aj 17cec0cd06 usbtoken is now obsoleted by openct. Update the documentation.
This patch was made possible by the INKA e.V. ISP and the Hoepfner Brewery
and Beergarden. Thanks for free Internet!

git-svn-id: c6295689-39f2-0310-b995-f0e70906c6a9
2003-07-02 17:58:28 +00:00

391 lines
10 KiB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso8859-1" ?>
<article ns="">
<title>Driver for USB Crypto Token</title>
Usbtoken is obsolete. Please use OpenCT, a new and
much improved smartcard framework. You can download
OpenCT from
<ulink url="" />
If you still want to use ustoken, you need to enable it
while configureing OpenSC. For example
<prompt>./configure --enable-usbtoken</prompt>
<title>About usbtoken</title>
This project implements a way for OpenSC to access
usb crypto tokens such as:
<listitem>Aladdin eToken PRO</listitem>
<listitem>Rainbow iKey 2032</listitem>
<listitem>Rainbow iKey 3000</listitem>
<listitem>Entron CryptoIdentity</listitem>
This project is the successor of the etoken
project which created an PC/SC ifdhandler for the
Aladdin eToken PRO. Interfacing directly with
OpenSC is much easier than using one of the
old but well known interfaces like CT-API or PC/SC.
The Aladdin eToken PRO works fine.
Beware: versions older than 4.1.57 or so
might have a problem with USB controllers
found on mainboards with VIA chipsets
or any uhci based USB controllers.
I don't know the details.
The Eutron CryptoIdentity IT-Sec works fine.
The Eutron CryptoIdentity blue/grey has a
smart card operating system by Algorithmic
Research. Documentation is only available
under a NDA. I'm to busy to sign it and
implement support for their driver right now.
The usb layer works fine, but I don't know
the commands i could send or how a valid
response would look like.
The Rainbow iKey 2032 has a smart card operating
system by DataKey. Documentation is only available
under a NDA: I'm to busy to sign it and
implement support for their driver right now.
The usb layer is supposed to work fine,
but I cannot test that without knowing
the commands and responses.
The Rainbow iKey 3000 has a smart card operating
system by Gersike and Devrient called StarCos
SPK 2.3. The usb layer is supposed to work fine,
but not tested. Further work on the card driver
in OpenSC and pkcs11 and pkcs15 framework
is currently done, please be patient.
PKCS#11 is an API standard. It allowes applications
to use any library that implements PKCS#11 without
changeing code.
PKCS#15 is a standard that describes how a PKCS#11
library should work. Smartcards have a filesystem,
and PKCS#15 makes sure every PCKS#11 library
saves data in the right directory, and reads
from the right directory.
OpenSC offers library implementing the PKCS#11 API
according to the PKCS#15 standard. Compatibility
has been tested with cards that contain data
according to PKCS#15 like the finish and swedish
ID card.
However even if OpenSC can use the usbtoken driver
to access a smartcard in a usb token, it will
only look in directories where the certificates
should be according to PKCS#15.
Problem is: most vendors do not install the
certificates and keys in the right place,
they do not implement PKCS#15 in their
drivers and libraries.
The result is this: you can create a PKCS#15
structure under linux, can put certifiactes
and keys and data in it, but when using the
vendors drivers you will not see it. Also
if you use the vendors driver to store keys,
certificates and data, OpenSC will not see it.
Using OpenSC on Windows and Linux could solve
the situation, but I have no experience with
OpenSC under Windows, sorry.
<title>Compatibility List</title>
Aladdin: Their Windows and Unix drivers store
keys and certificates in the wrong place.
(not compatible with PKCS#15)
Eutron: Their Windows and Unix drivers store
keys and certificates in the wron place.
(not compatible with PKCS#15)
Currently the usbtoken only works with linux
(kernel 2.4.* series and kernel 2.5.* series
were tested), but ports to other operating
systems should be possible. If you want to
port usbtoken, please contact: Andreas Jellinghaus
You need a kernel compiled with CONFIG_HOTPLUG
and CONFIG_USB_DEVICEFS, and the usb device filesystem
must be mounted to <filename>/proc/bus/usb</filename>.
And of course kernel support for your usb hub.
