2005-02-10 14:30:03 +00:00

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OpenSC Manual
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<div class="book" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h1 class="title">
<a id="opensc"></a>OpenSC Manual
<div class="author">
<h3 class="author"></h3>
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
<div class="toc">
Table of Contents
<span class="chapter">
<a href="#opensc.intro">
1. Introduction
<span class="chapter">
<a href="#opensc.authors">
2. Authors and Contributors
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.authors.thanks">
<span class="chapter">
<a href="#opensc.license">
3. Copyright and License
<span class="chapter">
<a href="#opensc.overview">
4. Overview
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.overview.layers">
Layers in libopensc
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.overview.readers">
The reader layer
<span class="chapter">
<a href="#opensc.install">
5. Building and Installing libopensc
<span class="section">
<a href="">
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.install.windowsopenssl">
Windows with OpenSSL
<span class="chapter">
<a href="#opensc.status">
6. Status
<span class="section">
<a href="">
Card Status
<span class="section">
<a href="">
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.status.pkcs11">
PKCS #11 Module in Netscape and Mozilla
<span class="chapter">
<a href="#opensc.using">
7. Using OpenSC
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.netscape">
OpenSC and Netscape
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.mozilla">
OpenSC and Mozilla
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.openssl">
OpenSC and OpenSSL
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.openssh">
OpenSC and OpenSSH
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.pam">
Pluggable Authentication Module
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.pam.eid">
eid based authentication
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.pam.ldap">
LDAP based authentication
<span class="chapter">
<a href="#opensc.pkcs11">
8. The OpenSC PKCS #11 library
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.pkcs11.whatis">
What is PKCS #11
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.pkcs11.slots">
Virtual slots
<span class="chapter">
<a href="#security">
9. Security
<span class="section">
<a href="#sec_cmd_line">
Command line arguments
<span class="section">
<a href="#sec_card_access">
Access to the card
<span class="section">
<a href="#sec_p15_init">
Protection of cards made with the pkcs15-init
<span class="section">
<a href="#sec_files">
Storing config, profile and pkcs15 cache files
<span class="section">
<a href="#sec_root">
Root access
<span class="chapter">
<a href="#opensc.todo">
10. What needs to be done
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.todo.general">
In general
<span class="section">
<a href="">
<span class="chapter">
<a href="">
11. Troubleshooting
<span class="chapter">
<a href="#opensc.links">
12. Resources
<span class="chapter">
<a href="#opensc.signer">
13. Signer
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.signer.install">
Building and installing the OpenSC Signer
<span class="chapter">
<a href="#opensc.docbook">
14. A few hints on DocBook documents
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="opensc.intro">
libopensc is a library for accessing SmartCard devices.
It is also the core library of the OpenSC project. Basic
functionality (e.g. SELECT FILE, READ BINARY) should work
on any ISO 7816-4 compatible SmartCard. Encryption and
decryption using private keys on the SmartCard is
possible with PKCS #15 compatible cards, such as the
FINEID (Finnish Electronic IDentity) card.
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="opensc.authors">
</a>Chapter&#160;2.&#160;Authors and Contributors
<div class="toc">
Table of Contents
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.authors.thanks">
Here is a list of all Authors and Contributors of OpenSC
in alphabetical order:
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul type="disc">
Robert Bihlmeyer
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
Stef Hoeben
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
Andreas Jellinghaus
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
Olaf Kirch
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
Nils Larsch
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
Ville Skyttä
Kevin Stefanik
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
Antti Tapaninen
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
Timo Teräs
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
Juha Yrjölä
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
Jörn Zukowski
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.authors.thanks"></a>Thanks
The following people provided inspiration, moral
support and/or valuable information during the
development of OpenSC:
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul type="disc">
Antti Partanen
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
David Corcoran
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
OpenSC did neither invent the wheel nor write all code
from scratch. We could reuse some code from other
projects mostly to interface with these projects.
