/* * misc.c: Miscellaneous PKCS#11 library helper functions * * Copyright (C) 2002 Timo Teräs * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include "sc-pkcs11.h" #define DUMP_TEMPLATE_MAX 32 void strcpy_bp(u8 *dst, const char *src, int dstsize) { int c = strlen(src) > dstsize ? dstsize : strlen(src); memcpy((char *) dst, src, c); dstsize -= c; memset((char *) dst + c, ' ', dstsize); } CK_RV sc_to_cryptoki_error(int rc, int reader) { switch (rc) { case SC_SUCCESS: return CKR_OK; case SC_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED: return CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED; case SC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return CKR_HOST_MEMORY; case SC_ERROR_PIN_CODE_INCORRECT: return CKR_PIN_INCORRECT; case SC_ERROR_AUTH_METHOD_BLOCKED: return CKR_PIN_LOCKED; case SC_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL: return CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; case SC_ERROR_CARD_NOT_PRESENT: card_removed(reader); return CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT; case SC_ERROR_INVALID_CARD: return CKR_TOKEN_NOT_RECOGNIZED; case SC_ERROR_WRONG_LENGTH: return CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE; case SC_ERROR_INVALID_PIN_LENGTH: return CKR_PIN_LEN_RANGE; case SC_ERROR_KEYPAD_CANCELLED: return CKR_FUNCTION_CANCELED; case SC_ERROR_CARD_REMOVED: return CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED; case SC_ERROR_SECURITY_STATUS_NOT_SATISFIED: return CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN; case SC_ERROR_KEYPAD_PIN_MISMATCH: return CKR_PIN_INVALID; } return CKR_GENERAL_ERROR; } void dump_template(const char *info, CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount) { int i, j, count; for (i = 0; i < ulCount; i++) { char foo[4 * DUMP_TEMPLATE_MAX + 1] = "", *p; unsigned char *value = (unsigned char*) pTemplate[i].pValue; if (pTemplate[i].pValue) { count = pTemplate[i].ulValueLen; if (count > DUMP_TEMPLATE_MAX) count = DUMP_TEMPLATE_MAX; for (j = 0, p = foo; j < count; j++) { p += sprintf(p, "%02X", value[j]); } debug(context, "%s: Attribute 0x%x = %s%s (length=%d)\n", info, pTemplate[i].type, foo, (count < pTemplate[i].ulValueLen)? "..." : "", pTemplate[i].ulValueLen); } else { debug(context, "%s: Attribute 0x%x, length inquiry\n", info, pTemplate[i].type); } } } /* Pool */ CK_RV pool_initialize(struct sc_pkcs11_pool *pool, int type) { pool->type = type; pool->next_free_handle = 1; pool->num_items = 0; pool->head = pool->tail = NULL; return CKR_OK; } CK_RV pool_insert(struct sc_pkcs11_pool *pool, void *item_ptr, CK_ULONG_PTR pHandle) { struct sc_pkcs11_pool_item *item; int handle = pool->next_free_handle++; item = (struct sc_pkcs11_pool_item*) malloc(sizeof(struct sc_pkcs11_pool_item)); if (pHandle != NULL) *pHandle = handle; item->handle = handle; item->item = item_ptr; item->next = NULL; item->prev = pool->tail; if (pool->head != NULL && pool->tail != NULL) { pool->tail->next = item; pool->tail = item; } else pool->head = pool->tail = item; return CKR_OK; } CK_RV pool_find(struct sc_pkcs11_pool *pool, CK_ULONG handle, void **item_ptr) { struct sc_pkcs11_pool_item *item; if (context == NULL) return CKR_CRYPTOKI_NOT_INITIALIZED; for (item = pool->head; item != NULL; item = item->next) { if (item->handle == handle) { *item_ptr = item->item; return CKR_OK; } } return (pool->type == POOL_TYPE_OBJECT)? CKR_OBJECT_HANDLE_INVALID : CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID; } CK_RV pool_find_and_delete(struct sc_pkcs11_pool *pool, CK_ULONG handle, void **item_ptr) { struct sc_pkcs11_pool_item *item; if (context == NULL) return CKR_CRYPTOKI_NOT_INITIALIZED; for (item = pool->head; item != NULL; item = item->next) { if (handle == 0 || item->handle == handle) { if (item->prev) item->prev->next = item->next; if (item->next) item->next->prev = item->prev; if (pool->head == item) pool->head = item->next; if (pool->tail == item) pool->tail = item->prev; *item_ptr = item->item; free(item); return CKR_OK; } } return (pool->type == POOL_TYPE_OBJECT)? CKR_OBJECT_HANDLE_INVALID : CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID; } /* Session manipulation */ CK_RV session_start_operation(struct sc_pkcs11_session *session, int type, sc_pkcs11_mechanism_type_t *mech, struct sc_pkcs11_operation **operation) { sc_pkcs11_operation_t *op; if (context == NULL) return CKR_CRYPTOKI_NOT_INITIALIZED; if (type < 0 || type >= SC_PKCS11_OPERATION_MAX) return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD; if (session->operation[type] != NULL) return CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE; if (!