.ui.plot_tab_area.count()): if self.app.ui.plot_tab_area.tabText(idx) == _("Tools Database"): self.app.ui.plot_tab_area.setCurrentWidget(self.app.tools_db_tab) break self.app.on_tools_database() self.app.tools_db_tab.ok_to_add = True self.app.tools_db_tab.ui.buttons_frame.hide() self.app.tools_db_tab.ui.add_tool_from_db.show() self.app.tools_db_tab.ui.cancel_tool_from_db.show() def on_tool_from_db_inserted(self, tool): """ Called from the Tools DB object through a App method when adding a tool from Tools Database :param tool: a dict with the tool data :return: None """ self.ui_disconnect() self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper() tooldia = float(tool['tooldia']) # construct a list of all 'tooluid' in the self.tools tool_uid_list = [] for tooluid_key in self.tools: tool_uid_item = int(tooluid_key) tool_uid_list.append(tool_uid_item) # find maximum from the temp_uid, add 1 and this is the new 'tooluid' if not tool_uid_list: max_uid = 0 else: max_uid = max(tool_uid_list) self.tooluid = max_uid + 1 tooldia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, tooldia)) self.tools.update({ self.tooluid: { 'tooldia': tooldia, 'offset': tool['offset'], 'offset_value': float(tool['offset_value']), 'type': tool['type'], 'tool_type': tool['tool_type'], 'data': deepcopy(tool['data']), 'solid_geometry': self.solid_geometry } }) self.tools[self.tooluid]['data']['name'] = self.options['name'] self.ui.tool_offset_entry.hide() self.ui.tool_offset_lbl.hide() # we do this HACK to make sure the tools attribute to be serialized is updated in the self.ser_attrs list try: self.ser_attrs.remove('tools') except TypeError: pass self.ser_attrs.append('tools') self.ui_connect() self.build_ui() # if there is no tool left in the Tools Table, enable the parameters appGUI if self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount() != 0: self.ui.geo_param_frame.setDisabled(False) def on_tool_copy(self, all_tools=None): self.ui_disconnect() # find the tool_uid maximum value in the self.tools uid_list = [] for key in self.tools: uid_list.append(int(key)) try: max_uid = max(uid_list, key=int) except ValueError: max_uid = 0 if all_tools is None: if self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectedItems(): for current_row in self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectedItems(): # sometime the header get selected and it has row number -1 # we don't want to do anything with the header :) if current_row.row() < 0: continue try: tooluid_copy = int(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(current_row.row(), 5).text()) self.set_tool_offset_visibility(current_row.row()) max_uid += 1 self.tools[int(max_uid)] = deepcopy(self.tools[tooluid_copy]) except AttributeError: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Failed. Select a tool to copy.")) self.ui_connect() self.builduiSig.emit() return except Exception as e: log.debug("on_tool_copy() --> " + str(e)) # deselect the table # self.ui.geo_tools_table.clearSelection() else: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Failed. Select a tool to copy.")) self.ui_connect() self.builduiSig.emit() return else: # we copy all tools in geo_tools_table try: temp_tools = deepcopy(self.tools) max_uid += 1 for tooluid in temp_tools: self.tools[int(max_uid)] = deepcopy(temp_tools[tooluid]) temp_tools.clear() except Exception as e: log.debug("on_tool_copy() --> " + str(e)) # if there are no more tools in geo tools table then hide the tool offset if not self.tools: self.ui.tool_offset_entry.hide() self.ui.tool_offset_lbl.hide() # we do this HACK to make sure the tools attribute to be serialized is updated in the self.ser_attrs list try: self.ser_attrs.remove('tools') except ValueError: pass self.ser_attrs.append('tools') self.ui_connect() self.builduiSig.emit() self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Tool was copied in Tool Table.")) def on_tool_edit(self, current_item): self.ui_disconnect() current_row = current_item.row() try: d = float(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(current_row, 1).text()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: d = float(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(current_row, 1).text().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Wrong value format entered, use a number.")) return except AttributeError: self.ui_connect() return tool_dia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, d)) tooluid = int(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(current_row, 5).text()) self.tools[tooluid]['tooldia'] = tool_dia try: self.ser_attrs.remove('tools') self.ser_attrs.append('tools') except (TypeError, ValueError): pass self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Tool was edited in Tool Table.")) self.ui_connect() self.builduiSig.emit() def on_tool_delete(self, all_tools=None): self.ui_disconnect() if all_tools is None: if self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectedItems(): for current_row in self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectedItems(): # sometime the header get selected and it has row number -1 # we don't want to do anything with the header :) if current_row.row() < 0: continue try: tooluid_del = int(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(current_row.row(), 5).text()) self.set_tool_offset_visibility(current_row.row()) temp_tools = deepcopy(self.tools) for tooluid_key in self.tools: if int(tooluid_key) == tooluid_del: # if the self.tools has only one tool and we delete it then we move the solid_geometry # as a property of the object otherwise there will be nothing to hold it if len(self.tools) == 1: self.solid_geometry = deepcopy(self.tools[tooluid_key]['solid_geometry']) temp_tools.pop(tooluid_del, None) self.tools = deepcopy(temp_tools) temp_tools.clear() except AttributeError: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Failed. Select a tool to delete.")) self.ui_connect() self.builduiSig.emit() return except Exception as e: log.debug("on_tool_delete() --> " + str(e)) # deselect the table # self.ui.geo_tools_table.clearSelection() else: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Failed. Select a tool to delete.")) self.ui_connect() self.builduiSig.emit() return else: # we delete all tools in geo_tools_table self.tools.clear() self.app.plot_all() # if there are no more tools in geo tools table then hide the tool offset if not self.tools: self.ui.tool_offset_entry.hide() self.ui.tool_offset_lbl.hide() # we do this HACK to make sure the tools attribute to be serialized is updated in the self.ser_attrs list try: self.ser_attrs.remove('tools') except TypeError: pass self.ser_attrs.append('tools') self.ui_connect() self.build_ui() self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Tool was deleted in Tool Table.")) obj_active = self.app.collection.get_active() # if the object was MultiGeo and now it has no tool at all (therefore no geometry) # we make it back SingleGeo if self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount() <= 0: obj_active.multigeo = False obj_active.options['xmin'] = 0 obj_active.options['ymin'] = 0 obj_active.options['xmax'] = 0 obj_active.options['ymax'] = 0 if obj_active.multigeo is True: try: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = obj_active.bounds() obj_active.options['xmin'] = xmin obj_active.options['ymin'] = ymin obj_active.options['xmax'] = xmax obj_active.options['ymax'] = ymax except Exception: obj_active.options['xmin'] = 0 obj_active.options['ymin'] = 0 obj_active.options['xmax'] = 0 obj_active.options['ymax'] = 0 # if there is no tool left in the Tools Table, disable the parameters appGUI if self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount() == 0: self.ui.geo_param_frame.setDisabled(True) def ui_update_v_shape(self, tool_type_txt): if tool_type_txt == 'V': self.ui.tipdialabel.show() self.ui.tipdia_entry.show() self.ui.tipanglelabel.show() self.ui.tipangle_entry.show() self.ui.cutz_entry.setDisabled(True) self.ui.cutzlabel.setToolTip( _("Disabled because the tool is V-shape.