Frank Morgner a0b6643fa7 Use hard coded default SM module (path)
- avoids the need to set this default in opensc.conf
- fixes loading of (unknown) local library
- removes some unused defines from config.h
2018-07-17 14:49:27 +02:00

1141 lines
47 KiB

# Configuration file for OpenSC
# Example configuration file
# NOTE: All key-value pairs must be terminated by a semicolon.
# Default values for any application
# These can be overridden by an application
# specific configuration block.
app default {
# Amount of debug info to print
# A greater value means more debug info.
# Default: 0
#debug = 3;
# The file to which debug output will be written
# Special values 'stdout' and 'stderr' are recognized.
# Default: stderr
# debug_file = @DEBUG_FILE@
# PKCS#15 initialization / personalization
# profiles directory for pkcs15-init.
# profile_dir = @PROFILE_DIR@;
# Disable pop-ups of built-in GUI
# Default: false
# disable_popups = true;
# Enable default card driver
# Default card driver is explicitly enabled for the 'opensc-explorer' and 'opensc-tool'.
# Default: false
# enable_default_driver = true;
# List of readers to ignore
# If any of the strings listed below is matched in a reader name (case
# sensitive, partial matching possible), the reader is ignored by OpenSC.
# Use `opensc-tool --list-readers` to see all currently connected readers.
# Default: empty
# ignored_readers = "CardMan 1021", "SPR 532";
# CT-API module configuration.
reader_driver ctapi {
# module @LIBDIR@@LIB_PRE@towitoko@DYN_LIB_EXT@ {
# CT-API ports:
# 0..3 COM1..4
# 4 Printer
# 5 Modem
# 6..7 LPT1..2
# ports = 0;
# }
# The following section shows definitions for PC/SC readers.
reader_driver pcsc {
# Limit command and response sizes. Some Readers don't propagate their
# transceive capabilities correctly. max_send_size and max_recv_size
# allow setting the limits manually, for example to enable extended
# length capabilities.
# Default: max_send_size = 255, max_recv_size = 256;
# max_send_size = 65535;
# max_recv_size = 65536;
# Connect to reader in exclusive mode?
# Default: false
# connect_exclusive = true;
# What to do when disconnecting from a card (SCardDisconnect)
# Valid values: leave, reset, unpower.
# Default: leave
# disconnect_action = reset;
# What to do at the end of a transaction (SCardEndTransaction)
# Valid values: leave, reset, unpower.
# Default: leave
# transaction_end_action = reset;
# What to do when reconnection to a card (SCardReconnect)
# Valid values: leave, reset, unpower.
# Note that this affects only the internal reconnect (after a SCARD_W_RESET_CARD).
# A forced reset via sc_reset() always does a full powerup.
# Default: leave
# reconnect_action = reset;
# Enable pinpad if detected (PC/SC v2.0.2 Part 10)
# Default: true
# enable_pinpad = false;
# Some pinpad readers can only handle one exact length of the PIN.
# fixed_pinlength sets this value so that OpenSC expands the padding to
# this length.
# Default: 0 (i.e. not fixed)
# fixed_pinlength = 6;
# Detect reader capabilities with escape commands (wrapped APDUs with
# CLA=0xFF as defined by PC/SC pt. 3 and BSI TR-03119, e.g. for getting
# the UID, escaped PIN commands and the reader's firmware version)
# Default: false
# enable_escape = true;
# Use specific pcsc provider.
# provider_library = @DEFAULT_PCSC_PROVIDER@
# Options for OpenCT support
reader_driver openct {
# Virtual readers to allocate.
# Default: 2
# readers = 5;
# Limit command and response sizes.
# Default: n/a
# max_send_size = 255;
# max_recv_size = 256;
# Options for CryptoTokenKit support
reader_driver cryptotokenkit {
# Limit command and response sizes. Some Readers don't propagate their
# transceive capabilities correctly. max_send_size and max_recv_size
# allow setting the limits manually, for example to enable extended
# length capabilities.
# Default: autodetect
# max_send_size = 65535;
# max_recv_size = 65536;
# Whitelist of card drivers to load at start-up
# The supported internal card driver names can be retrieved
# from the output of:
# $ opensc-tool --list-drivers
# A special value of 'old' will load all
# statically linked drivers that may be removed in the future.
# A special value of 'internal' will load all
# statically linked drivers. If an unknown (i.e. not
# internal) driver is supplied, a separate configuration
# configuration block has to be written for the driver.
# Default: internal
# NOTE: When "internal" keyword is used, must be last entry
#card_drivers = old, internal;