I guess any linux distribution with kernel 2.4
will be allright and require no changes.
Users of other operating systems, please see
the porting section.
<title>Compiling OpenSC with USBtoken support</title>
Call configure with --enable-usbtoken and it
compile ok. No special libraries or stuff needed.
<title>Installation without hotplug utils</title>
<command>ls /sbin/hotplug</command>
If there is no such file, the installation
is very easy:
ln -s /path/to/opensc/sbin/usbtoken /sbin/hotplug
mkdir /var/run/usbtoken
chmod 755 /var/run/usbtoken
Now attach some usb token. The kernel will start
<filename>/sbin/hotplug</filename>, and you can
see some usbtoken running as daemon: you will find
a pid file in <filename>/var/run</filename>
and a socket in <filename>/var/run/usbtoken/</filename>.
<title>Installation with hotplut utils</title>
First the general instructions, then the debian
specific instructions. As usual debian does
everything a bit different. That doesn't mean
it is necessarily better or worse.
Edit <filename>/etc/hotplug/usb.usermap</filename>
and add these lines:
usbtoken 0x0003 0x0529 0x050c 0x0000 0x0001 0xff 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00000000
usbtoken 0x0003 0x0529 0x0514 0x0000 0x0001 0xff 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00000000
usbtoken 0x0003 0x04b9 0x1202 0x0000 0x0001 0xff 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00000000
usbtoken 0x0003 0x04b9 0x1300 0x0000 0x0001 0xff 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00000000
usbtoken 0x0003 0x073d 0x0005 0x0020 0x0001 0xff 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00000000
Create the directory
<filename>/etc/hotplug/usb</filename> and add a symlink
to usbtoken. Also create the directory
<filename>/var/run/usbtoken</filename> and set
permissions to 0755 (everyone can access that
ln -s /path/to/opensc/sbin/usbtoken /etc/hotplug/usb/
mkdir /var/run/usbtoken
chmod 0755 /var/run/usbtoken
By default everyone can use the usbtokens. If you want
to limit this to a certain user:
chown user /var/run/usbtoken/
chmod 0700 /var/run/usbtoken/
Or if you want to limit this to a certain group:
chgrp group /var/run/usbtoken/
chmod 0750 /var/run/usbtoken/
TODO: send me problem reports and I will add
advice here.
Edit src/usbtoken/Makefile and
and add "-DUSB_DEBUG" to CFLAGS. make clean,
make, make install. Now it will dump
all usb traffic to syslog. I should be able
to understand what is going wrong based
on that log file.
For development I use a special crafted
<filename>/sbin/hotplug</filename> shell script
that creates another script
<filename>/root/sim</filename> whis I invoke in
an xterm. That script spawns gdb so I can
debug the whole process. In gdb I usualy
set a breakpoint, and run the command with
<command>r usb</command>. My hotplug script:
if [ -n "$PRODUCT" ]
if [ "$ACTION" = "add" ]
export > /root/sim
echo "echo $*" >> /root/sim
echo gdb /home/aj/opensc/sbin/usbtoken >> /root/sim
exit 0
To port usbtoken mainly <filename>usb.c</filename>
needs some changes. The core sequence for linux
#include <linux/usbdevice_fs.h>
struct usbdevfs_ctrltransfer ctrl;
int rc;
ctrl.requesttype = type;
ctrl.request = req;
ctrl.value = value;
ctrl.index = index;
ctrl.length = size; = buf;
ctrl.timeout = 10000;
rc = ioctl(usbtoken.usbfd, USBDEVFS_CONTROL, &ctrl);
rc now has the error (-1/errno/strerror) or the
number of bytes read/written on success.
Change it to suit your OS, or let me know
how to do it, and usb should work.
Usbtoken also needs an usb device filesystem
or some device it can open and use with I/O controls.
That should be available with every OS.
Finaly usbtoken depends to be called by some
hotplug mechanism. Under linux the kernel
executes <filename>/sbin/hotplug</filename>
everytime a device is added (or removed, but
I don't use that). If your OS has no such
service, you can write a daemon that
somehow finds out when a device is added
and start usbtoken with the required environment
Windows? Ugh. I have no idea about windows,
what we can do, how it works, etc. Volunteers