/* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Initially written by David Mattes (david.mattes@boeing.com) */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "internal.h" #include "pkcs15.h" #define MANU_ID "Gemplus" #define APPLET_NAME "GemSAFE V1" #define DRIVER_SERIAL_NUMBER "v0.9" int sc_pkcs15emu_gemsafeV1_init_ex(sc_pkcs15_card_t *, sc_pkcs15emu_opt_t *); static int sc_pkcs15emu_add_cert(sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card, int type, int authority, const sc_path_t *path, const sc_pkcs15_id_t *id, const char *label, int obj_flags); static int sc_pkcs15emu_add_pin(sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card, const sc_pkcs15_id_t *id, const char *label, const sc_path_t *path, int ref, int type, unsigned int min_length, unsigned int max_length, int flags, int tries_left, const char pad_char, int obj_flags); static int sc_pkcs15emu_add_prkey(sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card, const sc_pkcs15_id_t *id, const char *label, int type, unsigned int modulus_length, int usage, const sc_path_t *path, int ref, const sc_pkcs15_id_t *auth_id, int obj_flags); typedef struct cdata_st { const char *label; int authority; const char *path; const char *id; int obj_flags; } cdata; const cdata gemsafe_cert[] = { {"DS certificate", 0, "3F0016000004","45", SC_PKCS15_CO_FLAG_MODIFIABLE}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0} }; typedef struct pdata_st { const char *id; const char *label; const char *path; int ref; int type; unsigned int maxlen; unsigned int minlen; int flags; int tries_left; const char pad_char; int obj_flags; } pindata; const pindata gemsafe_pin[] = { { "01", "DS pin", NULL, 0x01, SC_PKCS15_PIN_TYPE_BCD, 16, 6, SC_PKCS15_PIN_FLAG_NEEDS_PADDING | SC_PKCS15_PIN_FLAG_LOCAL, 3, 0xFF, SC_PKCS15_CO_FLAG_MODIFIABLE | SC_PKCS15_CO_FLAG_PRIVATE }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; typedef struct prdata_st { const char *id; const char *label; unsigned int modulus_len; int usage; const char *path; int ref; const char *auth_id; int obj_flags; } prdata; #define USAGE_NONREP SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_USAGE_NONREPUDIATION #define USAGE_KE SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_USAGE_ENCRYPT | \ SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_USAGE_DECRYPT | \ SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_USAGE_WRAP | \ SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_USAGE_UNWRAP #define USAGE_AUT SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_USAGE_ENCRYPT | \ SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_USAGE_DECRYPT | \ SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_USAGE_WRAP | \ SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_USAGE_UNWRAP | \ SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_USAGE_SIGN const prdata gemsafe_prkeys[] = { { "45", "DS key", 1024, USAGE_AUT, NULL, 0x03, "01", SC_PKCS15_CO_FLAG_PRIVATE}, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; static int gemsafe_get_cert_len(sc_card_t *card, sc_path_t *path, int *key_ref) { const char *fn_name = "gemsafe_get_cert_len"; int r; int ind; u8 ibuf[248]; struct sc_file *file; size_t objlen, certlen; unsigned int block=0; int found = 0; unsigned int offset=0, index_local, i=0; r = sc_select_file(card, path, &file); if (r < 0) return 0; /* Apparently, the Applet max read "quanta" is 248 bytes */ /* Initial read */ r = sc_read_binary(card, offset, ibuf, 248, 0); if (r < 0) return 0; /* Actual stored object size is encoded in first 2 bytes * (allocated EF space is much greater!) */ objlen = (((size_t) ibuf[0]) << 