- Tool Drilling - brushing through code and solved the report on estimation of execution time

- Tool Drilling - more optimizations regarding of using Toolchange as opposed to not using it
- modfied the preprocessors to work with the new properties for Excellon objects
- added to preprocessors information regarding the X,Y position at the end of the job
- Tool Drilling made sure that on Toolchange event after toolchange event the tool feedrate is set
This commit is contained in:
Marius Stanciu 2020-07-15 20:16:57 +03:00 committed by Marius
parent 7b891900be
commit 5b80760ba7
18 changed files with 359 additions and 306 deletions

View File

@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ CHANGELOG for FlatCAM beta
- added icons to some of the push buttons
- Tool Drilling - automatically switch to the Selected Tab after job finished
- added Editor Push buttons in Geometry and CNCJob UI's
- Tool Drilling - brushing through code and solved the report on estimation of execution time
- Tool Drilling - more optimizations regarding of using Toolchange as opposed to not using it
- modfied the preprocessors to work with the new properties for Excellon objects
- added to preprocessors information regarding the X,Y position at the end of the job
- Tool Drilling made sure that on Toolchange event after toolchange event the tool feedrate is set

View File

@ -1804,7 +1804,6 @@ class ToolsDB2UI:
self.grid4.addWidget(self.iso_type_label, 8, 0)
self.grid4.addWidget(self.iso_type_radio, 8, 1)
# ###########################################################################
# ################ DRILLING UI form #########################################
# ###########################################################################
@ -2552,6 +2551,7 @@ class ToolsDB2(QtWidgets.QWidget):
@ -2568,14 +2568,20 @@ class ToolsDB2(QtWidgets.QWidget):
if tool_target == _("Isolation"):
if tool_target == _("Paint"):
if tool_target == _("NCC"):
def on_tool_add(self):

View File

@ -765,95 +765,9 @@ class CNCJobObject(FlatCAMObj, CNCjob):
# if this dict is not empty then the object is an Excellon object
if self.exc_cnc_tools:
first_key = next(iter(self.exc_cnc_tools))
include_header = self.app.preprocessors[self.exc_cnc_tools[first_key]['data']['ppname_e']].include_header
# # detect if using Roland preprocessor
# try:
# for key in self.cnc_tools:
# if self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_g'] == 'Roland_MDX_20':
# roland = True
# break
# except Exception:
# try:
# for key in self.cnc_tools:
# if self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_e'] == 'Roland_MDX_20':
# roland = True
# break
# except Exception:
# pass
# # detect if using HPGL preprocessor
# try:
# for key in self.cnc_tools:
# if self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_g'] == 'hpgl':
# hpgl = True
# break
# except Exception:
# try:
# for key in self.cnc_tools:
# if self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_e'] == 'hpgl':
# hpgl = True
# break
# except Exception:
# pass
# # detect if using ISEL_ICP_CNC preprocessor
# try:
# for key in self.cnc_tools:
# if 'ISEL_ICP' in self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_g'].upper():
# isel_icp = True
# break
# except Exception:
# try:
# for key in self.cnc_tools:
# if 'ISEL_ICP' in self.cnc_tools[key]['data']['ppname_e'].upper():
# isel_icp = True
# break
# except Exception:
# pass
# do not add gcode_header when using the Roland preprocessor, add it for every other preprocessor
# if roland is False and hpgl is False and isel_icp is False:
# gcode = self.gcode_header()
# do not add gcode_header when using the Roland, HPGL or ISEP_ICP_CNC preprocessor (or any other preprocessor
# that has the include_header attribute set as False, add it for every other preprocessor
# if include_header:
# gcode = self.gcode_header()
# else:
# gcode = ''
# # detect if using multi-tool and make the Gcode summation correctly for each case
# if self.multitool is True:
# for tooluid_key in self.cnc_tools:
# for key, value in self.cnc_tools[tooluid_key].items():
# if key == 'gcode':
# gcode += value
# break
# else:
# gcode += self.gcode
# if roland is True:
# g = preamble + gcode + postamble
# elif hpgl is True:
# g = self.gcode_header() + preamble + gcode + postamble
# else:
# # fix so the preamble gets inserted in between the comments header and the actual start of GCODE
# g_idx = gcode.rfind('G20')
# # if it did not find 'G20' then search for 'G21'
# if g_idx == -1:
# g_idx = gcode.rfind('G21')
# # if it did not find 'G20' and it did not find 'G21' then there is an error and return
# # but only when the preprocessor is not ISEL_ICP who is allowed not to have the G20/G21 command
# if g_idx == -1 and isel_icp is False:
# self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR_NOTCL] %s' % _("G-code does not have a units code: either G20 or G21"))
# return
# footer = self.app.defaults['cncjob_footer']
# end_gcode = self.gcode_footer() if footer is True else ''
# g = gcode[:g_idx] + preamble + '\n' + gcode[g_idx:] + postamble + end_gcode
include_header = self.app.preprocessors[
gcode = ''
if include_header is False:

