opensc-tool 1 OpenSC OpenSC Tools opensc opensc-tool generic smart card utility opensc-tool OPTIONS Description The opensc-tool utility can be used from the command line to perform miscellaneous smart card operations such as getting the card ATR or sending arbitrary APDU commands to a card. Options , Print the OpenSC package release version. , Print the Answer To Reset (ATR) of the card. Output is in hex byte format driver, driver Use the given card driver. The default is auto-detected. , Lists algorithms supported by card , Print information about OpenSC, such as version and enabled components. , List all installed card drivers. , Recursively list all files stored on card. , List all configured readers. , Print the name of the inserted card (driver). conf, conf Get configuration key, format: section:name:key conf, conf Set configuration key, format: section:name:key:value arg, arg Number of the reader to use. By default, the first reader with a present card is used. If arg is an ATR, the reader with a matching card will be chosen. type, Resets the card in reader. The default reset type is cold, but warm reset is also possible. apdu, apdu Sends an arbitrary APDU to the card in the format AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF.... Print the card serial number (normally the ICCSN). Output is in hex byte format , Causes opensc-tool to be more verbose. Specify this flag several times to enable debug output in the opensc library. , Wait for a card to be inserted. See also opensc-explorer 1 Authors opensc-tool was written by Juha Yrjölä