add shell commands and docs:


small shell command write_gcode fix
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Kamil Sopko 2014-12-28 22:49:04 +01:00
parent f528a07751
commit de3694f86c
1 changed files with 186 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1848,6 +1848,161 @@ class App(QtCore.QObject):
self.open_gcode(str(filename), **kwa)
def cutout(name, *args):
a, kwa = h(*args)
types = {'dia': float,
'margin': float,
'gapsize': float,
'gaps': str}
for key in kwa:
if key not in types:
return 'Unknown parameter: %s' % key
kwa[key] = types[key](kwa[key])
obj = self.collection.get_by_name(str(name))
return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name
def geo_init_me(geo_obj, app_obj):
margin = kwa['margin']+kwa['dia']/2
gap_size = kwa['dia']+kwa['gapsize']
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = obj.bounds()
minx -= margin
maxx += margin
miny -= margin
maxy += margin
midx = 0.5 * (minx + maxx)
midy = 0.5 * (miny + maxy)
hgap = 0.5 * gap_size
pts = [[midx - hgap, maxy],
[minx, maxy],
[minx, midy + hgap],
[minx, midy - hgap],
[minx, miny],
[midx - hgap, miny],
[midx + hgap, miny],
[maxx, miny],
[maxx, midy - hgap],
[maxx, midy + hgap],
[maxx, maxy],
[midx + hgap, maxy]]
cases = {"tb": [[pts[0], pts[1], pts[4], pts[5]],
[pts[6], pts[7], pts[10], pts[11]]],
"lr": [[pts[9], pts[10], pts[1], pts[2]],
[pts[3], pts[4], pts[7], pts[8]]],
"4": [[pts[0], pts[1], pts[2]],
[pts[3], pts[4], pts[5]],
[pts[6], pts[7], pts[8]],
[pts[9], pts[10], pts[11]]]}
cuts = cases[kwa['gaps']]
geo_obj.solid_geometry = cascaded_union([LineString(segment) for segment in cuts])
try:"geometry", name+ "_cutout", geo_init_me)
except Exception, e:
return "Operation failed: %s" % str(e)
return 'Ok'
def mirror(name, *args):
a, kwa = h(*args)
types = {'box': str,
'axis': str}
for key in kwa:
if key not in types:
return 'Unknown parameter: %s' % key
kwa[key] = types[key](kwa[key])
obj = self.collection.get_by_name(str(name))
return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name
box = self.collection.get_by_name(kwa['box'])
return "Could not retrieve object box: %s" % kwa['box']
if obj is None:
return "Object not found: %s" % name
if box is None:
return "Object box not found: %s" % kwa['box']
if not isinstance(obj, FlatCAMGerber) and not isinstance(obj, FlatCAMExcellon):
return "ERROR: Only Gerber and Excellon objects can be mirrored."
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = box.bounds()
px = 0.5*(xmin+xmax)
py = 0.5*(ymin+ymax)
obj.mirror(kwa['axis'], [px, py])
except Exception, e:
return "Operation failed: %s" % str(e)
return 'Ok'
def drillcncjob(name, *args):
a, kwa = h(*args)
types = {'tools': str,
'outname': str,
'drillz': float,
'travelz': float,
'feedrate': float}
for key in kwa:
if key not in types:
return 'Unknown parameter: %s' % key
kwa[key] = types[key](kwa[key])
obj = self.collection.get_by_name(str(name))
return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name
if obj is None:
return "Object not found: %s" % name
if not isinstance(obj, FlatCAMExcellon):
return "ERROR: Only Excellon objects can be drilled."
# Get the tools from the list
job_name = kwa["outname"]
# Object initialization function for app.new_object()
def job_init(job_obj, app_obj):
assert isinstance(job_obj, FlatCAMCNCjob)
job_obj.z_cut = kwa["drillz"]
job_obj.z_move = kwa["travelz"]
job_obj.feedrate = kwa["feedrate"]
job_obj.generate_from_excellon_by_tool(obj, kwa["tools"])
job_obj.create_geometry()"cncjob", job_name, job_init)
except Exception, e:
return "Operation failed: %s" % str(e)
return 'Ok'
def isolate(name, *args):
a, kwa = h(*args)
types = {'dia': float,
@ -1908,9 +2063,10 @@ class App(QtCore.QObject):
obj = self.collection.get_by_name(str(obj_name))
return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % obj_name
if obj is None:
return "Object not found: %s" % obj_name
obj.export_gcode(str(filename), str(preamble), str(postamble))
obj.export_gcode(str(filename), str(preamble), str(postamble))
except Exception, e:
return "Operation failed: %s" % str(e)
def paint_poly(obj_name, inside_pt_x, inside_pt_y, tooldia, overlap):
@ -2109,6 +2265,33 @@ class App(QtCore.QObject):
" dia: Tool diameter\n passes: # of tool width\n" +
" overlap: Fraction of tool diameter to overlap passes"
'cutout': {
'fcn': cutout,
'help': "Creates cutout board.\n" +
"> cutout <name> [-dia <3.0 (float)>] [-margin <0.0 (float)>] [-gapsize <0.5 (float)>] [-gaps <lr (4|tb|lr)>]\n" +
" name: Name of the object\n" +
" dia: Tool diameter\n margin: # margin over bounds\n" +
" gapsize: size of gap\n gaps: type of gaps"
'mirror': {
'fcn': mirror,
'help': "Mirror board.\n" +
"> mirror <nameMirroredObject> -box <nameOfBox> [-axis <3.0 (X X|Y)>]\n" +
" name: Name of the object to mirror\n" +
" box: Name of object which act as box (cutout for example)\n" +
" axis: axis mirror over x o y"
'drillcncjob': {
'fcn': drillcncjob,
'help': "Drill CNC job.\n" +
"> drillcncjob <name> -tools <str> -drillz <float> -travelz <float> -feedrate <float> -outname <str> \n" +
" name: Name of the object\n" +
" tools: coma separated indexes of tools (example: 1,3 or 2)\n" +
" drillz: drill into material (example: -2)\n" +
" travelz: travel above material (example: 2)\n" +
" feedrate: drilling feed rate\n" +
" outname: name of object to create\n"
'scale': {
'fcn': lambda name, factor: self.collection.get_by_name(str(name)).scale(float(factor)),
'help': "Resizes the object by a factor.\n" +