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from shapely.geometry import LineString
import json
import sys
import re
from matplotlib.backend_bases import KeyEvent as mpl_key_event
@ -1425,6 +1426,10 @@ class ToolDrilling(AppTool, Excellon):
points[tool_key] = [drill_pt]
log.debug("Found %d TOOLS with drills." % len(points))
# #############################################################################################################
# ############ SLOTS TO DRILLS CONVERSION SECTION #############################################################
# #############################################################################################################
# convert slots to a sequence of drills and add them to drill points
should_add_last_pt = self.t_ui.last_drill_cb.get_value()
@ -1528,12 +1533,10 @@ class ToolDrilling(AppTool, Excellon):
sel_tools = [i for i, j in sorted_tools for k in selected_tools_id if i == k]
log.debug("Tools sorted are: %s" % str(sel_tools))
# #############################################################################################################
# #############################################################################################################
# #############################################################################################################
# #############################################################################################################
# Points (Group by tool): a dictionary of shapely Point geo elements grouped by tool number
# #### Create Points (Group by tool): a dictionary of shapely Point geo elements grouped by tool number #######
# #############################################################################################################
# #############################################################################################################
self.app.inform.emit(_("Creating a list of points to drill..."))
@ -1590,14 +1593,18 @@ class ToolDrilling(AppTool, Excellon):
if to_ol == it[0]:
sol_geo = []
# solid geometry addition; we look into points because we may have slots converted to drills
# therefore more drills than there were originally in
# the self.excellon_tools[to_ol]['drills'] list
drill_no = 0
if 'drills' in self.excellon_tools[to_ol]:
drill_no = len(self.excellon_tools[to_ol]['drills'])
for drill in self.excellon_tools[to_ol]['drills']:
if to_ol in points and points[to_ol]:
drill_no = len(points[to_ol])
for drill in points[to_ol]:
sol_geo.append(drill.buffer((it[1] / 2.0), resolution=job_obj.geo_steps_per_circle))
slot_no = 0
if 'slots' in self.excellon_tools[to_ol]:
convert_slots = self.excellon_tools[to_ol]['data']['tools_drill_drill_slots']
if 'slots' in self.excellon_tools[to_ol] and convert_slots is False:
slot_no = len(self.excellon_tools[to_ol]['slots'])
for eslot in self.excellon_tools[to_ol]['slots']:
start = (eslot[0].x, eslot[0].y)
@ -1607,15 +1614,18 @@ class ToolDrilling(AppTool, Excellon):
# adjust Offset for current tool
z_off = float(self.excellon_tools[it[0]]['data']['offset']) * (-1)
except KeyError:
z_off = 0
# default tool data
default_data = {}
for kk, vv in list(obj.options.items()):
default_data[kk] = deepcopy(vv)
# populate the Excellon CNC tools storage
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[it[1]] = {}
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[it[1]]['tool'] = it[0]
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[it[1]]['nr_drills'] = drill_no
@ -1658,27 +1668,95 @@ class ToolDrilling(AppTool, Excellon):
job_obj.options['ymax'] = ymax
job_obj.origin_kind = 'excellon'
job_obj.use_ui = True
job_obj.toolchange_xy_type = "excellon"
job_obj.coords_decimals = int(self.app.defaults["cncjob_coords_decimals"])
job_obj.fr_decimals = int(self.app.defaults["cncjob_fr_decimals"])
job_obj.multitool = True
# first drill point
job_obj.xy_toolchange = self.app.defaults["excellon_toolchangexy"]
if job_obj.xy_toolchange is not None:
job_obj.oldx = job_obj.xy_toolchange[0]
job_obj.oldy = job_obj.xy_toolchange[1]
job_obj.oldx = 0.0
job_obj.oldy = 0.0
job_obj.xy_toolchange = self.app.defaults["tools_drill_toolchangexy"]
x_tc, y_tc = [0, 0]
if job_obj.xy_toolchange != '':
tcxy_temp = re.sub('[()\[\]]', '', str(job_obj.xy_toolchange))
if tcxy_temp:
x_tc, y_tc = [float(eval(a)) for a in tcxy_temp.split(",")]
except Exception:
x_tc, y_tc = [0, 0]
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR]%s' % _("The Toolchange X,Y format has to be (x, y)."))
job_obj.oldx = x_tc
job_obj.oldy = y_tc
first_drill_point = (job_obj.oldx, job_obj.oldy)
# ####################### TOOLCHANGE ######################################################
if toolchange is True:
# #########################################################################################################
# ####################### NO TOOLCHANGE ###################################################################
# #########################################################################################################
if toolchange is False:
tool_points = []
for tool in sel_tools:
tool_points += points[tool]
# use the first tool in the selection as the tool that we are going to use
used_tool = sel_tools[0]
used_tooldia = self.excellon_tools[used_tool]['tooldia']
# those are used by the preprocessors to display data on the toolchange line
job_obj.tool = str(used_tool)
job_obj.postdata['toolC'] = used_tooldia
# reconstitute the tool_table_items to hold the total number of drills and slots since we are going to
# process all in one go with no toolchange and with only one tool
nr_drills = 0
nr_slots = 0
total_solid_geo = []
# calculate the total number of drills and of slots
for e_tool_dia in job_obj.exc_cnc_tools:
nr_drills += int(job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[e_tool_dia]['nr_drills'])
nr_slots += int(job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[e_tool_dia]['nr_slots'])
total_solid_geo += job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[e_tool_dia]['solid_geometry']
