#!/bin/bash source common.sh echo "=======================================================" echo "Setup SoftHSM" echo "=======================================================" if [[ ! -f $P11LIB ]]; then echo "WARNINIG: The SoftHSM is not installed. Can not run this test" exit 77; fi # The Ubuntu has old softhsm version not supporting this feature grep "Ubuntu 18.04" /etc/issue && echo "WARNING: Not supported on Ubuntu 18.04" && exit 77 softhsm_initialize echo "=======================================================" echo "Generate key-pair with CKA_ALLOWED_MECHANISMS" echo "=======================================================" ID="05" MECHANISMS="RSA-PKCS,SHA1-RSA-PKCS,RSA-PKCS-PSS" # Generate key pair $PKCS11_TOOL --keypairgen --key-type="RSA:" --login --pin=$PIN \ --module="$P11LIB" --label="test" --id="$ID" \ --allowed-mechanisms="$MECHANISMS,SHA384-RSA-PKCS" assert $? "Failed to Generate RSA key pair" # Check the attributes are visible $PKCS11_TOOL --list-objects --login --pin=$PIN \ --module="$P11LIB" --id=$ID > objects.list assert $? "Failed to list objects" grep -q "Allowed mechanisms" objects.list assert $? "Allowed mechanisms not in the object list" grep -q "$MECHANISMS" objects.list assert $? "The $MECHANISMS is not in the list" # Make sure we are not allowed to use forbidden mechanism echo "data to sign (max 100 bytes)" > data $PKCS11_TOOL --id $ID -s -p $PIN -m SHA256-RSA-PKCS --module $P11LIB \ --input-file data --output-file data.sig &> sign.log grep -q CKR_MECHANISM_INVALID sign.log assert $? "It was possible to sign using non-allowed mechanism" rm -f data{,.sig} echo "=======================================================" echo "Cleanup" echo "=======================================================" softhsm_cleanup rm objects.list exit $ERRORS