viktor.tarasov e2dae6b97b Unlock User PIN with PKCS#11:
One of the three unblock methods can be activated from the 'opensc-pkcs11' section of opensc.conf:
- C_SetPin() in the unlogged sesssion;
- C_SetPin() in the CKU_SPECIFIC_CONTEXT session;
- C_InitPin() in CKU_SO session (inspired by Pierre Ossman).
-- This last one works, for a while, only for the pkcs15 cards without SOPIN auth object.
   For the pkcs15 cards with SOPIN, this method will be useful for the cards 
   that do not have then modes '00' and '01' of ISO command 'RESET RETRY COUNTER'.

Test commands:
# pkcs11-tool --module ./ --slot 0 --unlock-pin --puk "123456" --new-pin "9999"
# pkcs11-tool --module ./ --slot 0 --unlock-pin -l --login-type context-specific --puk "123456" --new-pin "9999"
# pkcs11-tool --module ./ --slot 0 --init-pin -l --new-pin "9999"

git-svn-id: c6295689-39f2-0310-b995-f0e70906c6a9
2010-01-08 15:41:07 +00:00

406 lines
12 KiB

# Configuration file for OpenSC
# Example configuration file
# NOTE: All key-value pairs must be terminated by a semicolon.
# Default values for any application
# These can be overridden by an application
# specific configuration block.
app default {
# Amount of debug info to print
# A greater value means more debug info.
# Default: 0
debug = 0;
