Andreas Jellinghaus Driver for USB Crypto Token
About usbtoken This project implements a way for OpenSC to access usb crypto tokens such as: Aladdin eToken PRO Rainbow iKey 2032 Rainbow iKey 3000 Entron CryptoIdentity This project is the successor of the etoken project which created an PC/SC ifdhandler for the Aladdin eToken PRO. Interfacing directly with OpenSC is much easier than using one of the old but well known interfaces like CT-API or PC/SC.
Status and Compatiblity The Aladdin eToken seems to work fine. However OpenSC is not compatible with using the eToken under Windows: the Aladdin driver stores certificates and keys in a proprietory way, so we cannot access these from Linux. Aladdin has written their own Linux driver and PKCS#11 implementation, however it is hard to get. Ask you Aladdin representative for it if you need compatility with windows. If you have an Aladdin eToken PRO, you might want to try the old etoken driver on . The green Eutron Cryptotoken 5 (with Siemens CardOS) is working with opensc-explorer. Eutrons implementation is also not using PKCS#15 but a proprietory storage format. Eutron has an implementaion for linux, but only for the black and blue keys. The pcsc driver works also with the green key, but the pkcs#11 implementation does not.
Requirements Currently the usbtoken only works with linux (kernel 2.4.* series and kernel 2.5.* series were tested), but ports to other operating systems should be possible. If you want to port usbtoken, please contact: Andreas Jellinghaus You need a kernel compiled with CONFIG_HOTPLUG and CONFIG_USB_DEVICEFS, and the usb device filesystem must be mounted to /proc/bus/usb. And of course kernel support for your usb hub. I guess any linux distribution with kernel 2.4 will be allright and require no changes. Users of other operating systems, please see the porting section.
Installation without hotplug utils ls /sbin/hotplug If there is no such file, the installation is very easy: ln -s /path/to/opensc/sbin/usbtoken /sbin/hotplug mkdir /var/run/usbtoken chmod 755 /var/run/usbtoken Now attach some usb token. The kernel will start /sbin/hotplug, and you can see some usbtoken running as daemon: you will find a pid file in /var/run and a socket in /var/run/usbtoken/.
Installation with hotplut utils First the general instructions, then the debian specific instructions. As usual debian does everything a bit different. That doesn't mean it is necessarily better or worse. Edit /etc/hotplug/usb.usermap and add these lines: usbtoken 0x0003 0x0529 0x050c 0x0000 0x0001 0xff 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00000000 usbtoken 0x0003 0x0529 0x0514 0x0000 0x0001 0xff 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00000000 usbtoken 0x0003 0x04b9 0x1202 0x0000 0x0001 0xff 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00000000 usbtoken 0x0003 0x04b9 0x1300 0x0000 0x0001 0xff 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00000000 usbtoken 0x0003 0x073d 0x0005 0x0020 0x0001 0xff 0x00 0x00 0xff 0x00 0x00 0x00000000 Create the directory /etc/hotplug/usb and add a symlink to usbtoken. Also create the directory /var/run/usbtoken and set permissions to 0755 (everyone can access that directory): ln -s /path/to/opensc/sbin/usbtoken /etc/hotplug/usb/ mkdir /var/run/usbtoken chmod 0755 /var/run/usbtoken
Security By default everyone can use the usbtokens. If you want to limit this to a certain user: chown user /var/run/usbtoken/ chmod 0700 /var/run/usbtoken/ Or if you want to limit this to a certain group: chgrp group /var/run/usbtoken/ chmod 0750 /var/run/usbtoken/
Debugging TODO: send me problem reports and I will add advice here. Edit src/usbtoken/Makefile and and add "-DUSB_DEBUG" to CFLAGS. make clean, make, make install. Now it will dump all usb traffic to syslog. I should be able to understand what is going wrong based on that log file. For development I use a special crafted /sbin/hotplug shell script that creates another script /root/sim whis I invoke in an xterm. That script spawns gdb so I can debug the whole process. In gdb I usualy set a breakpoint, and run the command with r usb. My hotplug script: #!/bin/sh if [ -n "$PRODUCT" ] then if [ "$ACTION" = "add" ] then export > /root/sim echo "echo $*" >> /root/sim echo gdb /home/aj/opensc/sbin/usbtoken >> /root/sim fi fi exit 0
Porting To port usbtoken mainly usb.c needs some changes. The core sequence for linux is: ... struct usbdevfs_ctrltransfer ctrl; int rc; ctrl.requesttype = type; ctrl.request = req; ctrl.value = value; ctrl.index = index; ctrl.length = size; = buf; ctrl.timeout = 10000; rc = ioctl(usbtoken.usbfd, USBDEVFS_CONTROL, &ctrl); ]]> rc now has the error (-1/errno/strerror) or the number of bytes read/written on success. Change it to suit your OS, or let me know how to do it, and usb should work. Usbtoken also needs an usb device filesystem or some device it can open and use with I/O controls. That should be available with every OS. Finaly usbtoken depends to be called by some hotplug mechanism. Under linux the kernel executes /sbin/hotplug everytime a device is added (or removed, but I don't use that). If your OS has no such service, you can write a daemon that somehow finds out when a device is added and start usbtoken with the required environment settings. Windows? Ugh. I have no idea about windows, what we can do, how it works, etc. Volunteers welcome.