# # PKCS15 r/w profile for Athena APCOS cards # cardinfo { max-pin-length = 16; pin-encoding = ascii-numeric; pin-pad-char = 0x00; } # Default settings. # This option block will always be processed. option default { macros { so-pin-flags = local, initialized, soPin; df_acl = *=$SOPIN; } } # This option sets up the card so that a single # user PIN protects all files option onepin { macros { so-pin-flags = local, initialized; df_acl = *=$PIN; } } # Define reasonable limits for PINs and PUK PIN so-pin { reference = 1; flags = $so-pin-flags; } PIN so-puk { reference = 2; } PIN user-pin { attempts = 3; flags = local, initialized; } PIN user-puk { attempts = 10; flags = local, initialized; } # Additional filesystem info. # This is added to the file system info specified in the # main profile. filesystem { DF MF { ACL = *=AUT0; DF PKCS15-AppDF { size = 8192; ACL = $df_acl; EF PKCS15-PrKDF { size = 384; } EF PKCS15-PuKDF { size = 384; } # This template defines files for keys, certificates etc. # # When instantiating the template, each file id will be # combined with the last octet of the object's pkcs15 id # to form a unique file ID. template key-domain { # This is a dummy entry - pkcs15-init insists that # this is present EF private-key { file-id = 0100; ACL = *=NEVER, CRYPTO=$PIN, UPDATE=$PIN; } # public keys EF public-key { file-id = 3003; structure = transparent; ACL = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=$PIN, ERASE=$PIN; } # Certificate template EF certificate { file-id = 3104; structure = transparent; ACL = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=$PIN, ERASE=$PIN; } # data objects are stored in transparent EFs. EF data { file-id = 3302; structure = transparent; ACL = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=$PIN, ERASE=$PIN; } } } } }