OpenSC documentation is now maintained in our online wiki at and a copy in html format is provided in the doc/ directory with all releases or snapshots of OpenSC in tar.gz files. Please take a look at the documentation before trying to install OpenSC. Most important are the pages OverView A short introduction what OpenSC is and how it fits into the big picture. WhatsNew What is new, what has changed since the last major release? OperatingSystems What your operating system needs to have for OpenSC to work. CompilingInstalling How to compile and install OpenSC yourself. QuickStart installation and basic steps to initialize a blank smart card. UsingOpensc options when using OpenSC. Also check the specific pages of the smart cards or crypto tokens you want to use. If you have any trouble the MailingLists page will tell you how to contact us for help. Regards, the OpenSC Team.