- restored Cutout freeform to previous state

This commit is contained in:
Marius Stanciu 2020-08-29 19:37:10 +03:00 committed by Marius
parent f73f6fb5da
commit 62f06f6472
1 changed files with 212 additions and 260 deletions

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@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ class CutOut(AppTool):
return return
margin = float(self.ui.margin.get_value()) margin = float(self.ui.margin.get_value())
gapsize = float(self.ui.gapsize.get_value())
try: try:
gaps = self.ui.gaps.get_value() gaps = self.ui.gaps.get_value()
@ -576,274 +577,225 @@ class CutOut(AppTool):
"and after that perform Cutout.")) "and after that perform Cutout."))
return return
def cutout_handler(geom, gapsize): convex_box = self.ui.convex_box_cb.get_value()
proc_geometry = []
rest_geometry = []
r_temp_geo = []
initial_geo = deepcopy(geom)
# Get min and max data for each object as we just cut rectangles across X or Y gapsize = gapsize / 2 + (dia / 2)
xxmin, yymin, xxmax, yymax = CutOut.recursive_bounds(geom)
px = 0.5 * (xxmin + xxmax) + margin def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj):
py = 0.5 * (yymin + yymax) + margin solid_geo = []
lenx = (xxmax - xxmin) + (margin * 2) gaps_solid_geo = None
leny = (yymax - yymin) + (margin * 2)
if gaps == 'None': if cutout_obj.kind == 'gerber':
pass if isinstance(cutout_obj.solid_geometry, list):
else: cutout_obj.solid_geometry = MultiPolygon(cutout_obj.solid_geometry)
if gaps == '8' or gaps == '2LR':
points = (
xxmin - gapsize, # botleft_x
py - gapsize + leny / 4, # botleft_y
xxmax + gapsize, # topright_x
py + gapsize + leny / 4 # topright_y
geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, points)
self.intersect_geo(initial_geo, box(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
points = (
xxmin - gapsize,
py - gapsize - leny / 4,
xxmax + gapsize,
py + gapsize - leny / 4
geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, points)
self.intersect_geo(initial_geo, box(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
if gaps == '8' or gaps == '2TB':
points = (
px - gapsize + lenx / 4,
yymin - gapsize,
px + gapsize + lenx / 4,
yymax + gapsize
geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, points)
self.intersect_geo(initial_geo, box(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
points = (
px - gapsize - lenx / 4,
yymin - gapsize,
px + gapsize - lenx / 4,
yymax + gapsize
geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, points)
self.intersect_geo(initial_geo, box(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
if gaps == '4' or gaps == 'LR':
points = (
xxmin - gapsize,
py - gapsize,
xxmax + gapsize,
py + gapsize
geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, points)
self.intersect_geo(initial_geo, box(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
if gaps == '4' or gaps == 'TB':
points = (
px - gapsize,
yymin - gapsize,
px + gapsize,
yymax + gapsize
geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, points)
self.intersect_geo(initial_geo, box(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
for g in geom:
if g and not g.is_empty:
except TypeError:
if geom and not geom.is_empty:
r_temp_geo = CutOut.flatten(r_temp_geo)
for g in r_temp_geo:
if g and not g.is_empty:
return proc_geometry, rest_geometry
with self.app.proc_container.new("Generating Cutout ..."):
outname = cutout_obj.options["name"] + "_cutout"
outname_exc = cutout_obj.options["name"] + "_mouse_bites"
if self.ui.gaptype_radio.get_value() == 'mb':
