- fixed TclCommand Cutout

- added a new TclCommand named CutoutAny. Keyword: cutout_any
This commit is contained in:
Marius Stanciu 2019-01-25 20:05:27 +02:00 committed by Marius S
parent 006b0c8ecb
commit 3941d03702
5 changed files with 222 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -1086,7 +1086,8 @@ class App(QtCore.QObject):
# Auto-complete KEYWORDS
self.tcl_commands_list = ['add_circle', 'add_poly', 'add_polygon', 'add_polyline', 'add_rectangle',
'aligndrill', 'clear',
'aligndrillgrid', 'cncjob', 'cutout', 'delete', 'drillcncjob', 'export_gcode',
'aligndrillgrid', 'cncjob', 'cutout', 'cutout_any', 'delete', 'drillcncjob',
'export_svg', 'ext', 'exteriors', 'follow', 'geo_union', 'geocutout', 'get_names',
'get_sys', 'getsys', 'help', 'import_svg', 'interiors', 'isolate', 'join_excellon',
'join_excellons', 'join_geometries', 'join_geometry', 'list_sys', 'listsys', 'mill',

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@ -13,8 +13,10 @@ CAD program, and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
- deleted junk folders
- remade the Panelize Tool: now it is much faster, it is multi-threaded, it works with multitool geometries and it works with multigeo geometries too.
- make sure to copy the options attribute to the final object in the case of: FlatCAMGeometry.merge(), FlatCAMGerber.merge() and for the Panelize Tool
- made sure to copy the options attribute to the final object in the case of: FlatCAMGeometry.merge(), FlatCAMGerber.merge() and for the Panelize Tool
- modified the panelize TclCommand to take advantage of the new panelize() function; added a 'threaded' parameter (default value is 1) which controls the execution of the panelize TclCommand: threaded or non-threaded
- fixed TclCommand Cutout
- added a new TclCommand named CutoutAny. Keyword: cutout_any

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from tclCommands.TclCommand import TclCommand
class TclCommandCutout(TclCommand):
Tcl shell command to create a board cutout geometry.
Tcl shell command to create a board cutout geometry. Rectangular shape only.
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ class TclCommandCutout(TclCommand):
# structured help for current command, args needs to be ordered
help = {
'main': 'Creates board cutout.',
'main': 'Creates board cutout from an object (Gerber or Geometry) with a rectangular shape',
'args': collections.OrderedDict([
('name', 'Name of the object.'),
('dia', 'Tool diameter.'),
('margin', 'Margin over bounds.'),
('gapsize', 'size of gap.'),
('gaps', 'type of gaps.'),
('dia', 'Tool diameter. Default = 0.1'),
('margin', 'Margin over bounds. Default = 0.001'),
('gapsize', 'Size of gap. Default = 0.1'),
('gaps', "Type of gaps. Can be: 'tb' = top-bottom, 'lr' = left-right and '4' = one each side. Default = 4"),
'examples': []
@ -52,7 +52,32 @@ class TclCommandCutout(TclCommand):
name = args['name']
if 'name' in args:
name = args['name']
"[warning]The name of the object for which cutout is done is missing. Add it and retry.")
if 'margin' in args:
margin_par = args['margin']
margin_par = 0.001
if 'dia' in args:
dia_par = args['dia']
dia_par = 0.1
if 'gaps' in args:
gaps_par = args['gaps']
gaps_par = 4
if 'gapsize' in args:
gapsize_par = args['gapsize']
gapsize_par = 0.1
obj = self.app.collection.get_by_name(str(name))
@ -60,8 +85,9 @@ class TclCommandCutout(TclCommand):
return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name
def geo_init_me(geo_obj, app_obj):
margin = args['margin'] + args['dia'] / 2
gap_size = args['dia'] + args['gapsize']
margin = margin_par + dia_par / 2
gap_size = dia_par + gapsize_par
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = obj.bounds()
minx -= margin
maxx += margin
@ -90,10 +116,11 @@ class TclCommandCutout(TclCommand):
[pts[3], pts[4], pts[5]],
[pts[6], pts[7], pts[8]],
[pts[9], pts[10], pts[11]]]}
cuts = cases[args['gaps']]
cuts = cases[gaps_par]
geo_obj.solid_geometry = cascaded_union([LineString(segment) for segment in cuts])
obj.app.new_object("geometry", name + "_cutout", geo_init_me)
self.app.inform.emit("[success]Rectangular-form Cutout operation finished.")
except Exception as e:
return "Operation failed: %s" % str(e)

