package "opensc-notify" purpose "@PACKAGE_SUMMARY@" description "If no arguments are given, monitor smart card events and send the appropriate notification." defmode "daemon" modedesc="Monitor smart card events to send notifications." defmode "standard" modedesc="Manually send standard notifications." defmode "customized" modedesc="Send customized notifications." modeoption "title" t "Title of the notification" string mode="customized" argoptional optional modeoption "message" m "Main text of the notification" string mode="customized" argoptional optional modeoption "notify-card-inserted" I "See notify_card_inserted in opensc.conf" flag off mode="standard" modeoption "notify-card-removed" R "See notify_card_removed in opensc.conf" flag off mode="standard" modeoption "notify-pin-good" G "See notify_pin_good in opensc.conf" flag off mode="standard" modeoption "notify-pin-bad" B "See notify_pin_bad in opensc.conf" flag off mode="standard" text " Report bugs to @PACKAGE_BUGREPORT@ Written by Frank Morgner "