Thanks to the original authors:
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul type="disc">
Matthias Brüstle
Markus Friedl
Geoff Thrope
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="opensc.license">
</a>Chapter&#160;3.&#160;Copyright and License
<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
<pre class="screen">
OpenSC smart card library
Copyright (C) OpenSC developers
This library is free software; you can redistribute
it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it
will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser
General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to
the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="opensc.overview">
<div class="toc">
Table of Contents
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.overview.layers">
Layers in libopensc
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.overview.readers">
The reader layer
OpenSC is a large toolkit. The main building block is the
opensc library. It has three layers of code, each with
several drivers in it. Other libraries are the PKCS #11
module, a PAM module, two engines for OpenSSL. In
addition there are several tools to test and use these
tools and libraries.
Purpose of this chapter is to give an overview of the
inner workings of the opensc library, to give a short
presentation what the other libraries do, and finally
what the opensc toolchest has to offer. Each tool has
it's own man page, each library it's own section in this
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.overview.layers"></a>Layers in
libopensc is the basic library used by everything else.
It offer basic functionality like talking to smart
cards, but also advances functions like generating RSA
keys on a smart card.
libopensc has several layers of functionality, each
implemented by one or several drivers. The layers are:
<div class="variablelist">
<span class="term">
OpenSC needs some way to talk to smart card readers
and cards in the smart card readers. Different
software can be used for that purpose, each
software has it's own reader module so OpenSC can
use that software.
<span class="term">
In a perfect world all smart cards would implement
ISO 7816 standard, and thus accept the same
commands and give the same answers. Unfortunately
most cards have their own commands, syntax and
responses. The card modules in libopensc implement
these different commands.
<span class="term">
Smart cards usually have a file system. To store or
create keys or certificates on a smart card one
needs to format the card, create directories and
objects and set permissions in a secure way. Not
only are the commands to do this different from
card to card, also the security model is often very
different. These pkcs15init modules implement these
<span class="term">
PKCS #15 framework
<a href=
PKCS #15
</a>is the standard on how to store certificates
and keys on a smart card or crypto token. But
many vendors have their own proprietary mechanism
for storing these informations, for example in
different directories. OpenSC implements the PKCS
#15 standard, but there is also an emulation
module for a slightly incompatible storage
mechanism in the works.
It should be possible to implement a completely
different framework for compatibility with a non
PKCS #15 way of storing and accessing keys and
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.overview.readers"></a>The reader
PC/SC Lite is well known as smart card middleware. It
interacts with drivers for the smart card readers on
the bottom, and with smart card applications on the
top. OpenSC can use PC/SC Lite via the pcsc reader
module, but also supports a number of alternatives.
PC/SC is a standard with interfaces between
applications, a resource manager and drivers for smart
card readers. This standard is very popular on the
Windows operating System. The documents are available
<a href="" target="_top">
PC/SC Lite is an implementation of the PC/SC standard
for Linux, Unix, Mac OS X and Windows by David Corcoran
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
</tt>. The software is available with full source code
and available for free. To download the software,
please visit the website of the Movement for the use of
smart cards in a Linux environment (M.U.S.C.L.E.) at
<a href="" target="_top">
To install OpenSC with support for PC/SC Lite, please
install PC/SC Lite first. Then configure OpenSC to use
PC/SC Lite and specify the location where PC/SC Lite is
installed like this:
<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
<pre class="screen">
$ cd opensc-&lt;version&gt;
$ ./configure --with-pcsclite=/path/to/pcsclite
OpenCT is a new framework for accessing smart cards,
card readers and card terminals. It was written from
scratch, already includes all drivers, and is very
lightweight. OpenCT is available for Linux, but if you
want to use it on other Unix or BSD operating systems,
please ask for help on the opensc-devel mailing list.
OpenCT is open source software. As such it is available
with full source code for free. OpenCT is a software
companion to OpenSC and the preferred way of accessing
smart cards under Linux. OpenCT is available from the
OpenSC website
<a href="" target="_top">
</a>and questions go to the
<tt class="email">
<a href="">
</tt>mailing list.
To compile OpenSC with support for OpenCT, please
install OpenCT first. Documentation on OpenCT is part
of the source code, and also available online at
<a href=""
</a>. Then configure OpenSC to use OpenCT and specify
the location where OpenCT is installed like this:
<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
<pre class="screen">
$ cd opensc-&lt;version&gt;
$ ./configure --with-openct=/path/to/openct
CT-API is a standard format for drivers for smart card
readers. It was invented in the eighties for DOS
applications and is maybe not very fit for todays
multiuser multitasking applications. However CT-API is
still quite popular, and many smart card readers have
drivers in CT-API format even for Linux. It is
recommended to use these drivers if the PC/SC Lite
middleware described above.
