- Isolation Tool - added ability to find the tool diameter that will guarantee total isolation of the currently selected Gerber object

This commit is contained in:
Marius Stanciu 2020-08-26 18:32:28 +03:00
parent d4c922cdf9
commit be01e00898
2 changed files with 103 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ CHANGELOG for FlatCAM beta
- Drilling Tool - when replacing Tools if more than one tool for one diameter is found, the application exit the process and display an error in status bar; some minor fixes
- Isolation Tool - remade the UI
- Isolation Tool - modified the add new tool method to search first in Tools Database for a suitable tool
- Isolation Tool - added ability to find the tool diameter that will guarantee total isolation of the currently selected Gerber object

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@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ from appTool import AppTool
from appGUI.GUIElements import FCCheckBox, FCDoubleSpinner, RadioSet, FCTable, FCInputDialog, FCButton, \
FCComboBox, OptionalInputSection, FCSpinner, FCLabel
from appParsers.ParseGerber import Gerber
from camlib import grace
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import math
import simplejson as json
import sys
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union, nearest_points
from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon, MultiLineString, LineString, LinearRing, Point
from matplotlib.backend_bases import KeyEvent as mpl_key_event
@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ log = logging.getLogger('base')
class ToolIsolation(AppTool, Gerber):
optimal_found_sig = QtCore.pyqtSignal(float)
def __init__(self, app):
self.app = app
self.decimals = self.app.decimals
@ -193,6 +195,9 @@ class ToolIsolation(AppTool, Gerber):
self.optimal_found_sig.connect(lambda val: self.t_ui.new_tooldia_entry.set_value(float(val)))
@ -889,7 +894,100 @@ class ToolIsolation(AppTool, Gerber):
def on_find_optimal_tooldia(self):
self.units = self.app.defaults['units'].upper()
obj_name = self.t_ui.object_combo.currentText()
# Get source object.
fcobj = self.app.collection.get_by_name(obj_name)
except Exception:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s: %s' % (_("Could not retrieve object"), str(obj_name)))
if fcobj is None:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s: %s' % (_("Object not found"), str(obj_name)))
proc = self.app.proc_container.new(_("Working..."))
def job_thread(app_obj):
old_disp_number = 0
pol_nr = 0
app_obj.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % 0)
total_geo = []
for ap in list(fcobj.apertures.keys()):
if 'geometry' in fcobj.apertures[ap]:
for geo_el in fcobj.apertures[ap]['geometry']:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise grace
if 'solid' in geo_el and geo_el['solid'] is not None and geo_el['solid'].is_valid:
total_geo = MultiPolygon(total_geo)
total_geo = total_geo.buffer(0)
__ = iter(total_geo)
geo_len = len(total_geo)
geo_len = (geo_len * (geo_len - 1)) / 2
except TypeError:
app_obj.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' %
_("The Gerber object has one Polygon as geometry.\n"
"There are no distances between geometry elements to be found."))
return 'fail'
min_dict = {}
idx = 1
for geo in total_geo:
for s_geo in total_geo[idx:]:
if self.app.abort_flag:
# graceful abort requested by the user
raise grace
# minimize the number of distances by not taking into considerations those that are too small
dist = geo.distance(s_geo)
dist = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, dist))
loc_1, loc_2 = nearest_points(geo, s_geo)
proc_loc = (
(float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, loc_1.x)), float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, loc_1.y))),
(float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, loc_2.x)), float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, loc_2.y)))
if dist in min_dict:
min_dict[dist] = [proc_loc]
pol_nr += 1
disp_number = int(np.interp(pol_nr, [0, geo_len], [0, 100]))
if old_disp_number < disp_number <= 100:
app_obj.proc_container.update_view_text(' %d%%' % disp_number)
old_disp_number = disp_number
idx += 1
min_list = list(min_dict.keys())
min_dist = min(min_list)
min_dist_truncated = self.app.dec_format(float(min_dist), self.decimals)
app_obj.inform.emit('[success] %s: %s %s' %
(_("Optimal tool diameter found"), str(min_dist_truncated), self.units.lower()))
except Exception as ee:
self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': job_thread, 'params': [self.app]})
def on_tool_add(self):
@ -2972,6 +3070,7 @@ class IsoUI:
# Find Optimal Tooldia
self.find_optimal_button = FCButton(_('Find Optimal'))
self.find_optimal_button.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(self.app.resource_location + '/open_excellon32.png'))
_("Find a tool diameter that is guaranteed\n"
"to do a complete isolation.")