def job_thread(app_obj):
solid_geo = []
gaps_solid_geo = []
mouse_bites_geo = []
convex_box = self.ui.convex_box_cb.get_value()
gapsize = self.ui.gapsize.get_value()
gapsize = gapsize / 2 + (dia / 2)
if cutout_obj.kind == 'gerber':
if isinstance(cutout_obj.solid_geometry, list):
cutout_obj.solid_geometry = MultiPolygon(cutout_obj.solid_geometry)
if convex_box:
object_geo = cutout_obj.solid_geometry.convex_hull
object_geo = cutout_obj.solid_geometry
except Exception as err:
log.debug("CutOut.on_freeform_cutout().geo_init() --> %s" % str(err))
object_geo = cutout_obj.solid_geometry
object_geo = cutout_obj.solid_geometry
if kind == 'single':
object_geo = unary_union(object_geo)
# for geo in object_geo:
if cutout_obj.kind == 'gerber':
if isinstance(object_geo, MultiPolygon):
x0, y0, x1, y1 = object_geo.bounds
object_geo = box(x0, y0, x1, y1)
if margin >= 0:
geo_buf = object_geo.buffer(margin + abs(dia / 2))
geo_buf = object_geo.buffer(margin - abs(dia / 2))
geo = geo_buf.exterior
geo = object_geo
solid_geo, rest_geo = cutout_handler(geom=geo, gapsize=gapsize)
if self.ui.gaptype_radio.get_value() == 'bt' and self.ui.thin_depth_entry.get_value() > 0:
gaps_solid_geo = rest_geo
if self.ui.gaptype_radio.get_value() == 'mb':
mouse_bites_geo = rest_geo
__ = iter(object_geo)
except TypeError:
object_geo = [object_geo]
for geom_struct in object_geo:
if cutout_obj.kind == 'gerber':
if margin >= 0:
geom_struct = (geom_struct.buffer(margin + abs(dia / 2))).exterior
geom_struct_buff = geom_struct.buffer(-margin + abs(dia / 2))
geom_struct = geom_struct_buff.interiors
c_geo, r_geo = cutout_handler(geom=geom_struct, gapsize=gapsize)
solid_geo += c_geo
if self.ui.gaptype_radio.get_value() == 'bt' and self.ui.thin_depth_entry.get_value() > 0:
gaps_solid_geo += r_geo
if self.ui.gaptype_radio.get_value() == 'mb':
mouse_bites_geo += r_geo
if not solid_geo:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Failed."))
return "fail"
solid_geo = linemerge(solid_geo)
# list of Shapely Points to mark the drill points centers
holes = []
def geo_init(geo_obj, app_object):
geo_obj.solid_geometry = deepcopy(solid_geo)
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = CutOut.recursive_bounds(geo_obj.solid_geometry)
geo_obj.options['xmin'] = xmin
geo_obj.options['ymin'] = ymin
geo_obj.options['xmax'] = xmax
geo_obj.options['ymax'] = ymax
geo_obj.options['cnctooldia'] = str(dia)
geo_obj.options['cutz'] = self.ui.cutz_entry.get_value()
geo_obj.options['multidepth'] = self.ui.mpass_cb.get_value()
geo_obj.options['depthperpass'] = self.ui.maxdepth_entry.get_value()
geo_obj.multigeo = True
1: self.cut_tool_dict
geo_obj.tools[1]['tooldia'] = str(dia)
geo_obj.tools[1]['solid_geometry'] = geo_obj.solid_geometry
geo_obj.tools[1]['data']['name'] = outname
geo_obj.tools[1]['data']['cutz'] = self.ui.cutz_entry.get_value()
geo_obj.tools[1]['data']['multidepth'] = self.ui.mpass_cb.get_value()
geo_obj.tools[1]['data']['depthperpass'] = self.ui.maxdepth_entry.get_value()
if gaps_solid_geo:
9999: self.cut_tool_dict
geo_obj.tools[9999]['tooldia'] = str(dia)
geo_obj.tools[9999]['solid_geometry'] = gaps_solid_geo
geo_obj.tools[9999]['data']['name'] = outname
geo_obj.tools[9999]['data']['cutz'] = self.ui.thin_depth_entry.get_value()
geo_obj.tools[9999]['data']['multidepth'] = self.ui.mpass_cb.get_value()
geo_obj.tools[9999]['data']['depthperpass'] = self.ui.maxdepth_entry.get_value()
# plot this tool in a different color
geo_obj.tools[9999]['data']['override_color'] = "#29a3a3fa"
def excellon_init(exc_obj, app_o):