But OpenSC can also use CT-API drivers directly. This
is meant for debugging mostly and not recommended in a
multi user or multi application environment.
OpenSC includes always support for drivers in CT-API
format, you don't need to do anything special for
compiling. See the
<tt class="filename">
</tt>configuration file on how to configure an CT-API
driver with OpenSC.
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="opensc.install">
</a>Chapter&#160;5.&#160;Building and Installing
<div class="toc">
Table of Contents
<span class="section">
<a href="">
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.install.windowsopenssl">
Windows with OpenSSL
See the INSTALL file for instructions. If you are using
the CVS version, you have to run the 'bootstrap' script
before running configure. Please note, that for bootstrap
to work, you have to have the correct versions of
Autoconf, Automake and Libtool installed.
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id=""></a>Windows
Type "nmake -f makefile.mak" in the opensc\ dir to
You need also perl and flex installed for the compile
process to complete successfully.
No installation script has been provided, so you have
to do this manually:
<div class="procedure">
<ol type="1">
Copy opensc.conf to your Windows directory (usually
C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINNT). This is optional.
Copy opensc.dll and opensc-pkcs11.dll to your path.
If you want to use pkcs15-init.exe, make sure the
*.profile files in the pkcs15-init\ dir are in the
same directory as pkcs15-init.exe, or in your
Windows directory.
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.install.windowsopenssl"></a>Windows
with OpenSSL
This adds extended functionality. E.g. the pkcs15-init
tool, PKCS #11 hash mechanisms and more PKCS #11
signature mechanisms.
<div class="procedure">
<ol type="1">
Download and compile the OpenSSL sources from
<a href="" target=
Add the inc32\ dir to your include path, the
out32dll\ to your lib path and your executable path
<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
<pre class="screen">
set include=%include%;.....\inc32
set lib=%lib%;.....\out32dll
set path=%path%;....\out32dll
In src/tools/Makefile.mak uncomment pkcs15-init.exe
in the "TARGETS" line (optionally) and add
libeay32.lib (and gdi32.lib) to the "link" line
In src/libopensc/Makefile.mak add libeay32.lib (and
gdi32.lib) to the "link" line
In src/pkcs11/Makefile.mak add libeay32.lib (and
gdi32.lib) to the "link" lines of TARGET and
In win32/Make.rules.mak add /DHAVE_OPENSSL to the
"COPTS" line
To add the OpenSSL code to the DLLs (so you won't need
libeay32.dll anymore): statically compile OpenSSL and
add gdi32.lib next to libeay32.lib in the 3
Makefile.mak files above.
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="opensc.status">
<div class="toc">
Table of Contents
<span class="section">
<a href="">
Card Status
<span class="section">
<a href="">
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.status.pkcs11">
PKCS #11 Module in Netscape and Mozilla
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id=""></a>Card Status
<div class="variablelist">
<span class="term">
Support signing/decrypting, and initialization
<span class="term">
Gemplus PK 4K, 8K, 16K
Support signing/decrypting, and initialization.
NOTE: You will not be able to initialize a
GemSafe cards - these card already have been
personalized by Gemplus, and you cannot erase
them or create new key files on them.
<span class="term">
Aladdin eToken PRO
Support signing/decrypting, and initialization.
NOTE: CardOS only supports keys for decryption or
signing, but not both. If you create/store keys
with "--split-keys" OpenSC will work around this
<span class="term">
Eutron CryptoIdendity IT-SEC
Support signing/decrypting, and initialization.
NOTE: CardOS only supports keys for decryption or
signing, but not both. If you create/store keys
with "--split-keys" OpenSC will work around this
<span class="term">
Supported - need to fill in the details
<span class="term">
Supported - need to fill in the details
<span class="term">
Supported - need to fill in the details
<span class="term">
Supported - need to fill in the details
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id=""></a>Windows
At the moment only libopensc.dll, pkcs11-spy.dll
opensc-pkcs11.dll, and most executables in the tools\
and tests\ dir have been ported. They are tested on
Win98, WinNT, Win2000 and WinXP.
