############################################################ # FlatCAM: 2D Post-processing for Manufacturing # # http://caram.cl/software/flatcam # # Author: Juan Pablo Caram (c) # # Date: 2/5/2014 # # MIT Licence # ############################################################ from gi.repository import Gtk from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import GLib from gi.repository import GObject import inspect # TODO: Remove from FlatCAMApp import * from camlib import * from ObjectUI import * class LoudDict(dict): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LoudDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.callback = lambda x: None self.silence = False def set_change_callback(self, callback): if self.silence: return self.callback = callback def __setitem__(self, key, value): super(LoudDict, self).__setitem__(key, value) try: if self.__getitem__(key) == value: return except KeyError: pass self.callback(key) ######################################## ## FlatCAMObj ## ######################################## class FlatCAMObj(GObject.GObject, object): """ Base type of objects handled in FlatCAM. These become interactive in the GUI, can be plotted, and their options can be modified by the user in their respective forms. """ # Instance of the application to which these are related. # The app should set this value. app = None # name = GObject.property(type=str) def __init__(self, name, ui): """ :param name: Name of the object given by the user. :param ui: User interface to interact with the object. :type ui: ObjectUI :return: FlatCAMObj """ GObject.GObject.__init__(self) # View self.ui = ui self.options = LoudDict(name=name) self.options.set_change_callback(self.on_options_change) self.form_fields = {"name": self.ui.name_entry} self.radios = {} # Name value pairs for radio sets self.radios_inv = {} # Inverse of self.radios self.axes = None # Matplotlib axes self.kind = None # Override with proper name self.muted_ui = False self.ui.name_entry.connect('activate', self.on_name_activate) self.ui.offset_button.connect('clicked', self.on_offset_button_click) self.ui.offset_button.connect('activate', self.on_offset_button_click) self.ui.scale_button.connect('clicked', self.on_scale_button_click) self.ui.scale_button.connect('activate', self.on_scale_button_click) def __str__(self): return "".format(self.kind, self.options["name"]) def on_name_activate(self, *args): old_name = copy(self.options["name"]) new_name = self.ui.name_entry.get_text() self.options["name"] = self.ui.name_entry.get_text() self.app.info("Name changed from %s to %s" % (old_name, new_name)) def on_offset_button_click(self, *args): self.read_form() vect = self.ui.offsetvector_entry.get_value() self.offset(vect) self.plot() def on_scale_button_click(self, *args): self.read_form() factor = self.ui.scale_entry.get_value() self.scale(factor) self.plot() def on_options_change(self, key): self.form_fields[key].set_value(self.options[key]) return def setup_axes(self, figure): """ 1) Creates axes if they don't exist. 2) Clears axes. 3) Attaches them to figure if not part of the figure. 4) Sets transparent background. 5) Sets 1:1 scale aspect ratio. :param figure: A Matplotlib.Figure on which to add/configure axes. :type figure: matplotlib.figure.Figure :return: None :rtype: None """ if self.axes is None: print "New axes" self.axes = figure.add_axes([0.05, 0.05, 0.9, 0.9], label=self.options["name"]) elif self.axes not in figure.axes: print "Clearing and attaching axes" self.axes.cla() figure.add_axes(self.axes) else: print "Clearing Axes" self.axes.cla() # Remove all decoration. The app's axes will have # the ticks and grid. self.axes.set_frame_on(False) # No frame self.axes.set_xticks([]) # No tick self.axes.set_yticks([]) # No ticks self.axes.patch.set_visible(False) # No background self.axes.set_aspect(1) def to_form(self): """ Copies options to the UI form. :return: None """ for option in self.options: self.set_form_item(option) def read_form(self): """ Reads form into ``self.options``. :return: None :rtype: None """ print inspect.stack()[1][3], "--> FlatCAMObj.read_form()" for