# The file to which debug output will be written
# Special values 'stdout' and 'stderr' are recognized.
# Default: stderr
# debug_file = /tmp/opensc-debug.log;
# debug_file = "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\opensc-debug.log";
# PKCS#15 initialization / personalization
# profiles directory for pkcs15-init.
# Default: @pkgdatadir@
# profile_dir = @pkgdatadir@;
# What reader drivers to load at start-up
# A special value of 'internal' will load all
# statically linked drivers. If an unknown (ie. not
# internal) driver is supplied, a separate configuration
# configuration block has to be written for the driver.
# Default: internal
# NOTE: if "internal" keyword is used, must be the
# last entry in reader_drivers list
# reader_drivers = openct, pcsc, ctapi;
reader_driver ctapi {
# module /usr/local/towitoko/lib/ {
# CT-API ports:
# 0..3 COM1..4
# 4 Printer
# 5 Modem
# 6..7 LPT1..2
# ports = 0;
# }
# Define parameters specific to your readers.
# The following section shows definitions for PC/SC readers,
# but the same set of variables are applicable to ctapi and
# openct readers, simply by using "reader_driver ctapi" and
# "reader_driver openct", respectively.
reader_driver pcsc {
# This sets the maximum send and receive sizes.
# Some reader drivers have limitations, so you need
# to set these values. For usb devices check the
# properties with lsusb -vv for dwMaxIFSD
# max_send_size = 252;
# max_recv_size = 252;
# Connect to reader in exclusive mode.
# Default: false
# connect_exclusive = true;
# Reset the card after disconnect.
# Default: true
# connect_reset = false;
# Reset the card after each transaction.
# Default: false
# transaction_reset = true;
# Enable pinpad if detected (PC/SC v2.0.2 Part 10)
# Default: true
# enable_pinpad = false;
# Use specific pcsc provider.
# provider_library = @DEFAULT_PCSC_PROVIDER@
# Options for OpenCT support
reader_driver openct {
# Virtual readers to allocate.
# Default: 2
# readers = 5;
# This sets the maximum send and receive sizes.
# Some reader drivers have limitations, so you need
# to set these values. For usb devices check the
# properties with lsusb -vv for dwMaxIFSD
# max_send_size = 252;
# max_recv_size = 252;
# What card drivers to load at start-up
# A special value of 'internal' will load all
# statically linked drivers. If an unknown (ie. not
# internal) driver is supplied, a separate configuration
# configuration block has to be written for the driver.
# Default: internal
# NOTE: When "internal" keyword is used, must be last entry
# card_drivers = customcos, internal;
# Card driver configuration blocks.
# For card drivers loaded from an external shared library/DLL,
# you need to specify the path name of the module
# card_driver customcos {
# The location of the driver library
# module = /usr/lib/opensc/drivers/;
# }
# Force using specific card driver
# If this option is present, OpenSC will use the supplied
# driver with all inserted cards.
# Default: autodetect
# force_card_driver = customcos;
# In addition to the built-in list of known cards in the
# card driver, you can configure a new card for the driver
# using the card_atr block. The goal is to centralize
# everything related to a certain card to card_atr.
# The supported internal card driver names can be retrieved
# from the output of:
# $ opensc-tool --list-drivers
# Generic format: card_atr <hex encoded ATR (case-sensitive!)>
# New card entry for the flex card driver
# card_atr 3b:f0:0d:ca:fe {
# All parameters for the context are
# optional unless specified otherwise.
# Context: global, card driver
# ATR mask value
# The mask is logically AND'd with an
# card ATR prior to comparison with the
# ATR reference value above. Using mask
# allows identifying and configuring
# multiple ATRs as the same card model.
# atrmask = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff";
# Context: card driver
# Specify used card driver (REQUIRED).
# When enabled, overrides all possible
# settings from the card drivers built-in
# card configuration list.
# driver = "flex";
# Set card name for card drivers that allows it.
# name = "My CryptoFlex card";
# Card type as an integer value.
# Depending on card driver, this allows
# tuning the behaviour of the card driver
# for your card.
# type = "2002";
# Card flags as an hex value.
# Multiple values are OR'd together.
# Depending on card driver, this allows
# fine-tuning the capabilities in
# the card driver for your card.
# Optionally, some known parameters
# can be specified as strings:
# keygen - On-board key generation capability
# rng - On-board random number source
# flags = "keygen", "rng", "0x80000000";
# Context: PKCS#15 emulation layer
# When using PKCS#15 emulation, force
# the emulation driver for specific cards.
# Required for external drivers, but can
# be used with built-in drivers, too.
# pkcs15emu = "custom";
# Context: reader driver
# Force protocol selection for specific cards.
# Known parameters: t0, t1, raw
# force_protocol = "t0";
# }
# PIV cards need an entry similar to this one:
# card_atr 3B:7D:96:00:00:80:31:80:65:B0:83:11:00:AC:83:00:90:00 {
# name = "PIV-II";
# driver = "piv";
# }
# Estonian ID card and Micardo driver currently play together with T=0
# only. In theory only the 'cold' ATR should be specified, as T=0 will
# be the preferred protocol once you boot it up with T=0, but be
# paranoid.
card_atr 3b:6e:00:ff:45:73:74:45:49:44:20:76:65:72:20:31:2e:30 {
force_protocol = t0;
card_atr 3b:fe:94:00:ff:80:b1:fa:45:1f:03:45:73:74:45:49:44:20:76:65:72:20:31:2e:30:43 {
force_protocol = t0;
# D-Trust cards are also based on micardo and need T=0 for some reason
card_atr 3b:ff:94:00:ff:80:b1:fe:45:1f:03:00:68:d2:76:00:00:28:ff:05:1e:31:80:00:90:00:23 {
force_protocol = t0;
card_atr 3b:ff:11:00:ff:80:b1:fe:45:1f:03:00:68:d2:76:00:00:28:ff:05:1e:31:80:00:90:00:a6 {
force_protocol = t0;
