/* * openpgp-tool.c: OpenPGP card utility * * Copyright (C) 2012 Peter Marschall * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "config.h" #include #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #include #include #include "common/compat_getopt.h" #include "libopensc/opensc.h" #include "libopensc/asn1.h" #include "libopensc/cards.h" #include "util.h" #define OPT_RAW 256 #define OPT_PRETTY 257 /* define structures */ struct ef_name_map { const char *name; const char *env_name; const char *ef; char *(*prettify_value)(char *); }; /* declare functions */ static void show_version(void); static char *prettify_name(char *str); static char *prettify_language(char *str); static char *prettify_gender(char *str); static void display_data(const struct ef_name_map *mapping, char *value); static int decode_options(int argc, char **argv); static int do_userinfo(sc_card_t *card); static int read_transp(sc_card_t *card, const char *pathstring, unsigned char *buf, int buflen); static void bintohex(char *buf, int len); /* define global variables */ static int actions = 0; static char *opt_reader = NULL; static int opt_wait = 0; static int opt_raw = 0; static int verbose = 0; static int opt_userinfo = 0; static int opt_cardinfo = 0; static char *exec_program = NULL; static const char *app_name = "openpgp-tool"; static const struct option options[] = { { "reader", required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "wait", no_argument, NULL, 'w' }, { "exec", required_argument, NULL, 'x' }, { "raw", no_argument, NULL, OPT_RAW }, { "pretty", no_argument, NULL, OPT_PRETTY }, { "card-info", no_argument, NULL, 'C' }, { "user-info", no_argument, NULL, 'U' }, { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 } }; static const char *option_help[] = { /* r */ "Use reader number [0]", /* w */ "Wait for card insertion", /* x */ "Execute program with data in env vars", "Print values in raw format", "Print values in pretty format", /* C */ NULL, /* U */ "Show card holder information", /* h */ "Print this help message", /* v */ "Verbose operation. Use several times to enable debug output.", /* V */ "Show version number" }; static const struct ef_name_map openpgp_data[] = { { "Account", "OPENGPG_ACCOUNT", "3F00:005E", NULL }, { "URL", "OPENPGP_URL", "3F00:5F50", NULL }, { "Name", "OPENPGP_NAME", "3F00:0065:005B", prettify_name }, { "Language", "OPENPGP_LANG", "3F00:0065:5F2D", prettify_language }, { "Gender", "OPENPGP_GENDER", "3F00:0065:5F35", prettify_gender }, { "DO 0101", "OPENPGP_DO0101", "3F00:0101", NULL }, { "DO 0102", "OPENPGP_DO0102", "3F00:0102", NULL }, // { "DO 0103", "OPENPGP_DO0103", "3F00:0103", NULL }, // { "DO 0104", "OPENPGP_DO0104", "3F00:0104", NULL }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static void show_version(void) { fprintf(stderr, "openpgp-tool - OpenPGP card utility version " PACKAGE_VERSION "\n" "\n" "Copyright (c) 2012 Peter Marschall \n" "Licensed under LGPL v2\n"); } /* prettify card holder's name */ static char *prettify_name(char *str) { if (str != NULL) { char *src = str; char *dst = str; while (*src != '\0') { *dst = *src++; if (*dst == '<') { if (*src == '<') src++; *dst = ' '; } dst++; } *dst = '\0'; } return str; } /* prettify language */ static char *prettify_language(char *str) { if (str != NULL) { switch (strlen(str)) { case 8: memmove(str+7, str+6, 1+strlen(str+6)); str[6] = ','; /* fall through */ case 6: memmove(str+5, str+4, 1+strlen(str+4)); str[4] = ','; /* fall through */ case 4: memmove(str+3, str+2, 1+strlen(str+2)); str[2] = ','; /* fall through */ case 2: return str; } } return NULL; } /* convert the raw ISO-5218 SEX value to an english word */ static char *prettify_gender(char *str) { if (str != NULL) { switch (*str) { case '0': return "unknown"; case '1': return "male"; case '2': return "female"; case '9': return "not applicable"; } } return NULL; } static void display_data(const struct ef_name_map *mapping, char *value) { if (mapping != NULL && value != NULL) { if (mapping->prettify_value != NULL && !opt_raw) value = mapping->prettify_value(value); if (value != NULL) { if (exec_program) { char *envvar; envvar = malloc(strlen(mapping->env_name) + strlen(value) + 2); if (envvar != NULL) { strcpy(envvar, mapping->env_name); strcat(envvar, "="); strcat(envvar, value); putenv(envvar); } } else { const char *label = mapping->name; printf("%s:%*s%s\n", label, 10-strlen(label), "", value); } } } } static int decode_options(int argc, char **argv) { int c; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv,"r:x:CUhwvV", options, (int *) 0)) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'r': opt_reader = optarg; break; case 'x': if (exec_program) free(exec_program); exec_program = strdup(optarg); break; case OPT_RAW: opt_raw = 1; break; case OPT_PRETTY: opt_raw = 0; break; case 'C': opt_cardinfo++; actions++;; break; case 'U': opt_userinfo++; actions++;; break; case 'h': util_print_usage_and_die(app_name, options, option_help); break; case 'w': opt_wait = 1; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; case 'V': show_version(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; default: util_print_usage_and_die(app_name, options, option_help); } } return optind; } static int do_userinfo(sc_card_t *card) { int i; unsigned char buf[2048]; for (i = 0; openpgp_data[i].ef != NULL; i++) { sc_path_t path; sc_file_t *file; size_t count; size_t offset = 0; int r; sc_format_path(openpgp_data[i].ef, &path); r = sc_select_file(card, &path, &file); if (r) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to select EF %s: %s\n", openpgp_data[i].ef, sc_strerror(r)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } count = file->size; while (count > 0) { int c = count > sizeof(buf) ? sizeof(buf) : count; r = sc_read_binary(card, offset, buf+offset, c, 0); if (r < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: read failed - %s\n", openpgp_data[i].ef, sc_strerror(r)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (r != c) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: expecting %d, got only %d bytes\n", openpgp_data[i].ef, c, r); return EXIT_FAILURE; } offset += r; count -= r; } buf[file->size] = '\0'; if (file->size > 0) { display_data(openpgp_data + i, buf); } } return EXIT_SUCCESS; } /* Select and read a transparent EF */ static int read_transp(sc_card_t *card, const char *pathstring, unsigned char *buf, int buflen) { sc_path_t path; int r; sc_format_path(pathstring, &path); r = sc_select_file(card, &path, NULL); if (r < 0) fprintf(stderr, "\nFailed to select file %s: %s\n", pathstring, sc_strerror(r)); else { r = sc_read_binary(card, 0, buf, buflen, 0); if (r < 0) fprintf(stderr, "\nFailed to read %s: %s\n", pathstring, sc_strerror(r)); } return r; } /* Hex-encode the buf, 2*len+1 bytes must be reserved. E.g. {'1','2'} -> {'3','1','3','2','\0'} */ static void bintohex(char *buf, int len) { static const char hextable[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; int i; for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { unsigned char c = (unsigned char) buf[i]; buf[2 * i + 1] = hextable[c % 16]; buf[2 * i] = hextable[c / 16]; } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { sc_context_t *ctx = NULL; sc_context_param_t ctx_param; sc_card_t *card = NULL; int r; int argind = 0; int exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE; /* decode options */ argind = decode_options(argc, argv); /* connect to the card */ memset(&ctx_param, 0, sizeof(ctx_param)); ctx_param.ver = 0; ctx_param.app_name = app_name; r = sc_context_create(&ctx, &ctx_param); if (r) { util_fatal("failed to establish context: %s\n", sc_strerror(r)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (verbose > 1) { ctx->debug = verbose; sc_ctx_log_to_file(ctx, "stderr"); } r = util_connect_card(ctx, &card, opt_reader, opt_wait, verbose); if (r) { util_fatal("failed to connect to card: %s\n", sc_strerror(r)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* check card type */ if ((card->type != SC_CARD_TYPE_OPENPGP_V1) && (card->type != SC_CARD_TYPE_OPENPGP_V2)) { util_error("not an OpenPGP card"); exit_status = EXIT_FAILURE; goto out; } /* fail on too many arguments */ if (argind > argc) util_print_usage_and_die(app_name, options, option_help); /* set default action */ if (!actions) opt_userinfo = 1; if (opt_userinfo) exit_status |= do_userinfo(card); if (exec_program) { char *const largv[] = {exec_program, NULL}; sc_unlock(card); sc_disconnect_card(card); sc_release_context(ctx); execv(exec_program, largv); /* we should not get here */ perror("execv()"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } out: sc_unlock(card); sc_disconnect_card(card); sc_release_context(ctx); exit(exit_status); }