option in self.options: self.read_form_item(option) def build_ui(self): """ Sets up the UI/form for this object. :return: None :rtype: None """ self.muted_ui = True print inspect.stack()[1][3], "--> FlatCAMObj.build_ui()" # Where the UI for this object is drawn # box_selected = self.app.builder.get_object("box_selected") box_selected = self.app.builder.get_object("vp_selected") # Remove anything else in the box box_children = box_selected.get_children() for child in box_children: box_selected.remove(child) # Put in the UI # box_selected.pack_start(sw, True, True, 0) box_selected.add(self.ui) self.to_form() box_selected.show_all() self.ui.show() self.muted_ui = False def set_form_item(self, option): """ Copies the specified option to the UI form. :param option: Name of the option (Key in ``self.options``). :type option: str :return: None """ try: self.form_fields[option].set_value(self.options[option]) except KeyError: App.log.warn("Tried to set an option or field that does not exist: %s" % option) def read_form_item(self, option): """ Reads the specified option from the UI form into ``self.options``. :param option: Name of the option. :type option: str :return: None """ try: self.options[option] = self.form_fields[option].get_value() except KeyError: App.log.warning("Failed to read option from field: %s" % option) def plot(self): """ Plot this object (Extend this method to implement the actual plotting). Axes get created, appended to canvas and cleared before plotting. Call this in descendants before doing the plotting. :return: Whether to continue plotting or not depending on the "plot" option. :rtype: bool """ # Axes must exist and be attached to canvas. if self.axes is None or self.axes not in self.app.plotcanvas.figure.axes: self.axes = self.app.plotcanvas.new_axes(self.options['name']) if not self.options["plot"]: self.axes.cla() self.app.plotcanvas.auto_adjust_axes() return False # Clear axes or we will plot on top of them. self.axes.cla() # GLib.idle_add(self.axes.cla) return True def serialize(self): """ Returns a representation of the object as a dictionary so it can be later exported as JSON. Override this method. :return: Dictionary representing the object :rtype: dict """ return def deserialize(self, obj_dict): """ Re-builds an object from its serialized version. :param obj_dict: Dictionary representing a FlatCAMObj :type obj_dict: dict :return: None """ return class FlatCAMGerber(FlatCAMObj, Gerber): """ Represents Gerber code. """ def __init__(self, name): Gerber.__init__(self) FlatCAMObj.__init__(self, name, GerberObjectUI()) self.kind = "gerber" self.form_fields.update({ "plot": self.ui.plot_cb, "multicolored": self.ui.multicolored_cb, "solid": self.ui.solid_cb, "isotooldia": self.ui.iso_tool_dia_entry, "isopasses": self.ui.iso_width_entry, "isooverlap": self.ui.iso_overlap_entry, "cutouttooldia": self.ui.cutout_tooldia_entry, "cutoutmargin": self.ui.cutout_margin_entry, "cutoutgapsize": self.ui.cutout_gap_entry, "gaps": self.ui.gaps_radio, "noncoppermargin": self.ui.noncopper_margin_entry, "noncopperrounded": self.ui.noncopper_rounded_cb, "bboxmargin": self.ui.bbmargin_entry, "bboxrounded": self.ui.bbrounded_cb }) # The 'name' is already in self.options from FlatCAMObj # Automatically updates the UI self.options.update({ "plot": True, "multicolored": False, "solid": False, "isotooldia": 0.016, "isopasses": 1, "isooverlap": 0.15, "cutouttooldia": 0.07, "cutoutmargin": 0.2, "cutoutgapsize": 0.15, "gaps": "tb", "noncoppermargin": 0.0, "noncopperrounded": False, "bboxmargin": 0.0, "bboxrounded": False }) # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from predecessors. self.ser_attrs += ['options', 'kind'] assert