- modified the Tcl command Paint "single" parameter. Now it's value is a tuple with the x,y coordinates of the single polygon to be painted.

This commit is contained in:
Marius Stanciu 2020-05-12 16:51:54 +03:00 committed by Marius
parent 6aacd4d978
commit ce9b18f9ed
5 changed files with 44 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ CHANGELOG for FlatCAM beta
- fixed recent issues introduced in Tcl command Drillcncjob
- updated the Cncjob to use the 'endxy' parameter which dictates the x,y position at the end of the job
- now the Tcl commands Drillcncjob and Cncjob can use the toolchangexy and endxy parameters with or without parenthesis (but no spaces allowed)
- modified the Tcl command Paint "single" parameter. Now it's value is a tuple with the x,y coordinates of the single polygon to be painted.

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@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ class TclCommandCncjob(TclCommandSignaled):
('toolchangez', 'Z distance for toolchange (example: 30.0).\n'
'If used in the command then a toolchange event will be included in gcode'),
('toolchangexy', 'The X,Y coordinates at Toolchange event in format (x, y) (example: (30.0, 15.2) or '
'without parenthesis like: 0.3,1.0 - no spaces allowed in this case).'),
'without parenthesis like: 0.3,1.0). WARNING: no spaces allowed in the value.'),
('startz', 'Height before the first move.'),
('endz', 'Height where the last move will park.'),
('endxy', 'The X,Y coordinates at job end in format (x, y) (example: (30.0, 15.2) or without parenthesis'
'like: 0.3,1.0 - no spaces allowed in this case).'),
('endxy', 'The X,Y coordinates at job end in format (x, y) (example: (2.0, 1.2) or without parenthesis'
'like: 0.3,1.0). WARNING: no spaces allowed in the value.'),
('spindlespeed', 'Speed of the spindle in rpm (example: 4000).'),
('dwelltime', 'Time to pause to allow the spindle to reach the full speed.\n'
'If it is not used in command then it will not be included'),
@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ class TclCommandCncjob(TclCommandSignaled):
args["endxy"] = '0, 0'
if len(eval(args["endxy"])) != 2:
self.raise_tcl_error("The entered value for 'endxy' needs to have the format x,y - no spaces or "
"in format (x, y) - spaces allowed. But always two comma separated values.")
self.raise_tcl_error("The entered value for 'endxy' needs to have the format x,y or "
"in format (x, y) - no spaces allowed. But always two comma separated values.")
args["spindlespeed"] = args["spindlespeed"] if "spindlespeed" in args and args["spindlespeed"] != 0 else None
@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ class TclCommandCncjob(TclCommandSignaled):
args["toolchangexy"] = '0, 0'
if len(eval(args["toolchangexy"])) != 2:
self.raise_tcl_error("The entered value for 'toolchangexy' needs to have the format x,y - no spaces or "
"in format (x, y) - spaces allowed. But always two comma separated values.")
self.raise_tcl_error("The entered value for 'toolchangexy' needs to have the format x,y or "
"in format (x, y) - no spaces allowed. But always two comma separated values.")
del args['name']

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@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ class TclCommandCopperClear(TclCommand):
'main': "Clear excess copper in polygons. Basically it's a negative Paint.",
'args': collections.OrderedDict([
('name', 'Name of the source Geometry object. String.'),
('tooldia', 'Diameter of the tool to be used. Can be a comma separated list of diameters. No space is '
'allowed between tool diameters. E.g: correct: 0.5,1 / incorrect: 0.5, 1'),
('tooldia', 'Diameter of the tool to be used. Can be a comma separated list of diameters.\n'
'WARNING: No space is allowed between tool diameters. E.g: correct: 0.5,1 / incorrect: 0.5, 1'),
('overlap', 'Percentage of tool diameter to overlap current pass over previous pass. Float [0, 99.9999]\n'
'E.g: for a 25% from tool diameter overlap use -overlap 25'),
('margin', 'Bounding box margin. Float number.'),
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ class TclCommandCopperClear(TclCommand):
('all', 'If used will copper clear the whole object. Either "-all" or "-box <value>" has to be used.'),
('box', 'Name of the object to be used as reference. Either "-all" or "-box <value>" has to be used. '
('outname', 'Name of the resulting Geometry object. String.'),
('outname', 'Name of the resulting Geometry object. String. No spaces.'),
'examples': ["ncc obj_name -tooldia 0.3,1 -overlap 10 -margin 1.0 -method 'lines' -all"]

