/* * pkcs15-pubkey.c: PKCS #15 public key functions * * Copyright (C) 2002 Juha Yrjölä * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "sc-internal.h" #include "opensc-pkcs15.h" #include "sc-asn1.h" #include "sc-log.h" #include #include #include #include static const struct sc_asn1_entry c_asn1_com_key_attr[] = { { "iD", SC_ASN1_PKCS15_ID, ASN1_OCTET_STRING, 0, NULL }, { "usage", SC_ASN1_BIT_STRING, ASN1_BIT_STRING, 0, NULL }, { "native", SC_ASN1_BOOLEAN, ASN1_BOOLEAN, SC_ASN1_OPTIONAL, NULL }, { "accessFlags", SC_ASN1_BIT_STRING, ASN1_BIT_STRING, SC_ASN1_OPTIONAL, NULL }, { "keyReference",SC_ASN1_INTEGER, ASN1_INTEGER, SC_ASN1_OPTIONAL, NULL }, { NULL } }; static const struct sc_asn1_entry c_asn1_com_pubkey_attr[] = { /* FIXME */ { NULL } }; static const struct sc_asn1_entry c_asn1_rsakey_attr[] = { { "value", SC_ASN1_PATH, ASN1_SEQUENCE | SC_ASN1_CONS, 0, NULL }, { "modulusLength", SC_ASN1_INTEGER, ASN1_INTEGER, 0, NULL }, { "keyInfo", SC_ASN1_INTEGER, ASN1_INTEGER, SC_ASN1_OPTIONAL, NULL }, { NULL } }; static const struct sc_asn1_entry c_asn1_type_attr[] = { { "publicRSAKeyAttributes", SC_ASN1_STRUCT, ASN1_SEQUENCE | SC_ASN1_CONS, 0, NULL }, { NULL } }; static const struct sc_asn1_entry c_asn1_pubkey[] = { { "publicRSAKey", SC_ASN1_PKCS15_OBJECT, ASN1_SEQUENCE | SC_ASN1_CONS, 0, NULL }, { NULL } }; int sc_pkcs15_decode_pukdf_entry(struct sc_pkcs15_card *p15card, struct sc_pkcs15_object *obj, const u8 ** buf, size_t *buflen) { struct sc_context *ctx = p15card->card->ctx; struct sc_pkcs15_pubkey_info info; int r; int usage_len = sizeof(info.usage); int af_len = sizeof(info.access_flags); struct sc_asn1_entry asn1_com_key_attr[6], asn1_com_pubkey_attr[1]; struct sc_asn1_entry asn1_rsakey_attr[4], asn1_type_attr[2]; struct sc_asn1_entry asn1_pubkey[2]; struct sc_asn1_pkcs15_object pubkey_obj = { obj, asn1_com_key_attr, asn1_com_pubkey_attr, asn1_type_attr }; sc_copy_asn1_entry(c_asn1_pubkey, asn1_pubkey); sc_copy_asn1_entry(c_asn1_type_attr, asn1_type_attr); sc_copy_asn1_entry(c_asn1_rsakey_attr, asn1_rsakey_attr); sc_copy_asn1_entry(c_asn1_com_pubkey_attr, asn1_com_pubkey_attr); sc_copy_asn1_entry(c_asn1_com_key_attr, asn1_com_key_attr); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_pubkey + 0, &pubkey_obj, NULL, 0); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_type_attr + 0, asn1_rsakey_attr, NULL, 0); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_rsakey_attr + 0, &info.path, NULL, 0); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_rsakey_attr + 1, &info.modulus_length, NULL, 0); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_com_key_attr + 0, &info.id, NULL, 0); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_com_key_attr + 1, &info.usage, &usage_len, 0); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_com_key_attr + 2, &info.native, NULL, 0); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_com_key_attr + 3, &info.access_flags, &af_len, 0); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_com_key_attr + 4, &info.key_reference, NULL, 0); /* Fill in defaults */ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.key_reference = -1; info.native = 1; r = sc_asn1_decode(ctx, asn1_pubkey, *buf, *buflen, buf, buflen); if (r == SC_ERROR_ASN1_END_OF_CONTENTS) return r; SC_TEST_RET(ctx, r, "ASN.1 decoding failed"); obj->type = SC_PKCS15_TYPE_PUBKEY_RSA; obj->data = malloc(sizeof(info)); if (obj->data == NULL) SC_FUNC_RETURN(ctx, 0, SC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); memcpy(obj->data, &info, sizeof(info)); return 0; } int sc_pkcs15_encode_pukdf_entry(struct sc_context *ctx, const struct sc_pkcs15_object *obj, u8 **buf, size_t *buflen) { struct sc_asn1_entry asn1_com_key_attr[6], asn1_com_pubkey_attr[1]; struct sc_asn1_entry asn1_rsakey_attr[4], asn1_type_attr[2]; struct sc_asn1_entry asn1_pubkey[2]; struct sc_pkcs15_pubkey_info *pubkey = (struct sc_pkcs15_pubkey_info *) obj->data; struct sc_asn1_pkcs15_object pubkey_obj = { (struct sc_pkcs15_object *) obj, asn1_com_key_attr, asn1_com_pubkey_attr, asn1_type_attr }; int r; int af_len, usage_len; sc_copy_asn1_entry(c_asn1_pubkey, asn1_pubkey); sc_copy_asn1_entry(c_asn1_type_attr, asn1_type_attr); sc_copy_asn1_entry(c_asn1_rsakey_attr, asn1_rsakey_attr); sc_copy_asn1_entry(c_asn1_com_pubkey_attr, asn1_com_pubkey_attr); sc_copy_asn1_entry(c_asn1_com_key_attr, asn1_com_key_attr); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_pubkey + 0, &pubkey_obj, NULL, 1); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_type_attr + 0, asn1_rsakey_attr, NULL, 1); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_rsakey_attr + 0, &pubkey->path, NULL, 1); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_rsakey_attr + 1, &pubkey->modulus_length, NULL, 1); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_com_key_attr + 0, &pubkey->id, NULL, 1); usage_len = _sc_count_bit_string_size(&pubkey->usage, sizeof(pubkey->usage)); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_com_key_attr + 1, &pubkey->usage, &usage_len, 1); if (pubkey->native == 0) sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_com_key_attr + 2, &pubkey->native, NULL, 1); if (pubkey->access_flags) { af_len = _sc_count_bit_string_size(&pubkey->access_flags, sizeof(pubkey->access_flags)); sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_com_key_attr + 3, &pubkey->access_flags, &af_len, 1); } if (pubkey->key_reference >= 0) sc_format_asn1_entry(asn1_com_key_attr + 4, &pubkey->key_reference, NULL, 1); r = sc_asn1_encode(ctx, asn1_pubkey, buf, buflen); return r; }