# Card driver configuration blocks.
# For card drivers loaded from an external shared library/DLL,
# you need to specify the path name of the module
# card_driver customcos {
# The location of the driver library
# module = @LIBDIR@@LIB_PRE@card_customcos@DYN_LIB_EXT@;
# }
card_driver npa {
# German ID card requires the CAN to be verified before QES PIN. This,
# however, is not part of the PKCS#15 profile of the card. So for
# verifying the QES PIN we actually need both. The CAN may be given
# here. If the CAN is not given here, it will be prompted on the
# command line or on the reader (depending on the reader's
# capabilities).
#can = 222222;
# QES is only possible with a Comfort Reader (CAT-K), which holds a
# cryptographic key to authenticate itself as signature terminal (ST).
# We usually will use the reader's capability to sign the data.
# However, during developement you may specify soft certificates and
# keys for a ST below.
# The following example EAC PKI can be found in vicc's example data:
#st_dv_certificate = ZZSTDVCA00001.cvcert;
#st_certificate = ZZSTTERM00001.cvcert;
#st_key = ZZSTTERM00001.pkcs8;
# Configuration block for DNIe
# Card DNIe has an option to show an extra warning before
# issuing a signature.
card_driver dnie {
# Disable / enable warning message when performing a
# signature operation with the DNIe.
# Only used if compiled with --enable-dnie-ui
# user_consent_enabled = yes;
# Specify the pinentry application to use if warning
# is configured to be displayed using pinentry.
# Default: /usr/bin/pinentry
# Only used if compiled with --enable-dnie-ui
# user_consent_app = "/usr/bin/pinentry";
# In addition to the built-in list of known cards in the
# card driver, you can configure a new card for the driver
# using the card_atr block. The goal is to centralize
# everything related to a certain card to card_atr.
# The supported internal card driver names can be retrieved
# from the output of:
# $ opensc-tool --list-drivers
# Generic format: card_atr <hex encoded ATR (case-sensitive!)>
# New card entry for the flex card driver
# card_atr 3b:f0:0d:ca:fe {
# All parameters for the context are
# optional unless specified otherwise.
# Context: global, card driver
# ATR mask value
# The mask is logically AND'd with an
# card ATR prior to comparison with the
# ATR reference value above. Using mask
# allows identifying and configuring
# multiple ATRs as the same card model.
# atrmask = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff";
# Context: card driver
# Specify used card driver (REQUIRED).
# When enabled, overrides all possible
# settings from the card drivers built-in
# card configuration list.
# driver = "flex";
# Set card name for card drivers that allows it.
# name = "My CryptoFlex card";
# Card type as an integer value.
# Depending on card driver, this allows
# tuning the behaviour of the card driver
# for your card.
# type = "2002";
# Card flags as an hex value.
# Multiple values are OR'd together.
# Depending on card driver, this allows
# fine-tuning the capabilities in
# the card driver for your card.
# Optionally, some known parameters
# can be specified as strings:
# rng - On-board random number source
# keep_alive - Request the card driver to send a "keep alive" command before each transaction to make sure that the required applet is still selected.
# flags = "rng", "keep_alive", "0x80000000";
# Context: PKCS#15 emulation layer
# When using PKCS#15 emulation, force
# the emulation driver for specific cards.
# Required for external drivers, but can
# be used with built-in drivers, too.
# pkcs15emu = "custom";
# Context: reader driver
# Force protocol selection for specific cards.
# Known parameters: t0, t1, raw
# force_protocol = "t0";
# Context: minidriver
# md_read_only: Mark card as read/only card in Minidriver/BaseCSP interface (Default: false)
# md_supports_X509_enrollment: Indicate X509 enrollment support at Minidriver/BaseCSP interface (Default: false)
# md_guid_as_id: Use the GUID generated for the key as id in the PKCS#15 structure (Default: false, i.e. auto generated)
# md_guid_as_label: Use the GUID generated for the key as label in the PKCS#15 structure (Default: false, i.e. no label set)
# md_supports_container_key_gen: Card allows generating key pairs on the card (Default: false)
# md_supports_container_key_import: Card allows importing private keys (Default: false)
# Window title of the PIN pad dialog
# Default: "Windows Security"
# md_pinpad_dlg_title = "Title";
# Filename of the icon for the PIN pad dialog; use "" for no icon
# Default: Built-in smart card icon
# md_pinpad_dlg_icon = "";
# Main instruction of the PIN pad dialog
# Default: "OpenSC Smart Card Provider"
# md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Main";
# Content of the PIN pad dialog for role "user"
# Default: "Please verify your fingerprint or PIN on the card."
# md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Content User";
# Content of the PIN pad dialog for role "user+signature"
# Default: "Please verify your fingerprint or PIN for the digital signature PIN on the card."
# md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Content User+Sign";
# Content of the PIN pad dialog for role "admin"
# Default: "Please enter your PIN to unblock the user PIN on the PINPAD."
# md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Content Admin";
# Content of the PIN pad dialog after pressing "Cancel", when the reader doesn't respond to SCardCancel
# md_pinpad_dlg_content_cancel = "Content Cancel";
# Expanded information of the PIN pad dialog
# Default: "This window will be closed automatically after the PIN has been submitted on the PINPAD (timeout typically after 30 seconds)."