\n" "For V-shape tools the depth of cut is\n" "calculated from other parameters like:\n" "- 'V-tip Angle' -> angle at the tip of the tool\n" "- 'V-tip Dia' -> diameter at the tip of the tool \n" "- Tool Dia -> 'Dia' column found in the Tool Table\n" "NB: a value of zero means that Tool Dia = 'V-tip Dia'") ) self.ui.cutz_entry.setToolTip( _("Disabled because the tool is V-shape.\n" "For V-shape tools the depth of cut is\n" "calculated from other parameters like:\n" "- 'V-tip Angle' -> angle at the tip of the tool\n" "- 'V-tip Dia' -> diameter at the tip of the tool \n" "- Tool Dia -> 'Dia' column found in the Tool Table\n" "NB: a value of zero means that Tool Dia = 'V-tip Dia'") ) self.update_cutz() else: self.ui.tipdialabel.hide() self.ui.tipdia_entry.hide() self.ui.tipanglelabel.hide() self.ui.tipangle_entry.hide() self.ui.cutz_entry.setDisabled(False) self.ui.cutzlabel.setToolTip( _("Cutting depth (negative)\n" "below the copper surface.") ) self.ui.cutz_entry.setToolTip('') def update_cutz(self): vdia = float(self.ui.tipdia_entry.get_value()) half_vangle = float(self.ui.tipangle_entry.get_value()) / 2 row = self.ui.geo_tools_table.currentRow() tool_uid_item = self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(row, 5) if tool_uid_item is None: return tool_uid = int(tool_uid_item.text()) tool_dia_item = self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(row, 1) if tool_dia_item is None: return tooldia = float(tool_dia_item.text()) try: new_cutz = (tooldia - vdia) / (2 * math.tan(math.radians(half_vangle))) except ZeroDivisionError: new_cutz = self.old_cutz new_cutz = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, new_cutz)) * -1.0 # this value has to be negative self.ui.cutz_entry.set_value(new_cutz) # store the new CutZ value into storage (self.tools) for tooluid_key, tooluid_value in self.tools.items(): if int(tooluid_key) == tool_uid: tooluid_value['data']['cutz'] = new_cutz def on_tooltable_cellwidget_change(self): cw = self.sender() # assert isinstance(cw, FCComboBox) or isinstance(cw, FCCheckBox),\ # "Expected a FCCombobox or a FCCheckbox got %s" % type(cw) cw_index = self.ui.geo_tools_table.indexAt(cw.pos()) cw_row = cw_index.row() cw_col = cw_index.column() current_uid = int(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(cw_row, 5).text()) # store the text of the cellWidget that changed it's index in the self.tools for tooluid_key, tooluid_value in self.tools.items(): if int(tooluid_key) == current_uid: cb_txt = cw.currentText() if cw_col == 2: tooluid_value['offset'] = cb_txt if cb_txt == 'Custom': self.ui.tool_offset_entry.show() self.ui.tool_offset_lbl.show() else: self.ui.tool_offset_entry.hide() self.ui.tool_offset_lbl.hide() # reset the offset_value in storage self.tools tooluid_value['offset_value'] = 0.0 elif cw_col == 3: # force toolpath type as 'Iso' if the tool type is V-Shape if self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(cw_row, 4).currentText() == 'V': tooluid_value['type'] = _('Iso') idx = self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(cw_row, 3).findText(_('Iso')) self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(cw_row, 3).setCurrentIndex(idx) else: tooluid_value['type'] = cb_txt elif cw_col == 4: tooluid_value['tool_type'] = cb_txt # if the tool_type selected is V-Shape then autoselect the toolpath type as Iso if cb_txt == 'V': idx = self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(cw_row, 3).findText(_('Iso')) self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(cw_row, 3).setCurrentIndex(idx) else: self.ui.cutz_entry.set_value(self.old_cutz) self.ui_update_v_shape(tool_type_txt=self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(cw_row, 4).currentText()) def update_form(self, dict_storage): for form_key in self.form_fields: for storage_key in dict_storage: if form_key == storage_key: try: self.form_fields[form_key].set_value(dict_storage[form_key]) except Exception as e: log.debug(str(e)) # this is done here because those buttons control through OptionalInputSelection if some entry's are Enabled # or not. But due of using the ui_disconnect() status is no longer updated and I had to do it here self.ui.ois_dwell_geo.on_cb_change() self.ui.ois_mpass_geo.on_cb_change() self.ui.ois_tcz_geo.on_cb_change() def on_apply_param_to_all_clicked(self): if self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount() == 0: # there is no tool in tool table so we can't save the GUI elements values to storage log.debug("GeometryObject.gui_form_to_storage() --> no tool in Tools Table, aborting.") return self.ui_disconnect() row = self.ui.geo_tools_table.currentRow() if row < 0: row = 0 # store all the data associated with the row parameter to the self.tools storage tooldia_item = float(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(row, 1).text()) offset_item = self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 2).currentText() type_item = self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 3).currentText() tool_type_item = self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 4).currentText() offset_value_item = float(self.ui.tool_offset_entry.get_value()) # this new dict will hold the actual useful data, another dict that is the value of key 'data' temp_tools = {} temp_dia = {} temp_data = {} for tooluid_key, tooluid_value in self.tools.items(): for key, value in tooluid_value.items(): if key == 'tooldia': temp_dia[key] = tooldia_item # update the 'offset', 'type' and 'tool_type' sections if key == 'offset': temp_dia[key] = offset_item if key == 'type': temp_dia[key] = type_item if key == 'tool_type': temp_dia[key] = tool_type_item if key == 'offset_value': temp_dia[key] = offset_value_item if key == 'data': # update the 'data' section for data_key in tooluid_value[key].keys(): for form_key, form_value in self.form_fields.items(): if form_key == data_key: temp_data[data_key] = form_value.get_value() # make sure we make a copy of the keys not in the form (we may use 'data' keys that are # updated from self.app.defaults if data_key not in self.form_fields: temp_data[data_key] = value[data_key] temp_dia[key] = deepcopy(temp_data) temp_data.clear() if key == 'solid_geometry': temp_dia[key] = deepcopy(self.tools[tooluid_key]['solid_geometry']) temp_tools[tooluid_key] = deepcopy(temp_dia) self.tools.clear() self.tools = deepcopy(temp_tools) temp_tools.clear() self.ui_connect() def gui_form_to_storage(self): self.ui_disconnect() if self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount() == 0: # there is no tool in tool table so we can't save the GUI elements values to storage log.debug("GeometryObject.gui_form_to_storage() --> no tool in Tools Table, aborting.") return widget_changed = self.sender() try: widget_idx = self.ui.grid3.indexOf(widget_changed) except Exception as e: log.debug("GeometryObject.gui_form_to_storage() -- wdg index -> %s" % str(e)) return # those are the indexes for the V-Tip Dia and V-Tip Angle, if edited calculate the new Cut Z if widget_idx == 1 or widget_idx == 3: self.update_cutz() # the original connect() function of the OptionalInputSelection is no longer working because of the # ui_diconnect() so I use this 'hack' if isinstance(widget_changed, FCCheckBox): if widget_changed.text() == 'Multi-Depth:': self.ui.ois_mpass_geo.on_cb_change() if widget_changed.text() == 'Tool change': self.ui.ois_tcz_geo.on_cb_change() if widget_changed.text() == 'Dwell:': self.ui.ois_dwell_geo.on_cb_change() row = self.ui.geo_tools_table.currentRow() if row < 0: row = 0 # store all the data associated with the row parameter to the self.tools storage tooldia_item = float(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(row, 1).text()) offset_item = self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 2).currentText() type_item = self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 3).currentText() tool_type_item = self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 4).currentText() tooluid_item = int(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(row, 5).text()) offset_value_item = float(self.ui.tool_offset_entry.get_value()) # this new dict will hold the actual useful data, another dict that is the value of key 'data' temp_tools = {} temp_dia = {} temp_data = {} for tooluid_key, tooluid_value in self.tools.items(): if