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.status.pkcs11"></a>PKCS #11 Module
in Netscape and Mozilla
Netscape seems to show more information about the
security module than Mozilla. Otherwise all stuff is
Thread safety on Linux and Mac OS X: Netscape/Mozilla
uses the CKF_OS_LOCKING_OK flag in C_Initialize(). The
result is that the browser process doesn't end when
closing the browser, so you have to kill the process
yourself. (If the browser would do a C_Finalize, the
sc_pkcs11_free_lock() would be called and there
wouldn't be a problem.)
Therefore, we don't use the PTHREAD locking mechanisms,
even if they are requested. This seems to work fine for
Mozilla, BUT will cause problems for apps that use
multiple threads to access this lib simultaneously.
If you do want to use OS threading, compile with
used and there the problem doesn't occur. So there the
OS locking is enabled.
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="opensc.using"></a>Chapter&#160;7.&#160;Using
<div class="toc">
Table of Contents
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.netscape">
OpenSC and Netscape
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.mozilla">
OpenSC and Mozilla
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.openssl">
OpenSC and OpenSSL
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.openssh">
OpenSC and OpenSSH
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.pam">
Pluggable Authentication Module
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.pam.eid">
eid based authentication
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.using.pam.ldap">
LDAP based authentication
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.using.netscape"></a>OpenSC and
<div class="procedure">
<ol type="1">
Select menu: Communicator -&gt; Tools -&gt;
Security Info
Select Cryptographic Modules
Click: Add
Fill in module name: "OpenSC PKCS #11 Module" and
module file:
For proper operation, you also need to configure the
module: In the Cryptographic Modules dialog, select the
OpenSC card, and click on the "Config" button to the
right. Select the "Enable this token" radio button, and
select the "Publicly readable Certs" button.
This will ensure that Netscape uses the card when
trying to display encrypted messages in Netscape
messenger. Setting "Publicly readable Certs" will also
stop a pretty annoying habit of Netscape which is to
ask for all PINs when browsing sites requiring client
You should _not_ select the "RSA" button. If this
option is selected, Netscape will try to use the card
for all public key operations, and will fail horribly.
FIXME: this is for which versions of Netscape?
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.using.mozilla"></a>OpenSC and
<div class="procedure">
<ol type="1">
Make sure Personal Security Manager (PSM) is
installed (eg. mozilla-psm package is installed).
Select menu: Edit -&gt; Preferences
Select category: Privacy &amp; Security -&gt;
Click: Manage Security Devices
Click: Load
Fill in module name: "OpenSC PKCS #11 Module" and
module file:
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.using.openssl"></a>OpenSC and
OpenSSL is a robust, full-featured toolkit implementing
the SSL protocols as well as a general purpose
cryptography library. It features a so called engine
interface to combine the toolkit with the cryptographic
abilities of some hardware.
OpenSC includes an engine for OpenSSL. This allows to
use the OpenSSL library and command line utilities in
combination with smart card cryptography.
Here is an example how it works with the command line
<b class="command">
</span>. You need to load the opensc engine first, and
then can enter any command as usual (e.g. create or
sign a certificate).
Here is an example of how to load the engine.
<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
<pre class="screen">
aj@simulacron:~$ openssl
OpenSSL&gt; engine dynamic -pre
-pre ID:opensc -pre LIST_ADD:1 -pre LOAD
(dynamic) Dynamic engine loading support
[Success]: ID:opensc
[Success]: LIST_ADD:1
[Success]: LOAD
Loaded: (opensc) opensc engine
A typical OpenSSL command might be to make a
certificate request:
<tt class="prompt">
req -engine opensc -new -key
<i class="replaceable">
</i>-keyform engine -out req.pem -text
</tt>. See the OpenSSL documentation for details.
<i class="replaceable">
</i>can specify the ID of a key in hex, - e.g. "45"
would be key 0x45. -
Actually OpenSC has even two engines for OpenSSL:
<tt class="filename">
<tt class="filename">
The opensc engine does only work with OpenSC. It will
not work, if several applications try to use the smart
card at the same time or one applications tries to use
several smart cards at the same time. Or several
certificates or keys within one card. But for the
simple case (one app, one cert, one smart card) it is
working very fine.