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@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
from ObjectCollection import *
from tclCommands.TclCommand import TclCommand
class TclCommandCutoutAny(TclCommand):
Tcl shell command to create a board cutout geometry. Allow cutout for any shape.
# List of all command aliases, to be able use old
# names for backward compatibility (add_poly, add_polygon)
aliases = ['cutout_any', 'cut_any']
# Dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered
arg_names = collections.OrderedDict([
('name', str),
# Dictionary of types from Tcl command, needs to be ordered,
# this is for options like -optionname value
option_types = collections.OrderedDict([
('dia', float),
('margin', float),
('gapsize', float),
('gaps', str)
# array of mandatory options for current Tcl command: required = {'name','outname'}
required = ['name']
# structured help for current command, args needs to be ordered
help = {
'main': 'Creates board cutout from an object (Gerber or Geometry) of any shape',
'args': collections.OrderedDict([
('name', 'Name of the object.'),
('dia', 'Tool diameter.'),
('margin', 'Margin over bounds.'),
('gapsize', 'size of gap.'),
('gaps', "type of gaps. Can be: 'tb' = top-bottom, 'lr' = left-right, '2tb' = 2top-2bottom, "
"'2lr' = 2left-2right, '4' = 4 cuts, '8' = 8 cuts")
'examples': []
def execute(self, args, unnamed_args):
:param args:
:param unnamed_args:
def subtract_rectangle(obj_, x0, y0, x1, y1):
pts = [(x0, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0, y1)]
if 'name' in args:
name = args['name']
"[warning]The name of the object for which cutout is done is missing. Add it and retry.")
if 'margin' in args:
margin = args['margin']
margin = 0.001
if 'dia' in args:
dia = args['dia']
dia = 0.1
if 'gaps' in args:
gaps = args['gaps']
gaps = 4
if 'gapsize' in args:
gapsize = args['gapsize']
gapsize = 0.1
# Get source object.
cutout_obj = self.app.collection.get_by_name(str(name))
return "Could not retrieve object: %s" % name
if 0 in {dia}:
self.app.inform.emit("[warning]Tool Diameter is zero value. Change it to a positive integer.")
return "Tool Diameter is zero value. Change it to a positive integer."
if gaps not in ['lr', 'tb', '2lr', '2tb', 4, 8]:
self.app.inform.emit("[warning]Gaps value can be only one of: 'lr', 'tb', '2lr', '2tb', 4 or 8. "
"Fill in a correct value and retry. ")
# Get min and max data for each object as we just cut rectangles across X or Y
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = cutout_obj.bounds()
px = 0.5 * (xmin + xmax) + margin
py = 0.5 * (ymin + ymax) + margin
lenghtx = (xmax - xmin) + (margin * 2)
lenghty = (ymax - ymin) + (margin * 2)
gapsize = gapsize + (dia / 2)
if isinstance(cutout_obj, FlatCAMGeometry):
# rename the obj name so it can be identified as cutout
cutout_obj.options["name"] += "_cutout"
elif isinstance(cutout_obj, FlatCAMGerber):
cutout_obj.isolate(dia=dia, passes=1, overlap=1, combine=False, outname="_temp")
ext_obj = self.app.collection.get_by_name("_temp")
def geo_init(geo_obj, app_obj):
geo_obj.solid_geometry = obj_exteriors
outname = cutout_obj.options["name"] + "_cutout"
obj_exteriors = ext_obj.get_exteriors()
self.app.new_object('geometry', outname, geo_init)
cutout_obj = self.app.collection.get_by_name(outname)
self.app.inform.emit("[error]Cancelled. Object type is not supported.")
gaps_u = int(gaps)
except ValueError:
gaps_u = gaps
if gaps_u == 8 or gaps_u == '2lr':
xmin - gapsize, # botleft_x
py - gapsize + lenghty / 4, # botleft_y
xmax + gapsize, # topright_x
py + gapsize + lenghty / 4) # topright_y
xmin - gapsize,
py - gapsize - lenghty / 4,
xmax + gapsize,
py + gapsize - lenghty / 4)
if gaps_u == 8 or gaps_u == '2tb':
px - gapsize + lenghtx / 4,
ymin - gapsize,
px + gapsize + lenghtx / 4,
ymax + gapsize)
px - gapsize - lenghtx / 4,
ymin - gapsize,
px + gapsize - lenghtx / 4,
ymax + gapsize)
if gaps_u == 4 or gaps_u == 'lr':
xmin - gapsize,
py - gapsize,
xmax + gapsize,
py + gapsize)
if gaps_u == 4 or gaps_u == 'tb':
px - gapsize,
ymin - gapsize,
px + gapsize,
ymax + gapsize)
self.app.inform.emit("[success]Any-form Cutout operation finished.")

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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import tclCommands.TclCommandAlignDrillGrid
import tclCommands.TclCommandClearShell
import tclCommands.TclCommandCncjob
import tclCommands.TclCommandCutout
import tclCommands.TclCommandCutoutAny
import tclCommands.TclCommandDelete
import tclCommands.TclCommandDrillcncjob
import tclCommands.TclCommandExportGcode