/* * p11test_case_common.c: Functions shared between test cases. * * Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 Red Hat, Inc. * * Author: Jakub Jelen * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "p11test_case_common.h" char name_buffer[11]; char flag_buffer[11]; /** * If the object enforces re-authentication, do it now. */ void always_authenticate(test_cert_t *o, token_info_t *info) { CK_RV rv; if (!o->always_auth) return; rv = info->function_pointer->C_Login(info->session_handle, CKU_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC, info->pin, info->pin_length); if (rv != CKR_OK) { fail_msg(" [ SKIP %s ] Re-authentication failed", o->id_str); } } /** * Allocate new place for next certificate to store in the list * and return pointer to this object */ test_cert_t * add_object(test_certs_t *objects, CK_ATTRIBUTE key_id, CK_ATTRIBUTE label) { test_cert_t *o = NULL; objects->count = objects->count+1; objects->data = realloc(objects->data, objects->count * sizeof(test_cert_t)); if (objects->data == NULL) return NULL; o = &(objects->data[objects->count - 1]); o->private_handle = CK_INVALID_HANDLE; o->public_handle = CK_INVALID_HANDLE; o->always_auth = 0; o->bits = 0; o->verify_public = 0; o->num_mechs = 0; o->type = -1; o->sign = 0; o->verify = 0; o->decrypt = 0; o->encrypt = 0; o->wrap = 0; o->unwrap = 0; o->derive_priv = 0; o->derive_pub = 0; o->key_type = -1; o->x509 = NULL; /* The "reuse" capability of d2i_X509() is strongly discouraged */ o->key.rsa = NULL; o->key.ec = NULL; /* Store the passed CKA_ID and CKA_LABEL */ o->key_id = malloc(key_id.ulValueLen); memcpy(o->key_id, key_id.pValue, key_id.ulValueLen); o->key_id_size = key_id.ulValueLen; o->id_str = convert_byte_string(o->key_id, o->key_id_size); o->label = malloc(label.ulValueLen + 1); strncpy(o->label, label.pValue, label.ulValueLen); o->label[label.ulValueLen] = '\0'; return o; } /* * Search for certificate in the list by ID and return pointer to it */ test_cert_t * search_certificate(test_certs_t *objects, CK_ATTRIBUTE *id) { unsigned int i = 0; while (i < objects->count && (objects->data[i].key_id_size != id->ulValueLen || memcmp(objects->data[i].key_id, id->pValue, id->ulValueLen) != 0)) i++; if (i == objects->count) return NULL; return &(objects->data[i]); } static void add_supported_mechs(test_cert_t *o) { size_t i; if (o->type == EVP_PK_RSA) { if (token.num_rsa_mechs > 0 ) { /* Get supported mechanisms by token */ o->num_mechs = token.num_rsa_mechs; for (i = 0; i <= token.num_rsa_mechs; i++) { o->mechs[i].mech = token.rsa_mechs[i].mech; o->mechs[i].result_flags = 0; o->mechs[i].usage_flags = token.rsa_mechs[i].usage_flags; } } else { /* Use the default list */ o->num_mechs = 1; o->mechs[0].mech = CKM_RSA_PKCS; o->mechs[0].result_flags = 0; o->mechs[0].usage_flags = CKF_SIGN | CKF_VERIFY | CKF_ENCRYPT | CKF_DECRYPT; } } else if (o->type == EVP_PK_EC) { if (token.num_ec_mechs > 0 ) { o->num_mechs = token.num_ec_mechs; for (i = 0; i <= token.num_ec_mechs; i++) { o->mechs[i].mech = token.ec_mechs[i].mech; o->mechs[i].result_flags = 0; o->mechs[i].usage_flags = token.ec_mechs[i].usage_flags; } } else { /* Use the default list */ o->num_mechs = 1; o->mechs[0].mech = CKM_ECDSA; o->mechs[0].result_flags = 0; o->mechs[0].usage_flags = CKF_SIGN | CKF_VERIFY; } } } /** * Allocate place in the structure for every certificate found * and store related information */ int callback_certificates(test_certs_t *objects, CK_ATTRIBUTE template[], unsigned