# # PKCS15 profile, generic information. # This profile is loaded before any card specific profile. # cardinfo { label = "Rutoken ECP"; manufacturer = "Aktiv Co."; max-pin-length = 32; min-pin-length = 1; pin-encoding = ascii-numeric; } # # The following controls some aspects of the PKCS15 we put onto # the card. # pkcs15 { # Put certificates into the CDF itself? direct-certificates = no; # Put the DF length into the ODF file? encode-df-length = no; # Have a lastUpdate field in the EF(TokenInfo)? do-last-update = yes; } # Default settings. # This option block will always be processed. option default { macros { ti-size = 128; odf-size = 128; aodf-size = 256; dodf-size = 2048; cdf-size = 2048; prkdf-size = 2048; pukdf-size = 2048; } } # Define reasonable limits for PINs and PUK # Note that we do not set a file path or reference # for the user pin; that is done dynamically. PIN user-pin { auth-id = 2; reference = 2; attempts = 2; min-length = 8; max-length = 32; flags = case-sensitive, initialized; } PIN user-puk { min-length = 0; max-length = 0; } PIN so-pin { auth-id = 1; reference = 1; attempts = 2; min-length = 8; max-length = 32; flags = case-sensitive, initialized, soPin; } PIN so-puk { min-length = 0; max-length = 0; } filesystem { DF MF { path = 3F00; type = DF; acl = *=NEVER, SELECT=NONE, DELETE=NEVER, CREATE=CHV2, READ=NONE; DF Sys-DF { file-id = 1000; DF SysKey-DF { file-id = 1000; DF PuKey-DF { file-id = 6001; } DF PrKey-DF { file-id = 6002; } DF SKey-DF { file-id = 6003; } DF Cer-DF { file-id = 6004; } DF LCHV-DF { file-id = 6005; } } DF Resrv1-DF { file-id = 1001; } DF Resrv2-DF { file-id = 1002; } DF Resrv3-DF { file-id = 1003; } DF Resrv4-DF { file-id = 1004; } } EF DIR { type = EF; file-id = 2F00; size = 128; acl = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=CHV1, WRITE=CHV1, DELETE=CHV1; } # Here comes the application DF DF PKCS15-AppDF { type = DF; file-id = 5000; acl = *=NONE, DELETE=CHV2; # acl = *=NEVER, SELECT=NONE, DELETE=CHV2, CREATE=CHV2, READ=NONE; EF PKCS15-ODF { file-id = 5031; size = $odf-size; acl = *=NONE, DELETE=$SOPIN; } EF PKCS15-TokenInfo { file-id = 5032; size = $ti-size; acl = *=NONE, DELETE=CHV2; } EF PKCS15-AODF { file-id = 6005; size = $aodf-size; acl = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=$SOPIN, WRITE=$SOPIN, DELETE=$SOPIN; } EF PKCS15-PrKDF { file-id = 6002; size = $prkdf-size; acl = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=$PIN, WRITE=$PIN, DELETE=$PIN; } EF PKCS15-PuKDF { file-id = 6001; size = $pukdf-size; acl = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=$PIN, WRITE=$PIN, DELETE=$PIN; } EF PKCS15-CDF { file-id = 6004; size = $cdf-size; acl = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=$PIN, WRITE=$PIN, DELETE=$PIN; } EF PKCS15-DODF { file-id = 6006; size = $dodf-size; acl = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=$PIN, WRITE=$PIN, DELETE=$PIN; } # This template defines files for keys, certificates etc. # # When instantiating the template, each file id will be # combined with the last octet of the object's pkcs15 id # to form a unique file ID. template key-domain { EF private-key { file-id = 0100; structure = transparent; acl = *=NEVER, READ=$PIN, UPDATE=$PIN, WRITE=$PIN, DELETE=$PIN; } EF public-key { file-id = 0200; structure = transparent; acl = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=$PIN, WRITE=$PIN, DELETE=$PIN; } # Certificate template EF certificate { file-id = 0300; structure = transparent; acl = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=$PIN, WRITE=$PIN, DELETE=$PIN; } # data objects are stored in transparent EFs. EF data { file-id = 0400; structure = transparent; acl = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=$PIN, WRITE=$PIN, DELETE=$PIN; } # private data objects are stored in transparent EFs. EF privdata { file-id = 0500; structure = transparent; acl = *=NEVER, READ=$PIN, UPDATE=$PIN, WRITE=$PIN, DELETE=$PIN; } } } } }