# Note: these instructions obsolete the instructions in opensc.html # You first need to download the gnuwin32 libtool (e.g. the "Binaries" and "Developer # files" from http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/libtool.htm) # Then fill in the directory path to ltdl.h on the LIBLTDL_INCL line below, preceeded # by an "/I"; and fill in the path to the libltdl.lib on the LIBLTDL_LIB line below. # Then you can build this OpenSC package; and afterwards you'll need to copy the # libltdl3.dll somewhere on your execution path. LIBLTDL_INCL = # E.g. /IC:\libtool-1.5.8-lib\include LIBLTDL_LIB = # E.g. C:\libtool-1.5.8-lib\lib\libltdl.lib # If you want support for OpenSSL (needed for a.o. pkcs15-init tool and openssl engine): # - download and build OpenSSL # - uncomment the line starting with OPENSSL_DEF # - set the OPENSSL_INCL_DIR below to your openssl include directory, preceded by "/I" # - set the OPENSSL_LIB below to your openssl lib file #OPENSSL_DEF = /DHAVE_OPENSSL !IF "$(OPENSSL_DEF)" == "/DHAVE_OPENSSL" OPENSSL_INCL_DIR = /IC:\openssl\include OPENSSL_LIB = C:\openssl\out32dll\libeay32.lib PKCS15_INIT = pkcs15-init.exe !ENDIF COPTS = /Zi /MD /nologo /DHAVE_CONFIG_H /I$(TOPDIR)\src\include /I$(TOPDIR)\src\include\opensc $(OPENSSL_INCL_DIR) $(LIBLTDL_INCL) /D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400 $(OPENSSL_DEF) LINKFLAGS = /DEBUG /NOLOGO /INCREMENTAL:NO /MACHINE:IX86 install-headers: @for %i in ( $(HEADERS) ) do \ @xcopy /d /q /y %i $(HEADERSDIR) > nul install-headers-dir: @for %i in ( $(HEADERSDIRFROM2) ) do \ @xcopy /d /q /y %i\*.h $(HEADERSDIR2)\*.h > nul .c.obj:: cl $(COPTS) /c $< clean:: del /Q *.obj *.dll *.exe