int template_size, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object_handle) { EVP_PKEY *evp = NULL; const u_char *cp; test_cert_t *o = NULL; if (*(CK_CERTIFICATE_TYPE *)template[3].pValue != CKC_X_509) return 0; if ((o = add_object(objects, template[0], template[2])) == NULL) return -1; /* Extract public key from the certificate */ cp = template[1].pValue; if (d2i_X509(&(o->x509), &cp, template[1].ulValueLen) == NULL) { fail_msg("d2i_X509"); } else if ((evp = X509_get_pubkey(o->x509)) == NULL) { fail_msg("X509_get_pubkey failed."); } if (EVP_PKEY_base_id(evp) == EVP_PKEY_RSA) { /* Extract public RSA key */ RSA *rsa = EVP_PKEY_get0_RSA(evp); if ((o->key.rsa = RSAPublicKey_dup(rsa)) == NULL) fail_msg("RSAPublicKey_dup failed"); o->type = EVP_PK_RSA; o->bits = EVP_PKEY_bits(evp); } else if (EVP_PKEY_base_id(evp) == EVP_PKEY_EC) { /* Extract public EC key */ EC_KEY *ec = EVP_PKEY_get0_EC_KEY(evp); if ((o->key.ec = EC_KEY_dup(ec)) == NULL) fail_msg("EC_KEY_dup failed"); o->type = EVP_PK_EC; o->bits = EVP_PKEY_bits(evp); } else { fprintf(stderr, "[WARN %s ]evp->type = 0x%.4X (not RSA, EC)\n", o->id_str, EVP_PKEY_id(evp)); } EVP_PKEY_free(evp); debug_print(" [ OK %s ] Certificate with label %s loaded successfully", o->id_str, o->label); return 0; } /** * Pair found private keys on the card with existing certificates */ int callback_private_keys(test_certs_t *objects, CK_ATTRIBUTE template[], unsigned int template_size, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object_handle) { test_cert_t *o = NULL; char *key_id; /* Search for already stored certificate with same ID */ if ((o = search_certificate(objects, &(template[3]))) == NULL) { key_id = convert_byte_string(template[3].pValue, template[3].ulValueLen); fprintf(stderr, "Can't find certificate for private key with ID %s\n", key_id); free(key_id); fprintf(stderr, "Let's create a bogus structure without certificate data\n"); if ((o = add_object(objects, template[3], template[7])) == NULL) return -1; } if (o->private_handle != CK_INVALID_HANDLE) { key_id = convert_byte_string(template[3].pValue, template[3].ulValueLen); fprintf(stderr, "Object already filled? ID %s\n", key_id); free(key_id); return -1; } /* Store attributes, flags and handles */ o->private_handle = object_handle; o->sign = (template[0].ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG) -1) ? *((CK_BBOOL *) template[0].pValue) : CK_FALSE; o->decrypt = (template[1].ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG) -1) ? *((CK_BBOOL *) template[1].pValue) : CK_FALSE; o->key_type = (template[2].ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG) -1) ? *((CK_KEY_TYPE *) template[2].pValue) : (CK_KEY_TYPE) -1; o->always_auth = (template[4].ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG) -1) ? *((CK_BBOOL *) template[4].pValue) : CK_FALSE; o->unwrap = (template[5].ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG) -1) ? *((CK_BBOOL *) template[5].pValue) : CK_FALSE; o->derive_priv = (template[6].ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG) -1) ? *((CK_BBOOL *) template[6].pValue) : CK_FALSE; debug_print(" [ OK %s ] Private key loaded successfully S:%d D:%d T:%02lX", o->id_str, o->sign, o->decrypt, o->key_type); return 0; } /** * Pair found public keys on the card with existing certificates */ int callback_public_keys(test_certs_t *objects, CK_ATTRIBUTE template[], unsigned int template_size, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object_handle) { test_cert_t *o = NULL; char *key_id; /* Search for already stored certificate with same ID */ if ((o = search_certificate(objects, &(template[3]))) == NULL) { key_id = convert_byte_string(template[3].pValue, template[3].ulValueLen); fprintf(stderr, "Can't find certificate for public key with ID %s\n", key_id); free(key_id); return -1; } if (o->verify_public != 0) { key_id = convert_byte_string(template[3].pValue, template[3].ulValueLen); fprintf(stderr, "Object already filled? ID %s\n", key_id); free(key_id); return -1; } o->public_handle = object_handle; o->verify = (template[0].ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG) -1) ? *((CK_BBOOL *) template[0].pValue) : CK_FALSE; o->encrypt = (template[1].ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG) -1) ? *((CK_BBOOL *) template[1].pValue) : CK_FALSE; /* store key type in case there is no corresponding private key */ o->key_type = (template[2].ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG) -1) ? *((CK_KEY_TYPE *) template[2].pValue) : (CK_KEY_TYPE) -1; o->wrap = (template[8].ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG) -1) ? *((CK_BBOOL *) template[8].pValue) : CK_FALSE; o->derive_pub = (template[9].ulValueLen != (CK_ULONG) -1) ? *((CK_BBOOL *) template[9].pValue) : CK_FALSE; /* check if we get the same public key as from the certificate */ if (o->key_type == CKK_RSA) { BIGNUM *n = NULL, *e = NULL; n = BN_bin2bn(template[4].pValue, template[4].ulValueLen, NULL); e = BN_bin2bn(template[5].pValue, template[5].ulValueLen, NULL); if (o->key.rsa != NULL) { const BIGNUM *cert_n = NULL, *cert_e = NULL; RSA_get0_key(o->key.rsa, &cert_n, &cert_e, NULL); if (BN_cmp(cert_n, n) != 0 || BN_cmp(cert_e, e) != 0) { debug_print(" [WARN %s ] Got different public key then from the certificate", o->id_str); BN_free(n); BN_free(e); return -1; } BN_free(n); BN_free(e); o->verify_public = 1; } else { /* store the public key for future use */ o->type = EVP_PK_RSA; o->key.rsa = RSA_new(); RSA_set0_key(o->key.rsa, n, e, NULL); n = NULL; e = NULL; } } else if (o->key_type == CKK_EC) { ASN1_OBJECT *oid = NULL; ASN1_OCTET_STRING *s = NULL; const unsigned char *pub, *p; BIGNUM *bn = NULL; EC_POINT *ecpoint; EC_GROUP *ecgroup; int nid, pub_len; /* Parse the nid out of the EC_PARAMS */ p = template[6].pValue; oid = d2i_ASN1_OBJECT(NULL, &p, template[6].ulValueLen); nid = OBJ_obj2nid(oid); ASN1_OBJECT_free(oid); ecgroup = EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(nid); EC_GROUP_set_asn1_flag(ecgroup, OPENSSL_EC_NAMED_CURVE); p = template[7].pValue; s = d2i_ASN1_OCTET_STRING(NULL, &p, template[7].ulValueLen); pub = ASN1_STRING_get0_data(s); pub_len = ASN1_STRING_length(s); bn = BN_bin2bn(pub, pub_len, NULL); ASN1_STRING_free(s); if (bn == NULL) { debug_print(" [WARN %s ] Can not convert EC_POINT from" "PKCS#11 to BIGNUM", o->id_str); EC_GROUP_free(ecgroup); return -1; } ecpoint = EC_POINT_bn2point(ecgroup, bn, NULL, NULL); BN_free(bn); if (ecpoint == NULL) { debug_print(" [WARN %s ] Can not convert EC_POINT from" "BIGNUM to OpenSSL format", o->id_str); EC_GROUP_free(ecgroup); return -1; } if (o->key.ec != NULL) { const EC_GROUP *cert_group = EC_KEY_get0_group(o->key.ec); const EC_POINT *cert_point = EC_KEY_get0_public_key(o->key.ec); int cert_nid = EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(cert_group); if (cert_nid != nid || EC_GROUP_cmp(cert_group, ecgroup, NULL) != 0 || EC_POINT_cmp(ecgroup, cert_point, ecpoint, NULL) != 0) { debug_print(" [WARN %s ] Got different public" "key then from the certificate", o->id_str); EC_GROUP_free(ecgroup); EC_POINT_free(ecpoint); return -1; } EC_GROUP_free(ecgroup); EC_POINT_free(ecpoint); o->verify_public = 1; } else { /* store the public key for future use */ o->type = EVP_PK_EC; o->key.ec = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(nid); EC_KEY_set_public_key(o->key.ec, ecpoint); EC_KEY_set_group(o->key.ec, ecgroup); } } else { debug_print(" [WARN %s ] non-RSA, non-EC key. Key type: %02lX", o->id_str, o->key_type); return -1; } add_supported_mechs(o); debug_print(" [ OK %s ] Public key loaded successfully V:%d E:%d T:%02lX", o->id_str, o->verify, o->encrypt, o->key_type); return 0; } int search_objects(test_certs_t *objects, token_info_t *info, CK_ATTRIBUTE filter[], CK_LONG filter_size, CK_ATTRIBUTE template[], CK_LONG template_size, int (*callback)(test_certs_t *, CK_ATTRIBUTE[], unsigned int, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE)) { CK_RV rv; CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR fp = info->function_pointer; CK_ULONG object_count; CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object_handle = CK_INVALID_HANDLE; CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR object_handles = NULL; unsigned long i = 0, objects_length = 0; int j; /* FindObjects first * https://wiki.oasis-open.org/pkcs11/CommonBugs */ rv = fp->C_FindObjectsInit(info->session_handle, filter, filter_size); if (rv != CKR_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "C_FindObjectsInit: rv = 0x%.8lX\n", rv); return -1; } while(1) { rv = fp->C_FindObjects(info->session_handle, &object_handle, 1, &object_count); if (object_count == 0) break; if (rv != CKR_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "C_FindObjects: rv = 0x%.8lX\n", rv); return -1; } /* store handle */ if (i >= objects_length) { objects_length += 4; // do not realloc after each row object_handles = realloc(object_handles, objects_length * sizeof(CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR)); if (object_handles == NULL) fail_msg("Realloc failed. Need to store object handles.\n"); } object_handles[i++] = object_handle; } objects_length = i; //terminate list of handles rv = fp->C_FindObjectsFinal(info->session_handle); if (rv != CKR_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "C_FindObjectsFinal: rv = 0x%.8lX\n", rv); fail_msg("Could not find certificate.\n"); } for (i = 0; i < objects_length; i++) { /* Find attributes one after another to handle errors * https://wiki.oasis-open.org/pkcs11/CommonBugs */ for (j = 0; j < template_size; j++) { template[j].pValue = NULL; template[j].ulValueLen = 0; rv = fp->C_GetAttributeValue(info->session_handle, object_handles[i], &(template[j]), 1); if (rv == CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID) continue; else if (rv != CKR_OK) fail_msg("C_GetAttributeValue: rv = 0x%.8lX\n", rv); /* Allocate memory to hold the data we want */ if (template[j].ulValueLen == 0) { continue; } else { template[j].pValue = malloc(template[j].ulValueLen); if (template[j].pValue == NULL) fail_msg("malloc failed"); } /* Call again to get actual attribute */ rv = fp->C_GetAttributeValue(info->session_handle, object_handles[i], &(template[j]), 1); if (rv != CKR_OK) fail_msg("C_GetAttributeValue: rv = 0x%.8lX\n", rv); } callback(objects, template, template_size, object_handles[i]); // XXX check results for (j = 0; j < template_size; j++) free(template[j].pValue); } free(object_handles); return 