/* * MyEID specific operations for PKCS15 initialization * * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Aventra Ltd. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include "libopensc/opensc.h" #include "libopensc/cardctl.h" #include "libopensc/log.h" #include "pkcs15-init.h" #include "profile.h" #undef KEEP_AC_NONE_FOR_INIT_APPLET #define MYEID_MAX_PINS 14 unsigned char MYEID_DEFAULT_PUBKEY[] = {0x01, 0x00, 0x01}; #define MYEID_DEFAULT_PUBKEY_LEN sizeof(MYEID_DEFAULT_PUBKEY) /* For Myeid, all objects are files that can be deleted in any order */ static int myeid_delete_object(struct sc_profile *profile, struct sc_pkcs15_card *p15card, struct sc_pkcs15_object *object, const struct sc_path *path) { LOG_FUNC_CALLED(p15card->card->ctx); return sc_pkcs15init_delete_by_path(profile, p15card, path); } /* * Get 'Initialize Applet' data * using the ACLs defined in card profile. */ static int myeid_get_init_applet_data(struct sc_profile *profile, struct sc_pkcs15_card *p15card, unsigned char *data, size_t data_len) { struct sc_context *ctx = p15card->card->ctx; struct sc_file *tmp_file = NULL; const struct sc_acl_entry *entry = NULL; int r; LOG_FUNC_CALLED(ctx); if (data_len < 8) LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, "Cannot get init applet data"); *(data + 0) = 0xFF; *(data + 1) = 0xFF; /* MF acls */ sc_file_dup(&tmp_file, profile->mf_info->file); if (tmp_file == NULL) LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Cannot duplicate MF file"); r = sc_pkcs15init_fixup_file(profile, p15card, tmp_file); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "MF fixup failed"); /* AC 'Create DF' and 'Create EF' */ *(data + 2) = 0x00; /* 'NONE' */ entry = sc_file_get_acl_entry(tmp_file, SC_AC_OP_CREATE); if (entry->method == SC_AC_CHV) *(data + 2) = entry->key_ref | (entry->key_ref << 4); /* 'CHVx'. */ else if (entry->method == SC_AC_NEVER) *(data + 2) = 0xFF; /* 'NEVER'. */ /* AC 'INITIALISE APPLET'. */ *(data + 3) = 0x0F; /* 'NONE' */ #ifndef KEEP_AC_NONE_FOR_INIT_APPLET entry = sc_file_get_acl_entry(tmp_file, SC_AC_OP_DELETE); if (entry->method == SC_AC_CHV) *(data + 3) = (entry->key_ref << 4) | 0xF; else if (entry->method == SC_AC_NEVER) *(data + 3) = 0xFF; #endif *(data + 4) = 0xFF; sc_file_free(tmp_file); tmp_file = NULL; /* Application DF (5015) acls */ sc_file_dup(&tmp_file, profile->df_info->file); if (tmp_file == NULL) LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Cannot duplicate Application DF file"); r = sc_pkcs15init_fixup_file(profile, p15card, tmp_file); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Application DF fixup failed"); /* AC 'Create DF' and 'Create EF' */ *(data + 5) = 0x00; /* 'NONE' */ entry = sc_file_get_acl_entry(tmp_file, SC_AC_OP_CREATE); if (entry->method == SC_AC_CHV) *(data + 5) = entry->key_ref | (entry->key_ref << 4); /* 'CHVx' */ else if (entry->method == SC_AC_NEVER) *(data + 5) = 0xFF; /* 'NEVER'. */ /* AC 'Self delete' */ *(data + 6) = 0x0F; /* 'NONE' */ entry = sc_file_get_acl_entry(tmp_file, SC_AC_OP_DELETE); if (entry->method == SC_AC_CHV) *(data + 6) = (entry->key_ref << 4) | 0xF; /* 'CHVx' */ else if (entry->method == SC_AC_NEVER) *(data + 6) = 0xFF; /* 'NEVER'. */ *(data + 7) = 0xFF; sc_file_free(tmp_file); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(p15card->card->ctx, SC_SUCCESS); } /* * Erase the card. */ static int myeid_erase_card(struct sc_profile *profile, struct sc_pkcs15_card *p15card) { struct sc_context *ctx = p15card->card->ctx; struct sc_cardctl_myeid_data_obj data_obj; struct sc_file *mf = NULL; unsigned char data[8]; int r; LOG_FUNC_CALLED(ctx); r = myeid_get_init_applet_data(profile, p15card, data, sizeof (data)); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Get init applet date error"); /* Select parent DF and verify PINs/key as necessary */ r = sc_select_file(p15card->card, sc_get_mf_path(), &mf); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Cannot select MF"); /* ACLs are not actives if file is not in the operational state */ if (mf->status == SC_FILE_STATUS_ACTIVATED) r = sc_pkcs15init_authenticate(profile, p15card, mf, SC_AC_OP_DELETE); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "'DELETE' authentication failed on MF"); data_obj.P1 = 0x01; data_obj.P2 = 0xE0; data_obj.Data = data; data_obj.DataLen = sizeof (data); r = sc_card_ctl(p15card->card, SC_CARDCTL_MYEID_PUTDATA, &data_obj); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(p15card->card->ctx, r); } static int myeid_init_card(sc_profile_t *profile, sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card) { struct sc_path path; struct sc_file *file = NULL; u8 rbuf[256]; int r; LOG_FUNC_CALLED(p15card->card->ctx); p15card->tokeninfo->flags = SC_PKCS15_TOKEN_PRN_GENERATION | SC_PKCS15_TOKEN_EID_COMPLIANT; r = sc_card_ctl(p15card->card, SC_CARDCTL_GET_SERIALNR, &rbuf); LOG_TEST_RET(p15card->card->ctx, r, "Get applet info failed"); sc_format_path("3F00", &path); r = sc_select_file(p15card->card, &path, &file); if (file) sc_file_free(file); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(p15card->card->ctx, r); } /* * Create a DF */ static int myeid_create_dir(sc_profile_t *profile, sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card, sc_file_t *df) { struct sc_context *ctx = p15card->card->ctx; struct sc_file *file = NULL; int r = 0, ii; static const char *create_dfs[] = { "PKCS15-PrKDF", "PKCS15-PuKDF", "PKCS15-CDF", "PKCS15-CDF-TRUSTED", "PKCS15-DODF", NULL }; static const int create_dfs_val[] = { SC_PKCS15_PRKDF, SC_PKCS15_PUKDF, SC_PKCS15_CDF, SC_PKCS15_CDF_TRUSTED, SC_PKCS15_DODF }; if (!profile || !p15card || !df) return SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; LOG_FUNC_CALLED(ctx); sc_log(ctx, "id (%x)", df->id); if (df->id == 0x5015) { sc_log(ctx, "Select (%x)", df->id); r = sc_select_file(p15card->card, &df->path, NULL); for (ii = 0; create_dfs[ii]; ii++) { sc_log(ctx, "Create '%s'", create_dfs[ii]); if (sc_profile_get_file(profile, create_dfs[ii], &file)) { sc_log(ctx, "Inconsistent profile: cannot find %s", create_dfs[ii]); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(ctx, SC_ERROR_INCONSISTENT_PROFILE); } r = sc_pkcs15init_add_object(p15card, profile, create_dfs_val[ii], NULL); if (r != SC_ERROR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS) LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Failed to create MyEID xDF file"); } } LOG_FUNC_RETURN(p15card->card->ctx, r); } /* * Select the PIN reference */ static int myeid_select_pin_reference(sc_profile_t *profile, sc_pkcs15_card_t *p15card, sc_pkcs15_auth_info_t *auth_info) { SC_FUNC_CALLED(p15card->card->ctx, SC_LOG_DEBUG_VERBOSE); if (auth_info->auth_type != SC_PKCS15_PIN_AUTH_TYPE_PIN) return SC_ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_VALID; if (auth_info->attrs.pin.flags & SC_PKCS15_PIN_FLAG_SO_PIN) { sc_log(p15card->card->ctx, "PIN_FLAG_SO_PIN, ref (%d), tries_left (%d)", auth_info->attrs.pin.reference, auth_info->tries_left); } else { sc_log(p15card->card->ctx, "PIN_FLAG_PIN, ref (%d), tries_left (%d)", auth_info->attrs.pin.reference, auth_info->tries_left); } if (auth_info->attrs.pin.reference <= 0 || auth_info->attrs.pin.reference > MYEID_MAX_PINS) auth_info->attrs.pin.reference = 1; LOG_FUNC_RETURN(p15card->card->ctx, SC_SUCCESS); } /* * Create a new PIN */ static int myeid_create_pin(struct sc_profile *profile, struct sc_pkcs15_card *p15card, struct sc_file *df, struct sc_pkcs15_object *pin_obj, const unsigned char *pin, size_t pin_len, const unsigned char *puk, size_t puk_len) { struct sc_context *ctx = p15card->card->ctx; unsigned char data[20]; struct sc_cardctl_myeid_data_obj data_obj; struct sc_pkcs15_auth_info *auth_info = (struct sc_pkcs15_auth_info *) pin_obj->data; struct sc_pkcs15_auth_info puk_ainfo; int r; LOG_FUNC_CALLED(ctx); sc_log(ctx, "PIN('%s',ref:%i,flags:0x%X,pin_len:%d,puk_len:%d)\n", pin_obj->label, auth_info->attrs.pin.reference, auth_info->attrs.pin.flags, pin_len, puk_len); if (auth_info->auth_type != SC_PKCS15_PIN_AUTH_TYPE_PIN) return SC_ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_VALID; if (auth_info->attrs.pin.reference >= MYEID_MAX_PINS) return SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; if (pin == NULL || puk == NULL || pin_len < 4 || puk_len < 4) return SC_ERROR_INVALID_PIN_LENGTH; sc_profile_get_pin_info(profile, (auth_info->attrs.pin.flags & SC_PKCS15_PIN_FLAG_SO_PIN) ? SC_PKCS15INIT_SO_PUK : SC_PKCS15INIT_USER_PUK, &puk_ainfo); memset(data, 0, sizeof (data)); /* Make command to add a pin-record */ data_obj.P1 = 0x01; data_obj.P2 = auth_info->attrs.pin.reference; /* myeid pin number */ memset(data, auth_info->attrs.pin.pad_char, 8); memcpy(&data[0], (u8 *) pin, pin_len); /* copy pin */ memset(&data[8], puk_ainfo.attrs.pin.pad_char, 8); memcpy(&data[8], (u8 *) puk, puk_len); /* copy puk */ if (auth_info->tries_left > 0 && auth_info->tries_left < 15) data[16] = auth_info->tries_left; else data[16] = 5; /* default value */ if (puk_ainfo.tries_left > 0 && puk_ainfo.tries_left < 15) data[17] = puk_ainfo.tries_left; else data[17] = 5; /* default value */ data[18] = 0x00; data_obj.Data = data; data_obj.DataLen = 19; r = sc_card_ctl(p15card->card, SC_CARDCTL_MYEID_PUTDATA, &data_obj); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Initialize PIN failed"); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(ctx, r); } /* * Setup file struct & path: get correct template from the profile, construct full path * num = number of objects of this type already on the card */ static int myeid_new_file(sc_profile_t *profile, sc_card_t *card, unsigned int type, unsigned int num, sc_file_t **out) { sc_file_t *file; sc_path_t *p; char name[64]; const char *tag; int r; LOG_FUNC_CALLED(card->ctx); if (type == SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_RSA || type == SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_EC) tag = "private-key"; else if (type == SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PUBKEY_RSA || type == SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PUBKEY_EC) tag = "public-key"; else if ((type & SC_PKCS15_TYPE_CLASS_MASK) == SC_PKCS15_TYPE_CERT) tag = "certificate"; else if ((type & SC_PKCS15_TYPE_CLASS_MASK) == SC_PKCS15_TYPE_DATA_OBJECT) tag = "data"; else { sc_log(card->ctx, "Unsupported file type"); return SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS; } /* Get template from profile */ snprintf(name, sizeof (name), "template-%s", tag); if (sc_profile_get_file(profile, name, &file) < 0) { sc_log(card->ctx, "Profile doesn't define %s", name); return SC_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } /* Auto-increment FID for next object */ file->id += num; p = &file->path; *p = profile->df_info->file->path; p->value[p->len++] = (u8) (file->id / 256); p->value[p->len++] = (u8) (file->id % 256); /* Increment FID until there's no file with such path */ r = sc_select_file(card, p, NULL); while (r == 0) { file->id++; p->value[p->len - 2] = (u8) (file->id / 256); p->value[p->len - 1] = (u8) (file->id % 256); r = sc_select_file(card, p, NULL); } *out = file; LOG_FUNC_RETURN(card->ctx, 0); } static int myeid_encode_private_key(sc_profile_t *profile, sc_card_t *card, struct sc_pkcs15_prkey_rsa *rsa, u8 *key, size_t *keysize, int key_ref) { LOG_FUNC_CALLED(card->ctx); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(card->ctx, 0); } static int myeid_encode_public_key(sc_profile_t *profile, sc_card_t *card, struct sc_pkcs15_prkey_rsa *rsa, u8 *key, size_t *keysize, int key_ref) { LOG_FUNC_CALLED(card->ctx); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(card->ctx, 