# Below are the framework specific configuration blocks.
# PKCS #15
framework pkcs15 {
# Whether to use the cache files in the user's
# home directory.
# At the moment you have to 'teach' the card
# to the system by running command: pkcs15-tool -L
# WARNING: Caching shouldn't be used in setuid root
# applications.
# Default: false
# use_file_caching = true;
# Use PIN caching?
# Default: true
# use_pin_caching = false;
# How many times to use a PIN from cache before re-authenticating it?
# Default: 10
# pin_cache_counter = 3;
# Enable pkcs15 emulation.
# Default: yes
# enable_pkcs15_emulation = no;
# Prefer pkcs15 emulation code before
# the normal pkcs15 processing.
# Some cards (like esteid and pteid) work in emu-only mode,
# and do not depend on this option.
# Default: no
# try_emulation_first = yes;
# Enable builtin emulators.
# Default: yes
# enable_builtin_emulation = no;
# List of the builtin pkcs15 emulators to test
# Default: esteid, openpgp, tcos, starcert, infocamere, postecert, actalis, atrust-acos, gemsafeGPK, gemsafeV1, tccardos, PIV-II;
# builtin_emulators = openpgp;
# additional settings per driver
# For pkcs15 emulators loaded from an external shared
# library/DLL, you need to specify the path name of the module
# and customize the card_atr example above correctly.
# emulate custom {
# The location of the driver library
# module = /usr/lib/opensc/drivers/;
# }
# workaround: use rsa decrypt operation for signing
# some cardos cards need this, if initializes with certain
# versions of the siemens software
# we have an auto detection, but it is not 100% reliable,
# so you can turn it off, if it misbehaves.
# this option only affects cardos cards right now.
# Default: yes
# enable_sign_with_decrypt_workaround = no;
# workaround: fix keyReference and pinReference values
# OpenSC 0.11.4 and older have a bug: integers were not
# properly encoded in asn.1 structures. So far only
# starcos cards were found to have a problem with this,
# and only these two values were found to be filled with
# the wrong value.
# Fortunatly those values (if present) need to be positive.
# Thus we can check if these are available and negative,
# and if so fix them by adding 256 to get the correct value.
# To be on the safe side, this workaround/fix can be turned
# off.
# Default: yes
# enable_fix_asn1_integers = no;
# Parameters for the OpenSC PKCS11 module
app opensc-pkcs11 {
pkcs11 {
# Should the module support hotplug of readers as per PKCS#11 v2.20?
# This affects slot changes and PC/SC PnP, as v2.11 applications
# are not allowed to change the length of the slot list.
# Default: true
# plug_and_play = false;
# Maximum Number of virtual slots.
# If there are more slots than defined here,
# the remaining slots will be hidden from PKCS#11.
# Default: 16
# max_virtual_slots = 32;
# Maximum number of slots per smart card.
# If the card has fewer keys than defined here,
# the remaining number of slots will be empty.
# Default: 4
# slots_per_card = 2;
# (max_virtual_slots/slots_per_card) limits the number of readers
# that can be used on the system. Default is then 16/4=4 readers.
# Normally, the pkcs11 module will create
# the full number of slots defined above by
# num_slots. If there are fewer pins/keys on
# the card, the remaining keys will be empty
# (and you will be able to create new objects
# within them).
# Default: true
# hide_empty_tokens = false;
# By default, the OpenSC PKCS#11 module will lock your card
# once you authenticate to the card via C_Login.
# This is to prevent other users or other applications
# from connecting to the card and perform crypto operations
# (which may be possible because you have already authenticated
# with the card). Thus this setting is very secure.
# This behavior is a known violation of PKCS#11 specification,
# and is forced due to limitation of the OpenSC framework.
# However now once one application has started using your
# card with C_Login, no other application can use it, until
# the first is done and calls C_Logout or C_Finalize.
# In the case of many PKCS#11 application this does not happen
# until you exit the application.
# Thus it is impossible to use several smart card aware
# applications at the same time, e.g. you cannot run both
# Firefox and Thunderbird at the same time, if both are
# configured to use your smart card.
# Default: true
# lock_login = false;
# Set this value to true if you want to allow off-card
# keypair generation (in software on your pc)
# Default: false
# soft_keygen_allowed = true;
# User PIN unblock style
# none: PIN unblock is not possible with PKCS#11 API;
# set_pin_in_unlogged_session: C_SetPIN() in unlogged session:
# PUK is passed as the 'OldPin' argument of the C_SetPIN() call.
# set_pin_in_specific_context: C_SetPIN() in the CKU_SPECIFIC_CONTEXT logged session:
# PUK is passed as the 'OldPin' argument of the C_SetPIN() call.
# init_pin_in_so_session: C_InitPIN() in CKU_SO logged session:
# User PIN 'UNBLOCK' is protected by SOPIN. (PUK == SOPIN).
# # Actually this style works only for the PKCS15 contents without SOPIN.
# # For those with SOPIN, this mode will be usefull for the cards without
# # modes 00 and 01 of ISO command 'RESET RETRY COUNTER'. --vt
# Default: none
# user_pin_unblock_style = set_pin_in_unlogged_session;
app tokend {
# Score for OpenSC.tokend
framework tokend {
score = 10;