The PKCS #11 engine is very generic and flexible. It
will always work, even in complex situations involving
several cards, keys, objects, certificates or
concurrent applications. Also it is fully based on PKCS
#11 and that way it can use the OpenSC PKCS #11 library
(and does so by default), but it will work with any
other PKCS #11 library, too.
To load the PKCS #11 engine, issue this command:
<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
<pre class="screen">
aj@simulacron:~$ openssl
OpenSSL&gt; engine dynamic -pre
-pre ID:pkcs11 -pre LIST_ADD:1 -pre LOAD -pre
(dynamic) Dynamic engine loading support
[Success]: ID:pkcs11
[Success]: LIST_ADD:1
[Success]: LOAD
Loaded: (pkcs11) pkcs11 engine
and then proceed as normal.
A typical OpenSSL command might be to make a
certificate request:
<tt class="prompt">
req -engine pkcs11 -new -key
<i class="replaceable">
</i>-keyform engine -out req.pem -text
</tt>. See the OpenSSL documentation for details.
<i class="replaceable">
</i>has the format
[slot_&lt;slotNr&gt;][-][id_&lt;keyID&gt;], in which
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul type="disc">
the optional slotNr indicates which PKCS #11 slot
to take (starting from 0, which is also the
keyID is the key ID in hex notation
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul type="disc">
id_45 =&gt; private key with ID = 0x45 in the first
'suited' slot
slot_2-id_46 =&gt; private key with ID = 0x46 in
the third slot
For Windows, only the PKCS #11 engine (not the OpenSC
engine) has been ported; use "engine_pkcs11" instead of
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.using.openssh"></a>OpenSC and
Version 3.6.1p2 of OpenSSH needs a patch to compile
with OpenSC. You will find this patch in src/openssh/.
When compiling OpenSSH you need to run configure like
<tt class="prompt">
./configure --with-opensc=/path/to/opensc
You need to have a certificate on your smart card. A
key is not enough. Download the public key of your
certificate in Openssh format with this command:
<tt class="prompt">
ssh-keygen -D
<i class="replaceable">
<span class="optional">
<i class="replaceable">
certificate ID
</span>] &gt;
<i class="replaceable">
<i class="replaceable">
</i>with the number of the reader you want to use,
default it 0.
<tt class="prompt">
opensc-tool -l
</tt>will give you a list of available readers. Add the
certificate ID if you need to select one. Default is
<tt class="prompt">
pkcs11-tool -O
</tt>will give you a list of available certificates and
their IDs.
Then transfer the public key to the desired server and
add it to
<tt class="filename">
</tt>as usual.
To use a smart card with Openssh run
<tt class="prompt">
ssh -I
<i class="replaceable">
<span class="optional">
<i class="replaceable">
certificate ID
You can also use the OpenSSH ssh-agent tool with
OpenSC. If you want to do so, use
<tt class="prompt">
ssh-add -s
<i class="replaceable">
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.using.pam"></a>Pluggable
Authentication Module
Pluggable authentication modules (PAM) is the default
way under Linux and other Unix operating systems to
configure authentication. OpenSC includes a module to
allow smart card based authentication: pam_opensc.
The following options are recognized:
<div class="variablelist">
<span class="term">
log more debugging info
<span class="term">
a little more extreme than debug
<span class="term">
don't prompt the user for passwords, take them from
PAM_ items instead
<span class="term">
don't prompt the user for passwords unless
<span class="term">
require PAM_AUTHTOK set, use it, fail otherwise
<span class="term">
set the PAM_ item with the passwords used by this
<span class="term">
used to prevent failed authentication resulting in
a delay of about 1 second.
<span class="term">
choose either pkcs15-ldap or pkcs15-eid
authentication. pkcs15-eid is the default.
Generic options:
<div class="variablelist">
<span class="term">
Show help
<span class="term">
-r reader
Reader name (FIXME: not number?)
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a id="opensc.using.pam.eid"></a>eid based
This is the default authentication method. Create a
<tt class="filename">
</tt>in your home directory and copy your PEM encoded
certificate to the file
<tt class="filename">
<tt class="prompt">
pkcs15-tool -c
</tt>will show you all certificates and their ID,
<tt class="prompt">
pkcs15-tool -r ID -o ~/.eid/authorized_certificates
</tt>will save the certificate
<i class="replaceable">
</i>to that file.