isinstance(self.ui, GerberObjectUI) self.ui.plot_cb.connect('clicked', self.on_plot_cb_click) self.ui.plot_cb.connect('activate', self.on_plot_cb_click) self.ui.solid_cb.connect('clicked', self.on_solid_cb_click) self.ui.solid_cb.connect('activate', self.on_solid_cb_click) self.ui.multicolored_cb.connect('clicked', self.on_multicolored_cb_click) self.ui.multicolored_cb.connect('activate', self.on_multicolored_cb_click) self.ui.generate_iso_button.connect('clicked', self.on_iso_button_click) self.ui.generate_iso_button.connect('activate', self.on_iso_button_click) self.ui.generate_cutout_button.connect('clicked', self.on_generatecutout_button_click) self.ui.generate_cutout_button.connect('activate', self.on_generatecutout_button_click) self.ui.generate_bb_button.connect('clicked', self.on_generatebb_button_click) self.ui.generate_bb_button.connect('activate', self.on_generatebb_button_click) self.ui.generate_noncopper_button.connect('clicked', self.on_generatenoncopper_button_click) self.ui.generate_noncopper_button.connect('activate', self.on_generatenoncopper_button_click) def on_generatenoncopper_button_click(self, *args): self.read_form() name = self.options["name"] + "_noncopper" def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj): assert isinstance(geo_obj, FlatCAMGeometry) bounding_box = self.solid_geometry.envelope.buffer(self.options["noncoppermargin"]) if not self.options["noncopperrounded"]: bounding_box = bounding_box.envelope non_copper = bounding_box.difference(self.solid_geometry) geo_obj.solid_geometry = non_copper # TODO: Check for None self.app.new_object("geometry", name, geo_init) def on_generatebb_button_click(self, *args): self.read_form() name = self.options["name"] + "_bbox" def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj): assert isinstance(geo_obj, FlatCAMGeometry) # Bounding box with rounded corners bounding_box = self.solid_geometry.envelope.buffer(self.options["bboxmargin"]) if not self.options["bboxrounded"]: # Remove rounded corners bounding_box = bounding_box.envelope geo_obj.solid_geometry = bounding_box self.app.new_object("geometry", name, geo_init) def on_generatecutout_button_click(self, *args): self.read_form() name = self.options["name"] + "_cutout" def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj): margin = self.options["cutoutmargin"] + self.options["cutouttooldia"]/2 gap_size = self.options["cutoutgapsize"] + self.options["cutouttooldia"] minx, miny, maxx, maxy = self.bounds() minx -= margin maxx += margin miny -= margin maxy += margin midx = 0.5 * (minx + maxx) midy = 0.5 * (miny + maxy) hgap = 0.5 * gap_size pts = [[midx - hgap, maxy], [minx, maxy], [minx, midy + hgap], [minx, midy - hgap], [minx, miny], [midx - hgap, miny], [midx + hgap, miny], [maxx, miny], [maxx, midy - hgap], [maxx, midy + hgap], [maxx, maxy], [midx + hgap, maxy]] cases = {"tb": [[pts[0], pts[1], pts[4], pts[5]], [pts[6], pts[7], pts[10], pts[11]]], "lr": [[pts[9], pts[10], pts[1], pts[2]], [pts[3], pts[4], pts[7], pts[8]]], "4": [[pts[0], pts[1], pts[2]], [pts[3], pts[4], pts[5]], [pts[6], pts[7], pts[8]], [pts[9], pts[10], pts[11]]]} cuts = cases[self.options['gaps']] geo_obj.solid_geometry = cascaded_union([LineString(segment) for segment in cuts]) # TODO: Check for None self.app.new_object("geometry", name, geo_init) def on_iso_button_click(self, *args): self.read_form() dia = self.options["isotooldia"] passes = int(self.options["isopasses"]) overlap = self.options["isooverlap"] * dia for i in range(passes): offset = (2*i + 1)/2.0 * dia - i*overlap iso_name = self.options["name"] + "_iso%d" % (i+1) # TODO: This is ugly. Create way to pass data into init function. def iso_init(geo_obj, app_obj): # Propagate options geo_obj.options["cnctooldia"] = self.options["isotooldia"] geo_obj.solid_geometry = self.isolation_geometry(offset) app_obj.info("Isolation geometry created: %s" % geo_obj.options["name"]) # TODO: Do something if this is None. Offer changing name? self.app.new_object("geometry", iso_name, iso_init) def on_plot_cb_click(self, *args): if self.muted_ui: return self.read_form_item('plot') self.plot() def on_solid_cb_click(self, *args): if self.muted_ui: return self.read_form_item('solid') self.plot() def on_multicolored_cb_click(self, *args): if self.muted_ui: return self.read_form_item('multicolored') self.plot() def convert_units(self, units): """ Converts the units of the object by scaling dimensions in all geometry and options. :param units: Units to which to convert the object: "IN" or "MM". :type units: str :return: None :rtype: None """ factor = Gerber.convert_units(self, units) self.options['isotooldia'] *= factor self.options['cutoutmargin'] *= factor self.options['cutoutgapsize'] *= factor self.options['noncoppermargin'] *= factor self.options['bboxmargin'] *= factor def plot(self): # Does all the required setup and returns False # if the 'ptint' option is set to False. if not FlatCAMObj.plot(self): return # if self.options["mergepolys"]: # geometry = self.solid_geometry # else: # geometry = self.buffered_paths + \ # [poly['polygon'] for poly in self.regions] + \ # self.flash_geometry geometry = self.solid_geometry # Make sure geometry is iterable. try: _ = iter(geometry) except TypeError: geometry = [geometry] if self.options["multicolored"]: linespec = '-' else: linespec = 'k-' if self.options["solid"]: for poly in geometry: # TODO: Too many things hardcoded. try: patch = PolygonPatch(poly, facecolor="#BBF268", edgecolor="#006E20", alpha=0.75, zorder=2) self.axes.add_patch(patch) except AssertionError: print "WARNING: A geometry component was not a polygon:" print poly else: for poly in geometry: x, y = poly.exterior.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, linespec) for ints in poly.interiors: x, y = ints.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, linespec) # self.app.plotcanvas.auto_adjust_axes() GLib.idle_add(self.app.plotcanvas.auto_adjust_axes) def serialize(self): return { "options": self.options, "kind": self.kind } class FlatCAMExcellon(FlatCAMObj, Excellon): """ Represents Excellon/Drill code. """ def __init__(self, name): Excellon.__init__(self) FlatCAMObj.__init__(self, name, ExcellonObjectUI()) self.kind = "excellon" self.form_fields.update({ "name": self.ui.name_entry, "plot": self.ui.plot_cb, "solid": self.ui.solid_cb, "drillz": self.ui.cutz_entry, "travelz": self.ui.travelz_entry, "feedrate": self.ui.feedrate_entry, "toolselection": self.ui.tools_entry }) self.options.update({ "plot": True, "solid": False, "drillz": -0.1, "travelz": 0.1, "feedrate": 5.0, "toolselection": "" }) # self.form_kinds.update({ # "plot": "cb", # "solid": "cb", # "drillz": "entry_eval", # "travelz": "entry_eval", # "feedrate": "entry_eval", # "toolselection": "entry_text" # }) # TODO: Document this. self.tool_cbs = {} # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from predecessors. self.ser_attrs += ['options', 'kind'] self.ui.plot_cb.connect('clicked', self.on_plot_cb_click) self.ui.plot_cb.connect('activate', self.on_plot_cb_click) self.ui.solid_cb.connect('clicked', self.on_solid_cb_click) self.ui.solid_cb.connect('activate', self.on_solid_cb_click) def on_plot_cb_click(self, *args): if self.muted_ui: return self.read_form_item('plot') self.plot() def on_solid_cb_click(self, *args): if self.muted_ui: return self.read_form_item('solid') self.plot() def convert_units(self, units): factor = Excellon.convert_units(self, units) self.options['drillz'] *= factor self.options['travelz'] *= factor self.options['feedrate'] *= factor def plot(self): # Does all the required setup and returns False # if the 'ptint' option is set to False. if not FlatCAMObj.plot(self): return try: _ = iter(self.solid_geometry) except TypeError: self.solid_geometry = [self.solid_geometry] # Plot excellon (All polygons?) if self.options["solid"]: for geo in self.solid_geometry: patch = PolygonPatch(geo, facecolor="#C40000", edgecolor="#750000", alpha=0.75, zorder=3) self.axes.add_patch(patch) else: for geo in self.solid_geometry: x, y = geo.exterior.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'r-') for ints in geo.interiors: x, y = ints.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'g-') #self.app.plotcanvas.auto_adjust_axes() GLib.idle_add(self.app.plotcanvas.auto_adjust_axes) def show_tool_chooser(self): win = Gtk.Window() box = Gtk.Box(spacing=2) box.set_orientation(Gtk.Orientation(1)) win.add(box) for tool in self.tools: self.tool_cbs[tool] = Gtk.CheckButton(label=tool + ": " + str(self.tools[tool])) box.pack_start(self.tool_cbs[tool], False, False, 1) button = Gtk.Button(label="Accept") box.pack_start(button, False, False, 1) win.show_all() def on_accept(widget): win.destroy() tool_list = [] for toolx in self.tool_cbs: if self.tool_cbs[toolx].get_active(): tool_list.append(toolx) self.options["toolselection"] = ", ".join(tool_list) self.to_form() button.connect("activate", on_accept) button.connect("clicked", on_accept) class FlatCAMCNCjob(FlatCAMObj, CNCjob): """ Represents G-Code. """ def __init__(self, name, units="in", kind="generic", z_move=0.1, feedrate=3.0, z_cut=-0.002, tooldia=0.0): CNCjob.