dnie-tool 1 opensc dnie-tool displays information about DNIe based security tokens Synopsis dnie-tool [OPTIONS] Description The dnie-tool utility is used to display additional information about DNIe, the Spanish National eID card. Options Show the DNIe IDESP value. Show DNIe personal information. Reads and print DNIe number and User Name and SurName Displays every available information. This command is equivalent to -d -i -s Displays DNIe Serial Number Show DNIe sw version. Displays sofware version for in-card DNIe OS pin, pin Specify the user pin pin to use. If set to env:VARIABLE, the value of the environment variable VARIABLE is used. The default is do not enter pin number, number Specify the reader number to use. The default is reader 0. driver, driver Specify the card driver driver to use. Default is use driver from configuration file, or auto-detect if absent Causes dnie-tool to wait for the token to be inserted into reader. Causes dnie-tool to be more verbose. Specify this flag several times to enable debug output in the opensc library. See also opensc(7) Authors dnie-tool was written by Juan Antonio Martinez jonsito@terra.es.