int(tooluid_key) == tooluid_item: for key, value in tooluid_value.items(): if key == 'tooldia': temp_dia[key] = tooldia_item # update the 'offset', 'type' and 'tool_type' sections if key == 'offset': temp_dia[key] = offset_item if key == 'type': temp_dia[key] = type_item if key == 'tool_type': temp_dia[key] = tool_type_item if key == 'offset_value': temp_dia[key] = offset_value_item if key == 'data': # update the 'data' section for data_key in tooluid_value[key].keys(): for form_key, form_value in self.form_fields.items(): if form_key == data_key: temp_data[data_key] = form_value.get_value() # make sure we make a copy of the keys not in the form (we may use 'data' keys that are # updated from self.app.defaults if data_key not in self.form_fields: temp_data[data_key] = value[data_key] temp_dia[key] = deepcopy(temp_data) temp_data.clear() if key == 'solid_geometry': temp_dia[key] = deepcopy(self.tools[tooluid_key]['solid_geometry']) temp_tools[tooluid_key] = deepcopy(temp_dia) else: temp_tools[tooluid_key] = deepcopy(tooluid_value) self.tools.clear() self.tools = deepcopy(temp_tools) temp_tools.clear() self.ui_connect() def update_common_param_in_storage(self): for tooluid_value in self.tools.values(): tooluid_value['data']['ppname_g'] = self.ui.pp_geometry_name_cb.get_value() def select_tools_table_row(self, row, clearsel=None): if clearsel: self.ui.geo_tools_table.clearSelection() if self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount() > 0: # self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(row, 0).setSelected(True) self.ui.geo_tools_table.setCurrentItem(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(row, 0)) def export_dxf(self): dwg = None try: dwg = ezdxf.new('R2010') msp = dwg.modelspace() def g2dxf(dxf_space, geo_obj): if isinstance(geo_obj, MultiPolygon): for poly in geo_obj: ext_points = list(poly.exterior.coords) dxf_space.add_lwpolyline(ext_points) for interior in poly.interiors: dxf_space.add_lwpolyline(list(interior.coords)) if isinstance(geo_obj, Polygon): ext_points = list(geo_obj.exterior.coords) dxf_space.add_lwpolyline(ext_points) for interior in geo_obj.interiors: dxf_space.add_lwpolyline(list(interior.coords)) if isinstance(geo_obj, MultiLineString): for line in geo_obj: dxf_space.add_lwpolyline(list(line.coords)) if isinstance(geo_obj, LineString) or isinstance(geo_obj, LinearRing): dxf_space.add_lwpolyline(list(geo_obj.coords)) multigeo_solid_geometry = [] if self.multigeo: for tool in self.tools: multigeo_solid_geometry += self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] else: multigeo_solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry for geo in multigeo_solid_geometry: if type(geo) == list: for g in geo: g2dxf(msp, g) else: g2dxf(msp, geo) # points = GeometryObject.get_pts(geo) # msp.add_lwpolyline(points) except Exception as e: log.debug(str(e)) return dwg def get_selected_tools_table_items(self): """ Returns a list of lists, each list in the list is made out of row elements :return: List of table_tools items. :rtype: list """ table_tools_items = [] if self.multigeo: for x in self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectedItems(): elem = [] txt = '' for column in range(0, self.ui.geo_tools_table.columnCount()): try: txt = self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(x.row(), column).text() except AttributeError: try: txt = self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(x.row(), column).currentText() except AttributeError: pass elem.append(txt) table_tools_items.append(deepcopy(elem)) # table_tools_items.append([self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(x.row(), column).text() # for column in range(0, self.ui.geo_tools_table.columnCount())]) else: for x in self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectedItems(): r = [] txt = '' # the last 2 columns for single-geo geometry are irrelevant and create problems reading # so we don't read them for column in range(0, self.ui.geo_tools_table.columnCount() - 2): # the columns have items that have text but also have items that are widgets # for which the text they hold has to be read differently try: txt = self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(x.row(), column).text() except AttributeError: try: txt = self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(x.row(), column).currentText() except AttributeError: pass r.append(txt) table_tools_items.append(r) for item in table_tools_items: item[0] = str(item[0]) return table_tools_items def on_pp_changed(self): current_pp = self.ui.pp_geometry_name_cb.get_value() if current_pp == 'hpgl': self.old_pp_state = self.ui.mpass_cb.get_value() self.old_toolchangeg_state = self.ui.toolchangeg_cb.get_value() self.ui.mpass_cb.set_value(False) self.ui.mpass_cb.setDisabled(True) self.ui.toolchangeg_cb.set_value(True) self.ui.toolchangeg_cb.setDisabled(True) else: self.ui.mpass_cb.set_value(self.old_pp_state) self.ui.mpass_cb.setDisabled(False) self.ui.toolchangeg_cb.set_value(self.old_toolchangeg_state) self.ui.toolchangeg_cb.setDisabled(False) if "toolchange_probe" in current_pp.lower(): self.ui.pdepth_entry.setVisible(True) self.ui.pdepth_label.show() self.ui.feedrate_probe_entry.setVisible(True) self.ui.feedrate_probe_label.show() else: self.ui.pdepth_entry.setVisible(False) self.ui.pdepth_label.hide() self.ui.feedrate_probe_entry.setVisible(False) self.ui.feedrate_probe_label.hide() if 'marlin' in current_pp.lower() or 'custom' in current_pp.lower(): self.ui.fr_rapidlabel.show() self.ui.feedrate_rapid_entry.show() else: self.ui.fr_rapidlabel.hide() self.ui.feedrate_rapid_entry.hide() if 'laser' in current_pp.lower(): self.ui.cutzlabel.hide() self.ui.cutz_entry.hide() try: self.ui.mpass_cb.hide() self.ui.maxdepth_entry.hide() except AttributeError: pass if 'marlin' in current_pp.lower(): self.ui.travelzlabel.setText('%s:' % _("Focus Z")) self.ui.endz_label.show() self.ui.endz_entry.show() else: self.ui.travelzlabel.hide() self.ui.travelz_entry.hide() self.ui.endz_label.hide() self.ui.endz_entry.hide() try: self.ui.frzlabel.hide() self.ui.feedrate_z_entry.hide() except AttributeError: pass self.ui.dwell_cb.hide() self.ui.dwelltime_entry.hide() self.ui.spindle_label.setText('%s:' % _("Laser Power")) try: self.ui.tool_offset_label.hide() self.ui.offset_entry.hide() except AttributeError: pass else: self.ui.cutzlabel.show() self.ui.cutz_entry.show() try: self.ui.mpass_cb.show() self.ui.maxdepth_entry.show() except AttributeError: pass self.ui.travelzlabel.setText('%s:' % _('Travel Z')) self.ui.travelzlabel.show() self.ui.travelz_entry.show() self.ui.endz_label.show() self.ui.endz_entry.show() try: self.ui.frzlabel.show() self.ui.feedrate_z_entry.show() except AttributeError: pass self.ui.dwell_cb.show() self.ui.dwelltime_entry.show() self.ui.spindle_label.setText('%s:' % _('Spindle speed')) try: self.ui.tool_offset_lbl.show() self.ui.offset_entry.show() except AttributeError: pass def on_generatecnc_button_click(self, *args): log.debug("Generating CNCJob from Geometry ...") self.app.defaults.report_usage("geometry_on_generatecnc_button") # this reads the values in the UI form to the self.options dictionary self.read_form() self.sel_tools = {} try: if self.special_group: self.app.inform.emit( '[WARNING_NOTCL] %s %s %s.' % (_("This Geometry can't be processed because it is"), str(self.special_group), _("geometry")) ) return except AttributeError: pass # test to see if we have tools available in the tool table if self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectedItems(): for x in self.ui.geo_tools_table.selectedItems(): # try: # tooldia = float(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(x.row(), 1).text()) # except ValueError: # # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return # try: # tooldia = float(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(x.row(), 1).text().replace(',', '.')) # except ValueError: # self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % # _("Wrong value format entered, use a number.")) # return tooluid = int(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(x.row(), 5).text()) for tooluid_key, tooluid_value in self.tools.items(): if int(tooluid_key) == tooluid: self.sel_tools.update({ tooluid: deepcopy(tooluid_value) }) self.mtool_gen_cncjob() self.ui.geo_tools_table.clearSelection() elif self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount() == 1: tooluid = int(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(0, 5).text()) for tooluid_key, tooluid_value in self.tools.items(): if int(tooluid_key) == tooluid: self.sel_tools.update({ tooluid: deepcopy(tooluid_value) }) self.mtool_gen_cncjob() self.ui.geo_tools_table.clearSelection() else: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Failed. No tool selected in the tool table ...")) def mtool_gen_cncjob(self, outname=None, tools_dict=None, tools_in_use=None, segx=None, segy=None, plot=True, use_thread=True): """ Creates a multi-tool CNCJob out of this Geometry object. The actual work is done by the target CNCJobObject object's `generate_from_geometry_2()` method. :param outname: :param tools_dict: a dictionary that holds the whole data needed to create the Gcode (including the solid_geometry) :param tools_in_use: the tools that are used, needed by some preprocessors :type tools_in_use list of lists, each list in the list is made out of row elements of tools table from GUI :param segx: number of segments on the X axis, for auto-levelling :param segy: number of segments on the Y axis, for auto-levelling :param plot: if True the generated object will be plotted; if False will not be plotted :param use_thread: if True use threading :return: None """ # use the name of the first tool selected in self.geo_tools_table which has the diameter passed as tool_dia outname = "%s_%s" % (self.options["name"], 'cnc') if outname is None else outname tools_dict = self.sel_tools if tools_dict is None else tools_dict tools_in_use = tools_in_use if tools_in_use is not None else self.get_selected_tools_table_items() segx = segx if segx is not None else float(self.app.defaults['geometry_segx']) segy = segy if segy is not None else float(self.app.defaults['geometry_segy']) try: xmin = self.options['xmin'] ymin = self.options['ymin'] xmax = self.options['xmax'] ymax = self.options['ymax'] except Exception as e: log.debug("FlatCAMObj.GeometryObject.mtool_gen_cncjob() --> %s\n" % str(e)) msg = '[ERROR] %s' % _("An internal error has occurred. See shell.\n") msg += '%s %s' % ('FlatCAMObj.GeometryObject.mtool_gen_cncjob() -->', str(e)) msg += traceback.format_exc() self.app.inform.emit(msg) return # Object initialization function for app.app_obj.new_object() # RUNNING ON SEPARATE THREAD! def job_init_single_geometry(job_obj, app_obj): log.debug("Creating a CNCJob out of a single-geometry") assert job_obj.kind == 'cncjob', "Initializer expected a CNCJobObject, got %s" % type(job_obj) job_obj.options['xmin'] = xmin job_obj.options['ymin'] = ymin job_obj.options['xmax'] = xmax job_obj.options['ymax'] = ymax # count the tools tool_cnt = 0 # dia_cnc_dict = {} # this turn on the FlatCAMCNCJob plot for multiple tools job_obj.multitool = True job_obj.multigeo = False job_obj.cnc_tools.clear() job_obj.options['Tools_in_use'] = tools_in_use job_obj.segx = segx if segx else float(self.app.defaults["geometry_segx"]) job_obj.segy = segy if segy else float(self.app.defaults["geometry_segy"]) job_obj.z_pdepth = float(self.app.defaults["geometry_z_pdepth"]) job_obj.feedrate_probe = float(self.app.defaults["geometry_feedrate_probe"]) for tooluid_key in list(tools_dict.keys()): tool_cnt += 1 dia_cnc_dict = deepcopy(tools_dict[tooluid_key]) tooldia_val = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(tools_dict[tooluid_key]['tooldia']))) dia_cnc_dict.update({ 'tooldia': tooldia_val }) if dia_cnc_dict['offset'] == 'in': tool_offset = -dia_cnc_dict['tooldia'] / 2 elif dia_cnc_dict['offset'].lower() == 'out': tool_offset = dia_cnc_dict['tooldia'] / 2 elif dia_cnc_dict['offset'].lower() == 'custom': try: offset_value = float(self.ui.tool_offset_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: offset_value = float(self.ui.tool_offset_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Wrong value format entered, use a number.")) return if offset_value: tool_offset = float(offset_value) else: self.app.inform.emit( '[WARNING] %s' % _("Tool Offset is selected in Tool Table but no value is provided.\n" "Add a Tool Offset or change the Offset Type.") ) return else: tool_offset = 0.0 dia_cnc_dict.update({ 'offset_value': tool_offset }) z_cut = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["cutz"] z_move = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["travelz"] feedrate = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["feedrate"] feedrate_z = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["feedrate_z"] feedrate_rapid = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["feedrate_rapid"] multidepth = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["multidepth"] extracut = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["extracut"] extracut_length = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["extracut_length"] depthpercut = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["depthperpass"] toolchange = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["toolchange"] toolchangez = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["toolchangez"] toolchangexy = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["toolchangexy"] startz = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["startz"] endz = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["endz"] endxy = self.options["endxy"] spindlespeed = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["spindlespeed"] dwell = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["dwell"] dwelltime = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["dwelltime"] pp_geometry_name = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["ppname_g"] spindledir = self.app.defaults['geometry_spindledir'] tool_solid_geometry = self.solid_geometry job_obj.coords_decimals = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_decimals"] job_obj.fr_decimals = self.app.defaults["cncjob_fr_decimals"] # Propagate options job_obj.options["tooldia"] = tooldia_val job_obj.options['type'] = 'Geometry' job_obj.options['tool_dia'] = tooldia_val # it seems that the tolerance needs to be a lot lower value than 0.01 and it was hardcoded initially # to a value of 0.0005 which is 20 times less than 0.01 tol = float(self.app.defaults['global_tolerance']) / 20 res = job_obj.generate_from_geometry_2( self, tooldia=tooldia_val, offset=tool_offset, tolerance=tol, z_cut=z_cut, z_move=z_move, feedrate=feedrate, feedrate_z=feedrate_z, feedrate_rapid=feedrate_rapid, spindlespeed=spindlespeed, spindledir=spindledir, dwell=dwell, dwelltime=dwelltime, multidepth=multidepth, depthpercut=depthpercut, extracut=extracut, extracut_length=extracut_length, startz=startz, endz=endz, endxy=endxy, toolchange=toolchange, toolchangez=toolchangez, toolchangexy=toolchangexy, pp_geometry_name=pp_geometry_name, tool_no=tool_cnt) if res == 'fail': log.debug("GeometryObject.mtool_gen_cncjob() --> generate_from_geometry2() failed") return 'fail' else: dia_cnc_dict['gcode'] = res # tell gcode_parse from which point to start drawing the lines depending on what kind of # object is the source of gcode job_obj.toolchange_xy_type = "geometry" self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("G-Code parsing in progress...")) dia_cnc_dict['gcode_parsed'] = job_obj.gcode_parse() self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("G-Code parsing finished...")) # TODO this serve for bounding box creation only; should be optimized # commented this; there is no need for the actual GCode geometry - the original one will serve as well # for bounding box values # dia_cnc_dict['solid_geometry'] = cascaded_union([geo['geom'] for geo in dia_cnc_dict['gcode_parsed']]) try: dia_cnc_dict['solid_geometry'] = tool_solid_geometry self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s...' % _("Finished G-Code processing")) except Exception as er: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s: %s' % (_("G-Code processing failed with error"), str(er))) job_obj.cnc_tools.update({ tooluid_key: deepcopy(dia_cnc_dict) }) dia_cnc_dict.clear() # Object