if not holes:
return 'fail'
mb_dia = self.ui.mb_dia_entry.get_value()
tools = {}
tools[1] = {}
tools[1]["tooldia"] = mb_dia
tools[1]['drills'] = holes
tools[1]['solid_geometry'] = []
exc_obj.tools = tools
exc_obj.source_file = app_o.export_excellon(obj_name=exc_obj.options['name'], local_use=exc_obj,
filename=None, use_thread=False)
# calculate the bounds
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = CutOut.recursive_bounds(exc_obj.solid_geometry)
exc_obj.options['xmin'] = xmin
exc_obj.options['ymin'] = ymin
exc_obj.options['xmax'] = xmax
exc_obj.options['ymax'] = ymax
try: try:
ret = app_obj.app_obj.new_object('geometry', outname, geo_init) if convex_box:
if ret == 'fail': object_geo = cutout_obj.solid_geometry.convex_hull
app_obj.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Failed.")) else:
return object_geo = cutout_obj.solid_geometry
except Exception as err:
log.debug("CutOut.on_freeform_cutout().geo_init() --> %s" % str(err))
object_geo = cutout_obj.solid_geometry
object_geo = cutout_obj.solid_geometry
if self.ui.gaptype_radio.get_value() == 'mb': def cutout_handler(geom):
ret = app_obj.app_obj.new_object('excellon', outname_exc, excellon_init) proc_geometry = []
if ret == 'fail': rest_geometry = []
app_obj.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Mouse bites failed.")) r_temp_geo = []
return initial_geo = deepcopy(geom)
# cutout_obj.plot(plot_tool=1) # Get min and max data for each object as we just cut rectangles across X or Y
app_obj.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Any form CutOut operation finished.")) xxmin, yymin, xxmax, yymax = CutOut.recursive_bounds(geom)
# self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.project_tab)
app_obj.should_we_save = True
except Exception as ee:
self.app.worker_task.emit({'fcn': job_thread, 'params': [self.app]}) px = 0.5 * (xxmin + xxmax) + margin
py = 0.5 * (yymin + yymax) + margin
lenx = (xxmax - xxmin) + (margin * 2)
leny = (yymax - yymin) + (margin * 2)
if gaps == 'None':
if gaps == '8' or gaps == '2LR':
points = (
xxmin - gapsize, # botleft_x
py - gapsize + leny / 4, # botleft_y
xxmax + gapsize, # topright_x
py + gapsize + leny / 4 # topright_y
geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, points)
self.intersect_geo(initial_geo, box(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
points = (
xxmin - gapsize,
py - gapsize - leny / 4,
xxmax + gapsize,
py + gapsize - leny / 4
geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, points)
self.intersect_geo(initial_geo, box(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
if gaps == '8' or gaps == '2TB':
points = (
px - gapsize + lenx / 4,
yymin - gapsize,
px + gapsize + lenx / 4,
yymax + gapsize
geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, points)
self.intersect_geo(initial_geo, box(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
points = (
px - gapsize - lenx / 4,
yymin - gapsize,
px + gapsize - lenx / 4,
yymax + gapsize
geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, points)
self.intersect_geo(initial_geo, box(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
if gaps == '4' or gaps == 'LR':
points = (
xxmin - gapsize,
py - gapsize,
xxmax + gapsize,
py + gapsize
geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, points)
self.intersect_geo(initial_geo, box(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
if gaps == '4' or gaps == 'TB':
points = (
px - gapsize,
yymin - gapsize,
px + gapsize,
yymax + gapsize
