language: c matrix: include: - compiler: clang os: osx env: DO_PUSH_ARTIFACT=yes - compiler: gcc os: linux env: - DO_SIMULATION=yes - ENABLE_DOC=--enable-doc sudo: true - env: - HOST=x86_64-w64-mingw32 - DO_PUSH_ARTIFACT=yes - env: - HOST=i686-w64-mingw32 - DO_PUSH_ARTIFACT=yes - env: DO_COVERITY_SCAN=yes env: global: # The next declaration are encrypted envirnmet variables, created via the # "travis encrypt" command using the project repo's public key # COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN - secure: "UkHn7wy4im8V1nebCWbAetnDSOLRUbOlF6++ovk/7Bnso1/lnhXHelyzgRxfD/oI68wm9nnRV+RQEZ9+72Ug1CyvHxyyxxkwal/tPeHH4B/L+aGdPi0id+5OZSKIm77VP3m5s102sJMJgH7DFd03+nUd0K26p0tk8ad4j1geV4c=" # GH_TOKEN - secure: "cUAvpN/XUPMIN5cgWAbIOhghRoLXyw7SCydzGaJ1Ucqb9Ml2v5iuLLuN57YbZHTiWw03vy6rYVzzwMDrHX8r3oUALsv7ViJHG4PzIe7fAFZsZpHECmGsp6SEnue7m7BNy3FT8KYbiXxnxDO0SxmFXlrPAYR0WMZCWx2TENYcafs=" - COVERITY_SCAN_BRANCH_PATTERN="(master|coverity.*)" - COVERITY_SCAN_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL="" - COVERITY_SCAN_BUILD_COMMAND="make -j 4" - COVERITY_SCAN_PROJECT_NAME="$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" - SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=$(git log -1 --pretty=%ct) addons: apt_packages: - binutils-mingw-w64-i686 - binutils-mingw-w64-x86-64 - docbook-xsl - gcc-mingw-w64-i686 - gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64 - libpcsclite-dev - mingw-w64 - wine - xsltproc - gengetopt - libcmocka-dev - help2man - pcscd - check before_install: - if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]; then brew update; brew uninstall libtool; brew install libtool; brew install gengetopt help2man cmocka ccache; export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ccache/libexec:$PATH"; fi before_script: - if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" -a "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then ./bootstrap; fi - if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" -a "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then ./ -s "-pr$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST"; fi - if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "master" -a "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ]; then ./ -s "-$TRAVIS_BRANCH"; fi - if [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" != "master" -a "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" != "false" ]; then ./ -s "-$TRAVIS_BRANCH-pr$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST"; fi - if [ -z "$HOST" ]; then CFLAGS="-Werror" ./configure $ENABLE_DOC --enable-dnie-ui; else if [ ! -f "$(winepath 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Inno Setup 5/ISCC.exe')" ]; then /sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /tmp/ --make-pidfile --background --exec /usr/bin/Xvfb -- :99 -ac -screen 0 1280x1024x16; export DISPLAY=:99.0; [ -f isetup-5.5.6.exe ] || wget; wine isetup-5.5.6.exe /SILENT /VERYSILENT /SP- /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART; fi; unset CC; unset CXX; ./configure --host=$HOST --with-completiondir=/tmp --disable-openssl --disable-readline --disable-zlib --disable-notify --prefix=${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/win32/opensc || cat config.log; fi # Optionally try to upload to Coverity Scan # On error (propably quota is exhausted), just continue - if [ "${DO_COVERITY_SCAN}" = "yes" ]; then curl -s '' | bash || true; fi - if [ "${DO_SIMULATION}" = "yes" ]; then git clone; cd vsmartcard/virtualsmartcard; autoreconf -vis && ./configure && sudo make install; cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR; sudo /etc/init.d/pcscd restart; git clone; export JC_HOME=$PWD/oracle_javacard_sdks/jc222_kit; export JC_CLASSIC_HOME=$PWD/oracle_javacard_sdks/jc305u3_kit; git clone; cd jcardsim; mvn initialize && mvn clean install; cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR; git clone; javac -classpath jcardsim/target/jcardsim-3.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar IsoApplet/src/net/pwendland/javacard/pki/isoapplet/*.java; echo "com.licel.jcardsim.card.applet.0.AID=F276A288BCFBA69D34F31001" > isoapplet_jcardsim.cfg; echo "com.licel.jcardsim.card.applet.0.Class=net.pwendland.javacard.pki.isoapplet.IsoApplet" >> isoapplet_jcardsim.cfg; echo "com.licel.jcardsim.card.ATR=3B80800101" >> isoapplet_jcardsim.cfg; echo "" >> isoapplet_jcardsim.cfg; echo "com.licel.jcardsim.vsmartcard.port=35963" >> isoapplet_jcardsim.cfg; git clone; javac -classpath jcardsim/target/jcardsim-3.