# md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Expanded Information";
# Expanded information of the PIN pad dialog after pressing "Cancel", when the reader doesn't respond to SCardCancel
# Default: "Some readers only support canceling the operation on the PIN pad. Press Cancel or remove the card."
# md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Expanded Information Cancel";
# Allow the user to cancel the PIN pad dialog
# Default: false
# md_pinpad_dlg_enable_cancel = true;
# Time in seconds for the progress bar of the PIN pad dialog to tick. "0" removes the progress bar.
# Default: 30
# md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 0;
# Notification title and text when card was inserted
# Default: "Smart card detected"
# notify_card_inserted = "inserted title";
# Default: ATR of the card
# notify_card_inserted_text = "inserted text";
# Notification title and text when card was removed
# Default: "Smart card removed"
# notify_card_removed = "card removed";
# Default: Name of smart card reader
# notify_card_removed_text = "removed text";
# Notification title and text when PIN was verified
# Default: "PIN verified"
# notify_pin_good = "good PIN";
# Default: "Smart card is unlocked"
# notify_pin_good_text = "good text";
# Notification title and text when PIN was wrong
# Default: "PIN not verified"
# notify_pin_bad = "bad PIN";
# Default: "Smart card is locked"
# notify_pin_bad_text = "bad text";
# }
# Yubikey is known to have the PIV applet and the OpenPGP applet. OpenSC
# can handle both to access keys and certificates, but only one at a time.
card_atr 3b:f8:13:00:00:81:31:fe:15:59:75:62:69:6b:65:79:34:d4 {
name = "Yubikey 4";
# Select the PKI applet to use ("PIV-II" or "openpgp")
driver = "PIV-II";
# Recover from other applications accessing a different applet
flags = "keep_alive";
card_atr 3b:fc:13:00:00:81:31:fe:15:59:75:62:69:6b:65:79:4e:45:4f:72:33:e1 {
name = "Yubikey Neo";
# Select the PKI applet to use ("PIV-II" or "openpgp")
driver = "PIV-II";
# Recover from other applications accessing a different applet
flags = "keep_alive";
card_atr 3b:8c:80:01:59:75:62:69:6b:65:79:4e:45:4f:72:33:58 {
atrmask = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00";
name = "Yubikey Neo";
# Select the PKI applet to use ("PIV-II" or "openpgp")
driver = "PIV-II";
# Recover from other applications accessing a different applet
flags = "keep_alive";
# Oberthur's AuthentIC v3.2.2
card_atr 3B:DD:18:00:81:31:FE:45:80:F9:A0:00:00:00:77:01:00:70:0A:90:00:8B {
type = 11100;
driver = "authentic";
name = "AuthentIC v3.1";
# Name of SM configuration sub-section
# secure_messaging = local_authentic;
# IAS/ECC cards
card_atr 3B:7F:96:00:00:00:31:B9:64:40:70:14:10:73:94:01:80:82:90:00 {
type = 25001;
driver = "iasecc";
name = "Gemalto MultiApp IAS/ECC v1.0.1";
secure_messaging = local_gemalto_iam;
# secure_messaging = local_adele;
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
card_atr 3B:7F:96:00:00:00:31:B8:64:40:70:14:10:73:94:01:80:82:90:00 {
type = 25001;
driver = "iasecc";
name = "Gemalto MultiApp IAS/ECC v1.0.1";
secure_messaging = local_gemalto_iam;
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
#card_atr 3B:DD:18:00:81:31:FE:45:80:F9:A0:00:00:00:77:01:08:00:07:90:00:FE {
# type = 25002;
# driver = "iasecc";
# name = "Oberthur IAS/ECC v1.0.1";
# # No 'admin' application for this card -- no secure messaging
#card_atr 3B:7F:18:00:00:00:31:B8:64:50:23:EC:C1:73:94:01:80:82:90:00 {
# type = 25003;
# driver = "iasecc";
# name = "Morpho YpsID S3 IAS/ECC";
# # secure_messaging = local_morpho_YpsID_S3;
#card_atr 3B:DF:96:00:80:31:FE:45:00:31:B8:64:04:1F:EC:C1:73:94:01:80:82:90:00:EC {
# type = 25005;
# driver = "iasecc";
# name = "Morpho MI IAS/ECC v1.0.1";
# md_read_only = false;
# md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
# secure_messaging = local_morpho_mi;
card_atr 3B:DF:18:FF:81:91:FE:1F:C3:00:31:B8:64:0C:01:EC:C1:73:94:01:80:82:90:00:B3 {
type = 25004;
driver = "iasecc";
name = "Amos IAS/ECC v1.0.1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
secure_messaging = local_amos;
card_atr 3B:DC:18:FF:81:91:FE:1F:C3:80:73:C8:21:13:66:01:0B:03:52:00:05:38 {
type = 25004;
driver = "iasecc";
name = "Amos IAS/ECC v1.0.1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
secure_messaging = local_amos_eid;
# SmartCard-HSM with contact-based interface or USB-Stick
card_atr 3B:FE:18:00:00:81:31:FE:45:80:31:81:54:48:53:4D:31:73:80:21:40:81:07:FA {
driver = "sc-hsm";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
# SmartCard-HSM with contact-less interface
card_atr 3B:8E:80:01:80:31:81:54:48:53:4D:31:73:80:21:40:81:07:18 {
driver = "sc-hsm";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
# SmartCard-HSM with fingerprint sensor and PIN pad
card_atr 3B:80:80:01:01 {
force_protocol = "t1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Fingerabdruck oder PIN eingeben";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN für die digitale Signatur auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN zum Entsperren der Nutzer-PIN auf dem PIN-Pad ein.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Dieses Fenster wird automatisch geschlossen, wenn die PIN oder der Fingerabdruck verifiziert wurde (Timeout nach 30 Sekunden). Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Die Karte unterstützt das Abbrechen ausschließlich am PIN-Pad. Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen oder entfernen Sie die Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_allow_cancel = false;
md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 30;
notify_card_inserted = "GoID erkannt";
notify_card_inserted_text = "";