geom = self.subtract_poly_from_geo(geom, points)
self.intersect_geo(initial_geo, box(points[0], points[1], points[2], points[3]))
for g in geom:
if g and not g.is_empty:
except TypeError:
if geom and not geom.is_empty:
r_temp_geo = CutOut.flatten(r_temp_geo)
for g in r_temp_geo:
if g and not g.is_empty:
return proc_geometry, rest_geometry
if kind == 'single':
object_geo = unary_union(object_geo)
# for geo in object_geo:
if cutout_obj.kind == 'gerber':
if isinstance(object_geo, MultiPolygon):
x0, y0, x1, y1 = object_geo.bounds
object_geo = box(x0, y0, x1, y1)
if margin >= 0:
geo_buf = object_geo.buffer(margin + abs(dia / 2))
geo_buf = object_geo.buffer(margin - abs(dia / 2))
geo = geo_buf.exterior
geo = object_geo
solid_geo, rest_geo = cutout_handler(geom=geo)
if self.ui.gaptype_radio.get_value() == 'bt' and self.ui.thin_depth_entry.get_value() > 0:
gaps_solid_geo = rest_geo
__ = iter(object_geo)
except TypeError:
object_geo = [object_geo]
for geom_struct in object_geo:
if cutout_obj.kind == 'gerber':
if margin >= 0:
geom_struct = (geom_struct.buffer(margin + abs(dia / 2))).exterior
geom_struct_buff = geom_struct.buffer(-margin + abs(dia / 2))
geom_struct = geom_struct_buff.interiors
c_geo, r_geo = cutout_handler(geom=geom_struct)
solid_geo += c_geo
if self.ui.gaptype_radio.get_value() == 'bt' and self.ui.thin_depth_entry.get_value() > 0:
gaps_solid_geo += r_geo
if not solid_geo:
app_obj.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Failed."))
return "fail"
solid_geo = linemerge(solid_geo)
geo_obj.solid_geometry = deepcopy(solid_geo)
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = CutOut.recursive_bounds(geo_obj.solid_geometry)
geo_obj.options['xmin'] = xmin
geo_obj.options['ymin'] = ymin
geo_obj.options['xmax'] = xmax
geo_obj.options['ymax'] = ymax
geo_obj.options['cnctooldia'] = str(dia)
geo_obj.options['cutz'] = self.ui.cutz_entry.get_value()
geo_obj.options['multidepth'] = self.ui.mpass_cb.get_value()
geo_obj.options['depthperpass'] = self.ui.maxdepth_entry.get_value()
geo_obj.multigeo = True
1: self.cut_tool_dict
geo_obj.tools[1]['tooldia'] = str(dia)
geo_obj.tools[1]['solid_geometry'] = geo_obj.solid_geometry
geo_obj.tools[1]['data']['name'] = outname
geo_obj.tools[1]['data']['cutz'] = self.ui.cutz_entry.get_value()
geo_obj.tools[1]['data']['multidepth'] = self.ui.mpass_cb.get_value()
geo_obj.tools[1]['data']['depthperpass'] = self.ui.maxdepth_entry.get_value()
if gaps_solid_geo is not None:
9999: self.cut_tool_dict
geo_obj.tools[9999]['tooldia'] = str(dia)
geo_obj.tools[9999]['solid_geometry'] = gaps_solid_geo
geo_obj.tools[9999]['data']['name'] = outname
geo_obj.tools[9999]['data']['cutz'] = self.ui.thin_depth_entry.get_value()
geo_obj.tools[9999]['data']['multidepth'] = self.ui.mpass_cb.get_value()
geo_obj.tools[9999]['data']['depthperpass'] = self.ui.maxdepth_entry.get_value()
# plot this tool in a different color
geo_obj.tools[9999]['data']['override_color'] = "#29a3a3fa"
outname = cutout_obj.options["name"] + "_cutout"
ret = self.app.app_obj.new_object('geometry', outname, geo_init)
if ret == 'fail':
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("Failed."))
# cutout_obj.plot(plot_tool=1)
self.app.inform.emit('[success] %s' % _("Any form CutOut operation finished."))
# self.app.ui.notebook.setCurrentWidget(self.app.ui.project_tab)
self.app.should_we_save = True
def on_rectangular_cutout(self): def on_rectangular_cutout(self):
log.debug("Cutout.on_rectangular_cutout() was launched ...") log.debug("Cutout.on_rectangular_cutout() was launched ...")