pkcs15-tool 1 OpenSC OpenSC Tools opensc pkcs15-tool utility for manipulating PKCS #15 data structures on smart cards and similar security tokens pkcs15-tool OPTIONS Description The pkcs15-tool utility is used to manipulate the PKCS #15 data structures on smart cards and similar security tokens. Users can list and read PINs, keys and certificates stored on the token. User PIN authentication is performed for those operations that require it. Options , Print the OpenSC package release version. aid Specify in a hexadecimal form the AID of the on-card PKCS#15 application to bind to. pin, pin Specifies the auth id of the PIN to use for the operation. This is useful with the --change-pin operation. Changes a PIN or PUK stored on the token. User authentication is required for this operation. , Dump card objects. , Cache PKCS #15 token data to the local filesystem. Subsequent operations are performed on the cached data where possible. If the cache becomes out-of-sync with the token state (eg. new key is generated and stored on the token), the cache should be updated or operations may show stale results. List the on-card PKCS#15 applications , Lists all certificates stored on the token. , Lists all data objects stored on the token. For some cards the PKCS#15 attributes of the private data objects are protected for reading and need the authentication with the User PIN. In such a case the option has to be used. , Lists all private keys stored on the token. General information about each private key is listed (eg. key name, id and algorithm). Actual private key values are not displayed. For some cards the PKCS#15 attributes of the private keys are protected for reading and need the authentication with the User PIN. In such a case the option has to be used. Lists all PINs stored on the token. General information about each PIN is listed (eg. PIN name). Actual PIN values are not shown. Lists all public keys stored on the token, including key name, id, algorithm and length information. Disables token data caching. filename, filename Specifies where key output should be written. If filename already exists, it will be overwritten. If this option is not given, keys will be printed to standard output. Changes how prints the content to standard output. By default, when is not given, it will print the content in hex notation. If is set, it will print the binary data directly. This does not affect the output that is written to the file specified by the option. Data written to a file will always be in raw binary. cert, cert Reads the certificate with the given id. cert, data Reads data object with OID, applicationName or label. The content is printed to standard output in hex notation, unless the option is given. If an output file is given with the option, the content is additionally written to the file. Output to the file is always written in raw binary mode, the only affects standard output behavior. id Reads the public key with id id, allowing the user to extract and store or use the public key. id Reads the public key with id id, writing the output in format suitable for $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys. The key label, if any will be shown in the 'Comment' field. When used in conjunction with option the output format of the public key follows rfc4716. The default output format is a single line (openssh). num Forces pkcs15-tool to use reader number num for operations. The default is to use reader number 0, the first reader in the system. , Unblocks a PIN stored on the token. Knowledge of the Pin Unblock Key (PUK) is required for this operation. , Causes pkcs15-tool to be more verbose. Specify this flag several times to enable debug output in the OpenSC library. Verify PIN after card binding and before issuing any command (without 'auth-id' the first non-SO, non-Unblock PIN will be verified) See also pkcs15-init 1 , pkcs15-crypt 1