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h3 class="title">
<a id="opensc.using.pam.ldap"></a>LDAP based
Setting auth_method to pkcs15-ldap will enable LDAP
based authentication. These options are supported:
<div class="variablelist">
<span class="term">
-L ldap.conf
Configuration file to load
<span class="term">
-A entry
Add new entry
<span class="term">
-E entry
Set current entry
<span class="term">
-H hostname
hostname of LDAP server
<span class="term">
-P port
port or LDAP server
<span class="term">
-S scope
scope of LDAP server
<span class="term">
-b binddn
binddn for LDAP connection
<span class="term">
-p passwd
password for LDAP bind
<span class="term">
-B base
base for LDAP bind
<span class="term">
-a attributes
attributes to fetch
<span class="term">
-f filter
filter in LDAP search
FIXME: provide an example of LDAP data structure,
config file etc.
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="opensc.pkcs11"></a>Chapter&#160;8.&#160;The
OpenSC PKCS #11 library
<div class="toc">
Table of Contents
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.pkcs11.whatis">
What is PKCS #11
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.pkcs11.slots">
Virtual slots
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.pkcs11.whatis"></a>What is PKCS #11
<a href=
PKCS #11
</a>is a standard API for accessing cryptographic
tokens such as smart cards, Hardware Security Modules,
... It contains functions like C_GetSlotList(),
C_OpenSession(), C_FindObjects(), C_Login(), C_Sign(),
C_GenerateKeyPair(), ...
Some core concepts of PKCS #11 are:
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul type="disc">
slot: the place in which a smart card can be put.
Usually this corresponds with a card reader (but:
see below, Virtual slots).
token: the thing that is put in a slot. Usually
this corresponds with a smart card (but: see below,
virtual slots).
object: a key, a certificate, some data, ... Is
either a token object (if it resides on the card)
or a session object (if it doesn't reside on the
card, e.g. a certificate given to the PKCS #11
library to do a verification).
session: before you can do anything with a token,
you have to open a session on it.
operation: a signature, decryption, digest, ...
operation, that can consist of multiple function
calls. Example: C_SignInit(), C_SignUpdate(),
C_SignFinal(); here the first function starts the
operation, the third one ends it. Only one
operation can be done in the same session, but
multiple sessions can be opened on the same token.
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.pkcs11.slots"></a>Virtual slots
Per token, only 2 PINs can be given: the SO (Security
Officer) PIN and the user PIN. However, smart cards can
have more than 1 user PIN. A way to this solve problem
is to have multiple 'virtual' slots, as explained in
appendix D of the
<a href=
PKCS #11 standard
</a>. So per physical reader, you have a number of
virtual slots. If you insert a card in the reader, a
token will appear in all the virtual slots, and each
token will contain 1 PIN along with the private keys it
protects and certificates corresponding to those
private keys.
Because OpenSC supports multiple cards, it is not known
in advance how many PINs a smart card will have.
Therefore, a default number of 4 virtual slots is used.
You can change this default in the pkcs11 section of
opensc.conf: num_slots.
OpenSC implements the following behaviour: for each
PIN, its private keys and corresponding certs, there is
1 virtual slot allocated. If there are any objects
left, they are put in the next free virtual slot. And
if there are some virtual slots left, an 'empty' token
is 'put' in them; on this empty token a PIN and data
can then be put. If you find this too confusing, you
can hide empty tokens with the hide_empty_tokens option
in the config file.
Example: Take a card with 2 PINs. Each PIN protects a
private key and each private key has a corresponding
cert chain. And then there are 3 other roots certs that
have nothing to do with the other data. Now if
num_slots = 4, hide_empty_tokens = false; and if you
put the card your second card reader, you'll get the
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul type="disc">
token in slot 4: PIN 1, key 1, cert chain 1
token in slot 5: PIN 2, key 2, cert chain 2
token in slot 6: the 3 other root certs
token in slot 7: no data
If hide_empty_tokens would have been true, slot 7
wouldn't show a token.
