2004-07-25 12:35:41 +00:00

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Quick start guide to using the pam module
The pam module supports two different flavors:
a) "eid" - store the certificate for a user in that
users home directory in a file called ".eid/authorized_certificates"
b) "ldap" - store the certificate for a user in a central ldap
This guide only deals with flavor a). If you want to add documentation
on using pam with ldap, please send a patch to the opensc-devel mailing
First initialize the token, create a user with a pin, create a key
and create a certificate, all as documented in the QUICKSTART file.
The first thing is to copy the opensc pam module to the right location.
Pam modules are searched for in the directory /lib/security/.
$ cp /usr/lib/security/ /lib/security/
Now change one service to use this pam module by default. Keep at least
one xterm and/or virtual console open as root, so you can undo any
configuration change, in case it does not work.
Edit for example /etc/pam.d/login and replace
auth required nullok
auth required
If you want to use opensc first, and fall back on normal password based
authentication, you could use these two lines:
auth sufficient
auth required nullok
Note the first line is marked as "sufficient", so successful smart card
authentication will let a user in. If both lines read "required", a user
would have to use a smart card with the right key and certificate on it,
enter the right pin *AND* have the right passwort for the normal login
Now every user needs to create a directory ".eid" in his or her home
directory and put the certificate in a file called "authorized_certificates".
To do this, enter the command
$ pkcs15-tool -r 45 -o ~/.eid/authorized_certificates
Now try to login using the smart card. Remember to first insert your
smart card into the reader, then enter your username, and then the
pin on your key.