2002-12-17 20:44:48 +00:00

30 lines
847 B

How to add openssl for extended functionality
(e.g. hash mechanisms, the pkcs15-init tool, more signature
- download and compile the openssl sources from
- Add the inc32\ dir to your include path,
the out32dll\ to your lib path and your executable path
set include=%include%;.....\inc32
set lib=%lib%;.....\out32dll
set path=%path%;....\out32dll
- In src/tools/Makefile.mak
- uncomment pkcs15-init.exe in the "TARGETS" line
- Add libeay32.lib to the "link" line
- In src/libopensc/Makefile.mak
- Add libeay32.lib to the "link" line
- In src/pkcs11/Makefile.mak
- Add libeay32.lib to the "link" line
- Add openssl.obj to the "OBJECTS" line
- In src/pkcs15init/Makefile.mak
- Add libeay32.lib to the "lib" line
- In Make.rules.mak
- Add /DHAVE_OPENSSL to the "COPTS" line