Pinpad Readers

Pinpad support with OpenCT is still under development. If you want to test it you'll have to use development snapshots of OpenSC and will most probably run into difficulties and/or outright bugs. Reporting those bugs on the mailinglist may be a good way to get them fixed.

Currently Win32 and Unix versions follow quite different approaches, mainly due to availability of different drivers.

The Unix approach using CCID compliant readers is discribed in the CardReaders/SPR532 document, I'll have a word about CT-API Readers which are common on Win32 (if you have one on a Unix system please tell me!). (martin: The 'ccid' in the spec is misleading - every ifdhandler can be changed to implement the teletrust spec - it uses a control block similar to CCID pin block but is _not_ pure ccid up to the lowest levels of the driver. And: the latest spr532 drivers for windows should follow the same spec and thus it _should_ work on windows. it is more tied to pcsc than it is tied to pure ccid)

Known and tested pinpad readers

Please feel free to add your hardware and experiences here.

Class 2 readers have a pinpad for secure pin entry. Sometimes they are plugged between computer and keyboard so they use the keyboard for pin entry but capture the keystrokes before they reach the computer.

Class 3 readers have pinpad and a display.

Reader OS Type CT-API library Comments
SCM STR 391 "CashMouse" Win32 Class 3 USB CTRSRW32.dll Works fine with Win32, no Unix support planned
Cherry G83-6700 Smartboard Win32 Class 2 PS/2 CTMGR.DLL A keyboard integrated reader which uses the keyboard for pin entry. Buggy CT-API driver, I got it working but not without patching OpenCT. No known Unix support
Reiner SCT cyberJack pinpad Win32 Class 2 USB CTRSCT32.DLL According to the manufacturer's website it should also run on Linux, but I haven't managed it.
Reiner SCT cyberJack keyboard Win32 Class 2 PS/2 CTRSCT32.DLL A cheap class 2 solution. It uses the keyboard for pin entry. No known Unix support.
SCM SPR 332, 532 "Chipdrive Pinpad" Win32 Class 2 USB CTPCSC32.dll A widely used CCID compliant reader. I also got it working on Linux following Martin's CardReaders/SPR532 suggestions

Kobil and OmniKey also offer pinpad readers, if someone could test one of those with OpenSC feedback would be appreceated.