8) | ibuf[1]; sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "%s: Certificate object is of size: %d\n", fn_name, objlen); if (objlen < 1 || objlen > 10240) { sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "%s: Invalid object size: %d\n", fn_name, objlen); return 0; } /* * We need to find the private key associated with the cert * It looks like the first thing in the block is a table of * which keys are allocated. * We will look for the first allocated key, and save the * key_ref. The table is small and is in the first 248 bytes. * If for some reason this is not true, we can still override * the key_ref in the opensc.conf with flag = n. */ ind = 2; /* skip length */ while (ibuf[ind] == 0x01) { if (ibuf[ind+1] == 0xFE) { *key_ref = ibuf[ind+4]; sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "Using key_ref %d found at offset %d\n", *key_ref, ind); break; } ind = ind + 8; } /* Using (block+1) in while loop avoids using final cert object data block */ while (!found && ( (block+1) * 248 < objlen) ) { /* Check current buffer */ for (i = 0; i < 248; i++) { if (ibuf[i] == 0x30 && ibuf[i+1] == 0x82) { found = 1; break; } } /* Grab another buffer */ if (!found) { block++; offset = block*248; r = sc_read_binary(card, offset, ibuf, 248, 0); if (r < 0) { sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "%s: Could not read cert object\n", fn_name); return 0; } } } index_local = block*248 + i; /* DER Cert len is encoded this way */ certlen = ((((size_t) ibuf[i+2]) << 8) | ibuf[i+3]) + 4; sc_debug(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "%s: certlen: %04X\n", fn_name, certlen); path->index = index_local; path->count = certlen; return 1; } static int gemsafe_detect_card( sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card) { if (strcmp(p15card->card->name, "GemSAFE V1")) return SC_ERROR_WRONG_CARD; return SC_SUCCESS; } static int sc_pkcs15emu_gemsafeV1_init( sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card) { const char *fn_name = "sc_pkcs15emu_gemsafe_init"; int r, i; int key_ref = 0x03; struct sc_path path; struct sc_file *file = NULL; struct sc_card *card = p15card->card; struct sc_apdu apdu; u8 rbuf[SC_MAX_APDU_BUFFER_SIZE]; sc_debug(p15card->card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "%s: Setting pkcs15 parameters\n", fn_name); if (p15card->tokeninfo->label) free(p15card->tokeninfo->label); p15card->tokeninfo->label = malloc(strlen(APPLET_NAME) + 1); if (!p15card->tokeninfo->label) return SC_ERROR_INTERNAL; strcpy(p15card->tokeninfo->label, APPLET_NAME); if (p15card->tokeninfo->serial_number) free(p15card->tokeninfo->serial_number); p15card->tokeninfo->serial_number = malloc(strlen(DRIVER_SERIAL_NUMBER) + 1); if (!p15card->tokeninfo->serial_number) return SC_ERROR_INTERNAL; strcpy(p15card->tokeninfo->serial_number, DRIVER_SERIAL_NUMBER); /* the GemSAFE applet version number */ sc_format_apdu(card, &apdu, SC_APDU_CASE_2_SHORT, 0xca, 0xdf, 0x03); apdu.cla = 0x80; apdu.resp = rbuf; apdu.resplen = sizeof(rbuf); /* Manual says Le=0x05, but should be 0x08 to return full version numer */ apdu.le = 0x08; apdu.lc = 0; apdu.datalen = 0; r = sc_transmit_apdu(card, &apdu); SC_TEST_RET(card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, r, "APDU transmit failed"); if (apdu.sw1 != 0x90 || apdu.sw2 != 0x00) return SC_ERROR_INTERNAL; if (r != SC_SUCCESS) return SC_ERROR_INTERNAL; /* the manufacturer ID, in this case GemPlus */ if (p15card->tokeninfo->manufacturer_id) free(p15card->tokeninfo->manufacturer_id); p15card->tokeninfo->manufacturer_id = malloc(strlen(MANU_ID) + 1); if (!p15card->tokeninfo->manufacturer_id) return