notify_card_removed = "GoID entfernt";
notify_pin_good = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN verifiziert";
notify_pin_good_text = "GoID ist entsperrt";
notify_pin_bad = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN nicht verifiziert";
notify_pin_bad_text = "GoID ist gesperrt";
# GoID with fingerprint sensor and PIN pad
card_atr 3B:84:80:01:47:6f:49:44:00 {
atrmask = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:00";
driver = "sc-hsm";
force_protocol = "t1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Fingerabdruck oder PIN eingeben";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN für die digitale Signatur auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN zum Entsperren der Nutzer-PIN auf dem PIN-Pad ein.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Dieses Fenster wird automatisch geschlossen, wenn die PIN oder der Fingerabdruck verifiziert wurde (Timeout nach 30 Sekunden). Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Die Karte unterstützt das Abbrechen ausschließlich am PIN-Pad. Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen oder entfernen Sie die Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_allow_cancel = false;
md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 30;
notify_card_inserted = "GoID erkannt";
notify_card_inserted_text = "";
notify_card_removed = "GoID entfernt";
notify_pin_good = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN verifiziert";
notify_pin_good_text = "GoID ist entsperrt";
notify_pin_bad = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN nicht verifiziert";
notify_pin_bad_text = "GoID ist gesperrt";
# GoID with fingerprint sensor and PIN pad
card_atr 3B:85:80:01:47:6f:49:44:00:00 {
atrmask = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00";
driver = "sc-hsm";
force_protocol = "t1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Fingerabdruck oder PIN eingeben";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN für die digitale Signatur auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN zum Entsperren der Nutzer-PIN auf dem PIN-Pad ein.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Dieses Fenster wird automatisch geschlossen, wenn die PIN oder der Fingerabdruck verifiziert wurde (Timeout nach 30 Sekunden). Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Die Karte unterstützt das Abbrechen ausschließlich am PIN-Pad. Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen oder entfernen Sie die Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_allow_cancel = false;
md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 30;
notify_card_inserted = "GoID erkannt";
notify_card_inserted_text = "";
notify_card_removed = "GoID entfernt";
notify_pin_good = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN verifiziert";
notify_pin_good_text = "GoID ist entsperrt";
notify_pin_bad = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN nicht verifiziert";
notify_pin_bad_text = "GoID ist gesperrt";
# GoID with fingerprint sensor and PIN pad
card_atr 3B:86:80:01:47:6f:49:44:00:00:00 {
atrmask = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00:00";
driver = "sc-hsm";
force_protocol = "t1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Fingerabdruck oder PIN eingeben";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN für die digitale Signatur auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN zum Entsperren der Nutzer-PIN auf dem PIN-Pad ein.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Dieses Fenster wird automatisch geschlossen, wenn die PIN oder der Fingerabdruck verifiziert wurde (Timeout nach 30 Sekunden). Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Die Karte unterstützt das Abbrechen ausschließlich am PIN-Pad. Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen oder entfernen Sie die Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_allow_cancel = false;
md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 30;
notify_card_inserted = "GoID erkannt";
notify_card_inserted_text = "";
notify_card_removed = "GoID entfernt";
notify_pin_good = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN verifiziert";
notify_pin_good_text = "GoID ist entsperrt";
notify_pin_bad = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN nicht verifiziert";
notify_pin_bad_text = "GoID ist gesperrt";
# GoID with fingerprint sensor and PIN pad
card_atr 3B:87:80:01:47:6f:49:44:00:00:00:00 {
atrmask = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00:00:00";
driver = "sc-hsm";
force_protocol = "t1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Fingerabdruck oder PIN eingeben";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN für die digitale Signatur auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN zum Entsperren der Nutzer-PIN auf dem PIN-Pad ein.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Dieses Fenster wird automatisch geschlossen, wenn die PIN oder der Fingerabdruck verifiziert wurde (Timeout nach 30 Sekunden). Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Die Karte unterstützt das Abbrechen ausschließlich am PIN-Pad. Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen oder entfernen Sie die Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_allow_cancel = false;
md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 30;
notify_card_inserted = "GoID erkannt";
notify_card_inserted_text = "";
notify_card_removed = "GoID entfernt";
notify_pin_good = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN verifiziert";
notify_pin_good_text = "GoID ist entsperrt";
notify_pin_bad = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN nicht verifiziert";
