2002-03-18 12:49:08 +00:00

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Select menu: Communicator -> Tools -> Security Info
Select Cryptographic Modules
Click: Add
Module name: descriptive name about module (eg. opensc-pkcs11)
Module file: absolute path of
For proper operation, you also need to configure the module:
In the Crypthographic Modules dialog, select the OpenSC card,
and click on the "Config" button to the right. Select the
"Enable this token" radio button, and select the "Publicly
readable Certs" button.
This will ensure that netscape uses the card when trying to
display encrypted messages in netscape messenger. Setting
"Publicly readable Certs" will also stop a pretty annoying habit
of netscape which is to ask for all PINs when browsing sites
requiring client authentication.
You should _not_ select the "RSA" button. If this option is
selected, netscape will try to use the card for all public key
operations, and will fail horribly.
Make sure Personal Security Manager (PSM) is installed
(eg. mozilla-psm package is installed).
Select menu: Edit -> Preferences
Select category: Privacy & Security -> Certificates
Click: Manage Security Devices
Click: Load
Module name: descriptive name about module (eg. opensc-pkcs11)
Module file: absolute path of
Netscape seems to show more information about the security module
than mozilla. Otherwise all stuff is untested.