tool_table_items = [[str(used_tool), str(used_tooldia), str(nr_drills), str(nr_slots)]]
tool_table_items.insert(0, [_("Tool_nr"), _("Diameter"), _("Drills_Nr"), _("Slots_Nr")])
job_obj.options['Tools_in_use'] = tool_table_items
# generate GCode
tool_gcode, __ = job_obj.excellon_tool_gcode_gen(used_tool, tool_points, self.excellon_tools,
# parse the Gcode
tool_gcode_parsed = job_obj.excellon_tool_gcode_parse(used_tooldia, gcode=tool_gcode,
# store the results in Excellon CNC tools storage
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[used_tooldia]['nr_drills'] = nr_drills
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[used_tooldia]['nr_slots'] = nr_slots
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[used_tooldia]['gcode'] = tool_gcode
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[used_tooldia]['gcode_parsed'] = tool_gcode_parsed
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[used_tooldia]['solid_geometry'] = total_solid_geo
# delete all tools from the Excellon CNC tools storage except the used one
for e_tool_dia in list(job_obj.exc_cnc_tools.keys()):
if e_tool_dia != used_tooldia:
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools.pop(e_tool_dia, None)
self.total_gcode = tool_gcode
self.total_gcode_parsed = tool_gcode_parsed
# ####################### TOOLCHANGE ACTIVE ######################################################
for tool in sel_tools:
tool_points = points[tool]
used_tooldia = self.excellon_tools[tool]['tooldia']
# if slots are converted to drill for this tool, update the number of drills and make slots nr zero
convert_slots = self.excellon_tools[tool]['data']['tools_drill_drill_slots']
if convert_slots is True:
nr_drills = len(points[tool])
@ -1692,8 +1770,13 @@ class ToolDrilling(AppTool, Excellon):
job_obj.options['Tools_in_use'][line][2] = str(nr_drills)
job_obj.options['Tools_in_use'][line][3] = str(nr_slots)
# calculate if the current tool is the first one or if it is the last one
# for the first tool we add some extra GCode (start Gcode, header etc)
# for the last tool we add other GCode (the end code, what is happening at the end of the job)
is_last_tool = True if tool == sel_tools[-1] else False
is_first_tool = True if tool == sel_tools[0] else False
# Generate Gcode for the current tool
tool_gcode, last_pt = job_obj.excellon_tool_gcode_gen(tool, tool_points, self.excellon_tools,
@ -1701,87 +1784,25 @@ class ToolDrilling(AppTool, Excellon):
# parse Gcode for the current tool
tool_gcode_parsed = job_obj.excellon_tool_gcode_parse(used_tooldia, gcode=tool_gcode,
first_drill_point = last_pt
# store the results
# store the results of GCode generation and parsing
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[used_tooldia]['gcode'] = tool_gcode
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[used_tooldia]['gcode_parsed'] = tool_gcode_parsed
self.total_gcode += tool_gcode
self.total_gcode_parsed += tool_gcode_parsed
# ####################### NO TOOLCHANGE ######################################################
tool_points = []
for tool in sel_tools:
tool_points += points[tool]
used_tool = sel_tools[0]
used_tooldia = self.excellon_tools[used_tool]['tooldia']
# those are used by the preprocessors to display data on the toolchange line
job_obj.tool = str(used_tool)
job_obj.postdata['toolC'] = used_tooldia
# reconstitute the tool_table_items to hold the total number of drills and slots since we are going to
# process all in one go with no toolchange and with only one tool
nr_drills = 0
nr_slots = 0
convert_slots = self.excellon_tools[used_tool]['data']['tools_drill_drill_slots']
if convert_slots is False:
for line in range(1, len(tool_table_items)):
# we may have exception ValueError if there are no drills/slots for the current tool/line
nr_drills += int(tool_table_items[line][2])
except ValueError:
nr_slots += int(tool_table_items[line][3])
except ValueError:
# if the slots are converted to drills then make slots number = 0 and count the converted drills
for t in points:
nr_drills += len(points[t])
nr_slots = 0
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[used_tooldia]['nr_drills'] = nr_drills
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[used_tooldia]['nr_slots'] = nr_slots
tool_table_items = [[str(used_tool), str(used_tooldia), str(nr_drills), str(nr_slots)]]
tool_table_items.insert(0, [_("Tool_nr"), _("Diameter"), _("Drills_Nr"), _("Slots_Nr")])
job_obj.options['Tools_in_use'] = tool_table_items
# tool_gcode = start_gcode
# TODO set the oldx and oldy to start values
# add a Toolchange event here to load the first tool
# tool_gcode += job_obj.doformat(p.toolchange_code, toolchangexy=(job_obj.oldx, job_obj.oldy))
tool_gcode, __ = job_obj.excellon_tool_gcode_gen(used_tool, tool_points, self.excellon_tools,
tool_gcode_parsed = job_obj.excellon_tool_gcode_parse(used_tooldia, gcode=tool_gcode,
# store the results
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[used_tooldia]['gcode'] = tool_gcode
job_obj.exc_cnc_tools[used_tooldia]['gcode_parsed'] = tool_gcode_parsed
self.total_gcode = tool_gcode
self.total_gcode_parsed = tool_gcode_parsed
job_obj.gcode = self.total_gcode
job_obj.gcode_parsed = self.total_gcode_parsed
if job_obj.gcode == 'fail':
return 'fail'
# create Geometry for plotting
# FIXME is it necessary? didn't we do it previously when filling data in self.exc_cnc_tools dictionary?
if used_excellon_optimization_type == 'M':
@ -1816,7 +1837,7 @@ class ToolDrilling(AppTool, Excellon):
# for G0 move (the fastest speed available to the CNC router). Although self.feedrate_rapids is used only
# with Marlin preprocessor and derivatives.
job_obj.routing_time = \
(job_obj.measured_down_distance + job_obj.measured_up_to_zero_distance) / job_obj.feedrate
(job_obj.measured_down_distance + job_obj.measured_up_to_zero_distance) / job_obj.z_feedrate
lift_time = job_obj.measured_lift_distance / job_obj.feedrate_rapid
traveled_time = job_obj.measured_distance / job_obj.feedrate_rapid
job_obj.routing_time += lift_time + traveled_time

