/* * copy - test program for my getopt() re-implementation * * This program is in the public domain. */ #define COPYRIGHT \ "This program is in the public domain." /* for isprint(), printf(), fopen(), perror(), getenv(), strcmp(), etc. */ #include #include #include #include /* for my getopt() re-implementation */ #include "compat_getopt.h" #undef VERSION #define VERSION "0.3" /* the default verbosity level is 0 (no verbose reporting) */ static unsigned verbose = 0; /* print version and copyright information */ static void version(char *progname) { printf("%s version %s\n" "%s\n", progname, VERSION, COPYRIGHT); } /* print a help summary */ static void help(char *progname) { printf("Usage: %s [options] [FILE]...\n" "Options:\n" "-h or -help show this message and exit\n" "-append append to the output file\n" "-o FILE or\n" "-output FILE send output to FILE (default is stdout)\n" "-r or --rotate rotate letters 13 positions (rot13)\n" "-rNUM or\n" "--rotate=NUM rotate letters NUM positions\n" "-truncate truncate the output file " "(this is the default)\n" "-v or -verbose increase the level of verbosity by 1" "(the default is 0)\n" "-vNUM or\n" "-verbose=NUM set the level of verbosity to NUM\n" "-V or -version print program version and exit\n" "\n" "This program reads the specified FILEs " "(or stdin if none are given)\n" "and writes their bytes to the specified output FILE " "(or stdout if none is\n" "given.) It can optionally rotate letters.\n", progname); } /* print usage information to stderr */ static void usage(char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "Summary: %s [-help] [-version] [options] [FILE]...\n", progname); } /* input file handler -- returns nonzero or exit()s on failure */ static int handle(char *progname, FILE *infile, char *infilename, FILE *outfile, char *outfilename, int rotate) { int c; unsigned long bytes_copied = 0; if (verbose > 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: copying from `%s' to `%s'\n", progname, infilename, outfilename); } while ((c = getc(infile)) != EOF) { if (rotate && isalpha(c)) { const char *letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; char *match; if ((match = strchr(letters, tolower(c)))) { char rc = letters[(match - letters + rotate) % 26]; if (isupper(c)) rc = toupper(rc); c = rc; } } if (putc(c, outfile) == EOF) { perror(outfilename); exit(1); } bytes_copied ++; } if (! feof(infile)) { perror(infilename); return 1; } if (verbose > 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %lu bytes copied from `%s' to `%s'\n", progname, bytes_copied, infilename, outfilename); } return 0; } /* argument parser and dispatcher */ int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { /* the program name */ char *progname = argv[0]; /* during argument parsing, opt contains the return value from getopt() */ int opt; /* the output filename is initially 0 (a.k.a. stdout) */ char *outfilename = 0; /* the default return value is initially 0 (success) */ int retval = 0; /* initially we truncate */ int append = 0; /* initially we don't rotate letters */ int rotate = 0; /* short options string */ char *shortopts = "Vho:r::v::"; /* long options list */ struct option longopts[] = { /* name, has_arg, flag, val */ /* longind */ { "append", no_argument, 0, 0 }, /* 0 */ { "truncate", no_argument, 0, 0 }, /* 1 */ { "version", no_argument, 0, 'V' }, /* 3 */ { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, /* 4 */ { "output", required_argument, 0, 'o' }, /* 5 */ { "rotate", optional_argument, 0, 'r' }, /* 6 */ { "verbose", optional_argument, 0, 'v' }, /* 7 */ /* end-of-list marker */ { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; /* long option list index */ int longind = 0; /* * print a warning when the POSIXLY_CORRECT environment variable will * interfere with argument placement */ if (getenv("POSIXLY_CORRECT")) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: " "Warning: implicit argument reordering disallowed by " "POSIXLY_CORRECT\n", progname); } /* parse all options from the command line */ while ((opt = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, shortopts, longopts, &longind)) != -1) switch (opt) { case 0: /* a long option without an equivalent short option */ switch (longind) { case 0: /* -append */ append = 1; break; case 1: /* -truncate */ append = 0; break; default: /* something unexpected has happened */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: " "getopt_long_only unexpectedly returned %d for `--%s'\n", progname, opt, longopts[longind].name); return 1; } break; case 'V': /* -version */ version(progname); return 0; case 'h': /* -help */ help(progname); return 0; case 'r': /* -rotate[=NUM] */ if (optarg) { /* we use this while trying to parse a numeric argument */ char ignored; if (sscanf(optarg, "%d%c", &rotate, &ignored) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: " "rotation `%s' is not a number\n", progname, optarg); usage(progname); return 2; } /* normalize rotation */ while (rotate < 0) { rotate += 26; } rotate %= 26; } else rotate = 13; break; case 'o': /* -output=FILE */ outfilename = optarg; /* we allow "-" as a synonym for stdout here */ if (! strcmp(optarg, "-")) { outfilename = 0; } break; case 'v': /* -verbose[=NUM] */ if (optarg) { /* we use this while trying to parse a numeric argument */ char ignored; if (sscanf(optarg, "%u%c", &verbose, &ignored) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: " "verbosity level `%s' is not a number\n", progname, optarg); usage(progname); return 2; } } else verbose ++; break; case '?': /* getopt_long_only noticed an error */ usage(progname); return 2; default: /* something unexpected has happened */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: " "getopt_long_only returned an unexpected value (%d)\n", progname, opt); return 1; } /* re-open stdout to outfilename, if requested */ if (outfilename) { if (! freopen(outfilename, (append ? "a" : "w"), stdout)) { perror(outfilename); return 1; } } else { /* make a human-readable version of the output filename "-" */ outfilename = "stdout"; /* you can't truncate stdout */ append = 1; } if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: verbosity level is %u; %s `%s'; rotation %d\n", progname, verbose, (append ? "appending to" : "truncating"), outfilename, rotate); } if (verbose > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d input file(s) were given\n", progname, ((argc > optind) ? (argc - optind) : 0)); } if (verbose > 3) { fprintf(stderr, "\topterr: %d\n\toptind: %d\n\toptopt: %d (%c)\n\toptarg: %s\n", opterr, optind, optopt, optopt, optarg ? optarg : "(null)"); } /* handle each of the input files (or stdin, if no files were given) */ if (optind < argc) { int argindex; for (argindex = optind; argindex < argc; argindex ++) { char *infilename = argv[argindex]; FILE *infile; /* we allow "-" as a synonym for stdin here */ if (! strcmp(infilename, "-")) { infile = stdin; infilename = "stdin"; } else if (! (infile = fopen(infilename, "r"))) { perror(infilename); retval = 1; continue; } if (handle(progname, infile, argv[optind], stdout, outfilename, rotate)) { retval = 1; fclose(infile); continue; } if ((infile != stdin) && fclose(infile)) { perror(infilename); retval = 1; } } } else { retval = handle(progname, stdin, "stdin", stdout, outfilename, rotate); } /* close stdout */ if (fclose(stdout)) { perror(outfilename); return 1; } if (verbose > 3) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: normal return, exit code is %d\n", progname, retval); } return retval; }