SC_ERROR_INTERNAL; strcpy(p15card->tokeninfo->manufacturer_id, MANU_ID); /* set certs */ sc_debug(p15card->card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "%s: Setting certificate\n", fn_name); for (i = 0; gemsafe_cert[i].label; i++) { struct sc_pkcs15_id p15Id; sc_format_path(gemsafe_cert[i].path, &path); if (!gemsafe_get_cert_len(card, &path, &key_ref)) /* skip errors */ continue; sc_pkcs15_format_id(gemsafe_cert[i].id, &p15Id); sc_pkcs15emu_add_cert(p15card, SC_PKCS15_TYPE_CERT_X509, gemsafe_cert[i].authority, &path, &p15Id, gemsafe_cert[i].label, gemsafe_cert[i].obj_flags); } /* set gemsafe_pin */ sc_debug(p15card->card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "%s: Setting PIN\n", fn_name); for (i = 0; gemsafe_pin[i].label; i++) { struct sc_pkcs15_id p15Id; sc_pkcs15_format_id(gemsafe_pin[i].id, &p15Id); sc_pkcs15emu_add_pin(p15card, &p15Id, gemsafe_pin[i].label, &path, gemsafe_pin[i].ref, gemsafe_pin[i].type, gemsafe_pin[i].minlen, gemsafe_pin[i].maxlen, gemsafe_pin[i].flags, gemsafe_pin[i].tries_left, gemsafe_pin[i].pad_char, gemsafe_pin[i].obj_flags); } /* set private keys */ sc_debug(p15card->card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "%s: Setting private key\n", fn_name); for (i = 0; gemsafe_prkeys[i].label; i++) { struct sc_pkcs15_id p15Id, authId, *pauthId; sc_pkcs15_format_id(gemsafe_prkeys[i].id, &p15Id); if (gemsafe_prkeys[i].auth_id) { sc_pkcs15_format_id(gemsafe_prkeys[i].auth_id, &authId); pauthId = &authId; } else pauthId = NULL; /* * the key ref may be different for different sites * by adding flags=n where the low order 4 bits can be * the key ref we can force it. */ if ( p15card->card->flags & 0x0F) { key_ref = p15card->card->flags & 0x0F; sc_debug(p15card->card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "Overriding key_ref with %d\n", key_ref); } sc_pkcs15emu_add_prkey(p15card, &p15Id, gemsafe_prkeys[i].label, SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_RSA, gemsafe_prkeys[i].modulus_len, gemsafe_prkeys[i].usage, &path, key_ref, pauthId, gemsafe_prkeys[i].obj_flags); } /* select the application DF */ sc_debug(p15card->card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL,"%s: Selecting application DF\n", fn_name); sc_format_path("3F001600", &path); r = sc_select_file(card, &path, &file); if (r != SC_SUCCESS || !file) return SC_ERROR_INTERNAL; /* set the application DF */ if (p15card->file_app) free(p15card->file_app); p15card->file_app = file; return SC_SUCCESS; } int sc_pkcs15emu_gemsafeV1_init_ex( sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card, sc_pkcs15emu_opt_t *opts) { if (opts && opts->flags & SC_PKCS15EMU_FLAGS_NO_CHECK) return sc_pkcs15emu_gemsafeV1_init(p15card); else { int r = gemsafe_detect_card(p15card); if (r) return SC_ERROR_WRONG_CARD; return sc_pkcs15emu_gemsafeV1_init(p15card); } } static sc_pkcs15_df_t * sc_pkcs15emu_get_df(sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card, unsigned int type) { sc_pkcs15_df_t *df; sc_file_t *file; int created = 0; while (1) { for (df = p15card->df_list; df; df = df->next) { if (df->type == type) { if (created) df->enumerated = 1; return df; } } assert(created == 0); file = sc_file_new(); if (!file) return NULL; sc_format_path("11001101", &file->path); sc_pkcs15_add_df(p15card, type, &file->path); sc_file_free(file); created++; } } static int sc_pkcs15emu_add_object(sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card, int type, const char *label, void *data, const sc_pkcs15_id_t *auth_id, int obj_flags) { sc_pkcs15_object_t *obj; int df_type; obj = calloc(1, sizeof(*obj)); obj->type = type; obj->data = data; if (label) strncpy(obj->label, label, sizeof(obj->label)-1); obj->flags = obj_flags; if (auth_id) obj->auth_id = *auth_id; switch (type & SC_PKCS15_TYPE_CLASS_MASK) { case SC_PKCS15_TYPE_AUTH: df_type = SC_PKCS15_AODF; break; case SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY: df_type = SC_PKCS15_PRKDF; break; case SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PUBKEY: df_type = SC_PKCS15_PUKDF; break; case SC_PKCS15_TYPE_CERT: df_type = SC_PKCS15_CDF; break; default: sc_debug(p15card->card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_NORMAL, "Unknown PKCS15 object type %d\n", type); free(obj); return SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } obj->df = sc_pkcs15emu_get_df(p15card, df_type); sc_pkcs15_add_object(p15card, obj); return 0; } static int sc_pkcs15emu_add_pin(sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card, const sc_pkcs15_id_t *id, const char *label, const sc_path_t *path, int ref, int type, unsigned int min_length, unsigned int max_length, int flags, int tries_left, const char pad_char, int obj_flags) { sc_pkcs15_auth_info_t *info; info = calloc(1, sizeof(*info)); info->auth_type = SC_PKCS15_PIN_AUTH_TYPE_PIN; info->auth_id = *id; info->attrs.pin.min_length = min_length; info->attrs.pin.max_length = max_length; info->attrs.pin.stored_length = max_length; info->attrs.pin.type = type; info->attrs.pin.reference = ref; info->attrs.pin.flags = flags; info->attrs.pin.pad_char = pad_char; info->tries_left = tries_left; if (path) info->path = *path; return sc_pkcs15emu_add_object(p15card, SC_PKCS15_TYPE_AUTH_PIN, label, info, NULL, obj_flags); } static int sc_pkcs15emu_add_cert(sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card, int type, int authority, const sc_path_t *path, const sc_pkcs15_id_t *id, const char *label, int obj_flags) { /* const char *label = "Certificate"; */ sc_pkcs15_cert_info_t *info; info = calloc(1, sizeof(*info)); info->id = *id; info->authority = authority; if (path) info->path = *path; return sc_pkcs15emu_add_object(p15card, type, label, info, NULL, obj_flags); } static int sc_pkcs15emu_add_prkey(sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card, const sc_pkcs15_id_t *id, const char *label, int type, unsigned int modulus_length, int usage, const sc_path_t *path, int ref, const sc_pkcs15_id_t *auth_id, int obj_flags) { sc_pkcs15_prkey_info_t *info; info = calloc(1, sizeof(*info)); info->id = *id; info->modulus_length = modulus_length; info->usage = usage; info->native = 1; info->access_flags = SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_ACCESS_SENSITIVE | SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_ACCESS_ALWAYSSENSITIVE | SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_ACCESS_NEVEREXTRACTABLE | SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_ACCESS_LOCAL; info->key_reference = ref; if (path) info->path = *path; return sc_pkcs15emu_add_object(p15card, type, label, info, auth_id, obj_flags); } #if 0 static int sc_pkcs15emu_add_pubkey(sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card, const sc_pkcs15_id_t *id, const char *label, int type, unsigned int modulus_length, int usage, const sc_path_t *path, int ref, const sc_pkcs15_id_t *auth_id, int obj_flags) { sc_pkcs15_pubkey_info_t *info; info = calloc(1, sizeof(*info)); info->id = *id; info->modulus_length = modulus_length; info->usage = usage; info->access_flags = SC_PKCS15_PRKEY_ACCESS_EXTRACTABLE; info->key_reference = ref; if (path) info->path = *path; return sc_pkcs15emu_add_object(p15card, type, label, info, auth_id, obj_flags); } #endif /* SC_IMPLEMENT_DRIVER_VERSION("0.9.4") */