from tclCommands.TclCommand import TclCommand from FlatCAMObj import FlatCAMGeometry, FlatCAMExcellon import shapely.affinity as affinity import logging from copy import deepcopy import collections log = logging.getLogger('base') class TclCommandPanelize(TclCommand): """ Tcl shell command to panelize an object. example: """ # List of all command aliases, to be able use old names for backward compatibility (add_poly, add_polygon) aliases = ['panelize','pan', 'panel'] # Dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered arg_names = collections.OrderedDict([ ('name', str), ]) # Dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered , this is for options like -optionname value option_types = collections.OrderedDict([ ('rows', int), ('columns', int), ('spacing_columns', float), ('spacing_rows', float), ('box', str), ('outname', str), ('run_threaded', bool) ]) # array of mandatory options for current Tcl command: required = {'name','outname'} required = ['name', 'rows', 'columns'] # structured help for current command, args needs to be ordered help = { 'main': 'Rectangular panelizing.', 'args': collections.OrderedDict([ ('name', 'Name of the object to panelize.'), ('box', 'Name of object which acts as box (cutout for example.)' 'for cutout boundary. Object from name is used if not specified.'), ('spacing_columns', 'Spacing between columns.'), ('spacing_rows', 'Spacing between rows.'), ('columns', 'Number of columns.'), ('rows', 'Number of rows;'), ('outname', 'Name of the new geometry object.'), ('run_threaded', 'False = non-threaded || True = threaded') ]), 'examples': [] } def execute(self, args, unnamed_args): """ :param args: :param unnamed_args: :return: """ name = args['name'] # Get source object. try: obj = except Exception as e: return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name if obj is None: return "Object not found: %s" % name if 'box' in args: boxname = args['box'] try: box = except Exception: return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name else: box = obj if 'columns' not in args or 'rows' not in args: return "ERROR: Specify -columns and -rows" if 'outname' in args: outname = args['outname'] else: outname = name + '_panelized' if 'run_threaded' in args: threaded = bool(args['run_threaded']) else: threaded = False if 'spacing_columns' in args: spacing_columns = int(args['spacing_columns']) else: spacing_columns = 5 if 'spacing_rows' in args: spacing_rows = int(args['spacing_rows']) else: spacing_rows = 5 rows = int(args['rows']) columns = int(args['columns']) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box.bounds() lenghtx = xmax - xmin + spacing_columns lenghty = ymax - ymin + spacing_rows # def panelize(): # currenty = 0 # # def initialize_local(obj_init, app): # obj_init.solid_geometry = obj.solid_geometry # obj_init.offset([float(currentx), float(currenty)]) # objs.append(obj_init) # # def initialize_local_excellon(obj_init, app): # = # # drills are offset, so they need to be deep copied # obj_init.drills = deepcopy(obj.drills) # obj_init.offset([float(currentx), float(currenty)]) # obj_init.create_geometry() # objs.append(obj_init) # # def initialize_geometry(obj_init, app): # FlatCAMGeometry.merge(objs, obj_init) # # def initialize_excellon(obj_init, app): # # merge expects tools to exist in the target object # = # FlatCAMExcellon.merge(objs, obj_init) # # objs = [] # if obj is not None: # # for row in range(rows): # currentx = 0 # for col in range(columns): # local_outname = outname + ".tmp." + str(col) + "." + str(row) # if isinstance(obj, FlatCAMExcellon): #"excellon", local_outname, initialize_local_excellon, plot=False, # autoselected=False) # else: #"geometry", local_outname, initialize_local, plot=False, # autoselected=False) # # currentx += lenghtx # currenty += lenghty # # if isinstance(obj, FlatCAMExcellon): #"excellon", outname, initialize_excellon) # else: #"geometry", outname, initialize_geometry) # # # deselect all to avoid delete selected object when run delete from shell # # for delobj in objs: #['name']) # # else: # return "fail" # # ret_value = panelize() # if ret_value == 'fail': # return 'fail' def panelize_2(): if obj is not None:"Generating panel ... Please wait.") def job_init_excellon(obj_fin, app_obj): currenty = 0.0 = obj_fin.drills = [] obj_fin.slots = [] obj_fin.solid_geometry = [] for option in obj.options: if option is not 'name': try: obj_fin.options[option] = obj.options[option] except Exception as e: log.warning("Failed to copy option: %s" % str(option)) log.debug("TclCommandPanelize.execute().panelize2() --> %s" % str(e)) for row in range(rows): currentx = 0.0 for col in range(columns): if obj.drills: for tool_dict in obj.drills: point_offseted = affinity.translate(tool_dict['point'], currentx, currenty) obj_fin.drills.append( { "point": point_offseted, "tool": tool_dict['tool'] } ) if obj.slots: for tool_dict in obj.slots: start_offseted = affinity.translate(tool_dict['start'], currentx, currenty) stop_offseted = affinity.translate(tool_dict['stop'], currentx, currenty) obj_fin.slots.append( { "start": start_offseted, "stop": stop_offseted, "tool": tool_dict['tool'] } ) currentx += lenghtx currenty += lenghty obj_fin.create_geometry() obj_fin.zeros = obj.zeros obj_fin.units = obj.units def job_init_geometry(obj_fin, app_obj): currentx = 0.0 currenty = 0.0 def translate_recursion(geom): if type(geom) == list: geoms = [] for local_geom in geom: geoms.append(translate_recursion(local_geom)) return geoms else: return affinity.translate(geom, xoff=currentx, yoff=currenty) obj_fin.solid_geometry = [] if isinstance(obj, FlatCAMGeometry): obj_fin.multigeo = obj.multigeo = deepcopy( if obj.multigeo is True: for tool in[tool]['solid_geometry'][:] = [] for row in range(rows): currentx = 0.0 for col in range(columns): if isinstance(obj, FlatCAMGeometry): if obj.multigeo is True: for tool in[tool]['solid_geometry'].append(translate_recursion([tool]['solid_geometry']) ) else: obj_fin.solid_geometry.append( translate_recursion(obj.solid_geometry) ) else: obj_fin.solid_geometry.append( translate_recursion(obj.solid_geometry) ) currentx += lenghtx currenty += lenghty if isinstance(obj, FlatCAMExcellon):"excellon", outname, job_init_excellon, plot=False, autoselected=True) else:"geometry", outname, job_init_geometry, plot=False, autoselected=True) if threaded is True: proc ="Generating panel ... Please wait.") def job_thread(app_obj): try: panelize_2()"[success] Panel created successfully.") except Exception as ee: proc.done() log.debug(str(ee)) return proc.done(){'fcn': job_thread, 'params': []}) else: panelize_2()"[success] Panel created successfully.")