0); } /* * Store a private key */ static int myeid_create_key(struct sc_profile *profile, struct sc_pkcs15_card *p15card, struct sc_pkcs15_object *object) { struct sc_context *ctx = p15card->card->ctx; struct sc_card *card = p15card->card; struct sc_pkcs15_prkey_info *key_info = (struct sc_pkcs15_prkey_info *) object->data; struct sc_file *file = NULL; int keybits = key_info->modulus_length, r; LOG_FUNC_CALLED(card->ctx); /* Check that the card supports the requested modulus length */ switch (object->type) { case SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_RSA: if (sc_card_find_rsa_alg(p15card->card, keybits) == NULL) LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Unsupported RSA key size"); break; case SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_EC: LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "20140202: waiting for cards and specification from Aventra. VTA"); if (sc_card_find_ec_alg(p15card->card, keybits) == NULL) LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Unsupported EC key size"); break; default: LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Unsupported key type"); break; } sc_log(ctx, "create MyEID private key ID:%s", sc_pkcs15_print_id(&key_info->id)); /* Get the private key file */ r = myeid_new_file(profile, card, object->type, key_info->key_reference, &file); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Cannot get new MyEID private key file"); sc_log(ctx, "Key file size %d", keybits); file->size = keybits; if (object->type == SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_RSA) file->ef_structure = SC_CARDCTL_MYEID_KEY_RSA; else if (object->type == SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_EC) file->ef_structure = SC_CARDCTL_MYEID_KEY_EC; memcpy(&key_info->path.value, &file->path.value, file->path.len); key_info->key_reference = file->path.value[file->path.len - 1] & 0xFF; sc_log(ctx, "Path of MyEID private key file to create %s", sc_print_path(&file->path)); /* Now create the key file */ r = sc_pkcs15init_create_file(profile, p15card, file); sc_file_free(file); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Cannot create MyEID private key file"); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(ctx, r); } /* * Store a private key */ static int myeid_store_key(struct sc_profile *profile, struct sc_pkcs15_card *p15card, struct sc_pkcs15_object *object, struct sc_pkcs15_prkey *prkey) { struct sc_context *ctx = p15card->card->ctx; struct sc_card *card = p15card->card; struct sc_pkcs15_prkey_info *key_info = (struct sc_pkcs15_prkey_info *) object->data; struct sc_cardctl_myeid_gen_store_key_info args; struct sc_file *file = NULL; int r, keybits = key_info->modulus_length; LOG_FUNC_CALLED(ctx); switch (object->type) { case SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_RSA: if (sc_card_find_rsa_alg(p15card->card, keybits) == NULL) LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Unsupported RSA key size"); break; case SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_EC: LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "20140202: waiting for cards and specification from Aventra. VTA"); if (sc_card_find_ec_alg(p15card->card, keybits) == NULL) LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Unsupported EC key size"); if(key_info->field_length != 0) keybits = key_info->field_length; else key_info->field_length = keybits; break; default: LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Store key failed: Unsupported key type"); break; } sc_log(ctx, "store MyEID key with ID:%s and path:%s", sc_pkcs15_print_id(&key_info->id), sc_print_path(&key_info->path)); r = sc_select_file(card, &key_info->path, &file); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Cannot store MyEID key: select key file failed"); r = sc_pkcs15init_authenticate(profile, p15card, file, SC_AC_OP_UPDATE); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "No authorisation to store MyEID private key"); if (file) sc_file_free(file); /* Fill in data structure */ memset(&args, 0, sizeof (args)); args.op_type = OP_TYPE_STORE; if(object->type == SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_RSA) { //args.key_len_bits = keybits; args.key_type = SC_CARDCTL_MYEID_KEY_RSA; args.pubexp_len = prkey->u.rsa.exponent.len; args.pubexp = prkey->u.rsa.exponent.data; args.primep_len = prkey->u.rsa.p.len; args.primep = prkey->u.rsa.p.data; args.primeq_len = prkey->u.rsa.q.len; args.primeq = prkey->u.rsa.q.data; args.dp1_len = prkey->u.rsa.dmp1.len; args.dp1 = prkey->u.rsa.dmp1.data; args.dq1_len = prkey->u.rsa.dmq1.len; args.dq1 = prkey->u.rsa.dmq1.data; args.invq_len = prkey->u.rsa.iqmp.len; args.invq = prkey->u.rsa.iqmp.data; args.key_len_bits = prkey->u.rsa.modulus.len; args.mod = prkey->u.rsa.modulus.data; } else { args.key_type = SC_CARDCTL_MYEID_KEY_EC; args.d = prkey->u.ec.privateD.data; args.d_len = prkey->u.ec.privateD.len; args.ecpublic_point = prkey->u.ec.ecpointQ.value; args.ecpublic_point_len = prkey->u.ec.ecpointQ.len; args.key_len_bits = prkey->u.ec.params.field_length; } /* Store RSA key */ r = sc_card_ctl(card, SC_CARDCTL_MYEID_GENERATE_STORE_KEY, &args); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Card control 'MYEID_GENERATE_STORE_KEY' failed"); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(ctx, r); } static int myeid_generate_key(struct sc_profile *profile, struct sc_pkcs15_card *p15card, struct sc_pkcs15_object *object, struct sc_pkcs15_pubkey *pubkey) { struct sc_context *ctx = p15card->card->ctx; struct sc_card *card = p15card->card; struct sc_pkcs15_prkey_info *key_info = (struct sc_pkcs15_prkey_info *) object->data; struct sc_cardctl_myeid_gen_store_key_info args; struct sc_file *file = NULL; int r; size_t keybits = key_info->modulus_length; unsigned char raw_pubkey[256]; LOG_FUNC_CALLED(ctx); if (object->type != SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_RSA && object->type != SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_EC) LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "Generate key failed: only RSA and EC supported"); /* Check that the card supports the requested modulus length */ switch (object->type) { case SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_RSA: if (sc_card_find_rsa_alg(p15card->card, keybits) == NULL) LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Unsupported RSA key size"); break; case SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_EC: LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "20140202: waiting for cards and specification from Aventra. VTA"); if (sc_card_find_ec_alg(p15card->card, keybits) == NULL) LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Unsupported EC key size"); if(key_info->field_length != 0) keybits = key_info->field_length; else key_info->field_length = keybits; break; default: LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENTS, "Unsupported key type"); break; } sc_log(ctx, "Generate key with ID:%s and path:%s", sc_pkcs15_print_id(&key_info->id), sc_print_path(&key_info->path)); r = sc_select_file(card, &key_info->path, &file); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Cannot generate key: failed to select key file"); r = sc_pkcs15init_authenticate(profile, p15card, file, SC_AC_OP_GENERATE); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "No authorisation to generate private key"); /* Fill in data structure */ memset(&args, 0, sizeof (args)); args.key_len_bits = keybits; args.op_type = OP_TYPE_GENERATE; if (object->type == SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_RSA) { args.key_type = SC_CARDCTL_MYEID_KEY_RSA; args.pubexp_len = MYEID_DEFAULT_PUBKEY_LEN; args.pubexp = MYEID_DEFAULT_PUBKEY; } else if (object->type == SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_EC) { args.key_type = SC_CARDCTL_MYEID_KEY_EC; } /* Generate RSA key */ r = sc_card_ctl(card, SC_CARDCTL_MYEID_GENERATE_STORE_KEY, &args); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Card control 'MYEID_GENERATE_STORE_KEY' failed"); /* Keypair generation -> collect public key info */ if (pubkey != NULL) { struct sc_cardctl_myeid_data_obj data_obj; if (object->type == SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_RSA) { pubkey->algorithm = SC_ALGORITHM_RSA; pubkey->u.rsa.modulus.len = (keybits + 7) / 8; pubkey->u.rsa.modulus.data = malloc(pubkey->u.rsa.modulus.len); pubkey->u.rsa.exponent.len = MYEID_DEFAULT_PUBKEY_LEN; pubkey->u.rsa.exponent.data = malloc(MYEID_DEFAULT_PUBKEY_LEN); memcpy(pubkey->u.rsa.exponent.data, MYEID_DEFAULT_PUBKEY, MYEID_DEFAULT_PUBKEY_LEN); /* Get public key modulus */ r = sc_select_file(card, &file->path, NULL); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Cannot get key modulus: select key file failed"); data_obj.P1 = 0x01; data_obj.P2 = 0x01; data_obj.Data = raw_pubkey; data_obj.DataLen = sizeof (raw_pubkey); r = sc_card_ctl(card, SC_CARDCTL_MYEID_GETDATA, &data_obj); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Cannot get RSA key modulus: 'MYEID_GETDATA' failed"); if ((data_obj.DataLen * 8) != key_info->modulus_length) LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, SC_ERROR_PKCS15INIT, "Cannot get RSA key modulus: invalid key-size"); memcpy(pubkey->u.rsa.modulus.data, raw_pubkey, pubkey->u.rsa.modulus.len); } else if (object->type == SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PRKEY_EC) { pubkey->algorithm = SC_ALGORITHM_EC; r = sc_select_file(card, &file->path, NULL); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Cannot get public key: select key file failed"); data_obj.P1 = 0x01; data_obj.P2 = 0x86; /* Get public EC key (Q) */ data_obj.Data = raw_pubkey; data_obj.DataLen = sizeof (raw_pubkey); r = sc_card_ctl(card, SC_CARDCTL_MYEID_GETDATA, &data_obj); LOG_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "Cannot get EC public key: 'MYEID_GETDATA' failed"); /* * TODO DEE - this looks like a bug... * pubkey->u.ec.ecpointQ.value is just value. "04||X||Y" * pubkey->data.value should be DER OCTET STRING * but * pubkey->data.value looks like TLV with TAG if 0x86 * and single byte length. * Could call sc_pkcs15_encode_pubkey * to set pubkey->data.value */ pubkey->u.ec.ecpointQ.value = malloc(data_obj.DataLen - 2); pubkey->u.ec.ecpointQ.len = data_obj.DataLen - 2; //pubkey->data.value = malloc(data_obj.DataLen); //pubkey->data.len = data_obj.DataLen; pubkey->u.ec.params.field_length = keybits; /* Omit the first 2 bytes (0x86??) */ memcpy(pubkey->u.ec.ecpointQ.value, data_obj.Data + 2, data_obj.DataLen - 2); //memcpy(pubkey->data.value, data_obj.Data, data_obj.DataLen); } } if (file) sc_file_free(file); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(ctx, r); } /* Finish initialization. After this ACL is in affect */ static int myeid_finalize_card(sc_card_t *card) { LOG_FUNC_CALLED(card->ctx); LOG_FUNC_RETURN(card->ctx, sc_card_ctl(card, SC_CARDCTL_MYEID_ACTIVATE_CARD, NULL)); } /* * Create a new PIN */ static struct sc_pkcs15init_operations sc_pkcs15init_myeid_operations = { myeid_erase_card, myeid_init_card, /* init_card */ myeid_create_dir, /* create_dir */ NULL, /* create_domain */ myeid_select_pin_reference, myeid_create_pin, NULL, /* select_key_reference */ myeid_create_key, myeid_store_key, myeid_generate_key, myeid_encode_private_key, myeid_encode_public_key, myeid_finalize_card, myeid_delete_object, /* delete_object */ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, /* pkcs15init emulation */ NULL /* sanity_check */ }; struct sc_pkcs15init_operations *sc_pkcs15init_get_myeid_ops(void) { return &sc_pkcs15init_myeid_operations; }