View File

@ -2499,6 +2499,8 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
self.units = units
self.z_cut = z_cut
self.multidepth = False
self.z_depthpercut = depthpercut
self.z_move = z_move
self.feedrate = feedrate
@ -2506,20 +2508,16 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
self.feedrate_rapid = feedrate_rapid
self.tooldia = tooldia
self.toolC = tooldia
self.toolchange = False
self.z_toolchange = toolchangez
self.xy_toolchange = toolchange_xy
self.toolchange_xy_type = None
self.toolC = tooldia
self.startz = None
self.z_end = endz
self.xy_end = endxy
self.multidepth = False
self.z_depthpercut = depthpercut
self.extracut_length = None
# used by the self.generate_from_excellon_by_tool() method
@ -2901,8 +2899,6 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
self.exc_tools = deepcopy(tools)
t_gcode = ''
p = self.pp_excellon
self.toolchange = toolchange
# holds the temporary coordinates of the processed drill point
locx, locy = first_pt
@ -2934,15 +2930,12 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
# #########################################################################################################
# #########################################################################################################
# ############# PARAMETERS ################################################################################
# ############# PARAMETERS used in PREPROCESSORS so they need to be updated ###############################
# #########################################################################################################
# #########################################################################################################
self.tool = str(tool)
self.tooldia = tools[tool]["tooldia"]
self.postdata['toolC'] = tools[tool]["tooldia"]
self.z_feedrate = tool_dict['tools_drill_feedrate_z']
self.feedrate = tool_dict['tools_drill_feedrate_z']
# Preprocessor
p = self.pp_excellon
# Z_cut parameter
if self.machinist_setting == 0:
@ -2950,49 +2943,81 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
if self.z_cut == 'fail':
return 'fail'
# Depth parameters
self.z_cut = tool_dict['tools_drill_cutz']
# multidepth use this
old_zcut = tool_dict["tools_drill_cutz"]
old_zcut = deepcopy(tool_dict["tools_drill_cutz"]) # multidepth use this
self.multidepth = tool_dict['tools_drill_multidepth']
self.z_depthpercut = tool_dict['tools_drill_depthperpass']
self.z_move = tool_dict['tools_drill_travelz']
self.f_plunge = tool_dict["tools_drill_f_plunge"] # used directly in the preprocessor Toolchange method
self.f_retract = tool_dict["tools_drill_f_retract"] # used in the current method
# Feedrate parameters
self.z_feedrate = tool_dict['tools_drill_feedrate_z']
self.feedrate = tool_dict['tools_drill_feedrate_z']
self.feedrate_rapid = tool_dict['tools_drill_feedrate_rapid']
# Spindle parameters
self.spindlespeed = tool_dict['tools_drill_spindlespeed']
self.dwell = tool_dict['tools_drill_dwell']
self.dwelltime = tool_dict['tools_drill_dwelltime']
self.multidepth = tool_dict['tools_drill_multidepth']
self.z_depthpercut = tool_dict['tools_drill_depthperpass']
self.spindledir = tool_dict['tools_drill_spindledir']
self.tooldia = tools[tool]["tooldia"]
self.postdata['toolC'] = tools[tool]["tooldia"]
self.toolchange = toolchange
# Z_toolchange parameter
self.z_toolchange = tool_dict['tools_drill_toolchangez']
# XY_toolchange parameter
self.xy_toolchange = tool_dict["tools_drill_toolchangexy"]
if self.xy_toolchange == '':
self.xy_toolchange = None
# either originally it was a string or not, xy_toolchange will be made string
self.xy_toolchange = re.sub('[()\[\]]', '', str(self.xy_toolchange)) if self.xy_toolchange else None
# and now, xy_toolchange is made into a list of floats in format [x, y]
if self.xy_toolchange:
self.xy_toolchange = [
float(eval(a)) for a in self.xy_toolchange.split(",")
if self.xy_toolchange and len(self.xy_toolchange) != 2:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR]%s' %
_("The Toolchange X,Y field in Edit -> Preferences has to be "
"in the format (x, y) \nbut now there is only one value, not two. "))
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR]%s' % _("The Toolchange X,Y format has to be (x, y)."))
return 'fail'
except Exception as e:
log.debug("camlib.CNCJob.generate_from_excellon_by_tool() --> %s" % str(e))
log.debug("camlib.CNCJob.generate_from_excellon_by_tool() xy_toolchange --> %s" % str(e))
self.xy_toolchange = [0, 0]
# XY_end parameter
# End position parameters
self.startz = tool_dict["tools_drill_startz"]
if self.startz == '':
self.startz = None
self.z_end = tool_dict["tools_drill_endz"]
self.xy_end = tool_dict["tools_drill_endxy"]
self.xy_end = re.sub('[()\[\]]', '', str(self.xy_end)) if self.xy_end else None