0; } void search_for_all_objects(test_certs_t *objects, token_info_t *info) { CK_OBJECT_CLASS keyClass = CKO_CERTIFICATE; CK_OBJECT_CLASS privateClass = CKO_PRIVATE_KEY; CK_OBJECT_CLASS publicClass = CKO_PUBLIC_KEY; CK_ATTRIBUTE filter[] = { {CKA_CLASS, &keyClass, sizeof(keyClass)}, }; CK_ULONG filter_size = 1; CK_ATTRIBUTE attrs[] = { { CKA_ID, NULL_PTR, 0}, { CKA_VALUE, NULL_PTR, 0}, { CKA_LABEL, NULL_PTR, 0}, { CKA_CERTIFICATE_TYPE, NULL_PTR, 0}, }; CK_ULONG attrs_size = sizeof (attrs) / sizeof (CK_ATTRIBUTE); CK_ATTRIBUTE private_attrs[] = { { CKA_SIGN, NULL, 0}, // CK_BBOOL { CKA_DECRYPT, NULL, 0}, // CK_BBOOL { CKA_KEY_TYPE, NULL, 0}, // CKK_ { CKA_ID, NULL, 0}, { CKA_ALWAYS_AUTHENTICATE, NULL, 0}, // CK_BBOOL { CKA_UNWRAP, NULL, 0}, // CK_BBOOL { CKA_DERIVE, NULL, 0}, // CK_BBOOL { CKA_LABEL, NULL_PTR, 0}, }; CK_ULONG private_attrs_size = sizeof (private_attrs) / sizeof (CK_ATTRIBUTE); CK_ATTRIBUTE public_attrs[] = { { CKA_VERIFY, NULL, 0}, // CK_BBOOL { CKA_ENCRYPT, NULL, 0}, // CK_BBOOL { CKA_KEY_TYPE, NULL, 0}, { CKA_ID, NULL, 0}, { CKA_MODULUS, NULL, 0}, { CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT, NULL, 0}, { CKA_EC_PARAMS, NULL, 0}, { CKA_EC_POINT, NULL, 0}, { CKA_WRAP, NULL, 0}, // CK_BBOOL { CKA_DERIVE, NULL, 0}, // CK_BBOOL }; CK_ULONG public_attrs_size = sizeof (public_attrs) / sizeof (CK_ATTRIBUTE); debug_print("\nSearch for all certificates on the card"); search_objects(objects, info, filter, filter_size, attrs, attrs_size, callback_certificates); /* do the same thing with private keys (collect handles based on the collected IDs) */ debug_print("\nSearch for all private keys respective to the certificates"); filter[0].pValue = &privateClass; // search for all and pair on the fly search_objects(objects, info, filter, filter_size, private_attrs, private_attrs_size, callback_private_keys); debug_print("\nSearch for all public keys respective to the certificates"); filter[0].pValue = &publicClass; search_objects(objects, info, filter, filter_size, public_attrs, public_attrs_size, callback_public_keys); } void clean_all_objects(test_certs_t *objects) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < objects->count; i++) { free(objects->data[i].key_id); free(objects->data[i].id_str); free(objects->data[i].label); X509_free(objects->data[i].x509); if (objects->data[i].key_type == CKK_RSA && objects->data[i].key.rsa != NULL) RSA_free(objects->data[i].key.rsa); else if (objects->data[i].key.ec != NULL) EC_KEY_free(objects->data[i].key.ec); } free(objects->data); } const char *get_mechanism_name(int mech_id) { switch (mech_id) { case CKM_RSA_PKCS: return "RSA_PKCS"; case CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS: return "SHA1_RSA_PKCS"; case CKM_SHA224_RSA_PKCS: return "SHA224_RSA_PKCS"; case CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS: return "SHA256_RSA_PKCS"; case CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS: return "SHA384_RSA_PKCS"; case CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS: return "SHA512_RSA_PKCS"; case CKM_RSA_X_509: return "RSA_X_509"; case CKM_ECDSA: return "ECDSA"; case CKM_ECDSA_SHA1: return "ECDSA_SHA1"; case CKM_ECDSA_SHA256: return "ECDSA_SHA256"; case CKM_ECDSA_SHA384: return "ECDSA_SHA384"; case CKM_ECDSA_SHA512: return "ECDSA_SHA512"; case CKM_ECDH1_DERIVE: return "ECDH1_DERIVE"; case CKM_ECDH1_COFACTOR_DERIVE: return "ECDH1_COFACTOR_DERIVE"; case CKM_EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN: return "EC_KEY_PAIR_GEN"; case CKM_RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN: return "RSA_PKCS_KEY_PAIR_GEN"; case CKM_MD5_RSA_PKCS: return "MD5_RSA_PKCS"; case CKM_RIPEMD160_RSA_PKCS: return "RIPEMD160_RSA_PKCS"; case CKM_RSA_PKCS_PSS: return "RSA_PKCS_PSS"; case CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS_PSS: return "SHA1_RSA_PKCS_PSS"; case CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS_PSS: return "SHA256_RSA_PKCS_PSS"; case CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS_PSS: return "SHA384_RSA_PKCS_PSS"; case CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS_PSS: return "SHA512_RSA_PKCS_PSS"; case CKM_SHA_1_HMAC: return "SHA_1_HMAC"; case CKM_SHA256_HMAC: return "SHA256_HMAC"; case CKM_SHA384_HMAC: return "SHA384_HMAC"; case CKM_SHA512_HMAC: return "SHA512_HMAC"; case CKM_RSA_PKCS_OAEP: return "RSA_PKCS_OAEP"; case CKM_SHA_1: return "SHA_1"; case CKM_SHA224: return "SHA224"; case CKM_SHA256: return "SHA256"; case CKM_SHA384: return "SHA384"; case CKM_SHA512: return "SHA512"; default: sprintf(name_buffer, "0x%.8X", mech_id); return name_buffer; } } const char *get_mgf_name(int mgf_id) { switch (mgf_id) { case CKG_MGF1_SHA1: return "MGF1_SHA_1"; case CKG_MGF1_SHA224: return "MGF1_SHA224"; case CKG_MGF1_SHA256: return "MGF1_SHA256"; case CKG_MGF1_SHA384: return "MGF1_SHA384"; case CKG_MGF1_SHA512: return "MGF1_SHA512"; default: sprintf(name_buffer, "0x%.8X", mgf_id); return name_buffer; } } const char *get_mechanism_flag_name(int mech_id) { switch (mech_id) { case CKF_HW: return "CKF_HW"; case CKF_ENCRYPT: return "CKF_ENCRYPT"; case CKF_DECRYPT: return "CKF_DECRYPT"; case CKF_DIGEST: return "CKF_DIGEST"; case CKF_SIGN: return "CKF_SIGN"; case CKF_SIGN_RECOVER: return "CKF_SIGN_RECOVER"; case CKF_VERIFY: return "CKF_VERIFY"; case CKF_VERIFY_RECOVER: return "CKF_VERIFY_RECOVER"; case CKF_GENERATE: return "CKF_GENERATE"; case CKF_GENERATE_KEY_PAIR: return "CKF_GENERATE_KEY_PAIR"; case CKF_WRAP: return "CKF_WRAP"; case CKF_UNWRAP: return "CKF_UNWRAP"; case CKF_DERIVE: return "CKF_DERIVE"; case CKF_EC_F_P: return "CKF_EC_F_P"; case CKF_EC_F_2M: return "CKF_EC_F_2M"; case CKF_EC_NAMEDCURVE: return "CKF_EC_NAMEDCURVE"; case CKF_EC_UNCOMPRESS: return "CKF_EC_UNCOMPRESS"; case CKF_EC_COMPRESS: return "CKF_EC_COMPRESS"; case CKF_EC_ECPARAMETERS: return "CKF_EC_ECPARAMETERS"; default: sprintf(flag_buffer, "0x%.8X", mech_id); return flag_buffer; } } char *convert_byte_string(unsigned char *id, unsigned long length) { unsigned int i; char *data = malloc(3 * length * sizeof(char) + 1); for (i = 0; i < length; i++) sprintf(&data[i*3], "%02X:", id[i]); data[length*3-1] = '\0'; return data; } void write_data_row(token_info_t *info, int cols, ...) { va_list ap; int i, intval, type; char *data; cols = cols*2; /* shut GCC up */ va_start(ap, cols); fprintf(info->log.fd, "\n\t["); for (i = 1; i <= cols; i+=2) { if (i > 1) fprintf(info->log.fd, ","); type = va_arg(ap, int); if (type == 'd') { intval = va_arg(ap, int); fprintf(info->log.fd, "\n\t\t\"%d\"", intval); } else if (type == 's') { data = va_arg(ap, char*); fprintf(info->log.fd, "\n\t\t\"%s\"", data); } } fprintf(info->log.fd, "\n\t]"); va_end(ap); } int is_pss_mechanism(CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mech) { return (mech == CKM_RSA_PKCS_PSS || mech == CKM_SHA1_RSA_PKCS_PSS || mech == CKM_SHA256_RSA_PKCS_PSS || mech == CKM_SHA384_RSA_PKCS_PSS || mech == CKM_SHA512_RSA_PKCS_PSS || mech == CKM_SHA224_RSA_PKCS_PSS); }