notify_pin_bad_text = "GoID ist gesperrt";
# GoID with fingerprint sensor and PIN pad
card_atr 3B:88:80:01:47:6f:49:44:00:00:00:00:00 {
atrmask = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00:00:00:00";
driver = "sc-hsm";
force_protocol = "t1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Fingerabdruck oder PIN eingeben";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN für die digitale Signatur auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN zum Entsperren der Nutzer-PIN auf dem PIN-Pad ein.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Dieses Fenster wird automatisch geschlossen, wenn die PIN oder der Fingerabdruck verifiziert wurde (Timeout nach 30 Sekunden). Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Die Karte unterstützt das Abbrechen ausschließlich am PIN-Pad. Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen oder entfernen Sie die Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_allow_cancel = false;
md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 30;
notify_card_inserted = "GoID erkannt";
notify_card_inserted_text = "";
notify_card_removed = "GoID entfernt";
notify_pin_good = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN verifiziert";
notify_pin_good_text = "GoID ist entsperrt";
notify_pin_bad = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN nicht verifiziert";
notify_pin_bad_text = "GoID ist gesperrt";
# GoID with fingerprint sensor and PIN pad
card_atr 3B:89:80:01:47:6f:49:44:00:00:00:00:00:00 {
atrmask = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00:00:00:00:00";
driver = "sc-hsm";
force_protocol = "t1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Fingerabdruck oder PIN eingeben";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN für die digitale Signatur auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN zum Entsperren der Nutzer-PIN auf dem PIN-Pad ein.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Dieses Fenster wird automatisch geschlossen, wenn die PIN oder der Fingerabdruck verifiziert wurde (Timeout nach 30 Sekunden). Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Die Karte unterstützt das Abbrechen ausschließlich am PIN-Pad. Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen oder entfernen Sie die Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_allow_cancel = false;
md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 30;
notify_card_inserted = "GoID erkannt";
notify_card_inserted_text = "";
notify_card_removed = "GoID entfernt";
notify_pin_good = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN verifiziert";
notify_pin_good_text = "GoID ist entsperrt";
notify_pin_bad = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN nicht verifiziert";
notify_pin_bad_text = "GoID ist gesperrt";
# GoID with fingerprint sensor and PIN pad
card_atr 3B:8A:80:01:47:6f:49:44:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 {
atrmask = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00";
driver = "sc-hsm";
force_protocol = "t1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Fingerabdruck oder PIN eingeben";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN für die digitale Signatur auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN zum Entsperren der Nutzer-PIN auf dem PIN-Pad ein.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Dieses Fenster wird automatisch geschlossen, wenn die PIN oder der Fingerabdruck verifiziert wurde (Timeout nach 30 Sekunden). Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Die Karte unterstützt das Abbrechen ausschließlich am PIN-Pad. Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen oder entfernen Sie die Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_allow_cancel = false;
md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 30;
notify_card_inserted = "GoID erkannt";
notify_card_inserted_text = "";
notify_card_removed = "GoID entfernt";
notify_pin_good = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN verifiziert";
notify_pin_good_text = "GoID ist entsperrt";
notify_pin_bad = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN nicht verifiziert";
notify_pin_bad_text = "GoID ist gesperrt";
# GoID with fingerprint sensor and PIN pad
card_atr 3B:8B:80:01:47:6f:49:44:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 {
atrmask = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00";
driver = "sc-hsm";
force_protocol = "t1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Fingerabdruck oder PIN eingeben";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN für die digitale Signatur auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN zum Entsperren der Nutzer-PIN auf dem PIN-Pad ein.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Dieses Fenster wird automatisch geschlossen, wenn die PIN oder der Fingerabdruck verifiziert wurde (Timeout nach 30 Sekunden). Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Die Karte unterstützt das Abbrechen ausschließlich am PIN-Pad. Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen oder entfernen Sie die Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_allow_cancel = false;
md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 30;
notify_card_inserted = "GoID erkannt";
notify_card_inserted_text = "";
notify_card_removed = "GoID entfernt";
notify_pin_good = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN verifiziert";
notify_pin_good_text = "GoID ist entsperrt";
notify_pin_bad = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN nicht verifiziert";
notify_pin_bad_text = "GoID ist gesperrt";
# GoID with fingerprint sensor and PIN pad
card_atr 3B:8C:80:01:47:6f:49:44:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 {