if self.xy_end and self.xy_end != '':
self.xy_end = [float(eval(a)) for a in self.xy_end.split(",")]
if self.xy_end and len(self.xy_end) < 2:
'[ERROR] %s' % _("The End Move X,Y field in Edit -> Preferences has to be "
"in the format (x, y) but now there is only one value, not two."))
return 'fail'
if self.xy_end == '':
self.xy_end = None
# either originally it was a string or not, xy_end will be made string
self.xy_end = re.sub('[()\[\]]', '', str(self.xy_end)) if self.xy_end else None
# and now, xy_end is made into a list of floats in format [x, y]
if self.xy_end:
self.xy_end = [float(eval(a)) for a in self.xy_end.split(",")]
if self.xy_end and len(self.xy_end) != 2:
self.app.inform.emit('[ERROR]%s' % _("The End X,Y format has to be (x, y)."))
return 'fail'
except Exception as e:
log.debug("camlib.CNCJob.generate_from_excellon_by_tool() xy_end --> %s" % str(e))
self.xy_end = [0, 0]
# Probe parameters
self.z_pdepth = tool_dict["tools_drill_z_pdepth"]
self.feedrate_probe = tool_dict["tools_drill_feedrate_probe"]
# #########################################################################################################
# #########################################################################################################
@ -3034,6 +3059,7 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
# Only if there are locations to drill
if not optimized_path:
log.debug("CNCJob.excellon_tool_gcode_gen() -> Optimized path is empty.")
return 'fail'
if self.app.abort_flag:
@ -3044,21 +3070,10 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
if is_first:
t_gcode += start_gcode
t_gcode += self.doformat(p.z_feedrate_code)
# Tool change sequence (optional)
# if toolchange:
# t_gcode += self.doformat(p.toolchange_code, toolchangexy=(temp_locx, temp_locy))
# else:
# if self.xy_toolchange is not None and isinstance(self.xy_toolchange, (tuple, list)):
# t_gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=self.xy_toolchange[0], y=self.xy_toolchange[1])
# t_gcode += self.doformat(p.startz_code, x=self.xy_toolchange[0], y=self.xy_toolchange[1])
# else:
# t_gcode += self.doformat(p.lift_code, x=0.0, y=0.0)
# t_gcode += self.doformat(p.startz_code, x=0.0, y=0.0)
# do the ToolChange event
t_gcode += self.doformat(p.z_feedrate_code)
t_gcode += self.doformat(p.toolchange_code, toolchangexy=(temp_locx, temp_locy))
t_gcode += self.doformat(p.z_feedrate_code)
# Spindle start
t_gcode += self.doformat(p.spindle_code)
@ -3067,7 +3082,6 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
t_gcode += self.doformat(p.dwell_code)
current_tooldia = float('%.*f' % (self.decimals, float(tools[tool]["tooldia"])))
'%s: %s%s.' % (_("Starting G-Code for tool with diameter"),
@ -3151,8 +3165,10 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
self.z_cut -= self.z_depthpercut
if abs(doc) < abs(self.z_cut) < (abs(doc) + self.z_depthpercut):
self.z_cut = doc
# Move down the drill bit
t_gcode += self.doformat(p.down_code, x=locx, y=locy)
# Update the distance travelled down with the current one
self.measured_down_distance += abs(self.z_cut) + abs(self.z_move)
if self.f_retract is False:
@ -3402,10 +3418,6 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
# this holds the resulting GCode
self.gcode = []
self.f_plunge = self.app.defaults["tools_drill_f_plunge"]
self.f_retract = self.app.defaults["tools_drill_f_retract"]
# #############################################################################################################
# #############################################################################################################
# Initialization
@ -5995,16 +6007,8 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
current['G'] = int(gobj['G'])
if 'X' in gobj or 'Y' in gobj:
if 'X' in gobj:
x = gobj['X']
# current['X'] = x
x = current['X']
if 'Y' in gobj:
y = gobj['Y']
y = current['Y']
x = gobj['X'] if 'X' in gobj else current['X']
y = gobj['Y'] if 'Y' in gobj else current['Y']
kind = ["C", "F"] # T=travel, C=cut, F=fast, S=slow
@ -6012,7 +6016,6 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
kind[0] = 'T'
if current['G'] > 0:
kind[1] = 'S'
if current['G'] in [0, 1]: # line
path.append((x, y))
@ -6032,9 +6035,7 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
current[code] = gobj[code]
self.app.inform.emit('%s: %s' % (_("Creating Geometry from the parsed GCode file for tool diameter"), str(dia)))
# There might not be a change in height at the
# end, therefore, see here too if there is
# a final path.
# There might not be a change in height at the end, therefore, see here too if there is a final path.
if len(path) > 1:
@ -6042,7 +6043,6 @@ class CNCjob(Geometry):
"kind": kind
return geometry
# def plot(self, tooldia=None, dpi=75, margin=0.1,

