# # PKCS15 r/w profile for MioCOS cards # cardinfo { max-pin-length = 8; pin-encoding = ascii-numeric; pin-pad-char = 0x00; } # Define reasonable limits for PINs and PUK # Note that we do not set a file path or reference # here; that is done dynamically. PIN user-pin { attempts = 3; } PIN user-puk { attempts = 10; } # Additional filesystem info. # This is added to the file system info specified in the # main profile. filesystem { DF MF { DF PKCS15-AppDF { EF template-private-key { type = internal-ef; file-id = 4B01; # This is the base FileID size = 266; # 266 is enough for 1024-bit keys ACL = *=NEVER, CRYPTO=$PIN, UPDATE=$PIN; } EF template-public-key { file-id = 5501; ACL = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=$PIN; } EF template-certificate { file-id = 4301; ACL = *=NEVER, READ=NONE, UPDATE=$PIN; } EF template-extractable-key { file-id = 7000; ACL = *=NEVER, READ=$PIN, UPDATE=$PIN; } } } } # Define an SO pin # This PIN is not used yet. #PIN sopin { # file = sopinfile; # reference = 0; #}