Note: if in the example the 2 cert chain would have
common certificates, those certificates would appear in
the tokens in slots 4 and 5. (Which would cause a
problem if those certs were deleted, this hasn't been
solved yet in OpenSC).
Another good-to-know: the number of virtual slots has
been hard-coded (it is 8 at the moment). So if
num_slots = 4, only the first 2 readers will be
visible. Or if you'd put num_slots to 3, the first 2
readers will have 3 virtual slots and the third reader
will have 2.
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="security"></a>Chapter&#160;9.&#160;Security
<div class="toc">
Table of Contents
<span class="section">
<a href="#sec_cmd_line">
Command line arguments
<span class="section">
<a href="#sec_card_access">
Access to the card
<span class="section">
<a href="#sec_p15_init">
Protection of cards made with the pkcs15-init
<span class="section">
<a href="#sec_files">
Storing config, profile and pkcs15 cache files
<span class="section">
<a href="#sec_root">
Root access
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="sec_cmd_line"></a>Command line arguments
The OpenSC tools allow you to specify PINs and keys on
the command line. This is only suitable for testing or
when you are the only user of the machine. If there are
multiple users, other users usually are able to run
things like 'ps' or 'top', and probably are able to see
the arguments given to some process, too. Also, the
arguments probably get logged to some shell history
file like ~/.bash_history.
The solution is to use a script or, in the case of the
pkcs15-init tool to put PINS and keys into a file and
used through the --options-file options.
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="sec_card_access"></a>Access to the card
Some other problems if multiple users have access to
the reader(s):
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul type="disc">
If the user forgets a card to the reader while the
session isn't locked, a malicious other user could
run PIN verify commands to the card and probably
lock the PIN, or even lock the card for good.
If a user is logged in to the card but the session
isn't locked, a malicious user could use the
previliged functionality (e.g. doing a signature,
writing data to the card).
A solution is to add the user to a specific "scard"
group after they've logged in through xdm. pcsc-lite's
pcscd runs as pseudouser/group scard/scard, and limit
the access to the server socket (pcscd.comm) as 770
scard:scard. This way, other possible users that may
have logged in through ssh won't have any access to the
local card readers. Not a perfect solution, but works
for single-reader workstations well enough.
In case your application uses the pkcs11 library, that
application will have, exclusive access access to the
card once you provided a PIN. This is the default
setting. If you would like multiple apps to use the
pkcs11 library, you can set 'lock_login = false;' in
the opensc.conf file, but this leaves your card open to
other user's applications as well.
Other tools/libs (signer, openssh, pam) don't provide
unique access once you are logged in.
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="sec_p15_init"></a>Protection of cards made
with the pkcs15-init tool
Most cards have a default transport key that is used to
create a pkcs15 directory on the card. Within the
pkcs15 directory, files and keys are protected by PINs
so the transport key has no power there.
This means that your keys and sensitive data are safe
against others (who know the default transport key), in
the sense that they can't be read or used.
However,anyone knowing the transport key and who has
access to your card can delete the pkcs15 directory
with all its keys, certs, data, ...
On itself, that may be a good thing if you lost your
card, but there's another problem: If your card
contains trusted certificates, and an adversary steals
your card, puts another pkcs15 dir with other certs on
the card and puts it back without you knowing, you may
not find out until you put trust in those untrusted
certs. Bottomline: be very carefull when using the card
as a tamper-resistant storage -- make them
PIN-protected for example. (Note: this if often not the
case: the trusted certificates are stored usually
stored in the application using them.)
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="sec_files"></a>Storing config, profile and
pkcs15 cache files
While the opensc.conf and xxx.profile files don't
contain any sensitive information, it is very important
that they are not tampered with.
Some examples of what an adversary with write access to
those files or an absent-minded administrator could do:
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul type="disc">
Set the debug level to 6, which means all sensitive
info (like PINs) is logged
Change the access conditions in the profiles, so
that a card that is initialised with pkcs15-init
will be wide open for anyone to read/write/sign
Change trusted certs in the pkcs15 cache
By default, the config and profile files can only be
written by root/Adminstrator and the cache files are in
the user home dir, so this is OK. Note however, that if
there are profile files in the current dir, it will be
those files that are used instead of the ones that were
installed in a system dir!