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar GidsApplet/src/com/mysmartlogon/gidsApplet/*.java; echo "com.licel.jcardsim.card.applet.0.AID=A000000397425446590201" > gids_jcardsim.cfg; echo "com.licel.jcardsim.card.applet.0.Class=com.mysmartlogon.gidsApplet.GidsApplet" >> gids_jcardsim.cfg; echo "com.licel.jcardsim.card.ATR=3B80800101" >> gids_jcardsim.cfg; echo "" >> gids_jcardsim.cfg; echo "com.licel.jcardsim.vsmartcard.port=35963" >> gids_jcardsim.cfg; git clone --recursive; cd ykneo-openpgp; ant -DJAVACARD_HOME=${JC_HOME}; cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR; echo "com.licel.jcardsim.card.applet.0.AID=D2760001240102000000000000010000" > openpgp_jcardsim.cfg; echo "com.licel.jcardsim.card.applet.0.Class=openpgpcard.OpenPGPApplet" >> openpgp_jcardsim.cfg; echo "com.licel.jcardsim.card.ATR=3B80800101" >> openpgp_jcardsim.cfg; echo "" >> openpgp_jcardsim.cfg; echo "com.licel.jcardsim.vsmartcard.port=35963" >> openpgp_jcardsim.cfg; git clone --recursive; cd PivApplet; ant dist; cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR; git clone; cd yubico-piv-tool; autoreconf -vis && ./configure && sudo make install; cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR; fi script: - if [ "${DO_COVERITY_SCAN}" != "yes" ]; then if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == osx ]; then ./MacOSX/build; else make -j 4; fi; fi - if [ -z "$HOST" -a "${DO_COVERITY_SCAN}" != "yes" ]; then make check && make dist; fi - if [ ! -z "$HOST" -a "${DO_COVERITY_SCAN}" != "yes" ]; then make install; wine "C:/Program Files (x86)/Inno Setup 5/ISCC.exe" win32/OpenSC.iss; fi - if [ "${DO_SIMULATION}" = "yes" ]; then set -ex; sudo make install; export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib; java -noverify -cp IsoApplet/src/:jcardsim/target/jcardsim-3.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar com.licel.jcardsim.remote.VSmartCard isoapplet_jcardsim.cfg >/dev/null & sleep 5; opensc-tool --card-driver default --send-apdu 80b800001a0cf276a288bcfba69d34f310010cf276a288bcfba69d34f3100100; opensc-tool -n; killall java; java -noverify -cp GidsApplet/src/:jcardsim/target/jcardsim-3.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar com.licel.jcardsim.remote.VSmartCard gids_jcardsim.cfg >/dev/null & sleep 5; opensc-tool --card-driver default --send-apdu 80b80000190bA0000003974254465902010bA00000039742544659020100; opensc-tool -n; gids-tool --initialize --pin 123456 --admin-key 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --serial 00000000000000000000000000000000; killall java; java -noverify -cp ykneo-openpgp/applet/bin:jcardsim/target/jcardsim-3.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar com.licel.jcardsim.remote.VSmartCard openpgp_jcardsim.cfg >/dev/null & sleep 5; opensc-tool --card-driver default --send-apdu 80b800002210D276000124010200000000000001000010D276000124010200000000000001000000; opensc-tool -n; pkcs11-tool -l -t -p 123456; killall java; java -noverify -cp PivApplet/bin/:jcardsim/target/jcardsim-3.0.5-SNAPSHOT.jar com.licel.jcardsim.remote.VSmartCard PivApplet/test/jcardsim.cfg >/dev/null & sleep 5; opensc-tool --card-driver default --send-apdu 80b80000120ba000000308000010000100050000020F0F7f; opensc-tool -n; yubico-piv-tool -r 'Virtual PCD 00 00' -P 123456 -s 9e -a generate > pubkey-9e.pem; yubico-piv-tool -r 'Virtual PCD 00 00' -P 123456 -s 9e -a selfsign-certificate -S '/CN=test' < pubkey-9e.pem > cert-9e.pem; yubico-piv-tool -r 'Virtual PCD 00 00' -P 123456 -s 9e -a import-certificate < cert-9e.pem; pkcs11-tool -l -t -p 123456; killall java; set +ex; fi after_script: # kill process started during compilation to finish the build, see # for details - if [ ! -z "$HOST" ]; then killall services.exe; fi # keep in sync with appveyor.yml - if [ "${DO_PUSH_ARTIFACT}" = "yes" -a "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" = "false" -a "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" = "OpenSC/OpenSC" ]; then git config --global ""; git config --global "Travis CI"; .github/ "Travis CI build ${TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER}"; fi before_cache: - brew cleanup cache: apt: true ccache: true directories: - $HOME/.m2/ - $HOME/Library/Caches/Homebrew - openssl_bin - openpace_bin files: - isetup-5.5.6.exe