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ class Berta_CNC(PreProc):
def start_code(self, p):
units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower()
coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange']
end_coords_xy = p['xy_end']
gcode = '(This preprocessor is used with a BERTA CNC router.)\n\n'
xmin = '%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p['options']['xmin'])
@ -52,30 +53,32 @@ class Berta_CNC(PreProc):
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE Z: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % str(val['data']["feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE RAPIDS: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate Rapids: %s' % \
str(val['data']["feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Tools Offset: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_cnc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % str(val['offset_z']) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_offset"]) + ')\n'
if p['multidepth'] is True:
gcode += '\n(DEPTH_PER_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'DeptPerCut: %s' % \
str(val['data']["depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_MOVE: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n'
if p['toolchange'] is True:
@ -89,6 +92,12 @@ class Berta_CNC(PreProc):
gcode += '(Z Start: ' + str(p['startz']) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Z End: ' + str(p['z_end']) + units + ')\n'
if coords_xy is not None:
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, end_coords_xy[0],
p.decimals, end_coords_xy[1]) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "None" + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry':

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ class ISEL_CNC(PreProc):
def start_code(self, p):
units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower()
coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange']
end_coords_xy = p['xy_end']
gcode = '(This preprocessor is used with a ISEL CNC router.)\n\n'
xmin = '%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p['options']['xmin'])
@ -42,30 +43,32 @@ class ISEL_CNC(PreProc):
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE Z: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % str(val['data']["feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE RAPIDS: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate Rapids: %s' % \
str(val['data']["feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Tools Offset: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_cnc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % str(val['offset_z']) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_offset"]) + ')\n'
if p['multidepth'] is True:
gcode += '\n(DEPTH_PER_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'DeptPerCut: %s' % \
str(val['data']["depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_MOVE: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n'
if p['toolchange'] is True:
@ -79,6 +82,12 @@ class ISEL_CNC(PreProc):
gcode += '(Z Start: ' + str(p['startz']) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Z End: ' + str(p['z_end']) + units + ')\n'
if end_coords_xy is not None:
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, end_coords_xy[0],
p.decimals, end_coords_xy[1]) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "None" + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry':

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ class ISEL_ICP_CNC(PreProc):
def start_code(self, p):
units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower()
coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange']
end_coords_xy = p['xy_end']
gcode = '; This preprocessor is used with a ISEL ICP CNC router.\n\n'
xmin = '%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p['options']['xmin'])
@ -42,30 +43,32 @@ class ISEL_ICP_CNC(PreProc):
gcode += '\n;FEEDRATE Z: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % str(val['data']["feedrate_z"]) + '\n'
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_z"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n;FEEDRATE RAPIDS: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate Rapids: %s' % \
str(val['data']["feedrate_rapid"]) + '\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_rapid"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n;Z_CUT: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["cutz"]) + '\n'
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_cutz"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n;Tools Offset: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_cnc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % str(val['offset_z']) + '\n'
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_offset"]) + '\n'
if p['multidepth'] is True:
gcode += '\n;DEPTH_PER_CUT: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'DeptPerCut: %s' % \
str(val['data']["depthperpass"]) + '\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_depthperpass"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n;Z_MOVE: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["travelz"]) + '\n'
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_travelz"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n'
if p['toolchange'] is True:
@ -79,6 +82,12 @@ class ISEL_ICP_CNC(PreProc):
gcode += ';Z Start: ' + str(p['startz']) + units + '\n'
gcode += ';Z End: ' + str(p['z_end']) + units + '\n'
if end_coords_xy is not None:
gcode += ';X,Y End: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, end_coords_xy[0],
p.decimals, end_coords_xy[1]) + units + '\n'
gcode += ';X,Y End: ' + "None" + units + '\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
gcode += ';Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + '\n'
if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry':

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class Marlin(PreProc):
def start_code(self, p):
units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower()
coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange']
end_coords_xy = p['xy_end']
gcode = ''
xmin = '%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p['options']['xmin'])
@ -44,30 +45,32 @@ class Marlin(PreProc):
gcode += '\n;FEEDRATE Z: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % str(val['data']["feedrate_z"]) + '\n'
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_z"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n;FEEDRATE RAPIDS: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate Rapids: %s' % \
str(val['data']["feedrate_rapid"]) + '\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_rapid"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n;Z_CUT: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["cutz"]) + '\n'
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_cutz"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n;Tools Offset: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_cnc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % str(val['offset_z']) + '\n'
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_offset"]) + '\n'
if p['multidepth'] is True:
gcode += '\n;DEPTH_PER_CUT: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'DeptPerCut: %s' % \
str(val['data']["depthperpass"]) + '\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_depthperpass"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n;Z_MOVE: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["travelz"]) + '\n'
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_travelz"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n'
if p['toolchange'] is True:
@ -81,6 +84,12 @@ class Marlin(PreProc):
gcode += ';Z Start: ' + str(p['startz']) + units + '\n'
gcode += ';Z End: ' + str(p['z_end']) + units + '\n'
if end_coords_xy is not None:
gcode += ';X,Y End: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, end_coords_xy[0],
p.decimals, end_coords_xy[1]) + units + '\n'
gcode += ';X,Y End: ' + "None" + units + '\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
gcode += ';Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + '\n'
if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry':