initialization function for app.app_obj.new_object() # RUNNING ON SEPARATE THREAD! def job_init_multi_geometry(job_obj, app_obj): log.debug("Creating a CNCJob out of a multi-geometry") assert job_obj.kind == 'cncjob', "Initializer expected a CNCJobObject, got %s" % type(job_obj) job_obj.options['xmin'] = xmin job_obj.options['ymin'] = ymin job_obj.options['xmax'] = xmax job_obj.options['ymax'] = ymax # count the tools tool_cnt = 0 # dia_cnc_dict = {} # this turn on the FlatCAMCNCJob plot for multiple tools job_obj.multitool = True job_obj.multigeo = True job_obj.cnc_tools.clear() job_obj.options['Tools_in_use'] = tools_in_use job_obj.segx = segx if segx else float(self.app.defaults["geometry_segx"]) job_obj.segy = segy if segy else float(self.app.defaults["geometry_segy"]) job_obj.z_pdepth = float(self.app.defaults["geometry_z_pdepth"]) job_obj.feedrate_probe = float(self.app.defaults["geometry_feedrate_probe"]) # make sure that trying to make a CNCJob from an empty file is not creating an app crash if not self.solid_geometry: a = 0 for tooluid_key in self.tools: if self.tools[tooluid_key]['solid_geometry'] is None: a += 1 if a == len(self.tools): self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s...' % _('Cancelled. Empty file, it has no geometry')) return 'fail' for tooluid_key in list(tools_dict.keys()): tool_cnt += 1 dia_cnc_dict = deepcopy(tools_dict[tooluid_key]) tooldia_val = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(tools_dict[tooluid_key]['tooldia']))) dia_cnc_dict.update({ 'tooldia': tooldia_val }) # find the tool_dia associated with the tooluid_key # search in the self.tools for the sel_tool_dia and when found see what tooluid has # on the found tooluid in self.tools we also have the solid_geometry that interest us # for k, v in self.tools.items(): # if float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(v['tooldia']))) == tooldia_val: # current_uid = int(k) # break if dia_cnc_dict['offset'] == 'in': tool_offset = -tooldia_val / 2 elif dia_cnc_dict['offset'].lower() == 'out': tool_offset = tooldia_val / 2 elif dia_cnc_dict['offset'].lower() == 'custom': offset_value = float(self.ui.tool_offset_entry.get_value()) if offset_value: tool_offset = float(offset_value) else: self.app.inform.emit('[WARNING] %s' % _("Tool Offset is selected in Tool Table but " "no value is provided.\n" "Add a Tool Offset or change the Offset Type.")) return else: tool_offset = 0.0 dia_cnc_dict.update({ 'offset_value': tool_offset }) z_cut = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["cutz"] z_move = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["travelz"] feedrate = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["feedrate"] feedrate_z = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["feedrate_z"] feedrate_rapid = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["feedrate_rapid"] multidepth = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["multidepth"] extracut = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["extracut"] extracut_length = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["extracut_length"] depthpercut = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["depthperpass"] toolchange = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["toolchange"] toolchangez = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["toolchangez"] toolchangexy = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["toolchangexy"] startz = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["startz"] endz = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["endz"] endxy = self.options["endxy"] spindlespeed = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["spindlespeed"] dwell = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["dwell"] dwelltime = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["dwelltime"] pp_geometry_name = tools_dict[tooluid_key]['data']["ppname_g"] spindledir = self.app.defaults['geometry_spindledir'] tool_solid_geometry = self.tools[tooluid_key]['solid_geometry'] job_obj.coords_decimals = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_decimals"] job_obj.fr_decimals = self.app.defaults["cncjob_fr_decimals"] # Propagate options job_obj.options["tooldia"] = tooldia_val job_obj.options['type'] = 'Geometry' job_obj.options['tool_dia'] = tooldia_val # it seems that the tolerance needs to be a lot lower value than 0.01 and it was hardcoded initially # to a value of 0.0005 which is 20 times less than 0.01 tol = float(self.app.defaults['global_tolerance']) / 20 res = job_obj.generate_from_multitool_geometry( tool_solid_geometry, tooldia=tooldia_val, offset=tool_offset, tolerance=tol, z_cut=z_cut, z_move=z_move, feedrate=feedrate, feedrate_z=feedrate_z, feedrate_rapid=feedrate_rapid, spindlespeed=spindlespeed, spindledir=spindledir, dwell=dwell, dwelltime=dwelltime, multidepth=multidepth, depthpercut=depthpercut, extracut=extracut, extracut_length=extracut_length, startz=startz, endz=endz, endxy=endxy, toolchange=toolchange, toolchangez=toolchangez, toolchangexy=toolchangexy, pp_geometry_name=pp_geometry_name, tool_no=tool_cnt) if res == 'fail': log.debug("GeometryObject.mtool_gen_cncjob() --> generate_from_geometry2() failed") return 'fail' else: dia_cnc_dict['gcode'] = res self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("G-Code parsing in progress...")) dia_cnc_dict['gcode_parsed'] = job_obj.gcode_parse() self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("G-Code parsing finished...")) # TODO this serve for bounding box creation only; should be optimized # commented this; there is no need for the actual GCode geometry - the original one will serve as well # for bounding box values # geo_for_bound_values = cascaded_union([ # geo['geom'] for geo in dia_cnc_dict['gcode_parsed'] if geo['geom'].is_valid is True # ]) try: dia_cnc_dict['solid_geometry'] = deepcopy(tool_solid_geometry) self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Finished G-Code processing...")) except Exception as ee: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s: %s' % (_("G-Code processing failed with error"), str(ee))) # tell gcode_parse from which point to start drawing the lines depending on what kind of # object is the source of gcode job_obj.toolchange_xy_type = "geometry" job_obj.cnc_tools.update({ tooluid_key: deepcopy(dia_cnc_dict) }) dia_cnc_dict.clear() if use_thread: # To be run in separate thread def job_thread(a_obj): if self.multigeo is False: with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Generating CNC Code")): if a_obj.app_obj.new_object("cncjob", outname, job_init_single_geometry, plot=plot) != 'fail': a_obj.inform.emit('[success] %s: %s' % (_("CNCjob created"), outname)) else: with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Generating CNC Code")): if a_obj.app_obj.new_object("cncjob", outname, job_init_multi_geometry) != 'fail': a_obj.inform.emit('[success] %s: %s' % (_("CNCjob created"), outname)) # Create a promise with the name self.app.collection.promise(outname) # Send to worker self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': job_thread, 'params': [self.app]}) else: if self.solid_geometry: self.app.app_obj.new_object("cncjob", outname, job_init_single_geometry, plot=plot) else: self.app.app_obj.new_object("cncjob", outname, job_init_multi_geometry, plot=plot) def generatecncjob(self, outname=None, dia=None, offset=None, z_cut=None, z_move=None, feedrate=None, feedrate_z=None, feedrate_rapid=None, spindlespeed=None, dwell=None, dwelltime=None, multidepth=None, dpp=None, toolchange=None, toolchangez=None, toolchangexy=None, extracut=None, extracut_length=None, startz=None, endz=None, endxy=None, pp=None, segx=None, segy=None, use_thread=True, plot=True): """ Only used by the TCL Command Cncjob. Creates a CNCJob out of this Geometry object. The actual work is done by the target camlib.CNCjob `generate_from_geometry_2()` method. :param outname: Name of the new object :param dia: Tool diameter :param offset: :param z_cut: Cut depth (negative value) :param z_move: Height of the tool when travelling (not cutting) :param feedrate: Feed rate while cutting on X - Y plane :param feedrate_z: Feed rate