from gi.repository import Gtk import re from copy import copy class RadioSet(Gtk.Box): def __init__(self, choices): """ The choices are specified as a list of dictionaries containing: * 'label': Shown in the UI * 'value': The value returned is selected :param choices: List of choices. See description. :type choices: list """ Gtk.Box.__init__(self) self.choices = copy(choices) = None for choice in self.choices: if is None: choice['radio'] = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label(None, choice['label']) = choice['radio'] else: choice['radio'] = Gtk.RadioButton.new_with_label_from_widget(, choice['label']) self.pack_start(choice['radio'], expand=True, fill=False, padding=2) # choice['radio'].connect('toggled', self.on_toggle) # def on_toggle(self, *args): # return def get_value(self): for choice in self.choices: if choice['radio'].get_active(): return choice['value'] print "ERROR: No button was toggled in RadioSet." return None def set_value(self, val): for choice in self.choices: if choice['value'] == val: choice['radio'].set_active(True) return print "ERROR: Value given is not part of this RadioSet:", val class LengthEntry(Gtk.Entry): def __init__(self, output_units='IN'): Gtk.Entry.__init__(self) self.output_units = output_units self.format_re = re.compile(r"^([^\s]+)(?:\s([a-zA-Z]+))?$") # Unit conversion table OUTPUT-INPUT self.scales = { 'IN': {'MM': 1/25.4}, 'MM': {'IN': 25.4} } self.connect('activate', self.on_activate) def on_activate(self, *args): val = self.get_value() if val is not None: self.set_text(str(val)) else: print "WARNING: Could not interpret entry:", self.get_text() def get_value(self): raw = self.get_text().strip(' ') match = if not match: return None try: if is not None and in self.scales: return float(*self.scales[self.output_units][] else: return float( except: print "ERROR: Could not parse value in entry:", raw return None def set_value(self, val): self.set_text(str(val)) class FloatEntry(Gtk.Entry): def __init__(self): Gtk.Entry.__init__(self) self.connect('activate', self.on_activate) def on_activate(self, *args): val = self.get_value() if val is not None: self.set_text(str(val)) else: print "WARNING: Could not interpret entry:", self.get_text() def get_value(self): raw = self.get_text().strip(' ') try: evaled = eval(raw) except: print "ERROR: Could not evaluate:", raw return None return float(evaled) def set_value(self, val): self.set_text(str(val)) class IntEntry(Gtk.Entry): def __init__(self): Gtk.Entry.__init__(self) def get_value(self): return int(self.get_text()) def set_value(self, val): self.set_text(str(val)) class FCEntry(Gtk.Entry): def __init__(self): Gtk.Entry.__init__(self) def get_value(self): return self.get_text() def set_value(self, val): self.set_text(str(val)) class FCCheckBox(Gtk.CheckButton): def __init__(self, label=''): Gtk.CheckButton.__init__(self, label=label) def get_value(self): return self.get_active() def set_value(self, val): self.set_active(val)