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Marius Stanciu 2019-10-08 17:33:18 +03:00
parent aa99ed4fff
commit bb88c43b36
1 changed files with 7 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -589,11 +589,13 @@ class FCDoubleSpinner(QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox):
if self.readyToEdit is False:
super().wheelEvent(*args, **kwargs)
# def mousePressEvent(self, e, parent=None):
# super(FCDoubleSpinner, self).mousePressEvent(e) # required to deselect on 2e click
# if self.readyToEdit:
# self.lineEdit().selectAll()
# self.readyToEdit = False
# def keyPressEvent(self, in_event): # 46 = dot; 44 = comma:
# if in_event.key() == 44:
# print(in_event, "ahaaa")
# event = QtGui.QKeyEvent(QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress, 46, Qt.NoModifier, 0, 0, 0)
# QtWidgets.QApplication.sendEvent(self.parent(), event)
# else:
# super().keyPressEvent(in_event)
def focusOutEvent(self, e):
# don't focus out if the user requests an popup menu