#!/bin/bash -e # install the opensc sudo make install export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib # setup java stuff . .github/setup-java.sh # The PIV Applet git clone --recursive https://github.com/arekinath/PivApplet.git pushd PivApplet JC_HOME=${JC_CLASSIC_HOME} ant dist popd # yubico-piv-tool is needed for PIV Applet management git clone https://github.com/Yubico/yubico-piv-tool.git pushd yubico-piv-tool mkdir build pushd build cmake .. && make && sudo make install popd popd # log errors from pcscd to console sudo systemctl stop pcscd.service pcscd.socket sudo /usr/sbin/pcscd -f & PCSCD_PID=$! # start the applet and run couple of commands against that java -noverify -cp PivApplet/bin/:jcardsim/target/jcardsim-3.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar com.licel.jcardsim.remote.VSmartCard PivApplet/test/jcardsim.cfg >/dev/null & PID=$! sleep 5 opensc-tool --card-driver default --send-apdu 80b80000120ba000000308000010000100050000020F0F7f opensc-tool -n yubico-piv-tool -v 9999 -r 'Virtual PCD 00 00' -P 123456 -s 9e -a generate -A RSA2048 yubico-piv-tool -v 9999 -r 'Virtual PCD 00 00' -P 123456 -s 9a -a generate -A ECCP256 pkcs11-tool -l -t -p 123456 kill -9 $PID # cleanup sudo kill -9 $PCSCD_PID