.TH sc_connect_card 3 "April 2003" "OpenSC Programmer's Manual .SH NAME sc_connect_card \- connect to smart card in reader .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B #include .sp .BI "int sc_connect_card(sc_reader_t *" reader ", .BI " int " slot ", sc_card_t **" card "); .fi .SH DESCRIPTION This function connects to a card in a reader, resets the card and retrieves the ATR (Answer To Reset). Based on the ATR, it tries to auto-detect which card driver to use. .PP The \fIslot\fP parameter identifies the card reader's slot. Slots are numbered consecutively, starting at \fB0\fP. .PP If OpenSC was able to connect to the card, a pointer to the \fBsc_card_t\fP object is stored in the location pointer to by the \fIcard\fP parameter. The card handle should be released with \fBsc_disconnect_card\fP(3) when no longer in used. .SH RETURN VALUE If an error occurred, a negative error code is returned, as described in \fbsc_error\fP(3). Otherwise, the function will return 0. .SH SEE ALSO .BR sc_establish_context (3), .BR sc_disconnect_card (3). .SH AUTHOR This manual page was written by Olaf Kirch