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class Marlin_laser_FAN_pin(PreProc):
def start_code(self, p):
units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower()
coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange']
end_coords_xy = p['xy_end']
gcode = ';This preprocessor is used with a motion controller loaded with MARLIN firmware.\n'
gcode += ';It is for the case when it is used together with a LASER connected on one of the FAN pins.\n\n'
@ -37,7 +38,13 @@ class Marlin_laser_FAN_pin(PreProc):
if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry':
gcode += ';Preprocessor Excellon: ' + str(p['pp_excellon_name']) + '\n'
gcode += ';Preprocessor Geometry: ' + str(p['pp_geometry_name']) + '\n' + '\n'
gcode += ';Preprocessor Geometry: ' + str(p['pp_geometry_name']) + '\n'
if end_coords_xy is not None:
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, end_coords_xy[0],
p.decimals, end_coords_xy[1]) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "None" + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
gcode += ';X range: ' + '{: >9s}'.format(xmin) + ' ... ' + '{: >9s}'.format(xmax) + ' ' + units + '\n'
gcode += ';Y range: ' + '{: >9s}'.format(ymin) + ' ... ' + '{: >9s}'.format(ymax) + ' ' + units + '\n\n'

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class Marlin_laser_Spindle_pin(PreProc):
def start_code(self, p):
units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower()
coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange']
end_coords_xy = p['xy_end']
gcode = ';This preprocessor is used with a motion controller loaded with MARLIN firmware.\n'
gcode += ';It is for the case when it is used together with a LASER connected on the SPINDLE connector.\n\n'
@ -37,7 +38,12 @@ class Marlin_laser_Spindle_pin(PreProc):
if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry':
gcode += ';Preprocessor Excellon: ' + str(p['pp_excellon_name']) + '\n'
gcode += ';Preprocessor Geometry: ' + str(p['pp_geometry_name']) + '\n' + '\n'
gcode += ';Preprocessor Geometry: ' + str(p['pp_geometry_name']) + '\n'
if end_coords_xy is not None:
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, end_coords_xy[0],
p.decimals, end_coords_xy[1]) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "None" + units + ')\n\n'
gcode += ';X range: ' + '{: >9s}'.format(xmin) + ' ... ' + '{: >9s}'.format(xmax) + ' ' + units + '\n'
gcode += ';Y range: ' + '{: >9s}'.format(ymin) + ' ... ' + '{: >9s}'.format(ymax) + ' ' + units + '\n\n'

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ class Repetier(PreProc):
def start_code(self, p):
units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower()
coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange']
end_coords_xy = p['xy_end']
gcode = ';This preprocessor is used with a motion controller loaded with REPETIER firmware.\n\n'
xmin = '%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p['options']['xmin'])
@ -44,30 +45,32 @@ class Repetier(PreProc):
gcode += '\n;FEEDRATE Z: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % str(val['data']["feedrate_z"]) + '\n'
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_z"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n;FEEDRATE RAPIDS: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate Rapids: %s' % \
str(val['data']["feedrate_rapid"]) + '\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_rapid"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n;Z_CUT: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["cutz"]) + '\n'
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_cutz"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n;Tools Offset: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_cnc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % str(val['offset_z']) + '\n'
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_offset"]) + '\n'
if p['multidepth'] is True:
gcode += '\n;DEPTH_PER_CUT: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'DeptPerCut: %s' % \
str(val['data']["depthperpass"]) + '\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_depthperpass"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n;Z_MOVE: \n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["travelz"]) + '\n'
gcode += ';Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_travelz"]) + '\n'
gcode += '\n'
if p['toolchange'] is True:
@ -81,6 +84,11 @@ class Repetier(PreProc):
gcode += ';Z Start: ' + str(p['startz']) + units + '\n'
gcode += ';Z End: ' + str(p['z_end']) + units + '\n'
if end_coords_xy is not None:
gcode += ';X,Y End: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, end_coords_xy[0],
p.decimals, end_coords_xy[1]) + units + '\n'
gcode += ';X,Y End: ' + "None" + units + '\n'
gcode += ';Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + '\n'
if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry':

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class Toolchange_Custom(PreProc):
def start_code(self, p):
units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower()
coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange']
end_coords_xy = p['xy_end']
gcode = ''
xmin = '%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p['options']['xmin'])
@ -43,30 +44,32 @@ class Toolchange_Custom(PreProc):
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE Z: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % str(val['data']["feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE RAPIDS: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate Rapids: %s' % \
str(val['data']["feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Tools Offset: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_cnc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % str(val['offset_z']) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_offset"]) + ')\n'
if p['multidepth'] is True:
gcode += '\n(DEPTH_PER_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'DeptPerCut: %s' % \
str(val['data']["depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_MOVE: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n'
if p['toolchange'] is True:
@ -80,6 +83,11 @@ class Toolchange_Custom(PreProc):
gcode += '(Z Start: ' + str(p['startz']) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Z End: ' + str(p['z_end']) + units + ')\n'
if end_coords_xy is not None:
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, end_coords_xy[0],
p.decimals, end_coords_xy[1]) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "None" + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry':

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class Toolchange_Manual(PreProc):
def start_code(self, p):
units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower()
coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange']
end_coords_xy = p['xy_end']
gcode = ''
xmin = '%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p['options']['xmin'])
@ -43,30 +44,32 @@ class Toolchange_Manual(PreProc):
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE Z: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % str(val['data']["feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE RAPIDS: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate Rapids: %s' % \
str(val['data']["feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Tools Offset: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_cnc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % str(val['offset_z']) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_offset"]) + ')\n'
if p['multidepth'] is True:
gcode += '\n(DEPTH_PER_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'DeptPerCut: %s' % \
str(val['data']["depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_MOVE: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n'
if p['toolchange'] is True:
@ -80,6 +83,11 @@ class Toolchange_Manual(PreProc):
gcode += '(Z Start: ' + str(p['startz']) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Z End: ' + str(p['z_end']) + units + ')\n'
if end_coords_xy is not None:
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, end_coords_xy[0],
p.decimals, end_coords_xy[1]) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "None" + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry':