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class TclCommandDrillcncjob(TclCommandSignaled):
('name', 'Name of the source object.'),
'Comma separated tool diameters of the drills to be drilled (example: 0.6,1.0 or 3.125). '
'No space allowed'),
'WARNING: No space allowed'),
('drillz', 'Drill depth into material (example: -2.0). Negative value.'),
('dpp', 'Progressive drilling into material with a specified step (example: 0.7). Positive value.'),
('travelz', 'Travel distance above material (example: 2.0).'),
@ -69,11 +69,11 @@ class TclCommandDrillcncjob(TclCommandSignaled):
('toolchangez', 'Z distance for toolchange (example: 30.0).\n'
'If used in the command then a toolchange event will be included in gcode'),
('toolchangexy', 'The X,Y coordinates at Toolchange event in format (x, y) (example: (30.0, 15.2) or '
'without parenthesis like: 0.3,1.0 - no spaces allowed in this case).'),
'without parenthesis like: 0.3,1.0). WARNING: no spaces allowed in the value.'),
('startz', 'The Z coordinate at job start (example: 30.0).'),
('endz', 'The Z coordinate at job end (example: 30.0).'),
('endxy', 'The X,Y coordinates at job end in format (x, y) (example: (30.0, 15.2) or without parenthesis'
'like: 0.3,1.0 - no spaces allowed in this case).'),
('endxy', 'The X,Y coordinates at job end in format (x, y) (example: (2.0, 1.2) or without parenthesis'
'like: 0.3,1.0). WARNING: no spaces allowed in the value.'),
('dwelltime', 'Time to pause to allow the spindle to reach the full speed.\n'
'If it is not used in command then it will not be included'),
('pp', 'This is the Excellon preprocessor name: case_sensitive, no_quotes'),
@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ class TclCommandDrillcncjob(TclCommandSignaled):
xy_toolchange = '0, 0'
if len(eval(xy_toolchange)) != 2:
self.raise_tcl_error("The entered value for 'toolchangexy' needs to have the format x,y - no spaces or "
"in format (x, y) - spaces allowed. But always two comma separated values.")
self.raise_tcl_error("The entered value for 'toolchangexy' needs to have the format x,y or "
"in format (x, y) - no spaces allowed. But always two comma separated values.")
endz = args["endz"] if "endz" in args and args["endz"] is not None else self.app.defaults["excellon_endz"]
@ -252,9 +252,10 @@ class TclCommandDrillcncjob(TclCommandSignaled):
xy_end = self.app.defaults["excellon_endxy"]
xy_end = '0, 0'
if len(eval(xy_end)) != 2:
self.raise_tcl_error("The entered value for 'xy_end' needs to have the format x,y - no spaces or "
"in format (x, y) - spaces allowed. But always two comma separated values.")
self.raise_tcl_error("The entered value for 'xy_end' needs to have the format x,y or "
"in format (x, y) - no spaces allowed. But always two comma separated values.")
opt_type = args["opt_type"] if "opt_type" in args and args["opt_type"] else 'B'

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@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ class TclCommandPaint(TclCommand):
('single', str),
('ref', str),
('box', str),
('x', float),
('y', float),
('outname', str),
@ -53,30 +51,32 @@ class TclCommandPaint(TclCommand):
# structured help for current command, args needs to be ordered
help = {
'main': "Paint polygons in the specified object by covering them with toolpaths.",
'main': "Paint polygons in the specified object by covering them with toolpaths.\n"
"Can use only one of the parameters: 'all', 'box', 'single'.",
'args': collections.OrderedDict([
('name', 'Name of the source Geometry object. String.'),
('tooldia', 'Diameter of the tool to be used. Can be a comma separated list of diameters. No space is '
'allowed between tool diameters. E.g: correct: 0.5,1 / incorrect: 0.5, 1'),
('tooldia', 'Diameter of the tools to be used. Can be a comma separated list of diameters.\n'
'WARNING: No space is allowed between tool diameters. E.g: correct: 0.5,1 / incorrect: 0.5, 1'),
('overlap', 'Percentage of tool diameter to overlap current pass over previous pass. Float [0, 99.9999]\n'
'E.g: for a 25% from tool diameter overlap use -overlap 25'),
('margin', 'Bounding box margin. Float number.'),
('order', 'Can have the values: "no", "fwd" and "rev". String.'
'It is useful when there are multiple tools in tooldia parameter.'
'"no" -> the order used is the one provided.'
'"fwd" -> tools are ordered from smallest to biggest.'
('order', 'Can have the values: "no", "fwd" and "rev". String.\n'
'It is useful when there are multiple tools in tooldia parameter.\n'
'"no" -> the order used is the one provided.\n'
'"fwd" -> tools are ordered from smallest to biggest.\n'
'"rev" -> tools are ordered from biggest to smallest.'),
('method', 'Algorithm for painting. Can be: "standard", "seed", "lines", "laser_lines", "combo".'),
('connect', 'Draw lines to minimize tool lifts. True (1) or False (0)'),
('contour', 'Cut around the perimeter of the painting. True (1) or False (0)'),
('all', 'If used, paint all polygons in the object.'),
('box', 'name of the object to be used as paint reference. String.'),
('single', 'Paint a single polygon specified by "x" and "y" parameters. True (1) or False (0)'),
('x', 'X value of coordinate for the selection of a single polygon. Float number.'),
('y', 'Y value of coordinate for the selection of a single polygon. Float number.'),
('outname', 'Name of the resulting Geometry object. String.'),
('single', 'Value is in format x,y or (x,y). Example: 2.0,1.1\n'
'If used will paint a single polygon specified by "x" and "y" values.\n'
'WARNING: No spaces allowed in the value. Use dot decimals separator.'),
('outname', 'Name of the resulting Geometry object. String. No spaces.'),
'examples': ["paint obj_name -tooldia 0.3 -margin 0.1 -method 'seed' -all"]
'examples': ["paint obj_name -tooldia 0.3 -margin 0.1 -method 'seed' -all",
"paint obj_name -tooldia 0.3 -margin 0.1 -method 'seed' -single 3.3,2.0"]
def execute(self, args, unnamed_args):
@ -245,11 +245,17 @@ class TclCommandPaint(TclCommand):
# Paint single polygon in the painted object
if 'single' in args:
if 'x' not in args and 'y' not in args:
self.raise_tcl_error('%s' % _("Expected -x <value> and -y <value>."))
if not args['single'] or args['single'] == '':
self.raise_tcl_error('%s Got: %s' %
(_("Expected a tuple value like -single 3.2,0.1."), str(args['single'])))
x = args['x']
y = args['y']
coords_xy = [float(eval(a)) for a in args['single'].split(",") if a != '']
if coords_xy and len(coords_xy) != 2:
self.raise_tcl_error('%s Got: %s' %
(_("Expected a tuple value like -single 3.2,0.1."), str(coords_xy)))
x = coords_xy[0]
y = coords_xy[1]
inside_pt=[x, y],