atrmask = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00";
driver = "sc-hsm";
force_protocol = "t1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Fingerabdruck oder PIN eingeben";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN für die digitale Signatur auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN zum Entsperren der Nutzer-PIN auf dem PIN-Pad ein.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Dieses Fenster wird automatisch geschlossen, wenn die PIN oder der Fingerabdruck verifiziert wurde (Timeout nach 30 Sekunden). Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Die Karte unterstützt das Abbrechen ausschließlich am PIN-Pad. Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen oder entfernen Sie die Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_allow_cancel = false;
md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 30;
notify_card_inserted = "GoID erkannt";
notify_card_inserted_text = "";
notify_card_removed = "GoID entfernt";
notify_pin_good = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN verifiziert";
notify_pin_good_text = "GoID ist entsperrt";
notify_pin_bad = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN nicht verifiziert";
notify_pin_bad_text = "GoID ist gesperrt";
# GoID with fingerprint sensor and PIN pad
card_atr 3B:8D:80:01:47:6f:49:44:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 {
atrmask = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00";
driver = "sc-hsm";
force_protocol = "t1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Fingerabdruck oder PIN eingeben";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN für die digitale Signatur auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN zum Entsperren der Nutzer-PIN auf dem PIN-Pad ein.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Dieses Fenster wird automatisch geschlossen, wenn die PIN oder der Fingerabdruck verifiziert wurde (Timeout nach 30 Sekunden). Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Die Karte unterstützt das Abbrechen ausschließlich am PIN-Pad. Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen oder entfernen Sie die Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_allow_cancel = false;
md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 30;
notify_card_inserted = "GoID erkannt";
notify_card_inserted_text = "";
notify_card_removed = "GoID entfernt";
notify_pin_good = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN verifiziert";
notify_pin_good_text = "GoID ist entsperrt";
notify_pin_bad = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN nicht verifiziert";
notify_pin_bad_text = "GoID ist gesperrt";
# GoID with fingerprint sensor and PIN pad
card_atr 3B:8E:80:01:47:6f:49:44:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 {
atrmask = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00";
driver = "sc-hsm";
force_protocol = "t1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Fingerabdruck oder PIN eingeben";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN für die digitale Signatur auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN zum Entsperren der Nutzer-PIN auf dem PIN-Pad ein.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Dieses Fenster wird automatisch geschlossen, wenn die PIN oder der Fingerabdruck verifiziert wurde (Timeout nach 30 Sekunden). Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Die Karte unterstützt das Abbrechen ausschließlich am PIN-Pad. Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen oder entfernen Sie die Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_allow_cancel = false;
md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 30;
notify_card_inserted = "GoID erkannt";
notify_card_inserted_text = "";
notify_card_removed = "GoID entfernt";
notify_pin_good = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN verifiziert";
notify_pin_good_text = "GoID ist entsperrt";
notify_pin_bad = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN nicht verifiziert";
notify_pin_bad_text = "GoID ist gesperrt";
# GoID with fingerprint sensor and PIN pad
card_atr 3B:8F:80:01:47:6f:49:44:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 {
atrmask = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00";
driver = "sc-hsm";
force_protocol = "t1";
md_read_only = false;
md_supports_X509_enrollment = true;
md_supports_container_key_gen = true;
md_guid_as_label = true;
md_pinpad_dlg_main = "Fingerabdruck oder PIN eingeben";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_user_sign = "Bitte verifizieren Sie Ihren Fingarabdruck oder Ihre PIN für die digitale Signatur auf der Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_content_admin = "Bitte geben Sie Ihre PIN zum Entsperren der Nutzer-PIN auf dem PIN-Pad ein.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded = "Dieses Fenster wird automatisch geschlossen, wenn die PIN oder der Fingerabdruck verifiziert wurde (Timeout nach 30 Sekunden). Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen.";
md_pinpad_dlg_expanded_cancel = "Die Karte unterstützt das Abbrechen ausschließlich am PIN-Pad. Nutzen Sie das PIN-Pad, um die Eingabe abzubrechen oder entfernen Sie die Karte.";
md_pinpad_dlg_allow_cancel = false;
md_pinpad_dlg_timeout = 30;
notify_card_inserted = "GoID erkannt";
notify_card_inserted_text = "";
notify_card_removed = "GoID entfernt";
notify_pin_good = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN verifiziert";
notify_pin_good_text = "GoID ist entsperrt";
notify_pin_bad = "Fingerabdruck bzw. PIN nicht verifiziert";
notify_pin_bad_text = "GoID ist gesperrt";
