#include "sc-pkcs11.h" CK_RV C_OpenSession(CK_SLOT_ID slotID, /* the slot's ID */ CK_FLAGS flags, /* defined in CK_SESSION_INFO */ CK_VOID_PTR pApplication, /* pointer passed to callback */ CK_NOTIFY Notify, /* notification callback function */ CK_SESSION_HANDLE_PTR phSession) /* receives new session handle */ { return CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } CK_RV C_CloseSession(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) /* the session's handle */ { return CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } CK_RV C_CloseAllSessions(CK_SLOT_ID slotID) /* the token's slot */ { return CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } CK_RV C_GetSessionInfo(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* the session's handle */ CK_SESSION_INFO_PTR pInfo) /* receives session information */ { return CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } CK_RV C_GetOperationState(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* the session's handle */ CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState, /* location receiving state */ CK_ULONG_PTR pulOperationStateLen) /* location receiving state length */ { return CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } CK_RV C_SetOperationState(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* the session's handle */ CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState, /* the location holding the state */ CK_ULONG ulOperationStateLen, /* location holding state length */ CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hEncryptionKey, /* handle of en/decryption key */ CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hAuthenticationKey) /* handle of sign/verify key */ { return CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } CK_RV C_Login(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* the session's handle */ CK_USER_TYPE userType, /* the user type */ CK_CHAR_PTR pPin, /* the user's PIN */ CK_ULONG ulPinLen) /* the length of the PIN */ { return CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED; } CK_RV C_Logout(CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession) /* the session's handle */ { return CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED; }