__init__(self, units=units, kind=kind, z_move=z_move, feedrate=feedrate, z_cut=z_cut, tooldia=tooldia) FlatCAMObj.__init__(self, name, CNCObjectUI()) self.kind = "cncjob" self.options.update({ "plot": True, "tooldia": 0.4 / 25.4 # 0.4mm in inches }) self.form_fields.update({ "name": self.ui.name_entry, "plot": self.ui.plot_cb, "tooldia": self.ui.tooldia_entry }) # self.form_kinds.update({ # "plot": "cb", # "tooldia": "entry_eval" # }) # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from predecessors. self.ser_attrs += ['options', 'kind'] self.ui.plot_cb.connect('clicked', self.on_plot_cb_click) self.ui.plot_cb.connect('activate', self.on_plot_cb_click) def on_plot_cb_click(self, *args): if self.muted_ui: return self.read_form_item('plot') self.plot() def plot(self): # Does all the required setup and returns False # if the 'ptint' option is set to False. if not FlatCAMObj.plot(self): return self.plot2(self.axes, tooldia=self.options["tooldia"]) #self.app.plotcanvas.auto_adjust_axes() GLib.idle_add(self.app.plotcanvas.auto_adjust_axes) def convert_units(self, units): factor = CNCjob.convert_units(self, units) print "FlatCAMCNCjob.convert_units()" self.options["tooldia"] *= factor class FlatCAMGeometry(FlatCAMObj, Geometry): """ Geometric object not associated with a specific format. """ def __init__(self, name): FlatCAMObj.__init__(self, name, GeometryObjectUI()) Geometry.__init__(self) self.kind = "geometry" self.form_fields.update({ "name": self.ui.name_entry, "plot": self.ui.plot_cb, # "solid": self.ui.sol, # "multicolored": self.ui., "cutz": self.ui.cutz_entry, "travelz": self.ui.travelz_entry, "feedrate": self.ui.cncfeedrate_entry, "cnctooldia": self.ui.cnctooldia_entry, "painttooldia": self.ui.painttooldia_entry, "paintoverlap": self.ui.paintoverlap_entry, "paintmargin": self.ui.paintmargin_entry }) self.options.update({ "plot": True, # "solid": False, # "multicolored": False, "cutz": -0.002, "travelz": 0.1, "feedrate": 5.0, "cnctooldia": 0.4 / 25.4, "painttooldia": 0.0625, "paintoverlap": 0.15, "paintmargin": 0.01 }) # self.form_kinds.update({ # "plot": "cb", # "solid": "cb", # "multicolored": "cb", # "cutz": "entry_eval", # "travelz": "entry_eval", # "feedrate": "entry_eval", # "cnctooldia": "entry_eval", # "painttooldia": "entry_eval", # "paintoverlap": "entry_eval", # "paintmargin": "entry_eval" # }) # Attributes to be included in serialization # Always append to it because it carries contents # from predecessors. self.ser_attrs += ['options', 'kind'] assert isinstance(self.ui, GeometryObjectUI) self.ui.plot_cb.connect('clicked', self.on_plot_cb_click) self.ui.plot_cb.connect('activate', self.on_plot_cb_click) self.ui.generate_cnc_button.connect('clicked', self.on_generatecnc_button_click) self.ui.generate_cnc_button.connect('activate', self.on_generatecnc_button_click) self.ui.generate_paint_button.connect('clicked', self.on_paint_button_click) self.ui.generate_paint_button.connect('activate', self.on_paint_button_click) def on_paint_button_click(self, *args): self.app.info("Click inside the desired polygon.") self.read_form() tooldia = self.options["painttooldia"] overlap = self.options["paintoverlap"] # Connection ID for the click event subscription = None # To be called after clicking on the plot. def doit(event): self.app.plotcanvas.mpl_disconnect(subscription) point = [event.xdata, event.ydata] poly = find_polygon(self.solid_geometry, point) # Initializes the new geometry object def gen_paintarea(geo_obj, app_obj): assert isinstance(geo_obj, FlatCAMGeometry) #assert isinstance(app_obj, App) cp = clear_poly(poly.buffer(-self.options["paintmargin"]), tooldia, overlap) geo_obj.solid_geometry = cp geo_obj.options["cnctooldia"] = tooldia name = self.options["name"] + "_paint" self.new_object("geometry", name, gen_paintarea) subscription = self.app.plotcanvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', doit) def on_generatecnc_button_click(self, *args): self.read_form() job_name = self.options["name"] + "_cnc" # Object initialization function for app.new_object() # RUNNING ON SEPARATE THREAD! def job_init(job_obj, app_obj): assert isinstance(job_obj, FlatCAMCNCjob) # Propagate options job_obj.options["tooldia"] = self.options["cnctooldia"] GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.2, "Creating CNC Job...")) job_obj.z_cut = self.options["cutz"] job_obj.z_move = self.options["travelz"] job_obj.feedrate = self.options["feedrate"] GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.4, "Analyzing Geometry...")) # TODO: The tolerance should not be hard coded. Just for testing. job_obj.generate_from_geometry(self, tolerance=0.0005) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.5, "Parsing G-Code...")) job_obj.gcode_parse() # TODO: job_obj.create_geometry creates stuff that is not used. #GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.6, "Creating New Geometry...")) #job_obj.create_geometry() GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.8, "Plotting...")) # To be run in separate thread def job_thread(app_obj): app_obj.new_object("cncjob", job_name, job_init) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.info("CNCjob created: %s" % job_name)) GLib.idle_add(lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(1.0, "Done!")) GLib.timeout_add_seconds(1, lambda: app_obj.set_progress_bar(0.0, "Idle")) # Send to worker self.app.worker.add_task(job_thread, [self.app]) def on_plot_cb_click(self, *args): if self.muted_ui: return self.read_form_item('plot') self.plot() def scale(self, factor): """ Scales all geometry by a given factor. :param factor: Factor by which to scale the object's geometry/ :type factor: float :return: None :rtype: None """ if type(self.solid_geometry) == list: self.solid_geometry = [affinity.scale(g, factor, factor, origin=(0, 0)) for g in self.solid_geometry] else: self.solid_geometry = affinity.scale(self.solid_geometry, factor, factor, origin=(0, 0)) def offset(self, vect): """ Offsets all geometry by a given vector/ :param vect: (x, y) vector by which to offset the object's geometry. :type vect: tuple :return: None :rtype: None """ dx, dy = vect if type(self.solid_geometry) == list: self.solid_geometry = [affinity.translate(g, xoff=dx, yoff=dy) for g in self.solid_geometry] else: self.solid_geometry = affinity.translate(self.solid_geometry, xoff=dx, yoff=dy) def convert_units(self, units): factor = Geometry.convert_units(self, units) self.options['cutz'] *= factor self.options['travelz'] *= factor self.options['feedrate'] *= factor self.options['cnctooldia'] *= factor self.options['painttooldia'] *= factor self.options['paintmargin'] *= factor return factor def plot(self): """ Plots the object into its axes. If None, of if the axes are not part of the app's figure, it fetches new ones. :return: None """ # Does all the required setup and returns False # if the 'ptint' option is set to False. if not FlatCAMObj.plot(self): return # Make sure solid_geometry is iterable. try: _ = iter(self.solid_geometry) except TypeError: self.solid_geometry = [self.solid_geometry] for geo in self.solid_geometry: if type(geo) == Polygon: x, y = geo.exterior.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'r-') for ints in geo.interiors: x, y = ints.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'r-') continue if type(geo) == LineString or type(geo) == LinearRing: x, y = geo.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'r-') continue if type(geo) == MultiPolygon: for poly in geo: x, y = poly.exterior.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'r-') for ints in poly.interiors: x, y = ints.coords.xy self.axes.plot(x, y, 'r-') continue print "WARNING: Did not plot:", str(type(geo)) #self.app.plotcanvas.auto_adjust_axes() GLib.idle_add(self.app.plotcanvas.auto_adjust_axes)