- Print function is now printing a PDF file for a selection of objects in the colors from canvas

This commit is contained in:
Marius Stanciu 2019-12-20 02:41:13 +02:00 committed by Marius
parent f604cd461d
commit 28bf1c3b5a
2 changed files with 173 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.graphics import renderPM
from reportlab.lib.units import inch, mm
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import landscape, portrait
from svglib.svglib import svg2rlg
from contextlib import contextmanager
import gc
@ -10362,20 +10363,185 @@ class App(QtCore.QObject):
if use_thread is True:
self.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.save_pdf, 'params': [filename, obj_name, obj_selection]})
proc = self.proc_container.new(_("Printing PDF ... Please wait."))
self.worker_task.emit({'fcn': self.save_pdf, 'params': [filename, obj_selection]})
self.save_pdf(filename, obj_name, obj_selection)
self.save_pdf(filename, obj_selection)
# self.save_project(filename)
if self.defaults["global_open_style"] is False:
self.file_opened.emit("pdf", filename)
self.file_saved.emit("pdf", filename)
def save_pdf(self, file_name, obj_name, obj_selection):
if len(obj_selection) == 1:
self.film_tool.export_positive(obj_name=obj_name, box_name=obj_name, filename=file_name, ftype='pdf')
def save_pdf(self, file_name, obj_selection):
p_size = self.defaults['global_workspaceT']
orientation = self.defaults['global_workspace_orientation']
color = 'black'
transparency_level = 1.0
self.pagesize = dict()
'Bounds': None,
'A0': (841*mm, 1189*mm),
'A1': (594*mm, 841*mm),
'A2': (420*mm, 594*mm),
'A3': (297*mm, 420*mm),
'A4': (210*mm, 297*mm),
'A5': (148*mm, 210*mm),
'A6': (105*mm, 148*mm),
'A7': (74*mm, 105*mm),
'A8': (52*mm, 74*mm),
'A9': (37*mm, 52*mm),
'A10': (26*mm, 37*mm),
'B0': (1000*mm, 1414*mm),
'B1': (707*mm, 1000*mm),
'B2': (500*mm, 707*mm),
'B3': (353*mm, 500*mm),
'B4': (250*mm, 353*mm),
'B5': (176*mm, 250*mm),
'B6': (125*mm, 176*mm),
'B7': (88*mm, 125*mm),
'B8': (62*mm, 88*mm),
'B9': (44*mm, 62*mm),
'B10': (31*mm, 44*mm),
'C0': (917*mm, 1297*mm),
'C1': (648*mm, 917*mm),
'C2': (458*mm, 648*mm),
'C3': (324*mm, 458*mm),
'C4': (229*mm, 324*mm),
'C5': (162*mm, 229*mm),
'C6': (114*mm, 162*mm),
'C7': (81*mm, 114*mm),
'C8': (57*mm, 81*mm),
'C9': (40*mm, 57*mm),
'C10': (28*mm, 40*mm),
# American paper sizes
'LETTER': (8.5*inch, 11*inch),
'LEGAL': (8.5*inch, 14*inch),
'ELEVENSEVENTEEN': (11*inch, 17*inch),
# From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_size
'JUNIOR_LEGAL': (5*inch, 8*inch),
'HALF_LETTER': (5.5*inch, 8*inch),
'GOV_LETTER': (8*inch, 10.5*inch),
'GOV_LEGAL': (8.5*inch, 13*inch),
'LEDGER': (17*inch, 11*inch),
exported_svg = list()
for obj in obj_selection:
svg_obj = obj.export_svg(scale_stroke_factor=0.0,
scale_factor_x=None, scale_factor_y=None,
skew_factor_x=None, skew_factor_y=None,
if obj.kind.lower() == 'gerber':
color = self.defaults["global_plot_fill"][:-2]
elif obj.kind.lower() == 'excellon':
color = '#C40000'
elif obj.kind.lower() == 'geometry':
color = self.defaults["global_draw_color"]
# Change the attributes of the exported SVG
# We don't need stroke-width
# We set opacity to maximum
# We set the colour to WHITE
root = ET.fromstring(svg_obj)
for child in root:
child.set('fill', str(color))
child.set('opacity', str(transparency_level))
child.set('stroke', str(color))
xmin = Inf
ymin = Inf
xmax = -Inf
ymax = -Inf
for obj in obj_selection:
gxmin, gymin, gxmax, gymax = obj.bounds()
xmin = min([xmin, gxmin])
ymin = min([ymin, gymin])
xmax = max([xmax, gxmax])
ymax = max([ymax, gymax])
except Exception as e:
log.warning("DEV WARNING: Tried to get bounds of empty geometry in App.save_pdf(). %s" % str(e))
# Determine bounding area for svg export
bounds = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
size = bounds[2] - bounds[0], bounds[3] - bounds[1]
# This contain the measure units
uom = obj_selection[0].units.lower()
# Define a boundary around SVG of about 1.0mm (~39mils)
if uom in "mm":
boundary = 1.0
self.inform.emit('[WARNING_NOTCL] %s' % _("Multiple objects print not implemented yet."))
boundary = 0.0393701
# Convert everything to strings for use in the xml doc
svgwidth = str(size[0] + (2 * boundary))
svgheight = str(size[1] + (2 * boundary))
minx = str(bounds[0] - boundary)
miny = str(bounds[1] + boundary + size[1])
# Add a SVG Header and footer to the svg output from shapely
# The transform flips the Y Axis so that everything renders
# properly within svg apps such as inkscape
svg_header = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ' \
'version="1.1" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" '
svg_header += 'width="' + svgwidth + uom + '" '
svg_header += 'height="' + svgheight + uom + '" '
svg_header += 'viewBox="' + minx + ' -' + miny + ' ' + svgwidth + ' ' + svgheight + '" '
svg_header += '>'
svg_header += '<g transform="scale(1,-1)">'
svg_footer = '</g> </svg>'
svg_elem = str(svg_header)
for svg_item in exported_svg:
svg_elem += str(svg_item)
svg_elem += str(svg_footer)
# Parse the xml through a xml parser just to add line feeds
# and to make it look more pretty for the output
doc = parse_xml_string(svg_elem)
doc_final = doc.toprettyxml()
if self.defaults['units'].upper() == 'IN':
unit = inch
unit = mm
doc_final = StringIO(doc_final)
drawing = svg2rlg(doc_final)
if p_size == 'Bounds':
renderPDF.drawToFile(drawing, file_name)
if orientation == 'p':
page_size = portrait(self.pagesize[p_size])
page_size = landscape(self.pagesize[p_size])
my_canvas = canvas.Canvas(file_name, pagesize=page_size)
my_canvas.translate(bounds[0] * unit, bounds[1] * unit)
renderPDF.draw(drawing, my_canvas, 0, 0)
except Exception as e:
log.debug("App.save_pdf() --> PDF output --> %s" % str(e))
return 'fail'
self.inform.emit('[success] %s: %s' % (_("PDF file saved to"), file_name))
def export_svg(self, obj_name, filename, scale_stroke_factor=0.00):

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ CAD program, and create G-Code for Isolation routing.
- fixed a rare issue in the generation of non-copper-region geometry started from the Gerber Object UI (selected tab)
- Print function is now printing a PDF file for a selection of objects in the colors from canvas