while cutting on Z plane :param feedrate_rapid: Feed rate while moving with rapids :param spindlespeed: Spindle speed (RPM) :param dwell: :param dwelltime: :param multidepth: :param dpp: Depth for each pass when multidepth parameter is True :param toolchange: :param toolchangez: :param toolchangexy: A sequence ox X,Y coordinates: a 2-length tuple or a string. Coordinates in X,Y plane for the Toolchange event :param extracut: :param extracut_length: :param startz: :param endz: :param endxy: A sequence ox X,Y coordinates: a 2-length tuple or a string. Coordinates in X, Y plane for the last move after ending the job. :param pp: Name of the preprocessor :param segx: :param segy: :param use_thread: :param plot: :return: None """ tooldia = dia if dia else float(self.options["cnctooldia"]) outname = outname if outname is not None else self.options["name"] z_cut = z_cut if z_cut is not None else float(self.options["cutz"]) z_move = z_move if z_move is not None else float(self.options["travelz"]) feedrate = feedrate if feedrate is not None else float(self.options["feedrate"]) feedrate_z = feedrate_z if feedrate_z is not None else float(self.options["feedrate_z"]) feedrate_rapid = feedrate_rapid if feedrate_rapid is not None else float(self.options["feedrate_rapid"]) multidepth = multidepth if multidepth is not None else self.options["multidepth"] depthperpass = dpp if dpp is not None else float(self.options["depthperpass"]) segx = segx if segx is not None else float(self.app.defaults['geometry_segx']) segy = segy if segy is not None else float(self.app.defaults['geometry_segy']) extracut = extracut if extracut is not None else float(self.options["extracut"]) extracut_length = extracut_length if extracut_length is not None else float(self.options["extracut_length"]) startz = startz if startz is not None else self.options["startz"] endz = endz if endz is not None else float(self.options["endz"]) endxy = endxy if endxy else self.options["endxy"] if isinstance(endxy, str): endxy = re.sub('[()\[\]]', '', endxy) if endxy and endxy != '': endxy = [float(eval(a)) for a in endxy.split(",")] toolchangez = toolchangez if toolchangez else float(self.options["toolchangez"]) toolchangexy = toolchangexy if toolchangexy else self.options["toolchangexy"] if isinstance(toolchangexy, str): toolchangexy = re.sub('[()\[\]]', '', toolchangexy) if toolchangexy and toolchangexy != '': toolchangexy = [float(eval(a)) for a in toolchangexy.split(",")] toolchange = toolchange if toolchange else self.options["toolchange"] offset = offset if offset else 0.0 # int or None. spindlespeed = spindlespeed if spindlespeed else self.options['spindlespeed'] dwell = dwell if dwell else self.options["dwell"] dwelltime = dwelltime if dwelltime else float(self.options["dwelltime"]) ppname_g = pp if pp else self.options["ppname_g"] # Object initialization function for app.app_obj.new_object() # RUNNING ON SEPARATE THREAD! def job_init(job_obj, app_obj): assert job_obj.kind == 'cncjob', "Initializer expected a CNCJobObject, got %s" % type(job_obj) # Propagate options job_obj.options["tooldia"] = tooldia job_obj.coords_decimals = self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_decimals"] job_obj.fr_decimals = self.app.defaults["cncjob_fr_decimals"] job_obj.options['type'] = 'Geometry' job_obj.options['tool_dia'] = tooldia job_obj.segx = segx job_obj.segy = segy job_obj.z_pdepth = float(self.options["z_pdepth"]) job_obj.feedrate_probe = float(self.options["feedrate_probe"]) job_obj.options['xmin'] = self.options['xmin'] job_obj.options['ymin'] = self.options['ymin'] job_obj.options['xmax'] = self.options['xmax'] job_obj.options['ymax'] = self.options['ymax'] # it seems that the tolerance needs to be a lot lower value than 0.01 and it was hardcoded initially # to a value of 0.0005 which is 20 times less than 0.01 tol = float(self.app.defaults['global_tolerance']) / 20 job_obj.generate_from_geometry_2( self, tooldia=tooldia, offset=offset, tolerance=tol, z_cut=z_cut, z_move=z_move, feedrate=feedrate, feedrate_z=feedrate_z, feedrate_rapid=feedrate_rapid, spindlespeed=spindlespeed, dwell=dwell, dwelltime=dwelltime, multidepth=multidepth, depthpercut=depthperpass, toolchange=toolchange, toolchangez=toolchangez, toolchangexy=toolchangexy, extracut=extracut, extracut_length=extracut_length, startz=startz, endz=endz, endxy=endxy, pp_geometry_name=ppname_g ) # tell gcode_parse from which point to start drawing the lines depending on what kind of object is the # source of gcode job_obj.toolchange_xy_type = "geometry" job_obj.gcode_parse() self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Finished G-Code processing...")) if use_thread: # To be run in separate thread def job_thread(app_obj): with self.app.proc_container.new(_("Generating CNC Code")): app_obj.app_obj.new_object("cncjob", outname, job_init, plot=plot) app_obj.inform.emit('[success] %s: %s' % (_("CNCjob created")), outname) # Create a promise with the name self.app.collection.promise(outname) # Send to worker self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': job_thread, 'params': [self.app]}) else: self.app.app_obj.new_object("cncjob", outname, job_init, plot=plot) # def on_plot_cb_click(self, *args): # if self.muted_ui: # return # self.read_form_item('plot') def scale(self, xfactor, yfactor=None, point=None): """ Scales all geometry by a given factor. :param xfactor: Factor by which to scale the object's geometry/ :type xfactor: float :param yfactor: Factor by which to scale the object's geometry/ :type yfactor: float :param point: Point around which to scale :return: None :rtype: None """ log.debug("FlatCAMObj.GeometryObject.scale()") try: xfactor = float(xfactor) except Exception: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Scale factor has to be a number: integer or float.")) return if yfactor is None: yfactor = xfactor else: try: yfactor = float(yfactor) except Exception: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Scale factor has to be a number: integer or float.")) return if xfactor == 1 and yfactor == 1: return if point is None: px = 0 py = 0 else: px, py = point self.geo_len = 0 self.old_disp_number = 0 self.el_count = 0 def scale_recursion(geom): if type(geom) is list: geoms = [] for local_geom in geom: geoms.append(scale_recursion(local_geom)) return geoms else: try: self.el_count += 1 disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100])) if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100: self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number) self.old_disp_number = disp_number return affinity.scale(geom, xfactor, yfactor, origin=(px, py)) except AttributeError: return geom if self.multigeo is True: for tool in self.tools: # variables to display the percentage of work done self.geo_len = 0 try: self.geo_len = len(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry']) except TypeError: self.geo_len = 1 self.old_disp_number = 0 self.el_count = 0 self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = scale_recursion(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry']) try: # variables to display the percentage of work done self.geo_len = 0 try: self.geo_len = len(self.solid_geometry) except TypeError: self.geo_len = 1 self.old_disp_number = 0 self.el_count = 0 self.solid_geometry = scale_recursion(self.solid_geometry) except AttributeError: self.solid_geometry = [] return self.app.proc_container.new_text = '' self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Geometry Scale done.")) def offset(self, vect): """ Offsets all geometry by a given vector/ :param vect: (x, y) vector by which to offset the object's geometry. :type vect: tuple :return: None :rtype: None """ log.debug("FlatCAMObj.GeometryObject.offset()") try: dx, dy = vect except TypeError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("An (x,y) pair of values are needed. " "Probable you entered only one value in the Offset field.") ) return if dx == 0 and dy == 0: return self.geo_len = 0 self.old_disp_number = 0 self.el_count = 0 def translate_recursion(geom): if type(geom) is list: geoms = [] for local_geom in geom: geoms.append(translate_recursion(local_geom)) return geoms else: try: self.el_count += 1 disp_number = int(np.interp(self.el_count, [0, self.geo_len], [0, 100])) if self.old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100: self.app.