(op = sc_pkcs11_new_operation(session, mech))) return CKR_HOST_MEMORY; session->operation[type] = op; if (operation) *operation = op; return CKR_OK; } CK_RV session_get_operation(struct sc_pkcs11_session *session, int type, sc_pkcs11_operation_t **operation) { sc_pkcs11_operation_t *op; if (type < 0 || type >= SC_PKCS11_OPERATION_MAX) return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD; if (!(op = session->operation[type])) return CKR_OPERATION_NOT_INITIALIZED; if (operation) *operation = op; return CKR_OK; } CK_RV session_stop_operation(struct sc_pkcs11_session *session, int type) { if (type < 0 || type >= SC_PKCS11_OPERATION_MAX) return CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD; if (session->operation[type] == NULL) return CKR_OPERATION_NOT_INITIALIZED; sc_pkcs11_release_operation(&session->operation[type]); return CKR_OK; } CK_RV attr_extract(CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pAttr, void *ptr, size_t *sizep) { unsigned int size; if (sizep) { size = *sizep; if (size < pAttr->ulValueLen) return CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID; *sizep = pAttr->ulValueLen; } else { switch (pAttr->type) { case CKA_CLASS: size = sizeof(CK_OBJECT_CLASS); break; case CKA_KEY_TYPE: size = sizeof(CK_KEY_TYPE); break; case CKA_PRIVATE: size = sizeof(CK_BBOOL); break; default: return CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED; } if (size != pAttr->ulValueLen) return CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID; } memcpy(ptr, pAttr->pValue, pAttr->ulValueLen); return CKR_OK; } CK_RV attr_find(CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_ULONG type, void *ptr, size_t *sizep) { unsigned int n; for (n = 0; n < ulCount; n++, pTemplate++) { if (pTemplate->type == type) break; } if (n >= ulCount) return CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE; return attr_extract(pTemplate, ptr, sizep); } CK_RV attr_find_ptr(CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_ULONG type, void **ptr, size_t *sizep) { unsigned int n; for (n = 0; n < ulCount; n++, pTemplate++) { if (pTemplate->type == type) break; } if (n >= ulCount) return CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE; if (sizep) *sizep = pTemplate->ulValueLen; *ptr = pTemplate->pValue; return CKR_OK; } CK_RV attr_find_var(CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, CK_ULONG ulCount, CK_ULONG type, void *ptr, size_t *sizep) { unsigned int n; for (n = 0; n < ulCount; n++, pTemplate++) { if (pTemplate->type == type) break; } if (n >= ulCount) return CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE; return attr_extract(pTemplate, ptr, sizep); } void load_pkcs11_parameters(struct sc_pkcs11_config *conf, struct sc_context *ctx) { scconf_block *conf_block = NULL, **blocks; int i; /* Set defaults */ conf->num_slots = SC_PKCS11_DEF_SLOTS_PER_CARD; conf->hide_empty_tokens = 0; conf->lock_login = 1; conf->cache_pins = 0; for (i = 0; ctx->conf_blocks[i] != NULL; i++) { blocks = scconf_find_blocks(ctx->conf, ctx->conf_blocks[i], "pkcs11", NULL); conf_block = blocks[0]; free(blocks); if (conf_block != NULL) break; } if (!conf_block) return; conf->num_slots = scconf_get_int(conf_block, "num_slots", conf->num_slots); conf->hide_empty_tokens = scconf_get_bool(conf_block, "hide_empty_tokens", 0); conf->lock_login = scconf_get_bool(conf_block, "lock_login", 1); conf->cache_pins = scconf_get_bool(conf_block, "cache_pins", 0); }