secure_messaging local_authentic {
# name of external SM module
# module_name = @DEFAULT_SM_MODULE@;
# directory with external SM module
# module_path = @DEFAULT_SM_MODULE_PATH@;
# specific data to tune the module initialization
# module_data = "Here can be your SM module init data";
# SM mode:
# 'transmit' -- in this mode the procedure to securize an APDU is called by the OpenSC general
# APDU transmit procedure.
# In this mode all APDUs, except the ones filtered by the card specific procedure,
# are securized.
# 'acl' -- in this mode APDU are securized only if needed by the ACLs of the command to be executed.
#mode = transmit;
# SM type specific flags
# flags = 0x78; # 0x78 -- level 3, channel 0
# Default KMC of the GP Card Manager for the Oberthur's Java cards
# kmc = "00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00";
secure_messaging local_gemalto_iam {
module_name = @DEFAULT_SM_MODULE@;
# module_path = @DEFAULT_SM_MODULE_PATH@;
# module_data = "";
type = acl; # transmit, acl
ifd_serial = "11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88";
# Keyset values from IAM profiles of the Gemalto IAS/ECC cards
keyset_02_enc = "RW_PRIV_ENC_TEST";
keyset_02_mac = "RW_PRIV_MAC_TEST";
keyset_E828BD080FD2504543432D654944_01_enc = "RO_ENC_TEST_KEY_";
keyset_E828BD080FD2504543432D654944_01_mac = "RO_MAC_TEST_KEY_";
keyset_E828BD080FD2504543432D654944_03_enc = "RW_PUBL_ENC_TEST";
keyset_E828BD080FD2504543432D654944_03_mac = "RW_PUBL_MAC_TEST";
secure_messaging local_amos {
module_name = @DEFAULT_SM_MODULE@;
# module_path = @DEFAULT_SM_MODULE_PATH@;
# module_data = "";
mode = acl;
ifd_serial = "11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88";
keyset_02_enc = "ENCROECHANTILLON";
keyset_02_mac = "MACROECHANTILLON";
secure_messaging local_amos_eid {
module_name = @DEFAULT_SM_MODULE@;
# module_path = @DEFAULT_SM_MODULE_PATH@;
# module_data = "";
mode = acl;
ifd_serial = "11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88";
keyset_E828BD080FD2504543432D654944_03_enc = "RW_PUBL_ENC_TEST";
keyset_E828BD080FD2504543432D654944_03_mac = "RW_PUBL_MAC_TEST";
secure_messaging local_adele {
module_name = @DEFAULT_SM_MODULE@;
# module_path = @DEFAULT_SM_MODULE_PATH@;
# module_data = "";
type = acl; # transmit, acl
ifd_serial = "11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88";
# Keyset values from 'Adele' profiles of the IAS/ECC cards
keyset_01_enc = "EMENCECHANTILLON";
keyset_01_mac = "EMMACECHANTILLON";
keyset_02_enc = "AAENCECHANTILLON";
keyset_02_mac = "AAMACECHANTILLON";
keyset_E828BD080FD2500000040301_02_enc = "E2ENCECHANTILLON";
keyset_E828BD080FD2500000040301_02_mac = "E2MACECHANTILLON";
keyset_D2500000044164E86C650101_02_enc = "E1ENCECHANTILLON";
keyset_D2500000044164E86C650101_02_mac = "E1MACECHANTILLON";
keyset_D2500000044164E86C650101_03_enc = "SIENCECHANTILLON";
keyset_D2500000044164E86C650101_03_mac = "SIMACECHANTILLON";
# Below are the framework specific configuration blocks.
# PKCS #15
framework pkcs15 {
# Whether to use the cache files in the user's
# home directory.
# Note: If caching is done by a system process, caching may be placed
# inaccessible from the user account. Use a global caching directory if
# you wish to share the cached information.
# Default: false
# use_file_caching = true;
# set a path for caching
# so you do not use the env variables and for pam_pkcs11
# (with certificate check) where $HOME is not set
# Default: path in user home
# file_cache_dir = /var/lib/opensc/cache
# Use PIN caching?
# Default: true
# use_pin_caching = false;
# How many times to use a PIN from cache before re-authenticating it?
# Default: 10
# pin_cache_counter = 3;
# Older PKCS#11 applications not supporting CKA_ALWAYS_AUTHENTICATE
# may need to set this to get signatures to work with some cards.
# Default: false
# pin_cache_ignore_user_consent = true;
# Enable pkcs15 emulation.
# Default: yes
# enable_pkcs15_emulation = no;
# Prefer pkcs15 emulation code before
# the normal pkcs15 processing.
# Some cards (like esteid and pteid) work in emu-only mode,
# and do not depend on this option.
# Default: no
# try_emulation_first = yes;
# Enable builtin emulators.
# Default: yes
# enable_builtin_emulation = no;
# List of the builtin pkcs15 emulators to test
# Default: esteid, openpgp, tcos, starcert, itacns, infocamere, postecert, actalis, atrust-acos, gemsafeGPK, gemsafeV1, tccardos, PIV-II;
# builtin_emulators = openpgp;
# additional settings per driver
# For pkcs15 emulators loaded from an external shared
# library/DLL, you need to specify the path name of the module
# and customize the card_atr example above correctly.
# emulate custom {
# The location of the driver library
# module = @LIBDIR@@LIB_PRE@p15emu_custom@DYN_LIB_EXT@;
# }
# Enable initialization and card recognition in PKCS#11 layer.
# Default: no
# pkcs11_enable_InitToken = yes;
# some additional application parameters:
# - type (generic, protected) used to distinguish the common access application
# and application for which authentication to perform some operation cannot be
# obtained with the common procedures (ex. object creation protected by secure messaging).
# Used by PKCS#11 module configured to expose restricted number of slots.
# (for ex. configured to expose only User PIN slot, User and Sign PINs slots, ...)
# - disable: do not expose application in PKCS15 framework
# default 'false'
application E828BD080FD25047656E65726963 {
type = generic;
model = "ECC Generic PKI";
# disable = true
application E828BD080FD2500000040301 {
type = generic;
model = "Adèle Générique";
application E828BD080FD2504543432D654944 {
type = protected;
model = "ECC eID";
application E828BD080FD2500000040201 {
type = protected;
model = "Adèle Admin-2";