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number) self.old_disp_number = disp_number return affinity.translate(geom, xoff=dx, yoff=dy) except AttributeError: return geom if self.multigeo is True: for tool in self.tools: # variables to display the percentage of work done self.geo_len = 0 try: self.geo_len = len(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry']) except TypeError: self.geo_len = 1 self.old_disp_number = 0 self.el_count = 0 self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry'] = translate_recursion(self.tools[tool]['solid_geometry']) # variables to display the percentage of work done self.geo_len = 0 try: self.geo_len = len(self.solid_geometry) except TypeError: self.geo_len = 1 self.old_disp_number = 0 self.el_count = 0 self.solid_geometry = translate_recursion(self.solid_geometry) self.app.proc_container.new_text = '' self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Geometry Offset done.")) def convert_units(self, units): log.debug("FlatCAMObj.GeometryObject.convert_units()") self.ui_disconnect() factor = Geometry.convert_units(self, units) self.options['cutz'] = float(self.options['cutz']) * factor self.options['depthperpass'] = float(self.options['depthperpass']) * factor self.options['travelz'] = float(self.options['travelz']) * factor self.options['feedrate'] = float(self.options['feedrate']) * factor self.options['feedrate_z'] = float(self.options['feedrate_z']) * factor self.options['feedrate_rapid'] = float(self.options['feedrate_rapid']) * factor self.options['endz'] = float(self.options['endz']) * factor # self.options['cnctooldia'] *= factor # self.options['painttooldia'] *= factor # self.options['paintmargin'] *= factor # self.options['paintoverlap'] *= factor self.options["toolchangez"] = float(self.options["toolchangez"]) * factor if self.app.defaults["geometry_toolchangexy"] == '': self.options['toolchangexy'] = "0.0, 0.0" else: coords_xy = [float(eval(coord)) for coord in self.app.defaults["geometry_toolchangexy"].split(",")] if len(coords_xy) < 2: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR] %s' % _("The Toolchange X,Y field in Edit -> Preferences " "has to be in the format (x, y)\n" "but now there is only one value, not two.") ) return 'fail' coords_xy[0] *= factor coords_xy[1] *= factor self.options['toolchangexy'] = "%f, %f" % (coords_xy[0], coords_xy[1]) if self.options['startz'] is not None: self.options['startz'] = float(self.options['startz']) * factor param_list = ['cutz', 'depthperpass', 'travelz', 'feedrate', 'feedrate_z', 'feedrate_rapid', 'endz', 'toolchangez'] if isinstance(self, GeometryObject): temp_tools_dict = {} tool_dia_copy = {} data_copy = {} for tooluid_key, tooluid_value in self.tools.items(): for dia_key, dia_value in tooluid_value.items(): if dia_key == 'tooldia': dia_value *= factor dia_value = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, dia_value)) tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = dia_value if dia_key == 'offset': tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = dia_value if dia_key == 'offset_value': dia_value *= factor tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = dia_value # convert the value in the Custom Tool Offset entry in UI custom_offset = None try: custom_offset = float(self.ui.tool_offset_entry.get_value()) except ValueError: # try to convert comma to decimal point. if it's still not working error message and return try: custom_offset = float(self.ui.tool_offset_entry.get_value().replace(',', '.')) except ValueError: self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Wrong value format entered, use a number.")) return except TypeError: pass if custom_offset: custom_offset *= factor self.ui.tool_offset_entry.set_value(custom_offset) if dia_key == 'type': tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = dia_value if dia_key == 'tool_type': tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = dia_value if dia_key == 'data': for data_key, data_value in dia_value.items(): # convert the form fields that are convertible for param in param_list: if data_key == param and data_value is not None: data_copy[data_key] = data_value * factor # copy the other dict entries that are not convertible if data_key not in param_list: data_copy[data_key] = data_value tool_dia_copy[dia_key] = deepcopy(data_copy) data_copy.clear() temp_tools_dict.update({ tooluid_key: deepcopy(tool_dia_copy) }) tool_dia_copy.clear() self.tools.clear() self.tools = deepcopy(temp_tools_dict) # if there is a value in the new tool field then convert that one too try: self.ui.addtool_entry.returnPressed.disconnect() except TypeError: pass tooldia = self.ui.addtool_entry.get_value() if tooldia: tooldia *= factor tooldia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, tooldia)) self.ui.addtool_entry.set_value(tooldia) self.ui.addtool_entry.returnPressed.connect(self.on_tool_add) return factor def on_add_area_click(self): shape_button = self.ui.area_shape_radio overz_button = self.ui.over_z_entry strategy_radio = self.ui.strategy_radio cnc_button = self.ui.generate_cnc_button solid_geo = self.solid_geometry obj_type = self.kind self.app.exc_areas.on_add_area_click( shape_button=shape_button, overz_button=overz_button, cnc_button=cnc_button, strategy_radio=strategy_radio, solid_geo=solid_geo, obj_type=obj_type) def on_clear_area_click(self): if not self.app.exc_areas.exclusion_areas_storage: self.app.inform.emit("[WARNING_NOTCL] %s" % _("Delete failed. There are no exclusion areas to delete.")) return self.app.exc_areas.on_clear_area_click() self.app.exc_areas.e_shape_modified.emit() def on_delete_sel_areas(self): sel_model = self.ui.exclusion_table.selectionModel() sel_indexes = sel_model.selectedIndexes() # it will iterate over all indexes which means all items in all columns too but I'm interested only on rows # so the duplicate rows will not be added sel_rows = set() for idx in sel_indexes: sel_rows.add(idx.row()) if not sel_rows: self.app.inform.emit("[WARNING_NOTCL] %s" % _("Delete failed. Nothing is selected.")) return self.app.exc_areas.delete_sel_shapes(idxs=list(sel_rows)) self.app.exc_areas.e_shape_modified.emit() def draw_sel_shape(self): sel_model = self.ui.exclusion_table.selectionModel() sel_indexes = sel_model.selectedIndexes() # it will iterate over all indexes which means all items in all columns too but I'm interested only on rows sel_rows = set() for idx in sel_indexes: sel_rows.add(idx.row()) self.delete_sel_shape() if self.app.is_legacy is False: face = self.app.defaults['global_sel_fill'][:-2] + str(hex(int(0.2 * 255)))[2:] outline = self.app.defaults['global_sel_line'][:-2] + str(hex(int(0.8 * 255)))[2:] else: face = self.app.defaults['global_sel_fill'][:-2] + str(hex(int(0.4 * 255)))[2:] outline = self.app.defaults['global_sel_line'][:-2] + str(hex(int(1.0 * 255)))[2:] for row in sel_rows: sel_rect = self.app.exc_areas.exclusion_areas_storage[row]['shape'] self.app.move_tool.sel_shapes.add(sel_rect, color=outline, face_color=face, update=True, layer=0, tolerance=None) if self.app.is_legacy is True: self.app.move_tool.sel_shapes.redraw() def clear_selection(self): self.app.delete_selection_shape() # self.ui.exclusion_table.clearSelection() def delete_sel_shape(self): self.app.delete_selection_shape() def update_exclusion_table(self): self.exclusion_area_cb_is_checked = True if self.ui.exclusion_cb.isChecked() else False self.build_ui() self.ui.exclusion_cb.set_value(self.exclusion_area_cb_is_checked) def on_strategy(self, val): if val == 'around': self.ui.over_z_label.setDisabled(True) self.ui.over_z_entry.setDisabled(True) else: self.ui.over_z_label.setDisabled(False) self.ui.over_z_entry.setDisabled(False) def exclusion_table_toggle_all(self): """ will toggle the selection of all rows in Exclusion Areas table :return: """ sel_model = self.ui.exclusion_table.selectionModel() sel_indexes = sel_model.selectedIndexes() # it will iterate over all indexes which means all items in all columns too but I'm interested only on rows