Frank Morgner 428385d8b4 adjust Make.rules.mak to work with AppVeyor
- The AppVeyor configuration of VS2014/VS2015 does not currently work
  with this script
- We are using the pre-built zlib binaries. As consequence, we can build
  the 32 bit installer only. Also, we can't use static linking anymore
- The current pre-built binaries of OpenSSL from include security
  measures (
  that are not compatible with our version of VS `(error LNK2001:
  unresolved external symbol ___report_rangecheckfailure)`. That's why
  we can't use static linking anymore

works with
- OpenSSL 1.0.2
- zlib 2.1.8
- WiX 3.10
2015-09-14 10:52:31 +02:00

24 lines
804 B

!INCLUDE $(TOPDIR)\win32\Make.rules.mak
all: versioninfo-customactions.res config.h
config.h: winconfig.h
copy /y winconfig.h config.h
customactions.dll: versioninfo-customactions.res customactions.obj
echo LIBRARY $* > $*.def
echo EXPORTS >> $*.def
type customactions.exports >> $*.def
link /dll $(LINKFLAGS) /def:$*.def /out:customactions.dll versioninfo-customactions.res customactions.obj msi.lib $(WIX_LIBS) Advapi32.lib User32.lib Version.lib Shell32.lib
OpenSC.msi: OpenSC.wixobj
"$(WIX_PATH)\bin\light.exe" -sh -ext WixUIExtension -ext WiXUtilExtension $?
OpenSC.wixobj: OpenSC.wxs customactions.dll
"$(WIX_PATH)\bin\candle.exe" -ext WiXUtilExtension -dSOURCE_DIR=$(TOPDIR) $(CANDLEFLAGS) OpenSC.wxs
del /Q config.h *.msi *.wixobj *.wixpdb