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="sec_root"></a>Root access
From the above, it follows that you can't protect your
card, nor use your card to protect something against
someone with root access or who can change the
config/profile files, binaries or sniff/modify the
communication with the card.
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="opensc.todo"></a>Chapter&#160;10.&#160;What
needs to be done
<div class="toc">
Table of Contents
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.todo.general">
In general
<span class="section">
<a href="">
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.todo.general"></a>In general
<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
<pre class="screen">
* GUI applications
* Add support for EMV, GSM and Java cards
<table border="0" bgcolor="#E0E0E0">
<pre class="screen">
* put generic PEM encoding/decoding functions
into libopensc?
* pkcs11: support decrypt for those cards that
have it
* pkcs11: make sure all PIN ops work through
* pkcs11: unblock pins: check for unblock pins in
* all: support for RSA-PSS
* pkcs15-init: support SOPIN on Cryptoflex
* pkcs15-init: use max. possible usage by default
* pkcs15-init: during keygen, make sure the
pubkey usage is right
* pkcs15-init: when using an unblock PIN, write
an AODF entry for it
(alternatively: set unblockDisabled flag for
those PINs that have no PUK?)
* pkcs15: fix sc_pkcs15_change_reference_data;
add unblock function
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id=""></a>Windows
Other parts of OpenSC be should ported as well. Also we
should implement native Win32 APIs such as CryptoAPI
Provider, some login stuff and ActiveX plugin for
Internet Explorer to do the signing.
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="">
A mailing list has been set up for support and discussion
about the OpenSC project. Additional info is available at
<a href="" target="_top">
OpenSC web site
You could follow these steps to get a first idea about
what is going wrong:
<div class="itemizedlist">
<ul type="disc">
See if any readers can be found:
<tt class="prompt">
opensc-tool -l
See if your smart card can be found with
<tt class="prompt">
opensc-tool -a
</tt>(this should show the ATR of the card).
See if your card is a pkcs15 card, and which pkcs15
objects are on it:
<tt class="prompt">
pkcs15-tool -C -c -k --list-public-keys
You can turn on debugging by setting "debug = 5;" in the
opensc.conf file and un-commenting the names of the debug
and error files.
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="opensc.links">
See the OpenSC web site at
<a href="" target="_top">
Information about Assuan and project Ägypten:
<a href="" target="_top">
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="opensc.signer">
<div class="toc">
Table of Contents
<span class="section">
<a href="#opensc.signer.install">
Building and installing the OpenSC Signer
OpenSC Signer is a Netscape plugin that will generate
digital signatures using facilities on PKI-capable smart
<div class="section" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a id="opensc.signer.install"></a>Building and
installing the OpenSC Signer
You should specify your plugin directory with:
<tt class="prompt">
$ configure --with-plugin-dir=
<i class="replaceable">
Common plugin directories are /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins
and /usr/lib/netscape/plugins.
See the INSTALL file for more instructions.
NOTE: PIN code dialog is done through libassuan from
Project Ägypten. If you don't have it installed
already, download it from the link below.
<div class="chapter" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
<div class="titlepage">
<h2 class="title">
<a id="opensc.docbook"></a>Chapter&#160;14.&#160;A
few hints on DocBook documents
This document is maintained as DocBook XML document. Here
are some hints and links for newcomers.
This document is written in XML not SGML. To convert it,
use a XSL stylesheet, not an DSSSL stylesheet. Ignore all
tools and web pages talking about SGML or DSSSL, those
talk about legacy technology no longer used and no longer
up to date.
<a href="" target="_top">
DocBook Open Repository project
</a>at SourceForge has the XSL stylesheet used to convert
this XML document to other formats.
<a href="" target="_top">
DocBook: The Definitive Guide (O'Reilly Book)
</a>documents DocBook, is very handy as reference and
available online for free.
<a href="" target=
DocBook XSL: The Complete Guide
</a>is a book with a great introduction on how to create
a document, how to convert it, where to get the software,
tools and everything. It you a fast road to editing this
document, look at this book.
This document might be ugly. If you know html, please
help us to improve it. Some stuff can be tuned in the XSL
stylesheet (see
<a href=
Reference for the HTML stylesheet parameters
</a>), but most stuff can be improved via CSS styles. We
need help on this !