# Parameters for the OpenSC PKCS11 module
app opensc-pkcs11 {
pkcs11 {
# Maximum Number of virtual slots.
# If there are more slots than defined here,
# the remaining slots will be hidden from PKCS#11.
# Default: 16
# max_virtual_slots = 32;
# Maximum number of slots per smart card.
# If the card has fewer keys than defined here,
# the remaining number of slots will be empty.
# Default: 4
# slots_per_card = 2;
# (max_virtual_slots/slots_per_card) limits the number of readers
# that can be used on the system. Default is then 16/4=4 readers.
# By default, the OpenSC PKCS#11 module will not lock your card
# once you authenticate to the card via C_Login.
# Thus the other users or other applications is not prevented
# from connecting to the card and perform crypto operations
# (which may be possible because you have already authenticated
# with the card). This setting is not very secure.
# Also, if your card is not locked, you can enconter problems
# due to limitation of the OpenSC framework, that still is not
# thoroughly tested in the multi threads environment.
# Your settings will be more secure if you choose to lock your
# card. Nevertheless this behavior is a known violation of PKCS#11
# specification. Now once one application has started using your
# card with C_Login, no other application can use it, until
# the first is done and calls C_Logout or C_Finalize. In the case
# of many PKCS#11 application this does not happen until you exit
# the application.
# Thus it is impossible to use several smart card aware applications
# at the same time, e.g. you cannot run both Firefox and Thunderbird at
# the same time, if both are configured to use your smart card.
# Default: false
# lock_login = true;
# By default, interacting with the OpenSC PKCS#11 module may change the
# state of the token, e.g. whether a user is logged in or not.
# Thus other users or other applications may change or use the state of
# the token unknowingly. Other applications may create signatures
# abusing an existing login or they may logout unnoticed.
# With this setting enabled the login state of the token is tracked and
# cached (including the PIN). Every transaction is preceded by
# restoring the login state. After every transaction a logout is
# performed. This setting by default also enables `lock_login` (see
# above) to disable access for other applications during the atomic
# transactions.
# Please note that any PIN-pad should be disabled (see `enable_pinpad`
# above), because the user would have to input his PIN for every
# transaction.
# Default: false
# atomic = true;
# With this setting disabled, the OpenSC PKCS#11 module will initialize
# the slots available when the application calls `C_GetSlotList`. With
# this setting enabled, the slots will also get initialized when
# C_GetSlotInfo is called.
# This setting is a workaround for Java which does not call
# `C_GetSlotList` when configured with a static `slot` instead of
# `slotListIndex`.
# Default: true
# init_sloppy = false;
# User PIN unblock style
# none: PIN unblock is not possible with PKCS#11 API;
# set_pin_in_unlogged_session: C_SetPIN() in unlogged session:
# PUK is passed as the 'OldPin' argument of the C_SetPIN() call.
# set_pin_in_specific_context: C_SetPIN() in the CKU_SPECIFIC_CONTEXT logged session:
# PUK is passed as the 'OldPin' argument of the C_SetPIN() call.
# init_pin_in_so_session: C_InitPIN() in CKU_SO logged session:
# User PIN 'UNBLOCK' is protected by SOPIN. (PUK == SOPIN).
# # Actually this style works only for the PKCS15 contents without SOPIN.
# # For those with SOPIN, this mode will be usefull for the cards without
# # modes 00 and 01 of ISO command 'RESET RETRY COUNTER'. --vt
# Default: none
# user_pin_unblock_style = set_pin_in_unlogged_session;
# Create slot for unblocking PIN with PUK
# This way PKCS#11 API can be used to login with PUK and
# change a PIN.
# Warning: causes problems with some applications like
# firefox and thunderbird. Thus turned off by default
# Default: false
# create_puk_slot = true;
# Symbolic names of PINs for which slots are created
# Card can contain more then one PINs or more then one on-card application with
# its own PINs. Normally, to access all of them with the PKCS#11 API a slot has to be
# created for all of them. Many slots could be ennoying for some of widely used application,
# like FireFox. This configuration parameter allows to select the PIN(s)
# for which PKCS#11 slot will be created.
# Actually recognised following symbolic names:
# 'user', 'sign', 'all'
# Only PINs initialised, non-SoPIN, non-unblocking are associated with symbolic name.
# 'user' is identified as first global or first local PIN.
# 'sign' is identified as second PIN: first local, second global or second local.
# 'all' slot created for all non-sopin, non-unblocking PINs,
# optionally for PUK (see option 'create_puk_slot')
# Default: all
# create_slots_for_pins = "user,sign";
# create_slots_for_pins = "sign";
# For the module to simulate the opensc-onepin module behavior the following option
# must be set:
# create_slots_for_pins = "user"
app onepin-opensc-pkcs11 {
pkcs11 {
slots_per_card = 1;
# Used by OpenSC.tokend on Mac OS X only
app tokend {
# The file to which debug log will be written
# Default: /tmp/opensc-tokend.log
# debug_file = /Library/Logs/OpenSC.tokend.log
framework tokend {
# Score for OpenSC.tokend
# The tokend with the highest score shall be used.
# Default: 300
# score = 10;
# Tokend ignore to read PIN protected certificate that is set SC_PKCS15_CO_FLAG_PRIVATE flag.
# Default: true
# ignore_private_certificate = false;
# Used by OpenSC minidriver on Windows only
app cardmod {