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Raw Normal View History

import csv
import math
import numpy as np
class bilinearInterpolator():
This class takes a collection of 3-dimensional points from a .csv file.
It contains a bilinear interpolator to find unknown points within the grid.
def probedGrid(self):
return self._probedGrid
Constructor takes a file with a .csv extension and creates an evenly-spaced 'ideal' grid from the data points.
This is done to get around any floating point errors that may exist in the data
def __init__(
self.pointsFile = pointsFile
self.points = np.loadtxt(self.pointsFile, delimiter=',')
self.xMin, self.xMax, self.xSpacing, self.xCount = self._axisParams(0)
self.yMin, self.yMax, self.ySpacing, self.yCount = self._axisParams(1)
# generate ideal grid to match actually probed points -- this is due to floating-point error issues
idealGrid = ([
[(x,y) for x in np.linspace(self.xMin,self.xMax,self.xCount, True)]
for y in np.linspace(self.yMin,self.yMax,self.yCount, True)
self._probedGrid = [[0] * self.yCount for i in range(0, self.xCount)]
# align ideal grid indices with probed data points
for rowIndex, row in enumerate(idealGrid):
for colIndex, idealPoint in enumerate(row):
minSqDist = math.inf
for probed in self.points:
# find closest point in ideal grid that corresponds to actual tested point
# put z value in correct index
sqDist = pow(probed[0] - idealPoint[0], 2) + pow(probed[1] - idealPoint[1],2)
if sqDist <= minSqDist:
minSqDist = sqDist
indexX = rowIndex
indexY = colIndex
closestProbed = probed
self.probedGrid[indexY][indexX] = closestProbed
Bilinear interpolation method to determine unknown z-values within grid of known z-values.
NOTE: If one axis is outside the grid, linear interpolation is used instead.
If both axes are outside of the grid, the z-value of the closest corner of the grid is returned.
def Interpolate(self, point):
lin = False
if point[0] < self.xMin:
ix1 = 0
lin = True
elif point[0] > self.xMax:
ix1 = self.xCount-1
lin = True
ix1 = math.floor((point[0] - self.xMin)/self.xSpacing)
ix2 = math.ceil((point[0] - self.xMin)/self.xSpacing)
def interpolatePoint(p1, p2, p, axis):
return (p2[2]*(p[axis] - p1[axis]) + p1[2]*(p2[axis] - p[axis]))/(p2[axis] - p1[axis])
if point[1] < self.yMin:
if lin:
return self.probedGrid[ix1][0][2]
return interpolatePoint(self.probedGrid[ix1][0], self.probedGrid[ix2][0], point, 0)
elif point[1] > self.yMax:
if lin:
return self.probedGrid[ix1][self.yCount - 1][2]
return interpolatePoint(self.probedGrid[ix1][self.yCount - 1], self.probedGrid[ix2][self.yCount - 1], point, 0)
iy1 = math.floor((point[1] - self.yMin)/self.ySpacing)
iy2 = math.ceil((point[1] - self.yMin)/self.ySpacing)
#if x was at an extrema, but y was not, perform linear interpolation on x axis
if lin:
return interpolatePoint(self.probedGrid[ix1][iy1], self.probedGrid[ix1][iy2], point, 1)
def specialDiv(a, b):
if b == 0:
return 0.5
return a/b
x1 = self.probedGrid[ix1][iy1][0]
x2 = self.probedGrid[ix2][iy1][0]
y1 = self.probedGrid[ix2][iy1][1]
y2 = self.probedGrid[ix2][iy2][1]
Q11 = self.probedGrid[ix1][iy1][2]
Q12 = self.probedGrid[ix1][iy2][2]
Q21 = self.probedGrid[ix2][iy1][2]
Q22 = self.probedGrid[ix2][iy2][2]
r1 = specialDiv(point[0]-x1, x2-x1)*Q21 + specialDiv(x2-point[0], x2-x1)*Q11
r2 = specialDiv(point[0]-x1, x2-x1)*Q22 + specialDiv(x2-point[0], x2-x1)*Q12
p = specialDiv(point[1]-y1, y2-y1)*r2 + specialDiv(y2-point[1], y2-y1)*r1
return p
# Returns the min, max, spacing and size of one axis of the 2D grid
def _axisParams(self, sortAxis):
# sort the set and eliminate the previous, unsorted set
srtSet = sorted(self.points, key=lambda x: x[sortAxis])
dists = []
for item0, item1 in zip(srtSet[:(len(srtSet)-2)], srtSet[1:]):
dists.append(float(item1[sortAxis]) - float(item0[sortAxis]))
axisSpacing = max(dists)
# add an extra one for axisCount to account for the starting point
axisMin = float(min(srtSet, key=lambda x: x[sortAxis])[sortAxis])
axisMax = float(max(srtSet, key=lambda x: x[sortAxis])[sortAxis])
axisRange = axisMax - axisMin
axisCount = round((axisRange/axisSpacing) + 1)
return axisMin, axisMax, axisSpacing, axisCount