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class Toolchange_Probe_MACH3(PreProc):
def start_code(self, p):
units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower()
coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange']
end_coords_xy = p['xy_end']
gcode = '(This preprocessor is used with MACH3 with probing height.)\n\n'
xmin = '%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p['options']['xmin'])
@ -43,30 +44,32 @@ class Toolchange_Probe_MACH3(PreProc):
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE Z: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % str(val['data']["feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE RAPIDS: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate Rapids: %s' % \
str(val['data']["feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Tools Offset: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_cnc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % str(val['offset_z']) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_offset"]) + ')\n'
if p['multidepth'] is True:
gcode += '\n(DEPTH_PER_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'DeptPerCut: %s' % \
str(val['data']["depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_MOVE: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n'
if p['toolchange'] is True:
@ -80,6 +83,11 @@ class Toolchange_Probe_MACH3(PreProc):
gcode += '(Z Start: ' + str(p['startz']) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Z End: ' + str(p['z_end']) + units + ')\n'
if end_coords_xy is not None:
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, end_coords_xy[0],
p.decimals, end_coords_xy[1]) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "None" + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry':

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class default(PreProc):
def start_code(self, p):
units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower()
coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange']
end_coords_xy = p['xy_end']
gcode = '(This preprocessor is the default preprocessor used by FlatCAM.)\n'
gcode += '(It is made to work with MACH3 compatible motion controllers.)\n\n'
@ -44,30 +45,32 @@ class default(PreProc):
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE Z: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % str(val['data']["feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE RAPIDS: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate Rapids: %s' % \
str(val['data']["feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Tools Offset: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_cnc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % str(val['offset_z']) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_offset"]) + ')\n'
if p['multidepth'] is True:
gcode += '\n(DEPTH_PER_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'DeptPerCut: %s' % \
str(val['data']["depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_MOVE: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n'
if p['toolchange'] is True:
@ -81,6 +84,11 @@ class default(PreProc):
gcode += '(Z Start: ' + str(p['startz']) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Z End: ' + str(p['z_end']) + units + ')\n'
if end_coords_xy is not None:
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, end_coords_xy[0],
p.decimals, end_coords_xy[1]) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "None" + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry':

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class grbl_11(PreProc):
def start_code(self, p):
units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower()
coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange']
end_coords_xy = p['xy_end']
gcode = '(This preprocessor is used with a motion controller loaded with GRBL firmware.)\n'
gcode += '(It is configured to be compatible with almost any version of GRBL firmware.)\n\n'
@ -44,30 +45,32 @@ class grbl_11(PreProc):
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE Z: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % str(val['data']["feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE RAPIDS: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate Rapids: %s' % \
str(val['data']["feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Tools Offset: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_cnc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % str(val['offset_z']) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_offset"]) + ')\n'
if p['multidepth'] is True:
gcode += '\n(DEPTH_PER_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'DeptPerCut: %s' % \
str(val['data']["depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_MOVE: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n'
if p['toolchange'] is True:
@ -81,6 +84,12 @@ class grbl_11(PreProc):
gcode += '(Z Start: ' + str(p['startz']) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Z End: ' + str(p['z_end']) + units + ')\n'
if end_coords_xy is not None:
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, end_coords_xy[0],
p.decimals, end_coords_xy[1]) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "None" + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry':

View File

@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ class line_xyz(PreProc):
def start_code(self, p):
units = ' ' + str(p['units']).lower()
coords_xy = p['xy_toolchange']
end_coords_xy = p['end_xy']
gcode = ''
xmin = '%.*f' % (p.coords_decimals, p['options']['xmin'])
@ -43,30 +44,32 @@ class line_xyz(PreProc):
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE Z: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % str(val['data']["feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_z"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(FEEDRATE RAPIDS: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Feedrate Rapids: %s' % \
str(val['data']["feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_feedrate_rapid"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Cut: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_cutz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Tools Offset: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_cnc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % str(val['offset_z']) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(val['tool']) + 'Offset Z: %s' % \
str(val['data']["tools_drill_offset"]) + ')\n'
if p['multidepth'] is True:
gcode += '\n(DEPTH_PER_CUT: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'DeptPerCut: %s' % \
str(val['data']["depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
str(val['data']["tools_drill_depthperpass"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n(Z_MOVE: )\n'
for tool, val in p['exc_tools'].items():
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Tool: %s -> ' % str(tool) + 'Z_Move: %s' % str(val['data']["tools_drill_travelz"]) + ')\n'
gcode += '\n'
if p['toolchange'] is True:
@ -80,6 +83,12 @@ class line_xyz(PreProc):
gcode += '(Z Start: ' + str(p['startz']) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Z End: ' + str(p['z_end']) + units + ')\n'
if end_coords_xy is not None:
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "%.*f, %.*f" % (p.decimals, end_coords_xy[0],
p.decimals, end_coords_xy[1]) + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(X,Y End: ' + "None" + units + ')\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
gcode += '(Steps per circle: ' + str(p['steps_per_circle']) + ')\n'
if str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon' or str(p['options']['type']) == 'Excellon Geometry':