#!/bin/bash # Building the installer is only tested and supported on 10.9+ with Xcode 6.0.1 # Built package targets 10.10 # Building should also work on older versions with older revisions or slight changes, YMMV # You need to have the following from homebrew or macports or fink: # autoconf automake libtool pkg-config set -ex test -x ./configure || ./bootstrap BUILDPATH=${PWD} # Locate the latest OSX SDK SDKS_PATH="$(xcode-select -p)/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs" SDK_PATH="${SDK_PATH:-$SDKS_PATH/$(ls -1 ${SDKS_PATH} | sort -n -k2 -t. -r | head -1)}" # Set SDK path export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -isysroot $SDK_PATH -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.10" export SED=/usr/bin/sed PREFIX=/Library/OpenSC export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/lib/pkgconfig if ! pkg-config libcrypto --atleast-version=1.0.1; then # OpenSSL is not installed if ! test -e $BUILDPATH/openssl_bin/$PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig; then # Build OpenSSL manually, because Apple's binaries are deprecated if ! test -e openssl; then git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/openssl/openssl.git -b OpenSSL_1_0_2-stable fi cd openssl KERNEL_BITS=64 ./config --prefix=$PREFIX -mmacosx-version-min=10.10 make clean make update make depend make make INSTALL_PREFIX=$BUILDPATH/openssl_bin install_sw cd .. fi export OPENSSL_CFLAGS="`env PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$BUILDPATH/openssl_bin/$PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR=$BUILDPATH/openssl_bin pkg-config --static --cflags libcrypto`" export OPENSSL_LIBS="` env PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$BUILDPATH/openssl_bin/$PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR=$BUILDPATH/openssl_bin pkg-config --static --libs libcrypto`" fi if ! test -e ${BUILDPATH}/target/$PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig; then ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX \ --sysconfdir=$PREFIX/etc \ --disable-dependency-tracking \ --enable-shared \ --disable-static \ --enable-strict \ --disable-assert \ --enable-sm # TODO: remove this (must be sensible default in master) # always make clean make clean # compile make -j 2 # copy files rm -rf target make install DESTDIR=${BUILDPATH}/target # remove garbage rm -f target/$PREFIX/lib/*.la # generate .bundle (required by Adobe Acrobat) ./MacOSX/libtool-bundle target/$PREFIX/lib/opensc-pkcs11.so target/$PREFIX/lib fi # Check out OpenSC.tokend, if not already fetched. if ! test -e OpenSC.tokend; then git clone http://github.com/OpenSC/OpenSC.tokend.git fi # Create the symlink to OpenSC sources test -L OpenSC.tokend/build/opensc-src || ln -sf ${BUILDPATH}/src OpenSC.tokend/build/opensc-src # Build and copy OpenSC.tokend xcodebuild -target OpenSC -configuration Deployment -project OpenSC.tokend/Tokend.xcodeproj install DSTROOT=${PWD}/target # Prepare target root # The "UnInstaller" mkdir -p target/usr/local/bin cp MacOSX/opensc-uninstall target/usr/local/bin # Build package pkgbuild --root target --scripts MacOSX/scripts --identifier org.opensc-project.mac --version @PACKAGE_VERSION@ --install-location / OpenSC.pkg # Build product productbuild --distribution MacOSX/Distribution.xml --package-path . --resources MacOSX/resources "OpenSC @PACKAGE_VERSION@.pkg" # Build "uninstaller" osacompile -o "OpenSC Uninstaller.app" "MacOSX/OpenSC_Uninstaller.applescript" # Create .dmg rm -f OpenSC-@PACKAGE_VERSION@.dmg i=0 while ! hdiutil create -srcfolder "OpenSC @PACKAGE_VERSION@.pkg" -srcfolder "OpenSC Uninstaller.app" -volname "@PACKAGE_NAME@" OpenSC-@PACKAGE_VERSION@.dmg do i=$[$i+1] if [ $i -gt 2 ] then exit 1 fi done