sel_rows = set() for idx in sel_indexes: sel_rows.add(idx.row()) if sel_rows: self.ui.exclusion_table.clearSelection() self.delete_sel_shape() else: self.ui.exclusion_table.selectAll() self.draw_sel_shape() def plot_element(self, element, color=None, visible=None): if color is None: color = '#FF0000FF' visible = visible if visible else self.options['plot'] try: for sub_el in element: self.plot_element(sub_el, color=color) except TypeError: # Element is not iterable... # if self.app.is_legacy is False: self.add_shape(shape=element, color=color, visible=visible, layer=0) def plot(self, visible=None, kind=None): """ Plot the object. :param visible: Controls if the added shape is visible of not :param kind: added so there is no error when a project is loaded and it has both geometry and CNCJob, because CNCJob require the 'kind' parameter. Perhaps the FlatCAMObj.plot() has to be rewrited :return: """ # Does all the required setup and returns False # if the 'ptint' option is set to False. if not FlatCAMObj.plot(self): return if self.app.is_legacy is False: def random_color(): r_color = np.random.rand(4) r_color[3] = 1 return r_color else: def random_color(): while True: r_color = np.random.rand(4) r_color[3] = 1 new_color = '#' for idx in range(len(r_color)): new_color += '%x' % int(r_color[idx] * 255) # do it until a valid color is generated # a valid color has the # symbol, another 6 chars for the color and the last 2 chars for alpha # for a total of 9 chars if len(new_color) == 9: break return new_color try: # plot solid geometries found as members of self.tools attribute dict # for MultiGeo if self.multigeo is True: # geo multi tool usage for tooluid_key in self.tools: solid_geometry = self.tools[tooluid_key]['solid_geometry'] self.plot_element(solid_geometry, visible=visible, color=random_color() if self.options['multicolored'] else self.app.defaults["geometry_plot_line"]) else: # plot solid geometry that may be an direct attribute of the geometry object # for SingleGeo if self.solid_geometry: self.plot_element(self.solid_geometry, visible=visible, color=self.app.defaults["geometry_plot_line"]) # self.plot_element(self.solid_geometry, visible=self.options['plot']) self.shapes.redraw() except (ObjectDeleted, AttributeError): self.shapes.clear(update=True) def on_plot_cb_click(self, *args): if self.muted_ui: return self.read_form_item('plot') self.plot() self.ui_disconnect() cb_flag = self.ui.plot_cb.isChecked() for row in range(self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount()): table_cb = self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 6) if cb_flag: table_cb.setChecked(True) else: table_cb.setChecked(False) self.ui_connect() def on_plot_cb_click_table(self): # self.ui.cnc_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 2).widget().setCheckState(QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) self.ui_disconnect() # cw = self.sender() # cw_index = self.ui.geo_tools_table.indexAt(cw.pos()) # cw_row = cw_index.row() check_row = 0 self.shapes.clear(update=True) for tooluid_key in self.tools: solid_geometry = self.tools[tooluid_key]['solid_geometry'] # find the geo_tool_table row associated with the tooluid_key for row in range(self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount()): tooluid_item = int(self.ui.geo_tools_table.item(row, 5).text()) if tooluid_item == int(tooluid_key): check_row = row break if self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(check_row, 6).isChecked(): self.plot_element(element=solid_geometry, visible=True) self.shapes.redraw() # make sure that the general plot is disabled if one of the row plot's are disabled and # if all the row plot's are enabled also enable the general plot checkbox cb_cnt = 0 total_row = self.ui.geo_tools_table.rowCount() for row in range(total_row): if self.ui.geo_tools_table.cellWidget(row, 6).isChecked(): cb_cnt += 1 else: cb_cnt -= 1 if cb_cnt < total_row: self.ui.plot_cb.setChecked(False) else: self.ui.plot_cb.setChecked(True) self.ui_connect() def on_multicolored_cb_click(self, *args): if self.muted_ui: return self.read_form_item('multicolored') self.plot() @staticmethod def merge(geo_list, geo_final, multigeo=None, fuse_tools=None): """ Merges the geometry of objects in grb_list into the geometry of geo_final. :param geo_list: List of GerberObject Objects to join. :param geo_final: Destination GerberObject object. :param multigeo: if the merged geometry objects are of type MultiGeo :param fuse_tools: If True will try to fuse tools of the same type for the Geometry objects :return: None """ if geo_final.solid_geometry is None: geo_final.solid_geometry = [] try: __ = iter(geo_final.solid_geometry) except TypeError: geo_final.solid_geometry = [geo_final.solid_geometry] new_solid_geometry = [] new_options = {} new_tools = {} for geo_obj in geo_list: for option in geo_obj.options: if option != 'name': try: new_options[option] = deepcopy(geo_obj.options[option]) except Exception as e: log.warning("Failed to copy option %s. Error: %s" % (str(option), str(e))) # Expand lists if type(geo_obj) is list: GeometryObject.merge(geo_list=geo_obj, geo_final=geo_final) # If not list, just append else: if multigeo is None or multigeo is False: geo_final.multigeo = False else: geo_final.multigeo = True try: new_solid_geometry += deepcopy(geo_obj.solid_geometry) except Exception as e: log.debug("GeometryObject.merge() --> %s" % str(e)) # find the tool_uid maximum value in the geo_final try: max_uid = max([int(i) for i in new_tools.keys()]) except ValueError: max_uid = 0 # add and merge tools. If what we try to merge as Geometry is Excellon's and/or Gerber's then don't try # to merge the obj.tools as it is likely there is none to merge. if geo_obj.kind != 'gerber' and geo_obj.kind != 'excellon': for tool_uid in geo_obj.tools: max_uid += 1 new_tools[max_uid] = deepcopy(geo_obj.tools[tool_uid]) geo_final.options.update(new_options) geo_final.solid_geometry = new_solid_geometry if new_tools and fuse_tools is True: # merge the geometries of the tools that share the same tool diameter and the same tool_type # and the same type final_tools = {} same_dia = defaultdict(list) same_type = defaultdict(list) same_tool_type = defaultdict(list) # find tools that have the same diameter and group them by diameter for k, v in new_tools.items(): same_dia[v['tooldia']].append(k) # find tools that have the same type and group them by type for k, v in new_tools.items(): same_type[v['type']].append(k) # find tools that have the same tool_type and group them by tool_type for k, v in new_tools.items(): same_tool_type[v['tool_type']].append(k) # find the intersections in the above groups intersect_list = [] for dia, dia_list in same_dia.items(): for ty, type_list in same_type.items(): for t_ty, tool_type_list in same_tool_type.items(): intersection = reduce(np.intersect1d, (dia_list, type_list, tool_type_list)).tolist() if intersection: intersect_list.append(intersection) new_tool_nr = 1 for i_lst in intersect_list: new_solid_geo = [] for old_tool in i_lst: new_solid_geo += new_tools[old_tool]['solid_geometry'] if new_solid_geo: final_tools[new_tool_nr] = \ { k: deepcopy(new_tools[old_tool][k]) for k in new_tools[old_tool] if k != 'solid_geometry' } final_tools[new_tool_nr]['solid_geometry'] = deepcopy(new_solid_geo) new_tool_nr += 1 else: final_tools = new_tools geo_final.tools = final_tools @staticmethod def get_pts(o): """ Returns a list of all points in the object, where the object can be a MultiPolygon, Polygon, Not a polygon, or a list of such. Search is done recursively. :param: geometric object :return: List of points :rtype: list """ pts = [] # Iterable: descend into each item. try: for subo in o: pts += GeometryObject.get_pts(subo) # Non-iterable except TypeError: if o is not None: if type(o) == MultiPolygon: for poly in o: pts += GeometryObject.get_pts(poly) # ## Descend into .exerior and .interiors elif type(o) == Polygon: pts += GeometryObject.get_pts(o.exterior) for i in o.interiors: pts += GeometryObject.get_pts(i) elif type(o) == MultiLineString: for line in o: pts += GeometryObject.get_pts(line) # ## Has .coords: list them. else: pts += list(o.coords) else: return return pts